HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-13-HSC-min.pdf HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Minutes of the Meeting of January 13, 1986 Present Judy Zabin, Leonora Feeney, Sheila Martin , Sylvia Perlman, Jan Eustis, Harvey Lowell , Anne Marie Marano Anne Marie was introduced as the new Co-Ordinator of Human Services Committee members briefly reviewed their professional background and their experience with the committee for Anne Marie' s information Announcements 1 The committee's efforts to fill a vacancy on the committee continues Stan Finkelstein has obtained the names of 5 males from the talent book list of the Town Manager's office who may be possible candidates to serve on the committee Committee members are encouraged to give the names of any candidates they may know to either Stan, Judy or Anne Marie 2 Sylvia Perlman announced that the Adolescent Study Task Force is seek- ing support and perhaps "sanction" from the Human Services Committee and the Selectmen for continuing the Adolescent Survey Project. This project is attempting to identify problems and concerns in the adoles- cent community as well as the human services needed to address these issues The group will draft a proposal for data collection to be brought to the Human Services Committee and the Selectmen At this time the Human Services Committee agreed that they support the develop- ment of an adolescent survey but they would like to review a formal program before giving a definitive answer regarding support of specific methods or ongoing involvement It was suggested that the Adolescent Committee explore the Youth Commission as a possible resource It was also acknowledged by Sylvia that there may be a request from the group for financial support 3. Judy reported that Stan requested of the Town Manager that the Selectmen meet with the Human Services Committee on January 27,. 1986, at 8 30 p.m to hear the H S C report Leonora Feeney reported that in a discussion she had with the Town Manager, he indicated that this time would likely be confirmed Judy and Stan have agreed to write the report and have it ready for the 27th provided they are given agency reports from the committee members within the next week Discussion on Agency Funding Recommendations The Council on Aging Harvey Lowell talked with Susan Adler and shared observations and reviewed budgets He also requested more information from Susan to respond to committee concerns Council on Aging is asking for an additional $14,000 as there is a comparable shortfall of $12,000 grant money Stan and Harvey discussed with the COA their need to identify long term funding options The committee discussed ( the possibility of duplication of service, i e is SPAN Staff and/or social day- care staff already provided as town employees? Answer appears to be no as these are contracted services There appears to be no duplication The committee re- commendation is to approve appropriation for $51 ,500.00 It is felt that the COA provides excellent services, however, it is recommended they explore alternate long-term funding options -2- Re-Place The committee recommended an appropriation of $59,904 It is felt that this is predominately a combination of merit and cost of living raises and ( ' that it is equitably proportioned amongst staff geared primarily towards dir- ect service staff Mystic Valley The committee recommended that an appropriation of $21 ,000 00 be approved C-MARC HSC recommended that the full budget request of $7,500 00 be appropriated It is felt that C-MARC'S services are extremely high quality and cost effective CESI - Cooperative Elder Services Leonora Feeney related a discussion she had with the Town Manager indicating his preference for maintaining CESI and COA in the HS Budget as they are "new services" HSC discussed possibility of conflict of interest if COA was put in the position of monitoring CESI since COA is primarily a provider agency It was decided that it would be appropriate for the HSC, in their role of advising the Selectmen re human services, to monitor CESI Judy and Stan will address the issue of monitoring both pro and con in the final report HCS recommended that $3,000 00 be appropriated VNCH - Visiting Nurses Leonora reported that the Town Manager is recommending that $3,750 00 be appropriated HSC recommended that this full allotment be appropriated if fund- ing through Dept of Elder Affairs or Community Development is not appropriated Everyone' s Youth Group The group wants to develop 4 more video tapes and feels that the project will be financially self supporting at some point The Group indicates that the Lexington Schools and other community groups are requesting the video tapes The Group is requesting a grant to produce 4 tapes to be available in the Spring of 1987 The grant would be used to pay production personell , purchase video tapes and other consummable supplies. as well as to accelerate marketing effort The committee decided that some funding of this project would be appropriate The committee recommends an appropriation of $675 00 representing the total direct cost of the budget but not including payment of production personnel BUDGET $300 00 Music 200 00 Purchase of blank video tapes 50 00 Telephone 75 00 Postage 50.00 Misc $675 00 Total The committee will stipulate with this appropriation that the films must be L available for use by town agencies to insure the project directly benefits the community Human Services Committee -3- January 13, 1986 Lexington Play Care While HSC felt that Play Careis a valuable project and that a lecture series could be useful to the community, it was also felt that similar resources may already be available within the community and that Lexington PlayC are should look toward alternative funding and combining their efforts with other organizations with similar goals and objectives No funding appropriation is recommended at this time but the committee would like to be supportive of this project and would consider a more formal proposal for funding in the future In closing , the HSC agreed to focus the next meeting on the committee subgroups It was agreed that the Enablement committee would be invited to the February 10th meeting Anne Marie will contact them Minutes of the December 16, 1985 meeting were approved as mailed Meeting adjourned at 9 30 p m Next Meeting January 27, 1986 at 7 30 p m in Room 111 Respectfully submitted Anne Marie Marano ( ' n 1 ( C