HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-24 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday, June 17, 2024 Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 - Hybrid Participation* 6:30 PM AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 6: To Consider the Value of Real Property- Parcel 68-44 Located on 6:30pm Lowell S treet CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve Battle Green P er��nit- S emiquinc entennial C ommis sion(Lex250) & Ro ad Closure Request on Massachusetts Avenue 2. Application: One-Day Liquor License - Wilson Farm, 10 Pleasant St • Dinner in the F ields Event 3. Accept Select Board Committee Resignation • Lexington Tourism C ommittee -Kerry Brandin • L exingto n C o unc il fo r the Arts -S ue B ens o n ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Discuss Request for Proposal For Parcel 68-44 Located on Lowell Street 6:SOpm 2. Hearing- Package Store Liquor License Transfer- Biswas Enterprise Inc, 1666 7:10pm Mas s ac hus etts Ave Unit H 3. SELECT BOARD WORK SES SION - Discussion on Muzzey Parking Lot 7:20pm Design 4. SELECT BOARD WORK SES SION - Small Business Tax Exemption 7:40pm 5. Ap p ro ve P lac ement o f Temp o rary S igns at L inc o ln F ield and/o r C enter Trac k F ield 7:5 Op m - L exingto n High S c ho 01 G irls S o c c er B o o s ters 6. SELECT BOARD WORK SES SION LexMedia Operations Report 7:SSpm 7. SELECT BOARD WORK SES SION -Town Meeting Article Submission B:OSpm Timeline Discussion 8. SELECT BOARD WORK SES SION - Public Process for Staff Proposals 8:10pm Discussion 9. Accept Deed of Gift- LexS eeHer 8:20pm 10. SELECT BOARD WORK SES SION - LHS Project Costs Discussion 8:25pm ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjour�lment 8:45pm Meeting Packet:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ �Membe�s of the public can attend the meeting f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the time of the meeting: http s://zoom.us/j/99739813810?pwd=bEZZNE9HK3MyY 1 Avc Wc SdONs Q OJIQ T 09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: �13092053325„99739813810#,,,,*153496# US �13126266799„99739813810#,,,,*153496# US (Chicago) Telephone: • �1 309 205 3325 US • �1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • �1 646 931 3 860 U S • �1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 997 3981 3810 Passcode: 153496 An Ac t R elative to Extending C ertain S tate o f Emergenc y Ac c o rrlmo d atio ns:http s://vc�vvw.mas s.go v/the-o p en-meeting-law T he next regularly s c heduled meeting o f the S elec t B o ard will b e held o n Mo nd ay, June 24, 2024 at 6:30pm via hybrid participation. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda time and the order of items a�approximate and � � � �,(�„ subject to change. Recard�d by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Battle Green Per�mit - Semiquincentennial Con�mission (Lex250) & Road Closure Reque st on Mas s achus etts Avenue PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, C hair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Semiquincentennial Commission(Le�50): S emiquinc entennial C o mmis s io n(L ex2 5 0)has reque s ted p er��nis s io n to us e the B attle G reen o n S aturd ay, July 13, 2024 from 11:OOam to 2:OOpm for the purpose of`The Parker's Prelude' event. Attached map shows the p ro p o s ed ac tivitie s to take p lac e o n the B attle G reen. T he s c hedule fo r mus ic al p erfo rmanc e s are as fo llo ws: • 11:00 am- 11:45 am Lexington Bic entennial Band & C oncord Band • 12:00 pm- 12:20 pm: William Diamond F ife and Drum C orp s • 12:3 0 p m- 1:00 p m: L exingto n C hildren's C ho rus • 1:00 pm- 1:15 pm: Remarks & Cut the C ake & S ing Happy Birthday • 1:15 pm- 2:00 pm Jamaic a P lain Honk Band T he event will als o inc lud e a c ake c utting c eremo ny. Als o b eing reques ted is a ro ad c lo s ure o n Mas s ac hus etts Avenue fro m B ed fo rd S treet to Harringto n R o ad. T he P o lic e D ep artment, D ep artment o f P ub lic Wo rks, and the F ire D ep artment have no o b j ec tio ns to this reques t. T he S emiquinc entennial C o mmis s io n has b een wo rking c lo s ely with thes e d ep artments in the coordination of this event. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve the reque s t o f the S emiquinc entennial C o mmis s io n(L ex2 5 0) fo r the us e o f the B attle G reen fo r their `P arker's P relud e' event and the ro ad c lo s ure o f Mas s ac hus etts Avenue fro m B ed fo rd S treet to Harrington Road on Saturday, July 13, 2024 between 11:OOam to 2:OOpm as proposed in their letter dated May 24, 2024. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elect Bo ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �:���������������.��i.����������i.������������� �:����;���i���������������� � ����v���.��������� �:����;���i���������������� To: Lexington Select Board From: Lexington Semiquincentennial Commission (Lex 250) Subject: Use of Battle Green for Parker's Prelude Community Festival Date: May 24, 2024 Dear Select Board Members: We would respectfully like to request the use of the Battle Green for the Parker's Prelude Community Festival on Saturday, July 13, 2024. The event will take place from 11 am until 2 pm and is being planned under the direction of the Lex 250 Commission. The date will mark Captain John Parker's 295t" birthday and will include several music ensembles, cake cutting, and family-friendly activities. Our vision for this event is an inclusive festival that will bring enjoyment to the community and encourage visitors to participate in and celebrate the Semiquincentennial. A few specifics about the event: • Schedule: 0 11:00 am - 11:45 am Lexington Bicentennial Band & Concord Band 0 12:00 pm - 12:20 pm: William Diamond Fife and Drum Corps 0 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm: Lexington Children's Chorus 0 1:00 pm - 1:15 pm: Remarks & Cut the Cake & Sing Happy Birthday 0 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm Jamaica Plain Honk Band • Rain date: Saturday, July 20, 2024 • Food o Planning is in progress and may include food trucks on Mass Ave in the area noted on the map o Cake cutting as noted above • Family-friendly activities will be positioned on the Green as noted on the map. • Logistics are being coordinated with public safety staff, including DPW, Fire, and Police. The Lex 250 planning group has already met with representatives from these agencies and will continue to work closely with them to ensure a safe, well-run event. • Anticipated road closure is Mass Ave between Bedford St and Harrington Rd. • We anticipate approximately 500 attendees. Thank you for considering our request. Sincerely, Members of the Lex 250 Commission �jj/� .,,i iir/r;i,r,• 'u'�"M j����� �, I!wrv�ro /iiiiiiiiii I�V��///�/ .. m� ����:,r���"��i�i���uY"�IV�����V��°Tf���p''�1��x�fll���ls�a� %i yiia� �J°n� V��,�t���a����;�!V,����� I� ,, � � /%%'/// �' ��/j „��/iii� ���'�� ���i/ �j/ ;i ����� ��:;;':. � �/ /////// �� ,1���� � � . �i/�y : ,,,, �������; ,,,� ,,;, � ,%���,,�i ///r ; ��,r % ,. ��. w., �� � , ��� /// , : ��, yv �� � � , % . / , �� , /�/ �� � �u����W������n�����«����������� ����� //,�� �� ��� /// „� � � �� � � , t���� /j / iiiii� � �'q�y� � ; �� � ,9 r,�"r'" j� i „i , i,,i jj �jj i;.,, .. %,,,,,,,, ;,m'N'°'s;� !� � a%� -»a���' „� � ,j .. �:"� ....i--,_.. ii/ /.ita�::ilu�..,, � .�.. ,;;;� ..... ..�..�+;w,,, ... ....:........ ...,iu° �.,<. � ... ,�/ .. ....;�y ....... ,,,,..,. //� � � ,,,,,, ,/�� ... ,////// �,� /�o�y , ����/ _ , ,r����V � ".,;, �/ ���i/� ��j r�......................:..... � � ��/ � �/�i,���������������������������� �� � j ,, % ��� , �/// , ,u�` ///�,, ,y; �' ,� ,��w�� ,4� �:::� ��� Jl��� . �� /i� ..' ��I�I,.s jjj ,. � �'A�y '�,... �..W'V�;j ry w�/ � � ,;, ���,% , //w � , .//%�.ir. ��j jj .. ,.� i �� .. i/.... � �..WM/ �� �r �� �� � � ,,, ///���� �� b � �.� , � ,� � ,� ,�,����f�� .. ��� �,,� ,;;, „ ��� �r / � � ' /�'"� ;; �� r�����' // � �� ,,,� ,, , � / � % �/i �� ;;,. ,, ����;,���� � � , ;� G�o��, �/ ��� � � ,� ���� �� / uk , � .... � ;;, ' L��r����'�� �'�H���,: ������`���,I�,,,,, > , �� � �` '� r, / ., ���vr 'd"dM� ni„J �;;;; II� J�� , I�'��µ°�Y!���III�,U�I�VV��@ V u�r�IC!�° �..,i� � �""�"^�'„�� °t'r !� F�v `� ,,�,,. � �i^ �.ic,���; �:,,wW �i� � � �,,^�,� ry ���/� �"uM�'����°1h�����i��i��V��. 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I� �N'Vµ�fp� ��a `� v Iry�W �/����% „i'��IW V V„�,��µ�`�����,R1N V I��I��r9�i4 ///�"w��. �W� %%J,�Y W9�i/ ��%//�"'W���'Y1)/! �/////"�f VI����� IIM���'A�� �/ fµl�i�Y'/� �l�If��Y����"°d`�m�� �y+!�rrc`o�l� /���;�i�/ I�.a�'��,�,�kN�.l��u�c��l.;J�r II.��.N��i�I.P�G ��"",1��� ���u��'pi6iu�� ,/,/���,�w�.,.����% AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Application: One-Day Liquor License - Wilson Far�m, 10 Pleasant St PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, C hair C.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Wilson Farm: T he Wils o n F arm has reques ted a O ne-D ay Liquo r Lic ens e to s erve b eer and wine fo r the p urp o s e o f their `Dinner in the F ield s' event to b e held at Wils o n F arm, 10 P leas ant S treet, outs ide o f farm greenhous e#7, o n Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for Wilson Farm to serve beer and wine for the purpose of their `Dinner in the F ield s' event to b e held at Wils o n F arm, 10 P leas ant S treet, outs ide o f farm greenhous e#7, o n Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 5:30pm to 9:30pm Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elect Bo ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Accept Select Board Con�mittee Resignation PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, C hair C.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Resignation: L exington Tou�ism Comm ittee T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ac c ep t the re s ignatio n o f Kerry B rand in fro m the L exingto n To uris m C ommittee effective irnmediately. Lexington Council fo�the A�ts T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ac c ep t the re s ignatio n o f S ue B ens o n fro m the L exingto n C o unc il fo r the Arts effective irnmediately. O n b ehalf o f the To wn o f L exingto n, the S elec t B o ard Memb ers wo uld like to extend their many thanks fo r their time and s ervic e to the c o rrlmunity. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ac c ep t the re s ignatio n o f Kerry B rand in fro m the To uris m C o mmittee and S ue B ens o n fro m the L exingto n Council for the Arts effective irnmediately. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW UP: S elect Bo ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �������������������������,:��.��"���,:��i���������.�,:��������������=�����������w�-��������:���:�� �:����;���i���������������� � �������������������������,:��.� ��.�,:��i���;����,:���������.�������w�������,:��.� �:����;���i���������������� �"�: �'�.� ���������r�. ��t:�� �"�v�� ��'���a.����� � _ . ��: ��.�° �:����+����e, �a.��d�.��. Iy�r � :��.��: ���r��r�.���. ���� �w� ������� . .. i� '� .... ",.: .. . ..,.. r ��,. ... .,�,�,.� �� ..`� '�� � �.� . ... ��1 w �..���������.,��,.. �����.,,. ��� ����1..�.���.�.�������II�'� ����,�.�����r . . . . . . .. �.���: �"�.�e�c���� ���.��, ���� � �� ����ir���� ��.��.���� r�����.�,���:� �r�� t�� �����,�t�n �'��.����. �:+�����t+���f������� i�.���.��.����.�, .�.1���.;�� ��.�.������. � ���.��� ��� ����r�.t�������r°�� I �r�� t��.�:r�� ���. ��°,��r�I �����.�1+� �.+������e��.���n� ��+�� �����.�.��.�r�����.�.�� �� �����.��� ��r����t� i� � �i�+�����.�. � ���►r ���� ��t� ��� ��r�.�.�c����� ��+�+��.��� a.���i�� ft�r �.������.������������� ���.t. .�� -�����i�.��.����.�, ���� �ri��. �1�.avv ��.�� �c��� t�����.�.�d ��������.�� ��.�����l��b��.� ���.+� �.��. +��.��'�;� �� ��.i� �c�����:�i�+� �r���a���. From: sue Benson Sent: Sunday,June 9, 2024 10:34 PM To: Se I ect Boa rd <�,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�i,,,��„,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�!�„�!�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,> Cc: Steve Poltorzycki Subject: �etter of Resignation—�exington Council for the Arts Dear Members of the Select Board, I am writing this letter to resign my position on the �exington Cultural Council, effective immediately. I've appreciated the opportunity to work on the council and to serve the needs of the community. Best regards, Sue Benson AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discuss Request for Proposal For Parcel 68-44 Located on Lowell Street PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Elaine Tung,Affordable Housing Trus t I.1 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing B o ard will review and dis c us s the feedb ac k rec eived fro m c o mmittees and the p ub lic regarding the R eques t fo r Proposal For Parcel 68-44 Located on Lowell Street. Attac hed are c o rrlments rec eived thro ugh 6/13/24 b y b o th To wn C o mmittees and the general p ub lic fo r the Board's review. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 6:SOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ������.���������"���������u�������w:���w���������� �:����;���i���������������� � ��..�,:������������������;;���v���:�.��,:��:�.����� ��..�,�v������������,:� � ���`�:���w����������..�����:�.������.��..E����:��`�;�:������������������;���v���:�. �:����;���i���������������� RFP Process Timeline May 28-June 10, 2024 Request fo�comments f�om �elevant Staff, Town Boa�ds, Committees and Commissions June 17, 2024 and June 24, 2024 Select Boa�d�eview June 27, 2024 RFP Available 12:00 P.M. Weeks of July 8 and 15 RFP Legal notice in local papers (2 successive weeks required) Prior to July 12, 2024 Central Register Legal Notice July 23, 2024 Site Walk at Parcel 68-44 9:30AM (Prospective bidders must RSVP to Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development at ckowalski��lexingtonma.gov) July 23, 2024 Virtual Pre-bid conference at 9:30 AM (Zoom link to be sent to all parties who received RFP) July 24, 2024 (rain date) Site Walk and Pre-Bid conference July 29, 2024 Last day to submit questions or requests for clarification from pre-bid conference and site walk. All questions must be submitted in writing via email to Elizabeth Mancini at ......!! ......ii� ii ii�ii _ ii ii� �� ii�ii �, by 4:00 PM EST August 2, 2024 Last Addendum/Responses to RFI's issued August 22, 2024 Proposal due date. Deadline for Proposals is 12:00 PM EST. The clock in the Land Use, I�ousing and Development Office shall be the sole determining factor o f time. Week of October 14-18 Notification of Award by The Select Board MEMORANDUM To: Select Board From: Elaine Tung, Chair,Affordable Housing Trust Date: June 13, 2024 Comments Received from Town Committees, Commissions and Boards as of 6/13/2024 8:27 a.m. 1) Capital Expenditures Committee (did not take a position -comments from individual members) a) Consider making the prose stronger regarding mitigating the impact to abutters. b) One member says that in general, the document is "too loose" because there are a large set of non-constraining bullets. For example, on page 47,Appendix H, there are many "should"s which should perhaps be "shall"s. c) Page 12 should you call out LEEDS Silver specifically in the IBP paragraph? d) Page 13, Under DEI, perhaps this should include the management company too? Or perhaps include DEI on Page 18, "Management Plan", bullet 2. e) Page 20, I'm surprised that this is not simply 5 x 20%, but maybe you have valid reasons for that particular weighting. f) Page 47, you say"approximately 40 units" here, but not earlier on. These two references to number of units should be made consistent in the document. Also, "approximately" is not very specific. Approximately+/- how much? Do you mean 35-45? 30-50? It is probably best to give a specific range. 2) Community Preservation Committee The RFP is consistent with the range of projects proposed in the FY25 application by the Trust and approved by the CPC. 3) Tree Committee Stronger emphasis on planting native trees in line with the guidelines that the Tree Committee has submitted to the Planning Board. At least 70%of the trees should be native (rather than the current language "native trees where available) in order to maintain Lexington's goal of 60%tree canopy in Town. 4) Transportation Advisory Committee a) Bus shelters on each side of the street of the same make and model as the one in Depot Square. b) A performance standard of reducing single occupancy vehicles. c) Separation of paid rent and parking costs or, alternatively, subsidies for those using public transportation. d) Consolidated parking for units so there is a single, shared, parking area similar to 62 Packard Street in Hudsonl and Waverly Woods in Belmont. e)Minimized parking based on comparable projects. f) Contribution to Lexington transportation resources. Public Comments received regarding Lowell Street Parcel 68-44 RFP (as of 6/13/2024 8:27 a.m.) 1 1) Lance Bradley a) It does not define the number of stories allowed b) Remove DEI language 2) Peter Kelley I'd like to encourage the Board to require a geothermal system for the entire development. 3) Mark �ang, 2 Opi Circle a) Change the Development Size Preference of the development from 40 units to a range of 12 -28 units to reflect comparable project densities b) RFP be put on hold until an independent, objective study can be conducted to determine how many units this site can support. 4) Kathryn Roy p. 9—what does "social pinpoint" mean? 5) Cindy Arens The evaluation criteria should include: a) Experience with building to Passive House standards (as required by the Specialized Code). b) Experience with maximizing solar and storage on developments, in order to minimize utility costs for income-limited residents. c) Experience with maximizing utility/state/federal incentives for healthier, zero-emission, lower operational cost developments. 6) Andrea Yodsampa, PhD, Byron Avenue Our family are longtime residents of Lexington. We strongly support all efforts to establish additional affordable housing in Lexington. 7) Christy Prasad, 8 Carmel Circle Thank you for the RFP for a affordable housing project on Lowell Street in Lexington.This is the right direction and should continue with speed. 8) Alan �evine a) Any proposal receiving less than a Not Advantageous rating in any criterion automatically will be assigned an Unacceptable rating for that criterion [I note that in the detailed lists of criteria below this point in the RFP there is no listing of"Unacceptable". That possibility should be allowed for. The description of"Not Advantageous" for each set of criteria should differentiate it from "Unacceptable". For example, on p. 22,the "Not Advantageous" category for financial information allows for the information to be not clear. I suggest that a proposal that supplies financial information that is "not clear" should be rated "Unacceptable". "Not Advantageous" and "Unacceptable" also need to be differentiated regarding site design.] 2 b) p. 24- ["Highly Advantageous" and "Advantageous" descriptions are the same. "Not Advantageous" needs to be differentiated from "Unacceptable".] 9) Charlie Wyman, 66 Harding p. 11—4t" bullet- I would suggest rewording that bullet to say: "Landscaping in keeping with Lexington's character and environmental goals (see, e.g.,the Planning Board's Site Plan Review Design Regulations Section 12.6 (Landscaping), Lexington's 2023 Climate Action and Resilience Plan, and Article 37 of the 2024 Annual Town Meeting)". If you prefer to keep the bulleted list short, one could just add "and environmental goals" to that bullet, and then expand on that in an additional paragraph below. I would be happy to help contribute to such a paragraph. 10) Margaret Heitz 1) Property Management section. This should be weighted at 20% rather than 17%. How this first all-affordable development property is managed will affect how receptive Lexington is to future projects. 2) Selection Criteria, p. 24. a) Replace "The property manager has experience and a strong track record (ambiguous?) managing all affordable developments of comparable size with Applicants should demonstrate that their properties of comparable size meet or exceed state and federal property management standards as specified by.... b) A copy edit of the selection criteria sections could help clarify the town's expectations for applicants and make it easier for them to respond. Right now, the intent of each item is not consistently clear. 11) Nancy Sofen, 3 Abernathy Road 1) p. 11 "Landscaping in keeping with Lexington's character" undervalues the impact of landscaping on health and quality of life for the residents of the new housing and the surrounding community. I suggest that the bullet read "Landscaping that achieves the environmental and sustainability goals of the Climate Action and Resiliance Plan and the Planning Board's design regulations", and assume that aesthetics will be a default consideration, as it seems to be for built infrastructure in these bullets. 2) p. 11 Future new tree protection measures and replanting requirements be followed for this project, both for the health of the town's tree canopy and for the political success of this project, that the town be seen as following the same rules as developers of private projects. 12) Jeffrey Lowry, 5 Bennett Avenue Proponents responding to the RFP should be required to engage a hydrogeologist who would provide documentation that defines the areas where building foundations and utilities can be installed which would not be affected by the high ground water levels in the soil. 3 MEMORANDUM To: Select Board From: Elaine Tung, Chair,Affordable Housing Trust Date: J u ne 14, 2024 Re: Lowell Street Parcel 68-44 RFP Public Comments Comments Received from Town Committees, Commissions and Boards as of 6/14/2024 1:04 PM 1) Capital Expenditures Committee (did not take a position -comments from individual members) a) Consider making the prose stronger regarding mitigating the impact to abutters. b) One member says that in general,the document is "too loose" because there are a large set of non-constraining bullets. For example, on page 47,Appendix H, there are many"should"s which should perhaps be "shall"s. c) Page 12 should you call out LEEDS Silver specifically in the IBP paragraph? d) Page 13, Under DEI, perhaps this should include the management company too? Or perhaps include DEI on Page 18, "Management Plan", bullet 2. e) Page 20, I'm surprised that this is not simply 5 x 20%, but maybe you have valid reasons for that particular weighting. f) Page 47,you say"approximately 40 units" here, but not earlier on. These two references to number of units should be made consistent in the document. Also, "approximately" is not very specific. Approximately+/- how much? Do you mean 35-45? 30-50? It is probably best to give a specific range. 2) Community Preservation Committee The RFP is consistent with the range of projects proposed in the FY25 application by the Trust and approved by the CPC. 3) Tree Committee Stronger emphasis on planting native trees in line with the guidelines that the Tree Committee has submitted to the Planning Board. At least 70%of the trees should be native (rather than the current language "native trees where available) in order to maintain Lexington's goal of 60%tree canopy in Town. 4) Transportation Advisory Committee a) Bus shelters on each side of the street of the same make and model as the one in Depot Square. b) A performance standard of reducing single occupancy vehicles. c) Separation of paid rent and parking costs or, alternatively, subsidies for those using public transportation. d) Consolidated parking for units so there is a single, shared, parking area similar to 62 Packard Street in Hudsonl and Waverly Woods in Belmont. e)Minimized parking based on comparable projects. f) Contribution to Lexington transportation resources. 1 5) Greenways Corridors Committee The Greenways Corridor Committee (GCC)will be recommending to the Lexington Conservation Department that a new foot trail be created on the North Street Conservation property to connect to the property's existing trail network from the crosswalk light at the intersection of Lowell and North Streets. To further this proposed access, GCC recommends that additional wording be added to the Conceptual Design Drawings criteria on page 17 of the RFP draft to include provision for creating adequate pedestrian infrastructure in the form of sidewalks within the parcel to connect to said intersection. A further benefit from ensuring adequate pedestrian infrastructure within the parcel will be to facilitate safe and readily available resident access to Lexpress bus service along Lowell Street 6) Bicycle Advisory Committee a) Recommends directional signage for bicyclists be included in the design to assist bicyclists travelling within the development. b) Recommends a visually and separate bike lane be provided into and around the development. c) Recommends the Town facilitate safe biking to and from this complex to support the new residents and help reduce car traffic by: 1) Creating a safe bike route for residents to cycle to the Middlesex Commons Shopping Center 2) Recommend the design of safe bicycle access from the �owell Street/ North Street intersection crossing and along North Street for residents to connect to the Vinebrook path that leads to the Town schools and to �exington Center 7) Housing Partnership Board Comments to the Development Guidelines and the Comparative Evaluation Criteria: Based on our charge "to promote and support production ... of housing, including low and moderate income, older persons, and workforce housing,"we are particularly supportive of the following aspects of the RFP draft: • The proposed project will make a significant contribution to Lexington's affordable housing stock,with a goal of at least 40 affordable units,which will vary in size and range of affordability based on 30%to 80%of the area median income; • The RFP seeks to ensure that proposals will be financially feasible while including 100% affordable units; • Diversity and inclusion, specifically considering minority owned businesses and women owned businesses,will be a factor in the selection of a vendor; • Sustainability goals and accessibility goals are explicitly stated; • The project calls for sensitivity to neighbors during and after construction; • The project calls for community outreach and engagement in the planning process with both neighbors and historically excluded groups, aiming to create not just housing, but a vibrant community. 2 Additional Comments/Suggestions Section 1: Development Team Experience and Proposed Plan The HPB agrees that this category is very important, since this kind of project has very specific requirements and perhaps, difficulties. The addition to the name of Section 1 is suggested to include Item 6 in that section. Section 3: Site and Buildin� Desi�n Key to this whole undertaking is provision of a substantial number of affordable units, because: 1 . The need in Lexington far exceeds the number of affordable rental units we have so far been able to provide; 2. Parcels of this size and capacity are rare in the Town; 3. Funding for all-affordable projects like this one depends in part on eligibility for tax credits and state funding which are more likely to be available at a 40-unit threshold; For all these reasons the HPB strongly advises that the Development Guidelines in Attachment H under"Development Size and Program" should read: "The development shall create no fewer than 40 units of 100%all affordable rental housing."This provision should also appear in Section 3:Site and Building Design. A requirement of"high quality design which reflects and [is] compatible with the existing architecture of the neighborhood" is vague, and may act as a "Trojan horse" if good design does not replicate the nearest house styles to neighbors' satisfaction. Common parlance in �exington includes more than the immediate area close to a site in referring to a neighborhood. Examples: Follen Hill neighborhood; East �exington neighborhood; Manor neighborhood;Turning Mill neighborhood; Merriam Hill neighborhood.This neighborhood includes the Locke Village and Lexington Courtyard developments. Section 4: Property Mana�ement Applicants should demonstrate that their properties of comparable size meet or exceed state and federal property management regulations/standards. The "clear plan" required should include planned accessibility to and interaction with tenants as well as general management issues. Section 5: Diversity and Inclusion The item: "Set clear goals for WBE and MBE participation" should continue: "in alignment with the Massachusetts EOHLC's equity and diversity requirements. DEI requirements should also be stated under Development Guidelines in Attachment H. Public Comments received regarding Lowell Street Parcel 68-44 RFP (as of 6/14/2024 1:03 PM) 1) Lance Bradley a) It does not define the number of stories allowed b) Remove DEI language 2) Peter Kelley 3 I'd like to encourage the Board to require a geothermal system for the entire development. 3) Mark �ang, 2 Opi Circle a) Change the Development Size Preference of the development from 40 units to a range of 12 -28 units to reflect comparable project densities b) RFP be put on hold until an independent, objective study can be conducted to determine how many units this site can support. 4) Kathryn Roy p. 9—what does "social pinpoint" mean? 5) Cindy Arens The evaluation criteria should include: a) Experience with building to Passive House standards (as required by the Specialized Code). b) Experience with maximizing solar and storage on developments, in order to minimize utility costs for income-limited residents. c) Experience with maximizing utility/state/federal incentives for healthier, zero-emission, lower operational cost developments. 6) Andrea Yodsampa, PhD, Byron Avenue Our family are longtime residents of Lexington. We strongly support all efforts to establish additional affordable housing in Lexington. 7) Christy Prasad, 8 Carmel Circle Thank you for the RFP for a affordable housing project on Lowell Street in Lexington. This is the right direction and should continue with speed. 8) Alan �evine a) Any proposal receiving less than a Not Advantageous rating in any criterion automatically will be assigned an Unacceptable rating for that criterion [I note that in the detailed lists of criteria below this point in the RFP there is no listing of"Unacceptable". That possibility should be allowed for. The description of"Not Advantageous"for each set of criteria should differentiate it from "Unacceptable". For example, on p. 22,the "Not Advantageous" category for financial information allows for the information to be not clear. I suggest that a proposal that supplies financial information that is "not clear" should be rated "Unacceptable". "Not Advantageous" and "Unacceptable" also need to be differentiated regarding site design.] b) p. 24- ["Highly Advantageous" and "Advantageous" descriptions are the same. "Not Advantageous" needs to be differentiated from "Unacceptable".] 9) Charlie Wyman, 66 Harding p. 11—4t" bullet- I would suggest rewording that bullet to say: "Landscaping in keeping with Lexington's character and environmental goals (see, e.g.,the Planning Board's Site Plan Review Design Regulations Section 12.6 (Landscaping), Lexington's 2023 Climate Action and Resilience Plan, and Article 37 of the 2024 Annual Town Meeting)". If you prefer to keep the bulleted list short, one could just add "and environmental goals" to that bullet, and then expand on that in an additional paragraph below. I would be happy to help contribute to such a paragraph. 4 10) Margaret Heitz 1) Property Management section. This should be weighted at 20% rather than 17%. How this first all-affordable development property is managed will affect how receptive Lexington is to future projects. 2) Selection Criteria, p. 24. a) Replace "The property manager has experience and a strong track record (ambiguous?) managing all affordable developments of comparable size with Applicants should demonstrate that their properties of comparable size meet or exceed state and federal property management standards as specified by.... b) A copy edit of the selection criteria sections could help clarify the town's expectations for applicants and make it easier for them to respond. Right now, the intent of each item is not consistently clear. 11) Nancy Sofen, 3 Abernathy Road 1) p. 11 "Landscaping in keeping with Lexington's character" undervalues the impact of landscaping on health and quality of life for the residents of the new housing and the surrounding community. I suggest that the bullet read "Landscaping that achieves the environmental and sustainability goals of the Climate Action and Resiliance Plan and the Planning Board's design regulations", and assume that aesthetics will be a default consideration, as it seems to be for built infrastructure in these bullets. 2) p. 11 Future new tree protection measures and replanting requirements be followed for this project, both for the health of the town's tree canopy and for the political success of this project, that the town be seen as following the same rules as developers of private projects. 12) Jeffrey Howry, 5 Bennett Avenue Proponents responding to the RFP should be required to engage a hydrogeologist who would provide documentation that defines the areas where building foundations and utilities can be installed which would not be affected by the high ground water levels in the soil. 13) Russ Tanner Add language: Does the respondent foresee any conflicts with the time-line described in the RFP and other projects they have in their pipeline. 5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Hearing - Package Store Liquor License Transfer - Biswas Enterprise Inc, 1666 Mas s achus etts Ave Unit H PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, C hair I.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he S elec t B o ard o ffic e has rec eived all the nec es s ary p ap erwo rk fo r the trans fer o f the liquo r lic ens e at 1666 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue, Unit H L exingto n, fro m Art's S p ec ialtie s, L L C., d/b/a Art's S p ec ialtie s to B is was Enterp ris e Inc d/b/a Nic ks Wine and S p irits naming Anukul B is was as Manager o n R ec o rd. B is was Enterp ris e Inc d/b/a Nic ks Wine and S p irits is als o reques ting a p ledge o f the lic ens e and a p ledge o f invento ry. T he p ro p o s ed manager fo r the liquo r lic ens e, Anukul B is was, will b e at the meeting to ans wer any que s tio ns you may have. The Board should discuss the allowable hours of operation for the transfer license request. Note: Arts S p ec ialties L iquo r Lic ens e, the lic ens e reques ted fo r the trans fer, was ap p ro ved fo r the fo llo wing ho urs o f operation for selling alcohol: • Monday through Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. • Sunday: 12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ap p ro ve the trans fer o f liquo r lic ens e at 1666 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue, Unit H fro m Art's S p ec ialties, LLC., d/b/a Art's Specialties to Biswas Enterprise Inc d/b/a Nicks Wine and Spirits for the hours of( 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday th�ough Satu�day and 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. Sunday), a pledge of license, pledge of inventory and the manager on record to be Anukul Biswas and once the transfer application is also approved by the ABCC, issue a license to Biswas Enterprise Inc d/b/a Nicks Wine and Spirits. FOLLOW UP: S elect Bo ard O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 7:10pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � :��`��`��`��������v���:..E����..E��;����������������������u�;�����,:��.� �:����;���i���������������� � ������������:������:�.�������i��������.��������������������:������..E����i�����:...E��;���.�������� �:����;���i���������������� The Camma�yveal�l� a��assacl�u,s•��ts � � . . �lcahalrci�e�e�acges �`ont�ol Cromtntssivn . 95 Fourt��'tYe�t, S'uite 3, C'h�ls�ay�1.�1 �.����-�35� - �ww.�nass.gov�a�hcc � S A�PLI�ATE�N F�R A T�i4NSFEl� �F LICENSE Municipaiity �.exington 1. TRANSACTI�N �NF�RMATI�N R��� e�f In��nt�r �han �of��ass � � v ❑ � � Transfer of License Pledg�of License �hange of�ategar � ❑ Y � �11t�rati�n of Premises �E����o f��o�� Change of�i��nse T�pe ❑ Chan e of Lacatian � �§1��NLY,e. ."clu�"ta"rest�urant"} ❑ J ❑ Managementl�perating Agreem�nt P�eas�provide a narratiWe o�erWiew of the transa��i�n�s}being applied��r.�n-premise�applicants shvuld af sa pravide a d�s�rip�ion of �he int�nd��f th�me or��nc�p�of the business op�ration.At�ach additi�nal pages,if necessary. Sake af�ubstant�a��y all assets inelud�n�transfer of 5e�.15 ali alcohoiic be�erages�icenses. �. LI�ENSE CLASS�FI�►4TI�IV INF�RMATI[]N �Nf C]FF-PREMISES TYPE CATE�aRY CLA�S �ff-Prernises-15 � §��Pa�kage 5 ore � All Alcoho��c Beverages T Annua� �► 3. �U5INESS ENTITY lNF�RMATt�N Th� entity that will be��sue� the I�cen��ar�d haW� aperationaf�antral of th� premises. Current or Se��er's License Number �����4-PK-���� FEIN 9�-��53959 Enti�y Name gisv�ras En�erpr'rse En� DBA Nicks V11ine and Spirits Manager af Rec�rd Anukul Biswas Stree�Address 1 GG�Massa�huset�s AW�nue,Uni�H,Lexing�on,MA��4�a Phone 7$�-�57-��15� Emai! anuku[biswas�ymaii.�om Add'I Ph�n� 781-5�6-5�00 Webs�te NIA 4. C3ES�R�PT��N �F PREMI�ES Please pr�Uide a�omplete des�ript�on�f th_e premi�e$t�be Eicensed,including�he numbe�of f#o�r�,number v�roams on each fln�r,any out�oor ar�as to be inc�uded�n the I��ensed ar�a,and�o�al square faotage.if thi$a��lication alt�rs�he current premises,prav�de the spe�ific changes fr�m the las�approWed de�eription. You must also�ubmi�a flo�r p�an. l�t fi�or unit,on� entrance and one exit, na sea�ing,total �quare feet 1,4�9 Ta�a�Sq.F�otage ��489 Seating Capacity N�A �ccupancy Number � 30 Number o��ntrances 1 Number of Exits 1 Num��r af F�oors 1 1 APPLICATI�N F�R A TRANSFER �F Li�ENSE 5. CLJRRENT �FFI�ERS, ST�C.� �R �INNERSHIP 1NTE,_REST 8y what means i�the Transfer�r Entity Name Ar�'s S���ialtie�LLC lfcens�b�ing Pur�has� � transferred? LiSt�he�ndi�iduals and entities of the�urr�n�ownership. Attaeh additianal pages if ne�e�sary u�ili�ing the format below. Nam�of Principal Tit�elPosition P�rcentag�of�wnership Ar�ur Nergaryan Mana�er ��0% Nam��f Principa� T�tI�IPositi�n P�rcentage���wnership Name of Principa� Tit�elPasition P�r�enta��of�wn�rship Name af Principal TitIelP�sitEon Percentage�f�wnership Nam�of Pr�n�ipal Titi�f Pa��tian Percentage�f�wnership �. PR�P�SE� �FFI�E�S ST��1� �R �WNERSHIf� lNTEREST L�st all in�lEWidua��ar enti�ies that wilf have a dire�t ar ind�r��t,ben�fi�ial or financial interest in this li�ense�E.g.Sf�ckhald�rs,�fficers, a�re�#�rs,LL�N�anage�s,LL�Memb�rs,LLP Partners,Trust�e�e�e.}.Attach�ddit�anal page�s}pr�Wi�ed,if ne�essary,ut�lizing Add�ndum A. • The indi�iduals and tities listed�n�his se�tion must be identieal�o thase fiied�rvith the MassaGhusetts Secretar���Sta��. • The indi�idua�s identi�Fied in th��seetion,as wel!a�the pr�posed Manager af Re��rd,m�st earnpl�t�a C�RI R�lease F�rm. • Pleas�note the f��iQwin�statutor}�requirements f�r Qire�tars and LL�Managers: �n Premises�E.g.Re�taurantl C1ublHotel�D�rectors or LLf Manager� -At I�ast�0°fo must be U5 citi�en$; �ff PrQmise��Liquar Stvre}Qireetors or LL�1Vfan�g�rs -A�i must be US c�tizens and a maj�rity must be Mass�ch uset�s resi�en�5. ■ �f yvu are a Muft�-Tiered�rg�aniz�ti�n,please attach a fl�w�hart identifying each ca�parat�inter�st and the in�#iWidua!�wners af ea�h entity as weEl as the Articles of�rgani�ation for each corporate entity. Every ind�v�duaf must be�d�nti��d in A�den�um A. Nam��f�rin�ipa[ Re�identiai Addr�ss SSN D�B nukul Biswas 3��ak Hill Dri�e,Ar�ington,MA��47� Ti�le a�d or Pa�ition Percenta e�f�wners�E Dire�tarl LLC Manager L1S�it�z�n II�A Resident President,Tr�asurer,5eereta��,Direc�ar 1�a41a �;Y�� � �� �;y�� � �� � Yes �''` Na Name af Principal R�sidential Address SSN D�B T�tle and or Po�it�on Percenta e of�wnershi DEre�tarl LL�Mana�er �5 Citi��n MA R�s��lent �'' Yes �"` N a �``Yes �"` No �"`Ye5 �'` lV o Name�f Principal R��id�nf�al Address 55N D�8 Tit�e and ar P��ition Percenta e�f�wnershi Di�e�t�rl LL�Mar�ag�r US�i�i�en MA Re�ident ('`Yes �'�' No �"`Yes �"' IV� �"`Yes � N� Name of Principal Residential Addre�s 55N D�B T�tle and or P�sitian Percenta e o��wnershs Di�ec��r1 LL�Manag�r �5 Citi�en MA R�si�en� �'`Y�s �'` N❑ �'"`Ye� �''NQ {^`Y�s �'"`N� AP�L1CaT��N F�R A TRANSFER QF LI�EIVSE �. PR���SE� �FFI�ERS �T��K C�R �WNER�HIP �NTEREST Continued... Name af Principal �esid�ntial Address SSN D�B Titie and or Pasition Percenta e of�wnershi Dir�ctorl LLC Manager �5 Ci�izen MA Res�den� �`Y�s �"'N o �"`Ye� �"` No �'`Y�� �`N� Name of��incip�l Residen�iai Ad�ress SSN ��B Titl�and ar P�si�ion P�reenta �af�wnershi Directarl LLC Manager �1�eitEz�n II�A R�sident �""Yes �"" No �Yes �'`N� �"`Yes �'`N� Nam��fPrinc� al R�siden�ia�Addr�ss SSN Q�B T�tfe and or Positi�n Per�enta e�f�wnershi Dire�t�rl LL�Manag�r ��[�����n MA R�s�dent �''Y�s �''N o �''.Yes �""`N a �""`Ye� �'"`N o Additional pages attached? � Y�� � �� �RiMIfVAL H15T�RY Ha�an�indiv�dual li��ed in qu�stion�,and applicaE��e attachm�nts,eW�r been canvicted of a �y�$ �;�o S�at�,Fe�era��r Mili�ary Crime?If yes,atta�h an affi�a�i�pr��id�ng the details of an�r and all�nnvi�tions. �A. �NTEREST�iV AN AL�OH�LI�BEVE�AGES LICENSE Does ar�y in�ividual ar entit}��den�ified in que�tion�,and a�plicable attachmen�s, ha��any dire�t or in�lire�t,i��ne�icial ar fiinanc�al �nterest ir�any ather li�ense tQ se�l alcaha�ic��Werages? y�$ � �� � If yes,list in tab�e be�ow.A�taeh additional page5,if ne�essary,uti��zing the�ab�e format below. Name Lieens�Ty�e Licen�e Name N1un�cipality Anuku�Bi�was Sec. �5 Anamika Enterpris�Cn� N�wbur�par� Anu�ul Biswas Se�. 15 R�Shan� � Enterpris�s lnt Arlington 6B. PREVI�USLY HELD INTEREST IIV AN AL��H�LI� BEVERAGES LICENSE Has any in�i�idua��r entity identified in ques�ian�,and appiieab�e attachment�,��er heid a dire�t or in�iire�t,I�eneficial or�inancial int�r�st in a�ic�nse t❑sei�al�ah��ic�e�era�es,whi�h i�n�f presen�ly h�ld? Yes ❑ N� � If yes,list in�a�l� be�ow.Attach additionaf�ages,if ne�essary,utili�ing the�abl�farrr�a�below. Nam� License Type Licen�e Name 3 ►4�PLI�ATI�N FOR A TRANSFER �F Ll�ENSE �C. ❑15CL�SURE�F Lf�ENSE DISCIPLINARY ACTIaIV HaWe any�f the discl�s�d li�ense�iisted in c�uestion GAor 6B �Wer b�er�suspended,r�vQ�ed ar�ancef led? Yes [] Na � �f Y�'�►�ist in table bel�w.Attach addi�iona!pa�es,if necessar�,utili��ng the table f�rma�bel�w, Date of Acti�n Nam�af Lic�ns� Ci�y Reasvn far suspensi�n,re�acat��n or�an�ellatian 7, CC�RP��ATE �TRIJ�TU�E Entit�L�ga!Stru�ture ���pora�ion �' Da�e af Incarp�ration Apri�5,20�4 State of Inea�por��ion Ma�sachusetf� � Is the�arp�ration pu�alicly traded? ,� Y�s �:" NQ 8. ���URAN�Y �F PREM ISE� Pl�ase comp�ete all fieids in this sect��n. Pl�as�provide praaf�f�e�al�ccupan�y of#he premRses. * Ifithe appli�ant entrty awn$th�premisesr a deed is required. • If I�asing o�rentEng the premises,a signed capy afithe lease i�required. • lf the lease is canting�nt vn the a�pra�al Q#�this li�ense,and a signed leas�is nat aWailak�l�,a Capy of the unsigned I���e and a ietter af intent to��ase,sign�d by the appiEcant and the landfard,is required. • If the real e�'tate and business are awned by �he same individuals li�ted in questian 5, �ither individua�ly or through separat� busin�ss entities,a s�gned cop�r�f a leas�betwe�n the two entities is required. Please indicatQ by what m�ans�the applicant wEIF occupy�he premises Lea�e � Landl�rd Narne Trust�e af L��tingt�n 5quare Trust Landlord Ph�ne �78-3�9-6437 Landlord Email ses@spauldin��o.com Landlard Ad�r�ss ���������ing M�nagement LLC,�9�Virginia R�ad,�oncord,MA 417�� Lease Beginning Qate �0�4 Rent per Manth $5,��1.�0 Lea��Ending Da�e Ma�31,�4�9 Rent per Year �6�,�32.�� Will the �andl�r� r�ceive re�enue base�l on p�rcentage of alcoh�l sales? �`��� �'; �a 9. APPLI�ATI�N ��NTA�T The applieation�ortta�t is th�per�on wh�the li��nsin�autharities should confiac�regarding this appli�at�an. Name: Thomas T.Truax,Esquire Rhone: ��8w74�-9��� TEtI�: A�torney Email: ttt�uax�com�as�.ne� � APPL�CaTION F�R A TRANSFER�F LI�ENSE 1�. FI NAN�IAL D15CL�SURE A.Purchase Pric�for Real Estate � �. Purchase Pri��far Bus�ne�s Assefs $�3����a.0� �.�ther��PleaSe spe�i } � *�ther:�i.e. C�sts associa�ed with Lie�nse Transa�tian including � but n�t limited tQ: Pro ert r�ce Business A�sets R�n�vat�an� � Y f� ► 1 C�5t5, C�nstru�tEan costs, 1n�tiaf Start-up c�sts, InWent�r}��asts, or a.Tata��o�t ���o,aaa.�� specify ather��sts�:" S�U RCE�F�ASH ��NTRI BUTI�N Plea�e pravide dvcumentation�f availabl�funds.�E.g.Bar�k��r�th�r F�nancial in�titution 5tatements,Bank Letter,et�.} Name af Cantributor Amount of�antributian Anukul giswas �5�,��4.�4 Total $�p,���.Q� S�UR�E �F F1NAN�IiV� Please pravid��igned financing da�umentati�n. Name of Lender Am�unt Type of Financing 1s the lender a licensee p�r�uan� to M,G.L.�h.138. Enterprise Ban k $84,���.D4 Term Laa n �'�'"Y�s �: I�o �Yes �`"' N� �`'`Yes �'' N o �``Ye� �`' N o F1NAN��AL IIVF�RMATI�N Provide a d�tailed exp�ana�ion�f the�arm(s�and sour�e�s}�f funding far the c�st identi��e�.abave. - Anukul Biswa�is contributing$50,���.��fr�m his Leader Bank ae�ount�s}. Enterpr��e�ank is prav�ding pur�hase finan�ing�� $8�,04�.��. �'�En t�rpr i s e Ba.nk and Tru�t �ompany 11. PLEDGE 1 N F�RMATI�N Pl�as�praWide �i�ned�aledge d�cumentati�n. Ar�yau seeking appr�va�far a pled�e7�;Y�s �"' Na Please indi�ate what you are s�ekin�to pledg��check all that aPP�y) � Li�ense [] Stock � InWentor� T�wh�m is the p��dge��ing made? Enter�r�se Bank �.�d Trust �ornp�ny� � � 1�' . ���M���� ���LI���'I+I���I �.������������������� �h��ir��li�ri�d!����h������ ���� a�ap��rw���'��arr��r������c��c�►��r���h�I�c�n��d �a��i����au�d' ,���r�����. �r��a�������r����r ti��r�� �r��aku� �is�nr�� C��t�c�f��r�� �.��J ���i+d��ti�l A�'dr��� �3�+���H��) G�r�r��,Arl'���t��,d��C���?4 E�a�� �rr���ulb���r�a���rr��il.e�am � �h�n� I��1-��+�-���� P��a��i�t�i�,����+�vv�n�r�y��+��ars p+er����y�au �r���r�������r����e�i�e�e����r������ 4�-� �.�VT1���9��IP�"��4�����1�'C�C��f�F���,�►"�A►���f�' �r��r�a�a��1.�.�iti��n�� �"'"�'�s �'`�c� �l�i�����r r�r��������J,�.Ci�iz�r� �'����,����a���r���f�I����a���va�i�����r��f��'�i�ti��an�h���p �J�������rt,�'c�t��"s��r�i�'i�a��,Bir�th�er�i�i��t��r�Ja��r��������rt P�p�rs. �,��re y����r�r���n�ar�r�i�����c���s����,�Fe�'�r�l�,���ili��w�y�rir���' �""`�"�s �'�C� If�r��,fil���c�t�� �����k����vw,����d���,��h au��ffi���ri��r����dir���kh���de��il��f,�r�y�r���I�I+��nvo��i�r�s,����c�t���i�i�r��C�����, if r��c���ary, ��i��zi��g�h� ��rrr��t b�l��r. 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Entit�Name Addre�s R��n� Name�f Principal Res�d�ntial AddreS� SSN D�B Title and or Position Percentage of awnership airectar US�itizen MA Resider�t �` Yes � Na �:Y�s �``No � Yes �"' No Name af Principal Resid�ntiaf Addres� 55N D�B Titl��nd or Position Percentage vf�wner�hip Director U5�iti�en MA R�sident �Ye� ��N o �'';�Ye� �` N� �"`Yes �':No �iame af Princ��al R��idential Address SSIV aOg Title and�r Ra�ition Per�entage af�wnershi� Directar �5��ti�en MA Resident �"' Ye� �``No �```Yes �No �" Ye� �`-Nv Name of Pr�ncipal R�si�ential Addr�s� SSN D�B Title and ar P�siti�n ��rcentag�of�wnership Dire�tor U��iti�en MA Resident �"'`Y�s �' No �Y�s � IVo �Yes �"`No CRIMI NAL��STDRY Ha��ny individuaf iden�ified aba�e e�er been ean�icted of a State,Federal ar Military Crim�? �y�$ � �� If ye�,attach an affidaVit pr��iding the details of any and a�l�or��i�tions. 13�. EXI�TING MANA�EI�ENT A�REEIVIENTS AND INTEREST IN AN AL��H�LIC BEVERA�E� L��EN�E ��es ar��individual or entity identified in que�ti�n 13A,and appl�cable atta�hm�nts, hav�any direct or ir�dire�t,b�nef��ial or finan�ta� int�rest in any ather lic�nse ta sell al��holi�beverag��;and ar ha�e an a�tive management agreement with any oth�r licen��e�? Yes � No � I�yeS�list in tahle#�ef�w.Attach additional pages,if necessar�,u�ili�ing the table f�rmat b�law. Name Licen�e T�pe Li�ense Name Municipality 7 ,����������� ������I��� �,, ���. D�c�l� �r�� �����r; � �ar�r��r� �c�r �r�t� r�r��i ��, � L��.�/�.LP �n��� �� ,�rru��w�I����r�s � � p � � ' � ��th��iz���i�;���rry �f�is�r�s Er�t+�r�ri���r�c f����af t�e Fnti�y�'��r�a��tAar� I�+��e���uk�rr�it t�r��a�pli�ati�r� �h��r�i��rft�r t�e `�Ap�l��c��iar�"�, t���� I��a�l �i�+e�s�r�����I����ty��I�� "°��..�'�� ����I��A��c�6���1��c ���r�r������r��r�� �c��miss��r� ��t�u� '�I����'� ar�d t�a��t��r�r��h �k���� �.�.����'I��ti�►�#y the �"�a�c�����a���4����ri����"���������v�l. I �� h�r��y� d�c���+��r��er�h� ��i�� ��r�+� ����It��� ��F�e���ry�h,�t � I��u�r� p���°��a��I ����rl�����af�tl�� i�far�r��ti�r� ���r�itt�� ir��t�� ���li+���i�r�� ��� ,�s�u�h� a�����a,���� �II �����rr��r°�t��r°�d r�pr����t�������h����ir� ��-����������� k���t ����r I����rl�d�� �r�d ��li�f. 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Th�s c�r�if ca�� �xpi res�n ��-May-�0�� . � Sinc�re�y, . , �atie Qishnica, aire���r � Departm�n#of LJn�mp��yment Ass�stance �uestions� Rev�nue Enforcemen� LJni� Departmen��f Un�mployr��nt As�istan�e Emaii us: Revenu�.Enforcem�n�a�detma.org �al[ us: �617� 6�G-�?5� 'I���ambridge St�eet • �uEfe 4�� • Bo�ton, MA U�1�4 � https:llmass.govlufma Re�: aL1 D0� Page � o� 1 MA SC�� Fil�ng Number: 2��46���381� C]ate: �151���4 �:1�:43 �'llll The �ornmanw�a�th �f Massa�husetts, VI��Iliam Franc�s Ga�vin ��r �r�tions D����E�n � Qne As�hurton Place - Floor 17, Baston MA OZ�08-�51� � Phone: b�7-727-9��� � � � � � �Gen�ral Larrvs� Chapter 15�D� Sectior� �.0�.; 95� �MR 113.1G� Minimum Filing Fee: $�5a.�� _ = Id�n�ifi�ation Numb�r: ��1�8113� �number wil� b� a�signed� � �.._..................._.....-�..............................................................................................._.......�................................................................................._...._............_......................_...._..............................................--�--_.......................................-.---.........-�---............................................_....-�-----..........._...........--�-��-�-�-----� � ARTI�LE I � � � The e�a�t name af th� ��rporation is: � � R BI�WA� ENTEF�PRISE IN� � - aRTI�LE II : Unless the arti��es of�r�ani�ation ❑therwis� pro�i�e, al� carporations formed pursuant to G.L. C15�a hav� th� ur �s� af en a in in an lawful business. S �Gif if �u want a m�r� limited ur ose: � I� p 9 9 9 Y p Y Y p p _ E :..m,.,,.,�,.,,�,...,,.,.�.........................,....,....r.,,_..._..._.,.w..,....�...,..........._-�,.._,�._..,..,......w.,_..,,,.... ..,.....,,.....,.,...«...,...,...,....,,,.....�................._..,.w,....,...........,,..,.,,.�.....,........,..,....w...........,..,..,.............,..w.._......,..,..,....,,...,,.w.w...,..M,...,� ,�....�.w.,,..,�,�.,M,�.,�........... ,�.�.,�,.,...,�.,,..�.... ....�.r.� Af�TICLE III : �tate th� total number Qf shares ar�d par �alue, if any� of each elass �f sta�l� that the carporati�n is : authorize� to �ssue. AI� carporations must authori�e sto�l�. If �nfy one c�ass �r seri�s is authariz�d, it : is n�� ne�es�ary t� specify any particular designation. � � � � `0' F v� � w� W R F� �A n•q � � � � � � � p b � �6 �N A' .Y � �N �� TF �F �NP a ia,4�� � i,aoa _ _ � � ARTICLE IV ; = if more rhan one class �f st�ck is authori�ed, state a di�tin�uish�ng des�gnati�n far �ach �las�. �ri�r � = t�the �ssuance of an �hares �f a �las�� if sl�are� of anath�r clas� are �utstandin � the �ar oration � Y 9 P � : must pro�ide a �escription af the prefer�nces, vating p�wers, quai�fications, an� special �r r�fati�e : rights or privileges of that class and of eacl� �th�r class �f which shares are autstanding and af : eaci� series then esta��ish�d within any class. _ _ N�T APPLI�ABLE, ARTI�LE V � Th� restricti�ns, if any, imposed by the articles af arganization up�n the transfer of shares of sto�k : of any class ar�: � � : ANY ST�CKH�LDER, IN�LUDING THE HEIRS, ASSIGNS, E�ECUT4R5 �R ADMINISTRATQF�S �F A � : DE�E�4�ED ST��I�H��.DER, DESIR�NG T� SELL �R TRANSFER SUCH STO�K 0�1lNED BY HIM �R � : THEM, SHALL FIR�T �FFER IT T� THE C�RP�RATI�N THR�UGH THE B�ARD aF DIRE�T�RS IN THE } . � : F�LL�WING MANNER. � : HE SH►�LL N�TIFY THE aIRE�T�R �F HIS DES�RE T� SELL �I� TRANSFER SY hI�T��E IN IJVHI�H � � IVOTi�E SHALL ��NTAIN THE PRI�E AT U1lHI�H HE IS W�LLIN� TO SELL OR TRANSFER AND THE � � e : IVAME �F �IVE ARBITRAT�R. THE DIRE�T�RS SHALL� VIIITHIN THIRTY DAYS THEREAFTER EITHER t : ACCEPT THE �FFER, �R BY N�T��E Ta HIM IN �NRITIN�, NAME A SE��ND ARBITRAT�R, AN� � : THESE TIIU� SHALL NAM E A THIRD. IT SHALL TH EN BE TH E DUTY �F TH E AI�BITRAT�RS TQ ` � : ASCERTAIN THE VALUE �F THE ST�C�C, AND IF ANY ARBITRAT�R SHALL h1E�LECT �R REFUSE T� � : APPEAR AT ANY MEETI(V� APP�INTED BY THE aRBITRAT���, a MAJ�RITY MaY ACT IN THE � : ABSEIVCE �F �UCH ARB�TRAT�F�. : aFTEI�THE A��ERTANCE �F THE �FFEI�, �R THE I�EPOl�T OF THE ARBITRATORS AS TD THE I�ALUE : �F THE ST�CK, THE �IRECT�RS SHALL HAVE SI�TY ��D} �]AYS 111fITHIN WHICH T� PURCHASE THE � : SAME. AT SU�H VALUATI(�N, BUT IF AT THE E�PIRATION �F SIi�TY �f�} DAYS, THE ��RP�RATIC�N � � : SHALL IV�T HAVE E�ER�I�ED THE RIGHT S� T� PURCHA�E, THE �VIlNER QF THE ST��� SHALL BE ` aT LIBERTY Tt] DISP��E �F THE SAME IN AIVY MANIVER HE MAY SEE FIT. _ ; N� SHARES �F ST�CK SHALL BE S�LD �R TRANSFE�RED �N THE B��ICS �F THE C�RPQRATIDIV _ � = UNTIL THESE PR�ViSI�hIS HAVE BEEN COMPLIED VIJITH, BUT THE B�ARD �F DIRE�T�RS MAY IN : ANY PARTI�I�LA� INSTANCE �IlAIVE THE �E�UIREMENTS. .....�..�_�.�..�.�.--.-.-......v_......_........_._._�..�..�---.�v_�..........���.vv.---..�....�......................................�.....�......._..........�...._...�....w..v................�...�..�...�..._..�.�T...�...����.�.��.........,.._.�..�.�.�..�.....�w_w..��.p._...._,_�_...................-.--.--�._.....�v.._._._._._.__..........�.-�--�--�----.............._....................� .��._................,--..-�-�---_.._......�.............._..........�..Y..�.._...._�.......�....._..�..._.V........_.._..._...._..._�----......_.�.�.�......�.....�.....�..�..�_v.�..w---...�._.....-----_._._......w_.�w..w�.�..w�.......�...,..�.w...�..__.w....M.--�---�---.....---_..................................�.........W W.......�.�.w._...._�..._...w._.�_....�....._�.._--.----._......� � � = ARTI�LE VI = _ � � � �th�r lawful pra�isions, and if there are no �roWisians, this article may be ieft b�ank. � � � � � � ......---.�-�-....-�:-................................................................................�-- ---�-......................_..-.- --.-.---- ��-�----- �-.................-�--�--....................--�--...........................-�-----�--......._......................................................................................................-.-. - --- _................... _ ARTI�LE VII � � � � : The e�fective date flf organi�ation sha�l be the date and time the articl�s wer� r���i�ed far � : filing if th� arti�les are not rejected within th� tim� preseribed �y law, If a later eff��tive �ate � � �s d�sir�d. sp�cify such date, ►nrhi�h may not be lat�r than n�n�ty �9�} days frflm the date and t�m� af filin� : La�er Ef�ectir�e Date �mm/dd/yyyy}: T�m� (HH:MM} .�....�.._...�.�...�..�..�..v.�...�.�.�..�.�.� ��...w�................w.....�..�.�,...�.,.w.�..�.....��. ..................�... __..�._�._ �.�...�..�....�...........Y.....�,.�v.....�.....�,.......�- .- -- ..�..�.�..,.�.�...��. � ART��LE VII� � � � : The inf�rmation con�ain�d in Arti�1e VIII is not a perman�nt part o�the �rticles of organ��ation. � i i � : a,b. Th� s�reet addre�s of th� initi�i regi�tere� office of the c�rporation in the commonweaith � : and the name vf the init�al register�d �gent at th� registered �ffic�: : Agent na rne: AN U I�U L BISINAS : Number and 3� aAK HILL DRIVE � street: _ _ = Add ress �: _ � �i�y �r town: aRLIN�TDN �tate: NiA �ip cade; ��474 � �. The names and street addresses �f the ind��i�uaf� who irvill ser�� as the initia� dire�tars, � ; pr�sident� treasurer and �e�retary af the corp�ratian �an addres� need n�t be s�e�ifi�d if th� � busin�ss address af the officer or dire�tor is the same as the principal off��e I�Gatian}: � �Y S A � � �� � PRESIDENT ANU�UL BISWAS 39 �A�C HILL �R�VE ARLINGT�N, MA ���7� USA �TF�EASUI�ER ANU�iUL BISWAS 39 �A� HILL DRIVE ARLINGT�N, MA 4�4�� � USA �SE�F�ETARY ANUKIJL BISINAS 39 �AK HILL �RIVE ARLIN�T�N, MA ��47� � USA � �._......�..__�..��..v.�.���...._.._..........-v-�---_..............�......._._......................_._...._�._._.�..v._._..�...__.----�.--�---�.._.._.....�............�...�.v....��..��.�._.V.._.__.___M.....�.w........w._..�_�...w....�....�...w..�.w...�..v._..w.....�.._.._......._._.................................._._.�.........._..........u.._�............_..�T�.._._._...._.. DIRECT�R ANUKUL BISWAS 39 aA� HILL DRIVE ARLINGT�N, MA �247� USA .......................�-------------------�--�-�--�-�--�--��------.....----�--�-��-�--�---�----�------�--�-......._....,........................_.....................--��-�--�---�-�-----�---..............--��-�---....................................................................-�--�------�--�----------......................--�--....................................-�---------------�--�-�--�--�-----��-�--�----�--..............-�-----��� = d. The fi$cal ear �n� i.e. tax ear of the ��r oratian: � = Y � ► Y � p � _ � : Qec�mber 31 � . < . � : e. A brief descripti�n of the typ� of busin�ss En whieh the �arparatian intends ta �n�age: : PA�KAGE ST�RE. � � --__... �.._ �.�._._.____...__------��._�..______.______.��------v--------- ----_--____.____._�.__ .�.� ....�...��,.._�....��....w.�._.___._-_-___.__..Y......,.�._.______._._._..�..__-----.-------�� : f. The stre�t add ress �post office b��ces a r� no� ac�epta bl e� af th� pri ncipa I vffi�e Qf the corparati�n: � � e � e c : Number and 3g �AK H�LL DI�IVE ` � E e e ` str��t: ° � i _ e i = Add ress �: � � t � � � City �r town: ARLINGT�N 5tate: MA Z�p ��474 � ��de. � � : �vu n�ry: lJ NITED STATES � �. w�..�.......�... .�...�......�.�.�m���...�.�.m....w......�....�....�....��,w�.�..w�.�..��.M.r.�.�...�.,.....�...,v......v..v.....v..�,.,.....,�.....-.-�.-���.M............�.__�.�..V...�.......v...w.�.y..�.,......._.�......�w�� .._....�........��..�.�._.___.�..w......._.�.�..�..�.�...�.�.�._._.�.._�._.__..�.�..�...��...�.�.�..�.. --�-..-�- --_----_____�__..�..._....�.. .�._.�._.�.......�....�................................�.......�.T.._._.�._� � : g. Str�et address where the recar�s of th� ��rp�ratian r��uired to be �ept in th� Cvmmonwealth � : �re Iv�ated ��ost offi�e bo�e� are not acceptabl�}: � : Number and 3� �AK HILL DRIVE ' � = street: Add r�ss �: � : City ar t�wn: AI�LINGTON State: MA �i p code: 0�474 � ; : ��u ntry: U N ITED STATES � � Which �s: � its �rincipal affice ❑ an offi�e of it� trar�sfer agent � � �a n �ff i c� of its s�creta ry/a ss ista nt secreta ry � it� reg iste r�d offi�� � Signed this 5 Day �f April� ���� at 14:�4 �M by the in�vrpvrator�s}. �If an existing corpora�ion is - : acting as incorp�rator, typ� in th� �xa�t name of the busin�ss �n�ity, th� state or vther�uris�fction : where it was in�orporated� the name af the person signing an behalf of said bus�ness entity and the : title heJshe �alds or other authar�ty by whi�h �uch actian is tak�n.� : ANI��U L BISWAS � MA S�]� Filir�g IVumber: �O��G��73810 �a#�: 4151�Q2� �:��:43 PM THE ��MM�I�T�EALTH �F MAS S�.�HUSETT� I here��certx�th�.t, upon e�arninatian of this �iacument, dul� submitt�d ta me, i� a�pears �ha.� th�pra�is�ons of the General La�s relati�e to �orp�r�.tions have b��n c�mpl�ed�ri�h, and I hereby ap�rave sai�articles; and the fi�ir�g fee havtr��l�een paid, sa��i articles ar� deem�d to have �e�n f�l�d v�ith m� on: April ��, ���4 ��:�� PM ' f � �VILLIAM FRAN�IS �ALVIN _ ►Se�r�ta��f t�h� Comm�nvr�eal�h �o�uSign Env�lope Ea;�QA2G9BB-E431-4CD5--SFD4-ABgA$A9939CE P�JF��HASE AND �ALE A�F�EEMENT This A�r�em�nt dated Apr�l , ���4, by and bet�u�reen Art's �pecia�f�es, LLC, a Massachusetts limited li�bili�y c�mpany wit� an �ffi�e a�dr�ss of 3�9-37''� Trap�l� Road, B�Imont, Massachuset�s ��4��, h�reinaf��r referre� to as SELLER; and B�swas En��rprise Inc, a Massachusetts, corporatian Uvith an office address �f 3� �ak Hill �rive, Arlington, Mass��huse�ts D��74, dain� �usiness a� Ni�ks Wine an� �p�rits, here�nafter ref�rre� t� a s B L�Y E R. 1NITN ESSETH, in c�nsiderat��n �f tf�e mutua� ��venants h�rein c�ntained, �he part��s agree as foliows: �. INTEREST T� 8E S�La. SELLEF� h�r�by agrees ta s�ll t� �UYER and BLJYER agr��s �o buy from �ELLER, fts business assefis, incfuding ali furniture, fixtu�es, equipm�nt and in�ent�ry �p�r S�G�ian �� herein} [ocat�� �t ���6 Massa�h�set�s Avenue, 5uit� H, L��in�t�n, Massa�husett�, f�r the L��cingt�n Massa�husetts lacatian �f Ar�'s Speci�lti�s, LL� focate� at ���� Ma�sachusett� A�enue, Su�t� H, L�xin�#�n, Massa�husetts ��4��, and a!I l���nses and p�rmits and th� goadWvill of the �aid busin�ss, as � going concern. ��ec�fical[y ex�lude� from the sal� �s th� name af�h� �us'rness and any other assets . �wned �y �he busin�ss at ather lacati�ns as w�ll a� any equ�pm�nt ar furn�tur� which is ��ecifically in�ica�ed by SELLER as bein� �xcluded in the sal�. �. PUF��HA�E PRI�E. �a� Ti�e purchase price to be paid t� �ELLER �y BUYER �hall �e �n� Hundr�d Thir�y Th�usand �$13Q,���.��} C�oflars to �e paid as f��lo�rvs; � ��,���.�0 sha�i �e de�osited up�n �he si�ning �f th�s Agreem�nt; $�1�,���.�� sha�l b� paid at closing in the f�rm of an a�torney's I�LTA �he�k, bank �er�ifi�d �h��k, or wire transf�r; $��D,���.�� T�TAL �b} ADJUSTNIENTS. Pro rata adjustments shal� be mad� af the �ime of the �losin� f�r al! prepaid it�ms inclu�ing lic�ns� fees, rent, security depasits, �f any, an� p�rsanai pr�pert}� ta�. ��} Ten Th�usand �$1�,���.��} Dof�ars of fhe SELLER's ne� sales pr��eeds shall be h��d in �scr�w by James J. Finn III, Esquir� for thirty �3�} day� f�l[�Uving �he �losin� t� en�ure tha� all alcoh�l d�stribut�rs ar� paid, Th� �ELLER h�reby auth�ri�es A�t�rn�y Finn t� disbur�� fr�m this es�rov�r ali sum� required �o pay any ou�standing d��ts t� said dis�ri�ut�r�. Upan fihe expira�ian of th� sai� th�r�y �3�} day ��riod, Att�rn�y Finn is h�r�by autharf�ed fia return any unu�ed sales proce�ds to the SELLER. QS QS �1" f ❑o�uSign EnWefope ID: �OA2C�BB-E�31-�C�7�-8Fa�-ABBA8A9939�E �. FINAIV�IN�. The BUYER's �bli�ations �r� not canting�n� �n any financin�. 4, DE�T� AN D LfABI LfTI ES. T�n �'��} d�ys prior to clo�ing, th� SELLER shall fu�nish t� �he BUYERS, a list �f a�l SELLER'� creditor� and �endors, includin� alcah�� suppliers and a���unt numbers. Said list shalE c�nt�in the na�nes and busin�ss addresses af ali �reditors �f�ELLER Wvith th� arnaunts due t� �ach, wh�n �n�wn. Th� �ELLER shall pay all the d�bts and lia�ilities in�urr�d priar to th� c��sing �at�, �� �anne�ti�n with its bu�in�ss, non� of whi�h are being assumed b� BUYER, ���e�� for#hat whi�h is ex�r�ss�y herein pra�id�d. IVo postings w�ll be outs��nding as of the clasing d�te. The parties int�nd f�r BUYER ta a�quir� ownership of the inter�sts bein� pur�has�� her�in free and �lear of all claims, and �ELLER r�pre�ents �hat thi� shal! be a���rnp�i�hed with�ut �xpense ar �iability t� the SUYER. 5. REPRE�ENTATI�N� �F SELLER. SELLER represents ta BUI�ER th� following facts, w�th th� kn�wledge that BU�ER i� purchasin� SELLER' S ir���r�sts in ful� reliar��� �h�re�n: a. Prior#a the �Ios�n� date and except as o�herwise pra�i�e� in this a�r�em�nt, �ELLER shal� n�t encumb�r th� ir�terests or �nter in�� any transacti�n �r make any c�mmitrnent reiatin� t� th� inter�sts �ther thar� in th� ordir�ary ��urse of bus�ness with�ut firs� o��ainin� �he written consent of B�JYER �n� shalf abtain any cansent nec�ssary �� aflow SELLEF� t� accomplish the�r �bli�a�i�ns her�under. SELLER shall exer�ise �heir �e�t �fforts in this re�ard. b. Th�t SELLER ha� g�od and marke�able �i�l� to the int�r�stS ��ing s��d �� BUYER herein, ar�d will ��nv�y the sam� ta BL�YER free and �lear af�II �n�umbranc�s. �. Tha� to the �est of SELLER'� knovvfed�e, �t has camp��ed with and i� pr�sently in cornplian�e with all applicable laws, rules an� r�gulations of the c�ty, c�unty, stat� and federal governrnen�s, inclu�ing all applicable heal�h, fire and s�fety c�des. d. Th�t �h�re is no li�igafiion or �laims of any nature whats�ever ��nd�n� or threater�ed a�ainst SELLER, the SELLER daes not �n�v� ar ha�e reasonabl� �r�ur�ds �o I�n�w of any basis for any such �c�ior�, and that r�� mat��ial fact r��ar�ing SELLER's fi na n�ia� cor�d iti�n has been om�tted. e. To the b�st af �ELLER'S know�edge and b�li�f fihere ar� na ma��ri�� ��aims or lia��lit�es of SELLER, or p�nding ar�hreat�n�d administra���� proc�dur�� En��lving �ELLER'S aperati�ns �r th� inter�st� v�h�ther or nat �nade �r accru�d and wh�ther �r ❑� DS �f" DocuSign Env�lope iD:�OA�C9BB-E�31-4CD��-SFD4-ABBA$A9939�E n�t d�t�rmined �r de�erminable, in respect of wni�h BUYER may �e �r ��came iiable �n or after the �losir�g. f. Th� SELLER has all licens� and pe�mit� nece�s�ry for the op�ra#ion �f the bus�n�ss and said I�cense� an� permits �v�l� �e in g��d standing at th� tim� �f clasin�. g. Ne�th�r this A�reem�r��, n�r any other da�uments, c�rkificat� or �tatemen� furnish�d to BUYER by �r an behalf af SELLER �n cannecfion with the transa�t��n conternp�ated hereby cant�ins any untrue stat�ment �f a mat�r�a� fa�� or omits ta �ta�e a materia� factor ne����ary in order ta make the sta#ements cont�in�d her�in r��t mEsleading. h. L1p until �he ���sing dat�, the busin��s shali be ��n�ucted as �� has En th� past. �. ASSi�NMENT �F WARRANTIES. N�NE �. ��NTI[V�EN�IES, This agreement shall �e c�nting�nt upon the fall�wing: �I. SELLER �ransferring �Q BIJYEF� ail ne�e��ary �i�ens�s and �ermits for the �perati�n of the �usin�ss as re�uired �y fl�e fed�ral, state and �acal authari�ies. 2. BU1�ER t� abtain a new lease from the I�n�lord v�ith terms condifi�ns satisfactor� �o the BUYER in its s��e dis�reti�n. 3. BUYER t� a�tain ap�r��al �f a transfer �f th� fuli liquor ficense far�he business from the lacal li�ensing �gency and the Mass��huse�ts Al�oh�lic BeVerages �ontr�l ��mmission �. Alf furniture, fixt�res and equ�pm�nt inc[uded in the sale sha�i b� in w�rk�ng �ondi�ion �nd th� busin��s �remises wil� be in �u�s�anti�l�y �h� s�rr�� condition it is naw, reasana�l� w�ar and t��r and cust�mary �usiness vari��ion e�ccept�d. Th� BUYER res�r��s the righ� t� insp��t such furnitur�, fi�ctur�s �nd �quipment ar�d th� bus�ne�s pr�mis�s within �4 �aurs pr��r t� the tim� af cl��ir��. If a�r�y �f th�se c�ndit��ns ar� r�ot s�tisfied, th�n at the opti�n af the BUYER, th�s A�re�rr��nt may be �erminate�, whereupan ar�y �aym�nts mad� under this Agreernent shall b� f�rth�rv�th r�fun�ed an� all �ther ab�iga��ons af th� parties here�o �hall cease and thi� A�reement shall be �c�id withou� r�caur�e af th� parties h�r�t�. 8. ��1�ENANTS �F �ELLER PRI�R T� �L�SING. ❑S p$ �f�' QocuSign E�velop�ID:6�A�C9BB-E43�-�CD�-SFD�-ABBASA9939CE SELLER �ovenan�s and agrees that: a. �ELLER w�ll notify BLJYER, in vvriting, af any actions, sui�s, pr�c��dings, ar fnvestigations affect�ng �r r�asonably far��s��abie to affect �hi� purcl�ase agre�m�n� which �ris� ar ar� �hreatene� b�tw��n �ne date af this agr�ement and the Gl�s�ng da��. b. SELLER w��l h�id BUYER h�rmless fram and �gainst �!I damages, loss�s and aut-af-p����t e�cpenses f�r vvhi�h BUYER �e�am� l��ally o����a�ed ta p�y cau�ed �y ar arising dir�c��y aut of� ��� br���h af r�present�f�on �r c��en�n�s �r �ii} materia! misrepresenta��or� af SELLER can�a�ned herein ar in any dacument del���r�d pursuan� hereta. 9. �Uf�11IVAL �F �EPRESENTATI�N�. AII c���nants an� r�pres�ntation� included or pravided far h�re�n, in any E�chib�t attache� her�fo, or in any instrum�nt �f�ran�fer�r �ther���ument de�ivered pursuan� h�r�t�, �hal� �urvive th� �l��ing. Each par�y sha�l be �i�ble t� tne other f�r any and a�l damages r�sultin� fr�m any breach of repr�sentatian �r ��venant, ar for an� ma#�rial rnisr��r�ser��atian mad� �y i# or in �he a�reement or any E�hibiti or cer�tificate �r d�cument deli��r�d �ur�uant h�r�to, al! �f whi�h sha�l �urvi�� the cl�sin� and made by B�1YER. 1�. TiME iS �F THE ESSENGE �F THIS A�REEMENT IN ALL F�,E�PE�TS. ��. �R��CER'S E�PENSE ANQ ��MMi��I�N, �UYER and �ELLER �ach agree t� �ear�heir avvn legal, �cc�un�ing, and oth�r expenses in cann��tion with the pr�paration an� consummation �f this agr�ement. SELLER and BUYER also acknowl�dg� tha� �he only Broker in��l�ed in the �r�nsa�ti�n has be�n �n�a��d by the SELLER. The Braker, Bu�in�s� �re�n Star F�eatty, LL� is due a ��mmission of � ���� p�r��n� �f the purchase �ri�� at �lasin� which ��al! b� paid h� t�e �ELLER. Th� SELLER an� BUYER further re�resent tha# th�y hav� nat en�age� the s�r�i�e� �f an� other broker t� s�l� �r pur�hase the �usiness and shall indemnify th� �th�r in the e�ent any ��her braker mak�s a �laim for ��mmissi�n a� a re�ult af a �reach of�his r��resen�atian �nd shali �e sole�y responsfb�e for the payrr�ent �f any br�ker's comm�ssian �u� acc�rding to its a�r�em�nt to the br�ker makir�g a ��aim f�r paymen� �f a �omrnis�i�n. ��. A�PRAfSAL AND 11aLL�E �F �NIIENT�RY. The SELLER and BUYEF� shaEl ��nduct �n audit �f al� inventory inciud�ng �pen ��ntain�rs and suppli�s �r� �he morn�n� af the �I�sin�. SELLER shal! leav� in th� st�re an inVent�ry suffi�i�nt for the BU1�ER to c�n��nue the oper�ti�n of the stare. The ��s� valu� of th� in��ntory will �e at leas� forty-fi�e �housan� �$��,OOD.��} dallarss th� �alue �f�h� in�ent�ry �hall �� included as par� of the pur�hase price. �� �� dN Do�uSign Envelope ID: 60A�C9B6-E431-��D�-SFD4-ABBA8A9939�E �3. FINAN�IAL STATEMENTS. BUYER ackn�wledges t�at the �a�� is n�t pr�dicated t� B�JYER'� re��ev� of any af�ELLER's financia� inf�rmatian or representa�ian �f sales. ��. TH E �L�Sf NG, The c�osin� shall ta�� plac� or� �r �ef�re 1�:�� F�. M. �n the �enth ���t"'} day �ft�r the SELLER �btain� approval from the Mass�chu�etts Alc�holEc Be��rag�s �antr�l �ornmissi�n at a �1a�e to b� mutually agreed up�n by the parties. The risk af lo�s to any of th� in�e�ests �ein� pur�hased sha�l remain vtir�th �ELLER untii th� time of clasing, and �UYER �hali ha�e the option ta �ither �an�el this a�r��m�n�w'rth�ut further o�[��at�on or to n�g�t�ate a pra ra�a reduction in �he pur�hase pr�ce af �h� int�res�s in the even� of any material I�ss, �estru�#i�n, �r damage to the �nt�rests �y reas�n of fir� ar �ther �asual�y pri�r�o closing. At the ��osing and a� a canditi�r� preced�nt to �he payrnent �f th� pur�hase �ri�� pravid�d far in 5ect��n � of�his Agreemer�t the SELLER sha�� deli��r to the BUYER the foli�`rving d�cu ments: �a} A Biil of �al� conveying g�Qd ��tl� t� the ass�ts with �he usua� warran�ies af �itfe in accordan�e vvith �h�s Agreement, free fr�m alf �ncumbran��s. �b} �ertifi�ate of �a�d Stand�n� issu�� by th� Mass��huset�s Departm�nt of F�e�enue. ��} �ertifi�a�e of �ood �tanding 'rs�ued �y S�cretary of�h� ��mm�nw��l�h. ��� A 1111anag�r's ��rt�ficat� authori��ng #h� sal� of the Business t� the BUY�R.. �5. TEF�MINAT��N �]F A�REEMENT. This agr��m�nt, at th� opfian �f the BUYER, shall b� null and ��id, upon �h� occurrence of any af the follawing: a. SELLEF�. fa�ls ta �on�ey �oad ti���, free a�d �I�ar of any �ncum�ranc�s, at �he �ime of closing ta any �f the pr�p�r�y transferr��. b. SELLER"S f�ilur� �a perform any c�nd�tiar�s �rec�d�r�t to the c���ing or tende� any docum�nts, in pr�per fr�m, r�quired I�er��r� requi�ed priar t� th� closing. �. Fai�ure �f any of th� �anfingen�ies s�t f�r�h ir� paragra�h 7'. ��. ADDETI�NAL [���UMENTS Th� SELLER and BUYER agre� that �he� shal� execute and def�ver aff addi�ional dacuments and �nstrument� whi�h either party m�y reasonably r�qu�st the other�� ds �s Q� Da�uS�gn Enveiope�D;�DA��9gB-E43�-�CD�-BFD�-ABBASA9939GE �x�cute �o implem�nt for �h� purpos�s of this a�reement and ��nfirm t�e c�nsumma�i�n �f th� trans��ti�n ir�t�r�d�d her�;�nder. 17. M�DIFI�ATI�N This agreement may nat �e modifi�� exc�pt �y an in�trum�nt in writing si�ned by th� parti��. 1�. PRI�R STATEM ENT� A!I r�pr�s�ntatior�s, s�a�ements, and a�reemer�ts h�r�t�f�r� mad� �e�w��n the parties her�to are merged in th�s agr��ment, which alane fu�ly and c�mplete�y �xpress�� their r�sp�c�i�e ob���ati�ns, and �his agre�ment �s �nt�r�d Ent� by eac� par�y af�er�pp�rtunity for in��stigation, neither p�rty re�ying �f�ny statem�nts �r repres�ntati�ns n�t em�odied in this agreem�n�, made by the oth�r or on his behalf. This �gr�em�nt ��ntain� the c�mpl�te an� �xclusiv� agr�ement �f th� �arti�s and sup�rsedes any pri�r a�reem�nt �r ur�derstandin� �f�he par�ies. 19. BENEFIT �F A�REEMENT. This agr�em�n� shall be bindin� upon and inur� to the benefit �f the par�ies her�fa �nd their �ega� repres�ntati��s, success�rs, �n assign�, ��. N�N��MPETE Th� �ELLER and Artur N�rgaryan a�ree t� ��ecute at ��asing � Non-�ornp�ti�i�n Agreemen� whereby th�y a�ree nat t� en�a�e �n �ny related ty�e �f busin�ss wi�hin a five ��} mile ra�ius of ���� f111assa�husetts Avenue in Lexin�ton, Massachu��#ts , �xc�p� for any ��istin� busine�s of the �ELLER, for a ��riad �f fi�� ��} y�ar� aft�r th� �I�sing. ��. ��NSTRU�Tf�N �F A�f�EEMENT. This in�trum�nt, e���ut�d in multipl� c�unter�arts, is to b� c�nstructed as a Massa�husetts cantract, i� to tak� eff�ct as a sealed instrumen�, s�t� f�rth th� ent�re c�ntra�ct b��inreen the par�ies, is �inding upan and �nur�s �o the ��n�fit of the parties heret� and their respecti�e heirs, devrsees, ��ecutars, adminis�ratar�, sucGes�ars and assEgr�s. lf tw� �r rr�ar� pers�ns are r�amed here�n as BUYER their obfiga�ions hereunder �hall be �aint �nd several. The �aptions and marginal n�tes ar� used on�y as a matter�f��nven�en�e and are nat to b� consid�r�d a �art of thi� agreemen# �r to be used in d��erminin� the i,n�er�t �f the p�rti�s �a it. ��. DEP���TS. A�I dep�sits mad� h�reunder shall �� held in es�r�� by James J. Finn, II�, Esquire, as escr�w a�en� su�je�t �o the �erms af th�� Agre�ment and shall b� du�y acc�unt�d f�r at �he �ime f�r p�rf�rmance of thi� Agre�m�nt. In the e�ent ❑5 US �1" - ❑o�uSign En�elope ID:50A�G9BB-E431-4��6-8FD�-ABBA8A9939CE af an� d�sa�r��ment between the par�ies, #he escrav►r agent shall retain a�� depasi#s ma�� under th�� A�r�ement pending writt�n �n�tru�t��ns mu�u�l�y g�ven by the SELLER and the gUYER, or by f�na� arder af a �ourt �f�amp�t�nt juri�dictian. �4. BUYER'S DEFAULT -- DAMAGES. ln the eVent the �U1�ER sha�1 fail ta pur�l�as� the business and assets under the t�rms h�re�f, then, in that ��ent, all deposits ma�� her�under �y the BLJYER shall be re�aine� by th� SELLER as �i�u�dat�d dam��es for said n�n-perfarm�nc�, in lieu of�ny oth�r rem�dies whi�h the �ELLER may ha�e at lavv ar �n e�uity. ��. N�TI�E�. Unl�ss �therwise pr�vid�� herein, a�l no�ices, requests, demar�ds and ather cammun�catians h�r�under shal� be in writing and sl�al� be d�eme� to ha�� ��en du�y gi��n if faxed, em�iled, h�nd-��li�ered �r mai��d b� ��rtif�ed ma�l, re�urn �e�eipt r�que�t�� or by r�c��nized ��ernigh� cauri�r to: James J. Finn, lll, Esquir�, �reg�, Hur��, Ahern � Em�ry, �ne �ranberry Hil[, Sui�e ��4, Le�in�ton, Mass�chusetts �����, fa�: �6�?'} 4�4-1���, �mail:j�finn��hae�aw.co�, if to SELLER, an� Th�mas T. Tru�x, E�q�ir�, 53� Lorin� Aver�ue, 5u�te 1 D�, S�I�m, Massachuse�t� ���7�, fa� �978} ���-����, �ttruax�com�ast.net if to BUYEF�. ��, IJB�E UENT ���UMENT�. Afl �arties h�re�� agre�, fr�m time ta tim�, after clos�ng, t� ��ce�ut�, acknowled�� and deliver su�h �ther instrum�nts as it may r�a�on�bly �e r��uir�ed by any part t� �his Agreemen� in ord�r to gEve fu11 eff��� to any vf�he provi�ions h�reof, as th� sam� may ha�e been modifie� t� th� da�e of �las�n�. !N WITIVE�S VIIHERE�]F, th� �arties ha�e hereunto s��their hands as of the date f�rst writt�n a�av�. �ELLER ���E� Ar�'s Specialties, LL� B�sv�ras Enfier�ris� I n� Do�uSigned by: DocuSigned by: �� � �� �f 5I�D�4 �151���4 gy �53 z B7F�884a4�7... �y 2EFD8E82Efi�1498... Artur Nergaryan, Manag�r Ankul Biswa�, Pr�si��nt and Tr���ur�r - ���11[MER�[AL PR�M�SS�RY N�TE �so,000.ao ��i�r Cl. �a�� F�R VALUE RECE[VED, th� und�rsign�d, 6i�w�s Enterpri�� lnc� a Massa�husetts carparati�n or�aniz�d under the iaws of �ammanwea{th of Massachus�tts and hav�ng its principa� offic� at �9 �ak Hi�l Qri�e, A�I�ngtan, Massachu�etts ����4 �th� rI B�rr�wer"} prom'rses to pay ta the ��der vf Ent�rpris� Bank and Trust �ompany ha�ing a pr�ncfpa! p1ac� �f bus�n�ss at ��� M�rr�mack Str�et, Lowell� Mass�chusett� �15�2 �her��nafter, with any subsequent h�lder, t�e "Bank"} at an offic� vf th� Bank, the sum af Eignty Th�usand a��rd a�/1�0 Dolla�s �$5�,���.Q�� w�th int�rest th�rean, in ac�ardanc� with th� provisions as �r�dicated �elvw. This Nate is the "Note" referred ta in the Loan Agreement t� which the B�rrawer and the Bank are parties dated the date h�r�af�the "A reement"� an� referenc� is mad� t� sai� Agreement for a�ditiana� terms appiicable �rer�t�. �ap�taiiz�d t�rm� us�d �n this Nate and not �th�rwise defined I��r�in �ut d�fined in the Agreement shall ha�e the same rneanFng as asCribed tv �uch term�in the Agre�ment. 1 NTEREST RATE: lntQrest �n th� unpaid princ'rpa! balance of this Not� �based up�r� a year cansEsting of twel�e �12� months of thirt� �3�� da�s�ach and calcu�at�d �n th�actual number af da�y�elap�ed� sha�l ac�rue a�fo�l�ws: At a fixed rat� o�interest equa�t� ��p�r annum. PAYMENT �R�VISI�NS: �utstand�ng principa� un�er t�is N�te toge�h�er vWi�h interest a�crued th�reon shali b� payable as set farth belvw: En cor�s�cutiW� m�nthly payments af whi�h ��ch �ut t�e i��t shall b� $ consist�ng af prin�R�al and interest based upan an amort��ation p�r�od of 6� m�nths. The fir�t m�nth�y payment shall b� due and payable �n Au�ust �], 20�4 and �ach subsequent payment shall be due �n the �ike day af each manth thereafter. The f�r�a1 monthly payment shalf �e due on Ju1y ��, ���9 {the "Mat�rity Date"} En an amaunt equa! to the entire unpaid bal�nc��f princ��ai plus a�l unpaid ac�ru�d int�re�t. PREPAYMENT: The Borrower may at�ts�pt�on p�e�ay t�re la�n at any time withvut premium ar penalty. LATE �HARCE�: lf B�rr�w�r �hal� fa�1 for more than fifteen {15} days �fter th� date du� to make any �nstaliment paym�nt o� princi��! ar int�r�st �n thi� Note, th� Borr�wer agrees ta �ay the �ank, upan �emand� in additi�n tQ all oth�r�n�ount� paya�l� her�under, a lat� charge e�ua�t�fi�re p�rc�nt�5�8� �f the payment du�. l.ate charg�s are n�t irrterest and shall not b�subject ta refun� or re�ate ar cr�dit�d against any other amaun�due. ARPL[�AT��N �F PAYMENTS; RETURNED_ITEMS: Any paym�nt$ r��ei�ed by the Bank on acc�unt �f this Note prior tv d�mand shall �e appfied first, to any costs, exp�nses, �r charge� then awed the Bank by th� B�rrawer, second, t� ���r�e� �nd �n�aid inter�st, and third, ta the unpaid prin�ipa� balance hereaf. Any paym�nt� sv re�e���d aft�r demar�d shall��app�i�d in such mann�r as the Bank may determin�. EVENTS �F QEFAULT: l�pon the occurrence of ar�� �n� ar mare of the f��lowing {"E��nts �f Default"}, at the Bank`s �pti�n and witha�# �r�s�ntm�nt, demand, n�tice or pratest �all of whi�h are her�b}� ►n�aiu�d�, and wEthaut ait�rirrg the demand nature af thE� N�te if�r�ncipal i� due an �em�nd, the �nt�re unpa�id balan�e of this Nate and a11 �npa�d accrued intere�t h�reunder shall �e�om� �mmediately du�and payabl�: rev.7�lOf��18 4823-9�51-Gz4v.7 � �a� Th� failur� by the Barr�wer to pay when due �or up�n demand, if �ayabl� on demand} any amount due he�eunder�r any other arr��unt th�n �wing by th� Barrower to the Bank; �b� The occurren�e of�ny"E�ent a�Default" under the Agreement. aATE �F INTEREST �IP�N QEFAULT: Th� Borrawer agrees ta pay, upan def�ult, �nterest on a!I amourrts nat �aid ►nrhen due�pursuant t�the t�rms her�o�, by a�cel�rati�n or atherwis�} at the p�r annum rate e�ual t� the aggr�gate �f: ��} th�ir�t�rest�a�e whi�h wauld oth�rwise be app�i�ahle in th� a�sen�e�f default �1us �b� six����} p�rcent. N� VIlAIVER: No delay or �missi�r� �y th� �ank �n �xer�ising any of its p�wers, rights� priviieges a� rem�die� her�ur�d�r shal� operat� as a vvaiver th�r��f on th�t o��asi�n n�r on an� �ther occasion. No waiver by the Bank of any ��fault h�reunder shafl �p�rat� as a waiver of any other default her�und�r, nar as a �antinuir�g waive�. The BorrovWer waives presentmer�t, demand, prot�st, and rr�ti�es af any kir�d and ass�nts t� any extension ar ather indulger��e ��nc�uding, without limitation, th� relea�e �r substituti�n af calfat�ral� p�rmitted the �orr�wer by the Bank with respect tv thi5 Note. EKPEN�ES: The Borrvwer w�ll pay�n deman� all r�ason�ble attorney�' f�es and aut-a�-pocket �xpens�s ir�curr�d by the Bank in the administration �r enforc�ment of this Not� or th� a�ministration ar enfflrcement af any �ollateral gi�en the Bank t� secur�this Nat� �w�ether�r n�t suit is instituted by ar again5t the Banl��. RELEASES;N� C�NTRIBUTI�N: The liabiliti�s of the Borrawer and an}� end�rser or guarantar �f this Nat� are joint and several; pro��ded, hawe��r, t�r� rel�ase b�the Bank of the Bvrrow�r �r any �ne ar more endarser or gu�rantor �hall not r��eas� any �tFr�r person �i�ligat�d on acc�unt of th�s Nate. No persan oblrgated an accaur�t of t�is N�te may se�k cvntrib�tian from �ny ather persQn alsa obligated unless ar�d until all liabil�tie5 to t�r� Bank �f the person from ►nrhom �ontribut�an is s�ugf�t ha�� been sati�fied in full. MAXIMUM RATE �F IIVTEREST: if, by the t�rms of this N�te,th� Barr�w�r is at an�time r�quire� or�bl�gated to pay inter�st or�the principal balanc� herevf at a rate in �xcess of th� maximum rate which the B�rrower is permitted �y law ta contract or agree to pay, the rat� Qf inter�st under this Nvte shall �e deemed to b� immediately r��uc�d t� such maximum rate, and interest payable h�r�und�r shal! be camputed at su�h maximum rate and the ��rtion af all �rior int�rest payments in�xc�ss�f�u�h maximum rat� shall be appli�d and shall �e deemed to hav� �een payments ir� r�ductian af t�e �rincipal ba�an�e hereof and not�n aec�unt of th� intere�t due h�reunder. JURESD�CTI�N, ETC.: This Not� shall be g��erned by t�e internal �aw� �f the C�mmonw�alth af (Vlassachusetts, and sh�ll take e�fect as a sealed instrument. T�re Borrow�r submits to th�jurisd�cti�n of the ��urt5�f the Cvmmanwealth �f Massachusetts for all purpa��s with respect to this Note, any�aliat�ral given tfl secure its lia�iiities ta tf�� Bar�k, ❑r �ts re�ati�nsh�ps with the Bank, BINDING EFFE�T: This Note shall b� bfn��ng upan the Barrovver and up�n its hei�s, su�cessars� assigr�s, ar�d r�presentativ�s,and shall inure ta the ben�fit af th� Bar►I�and its successors and �ssigns. iN ANY �ASE, C�NTR�VERSY C�R IVIATTER WHICH AR15ES �UT �F, �R 15 IN RESPE�T []F, THIS N�TE AND/�R THE L�AN EVIDENCED HERE�Y, THE B�RRO'UIlER KNa1N�N�LY, V�LUNTARiLY AND fNTENT[�NALLY WAIVES ANY N�W E�tSTIN�AIVD/�R HEREAFTER ARISING RIGHT T�A TRIAL BY JURY. � re�.7/1�/�D1$ 4$�3-9051-5Z40.7 C�MPLETI�N �F N�TE; MfSCELLANE�US: The B�rr�vver authari�es the Bank ta complete t�ri� N�te if del���r�d �ncompl�te in any respe�t. Th� use af head�ng� Er� this N�te is for canvenience �nly and �hall nat limit in any manner tf��terms af�his Note. All agreements and �o�uments af any kind in th� Barrk's possessiar� whieh re�ate ta any Ioans fram �ank t� Borrower may b� reproduced by the Bank by photagraphi�, ��mput�r imag�ng, �r sfm�lar prac�ss, and th� Bank may ��stroy the original from which any d�cuments was s� reproduce�. Any such repr��u�tivn shall �e admi�si�le in evidenc� as the Qrig�nal itsel�rn ar�y judicial ar�dmini�trative proce�d�ng �w�r�th�r�r not the �rigir�a! is in �xi�tence and wh�th�r or�ot suc�r �epraducti�n was mad� in the regu�ar�ourse �f�u�in�ss} and any enlargement, f��simi�� �r further repr�ducti�n shal! likewise be admissible in evid�nce. Any $ignature� of ti�e B�rrow�r up�n any su�h agr�em�nt�r dacument which are transmitted as a fac�imi�e or as a scanned ar �df�portabie dacument format} shall b� de�med a Wal�d an� binding signatur� of the B�rrawer with th� same effect as if a manually �igned originai signatu re. 3 re�.7J10/201$ 4823-9D51-f 2�Q.� IN WITNE55 WHE�E�F,this��mmer�ial Pr�miss�ry Nate is executed under seal as �f the date first a�oW�wr�tten. WiTN E55: B�RR�WER: Biswas Enterprise Inc g�. . Anukul B�swas, Pres�dent and Treasurer Print Nam�: 4 ���.7��ofzols �gz3-�a�i-�z�a.� ASS��NMENT A1V� PLE�GE �F LlC�UaR LICENSE AND ALC�H�L fIVVENTDRY This ASSI�NMENT AND PLED�E �this "Assi�nment"} is �nter�d ir�ta an the [� day of �uly, �0�4, �y B�swa� Enterprise fnc, a Mas�achus�tts carporati�n argan�zed und�r th� laws of �ommonwealth �f Mas�a�husett� ar�d ha�ing its principal �ffic� at 39 aak Hii! Dr�ive, Arlingtan, M�55��hUS�t�S ���74 {h�reinafter ealled "Pled �r"� in favor of Enterpri�e Bank and Tru�t Company, a Massachusetts bank�n� �n�titu#ion with a principal pl��e at bu�fness at ��� M�rrimack �tr�et� L�weli, Mas�ac�rus�tts �185� �h�reinafter cal�ed the "lerrder"�. In cQnsiderati�n, of fin�ncial ae�ommodatfans made ar ta be made by L�nder tn Pl��g�r, the �fedg�r �o�s herekay pledge and assign �in part pursuant t� M.�.L. Chapt�� 13�, Section ��� tv th� Lender th� Pl�dg�r's Sec 15 p�cka�e store ail a�c�holic b���ra�es license �the "License"� an� all alc�h�la �fquar, �nd the lil�e n�w❑r in the future acquir�d by Rl�dg�r�r us�d �n cor�nect�on with the Li�ense �c�Ile�tiW�fy,the �`��"1V�1'it�l"y"} with respect to the owr�ership ar�d o��rat�an �f the packa�e st�re busin�ss knawn a� Ni�ks Vllin� and Spirits located in Lexington, Massaehusetts. This assi�nment and p�edg�shaii b� � first pledge and security int�re�t to the Lender and shall be evid�n��d arrd seeu�ed in p�rt �y a p�edge af the �ie�nse by Piedg�r t�the L�nder to be recogniz�d b�th�Town af Lexingtan and the A�cof�vlic Be�erages�ontr�l Cornmission of the Commonwealth af Mas�achusetts �together, the "Auth�riti�s"}. This a�s�ignment and pledge�ecures th�fo�lawing "�bli ations:" a. the payment af$�D,O��.aO with inter�st th�re�n, as proWided in a promiss�ry nate dated �f eW�n date her�with issued by the Pledg�r t� the order �f the Bank, in�lu�ing afl ren�wals, modifications, r�statements and ext�nsions thereof, �a� the said promissary nate may hereafter be amend�d,the "N�te"}; b, ail �ther ob�igatrons, indebt�dr�ess and I�abilities af the P�edgor to tF�e Banl� awing at any time, liquidat�d �r �niiquidat��, each of ev�ry I�ind, nature and descriptian, ar�d the �erf�rmanc� �y Piedgor of a�i acts, obligatians, coWenant�, terms, and �onditi�ns, in ea�h case vvh�ther now �r hereaft�r arising under any agreement rr�w existir�g or hereaft�r esta�lished betw�en Ple�gar and the Bank, and whether d�nominated ���ured or uns�cured, wh�ther dire�t vr indire�t, absalut� vr ��r�tinger�t, matured or unmatured, primary ar secan�ary, certain or contingent, due �r t� ��eome due, whether now �xi�ting �r hereafter ari�ing. With�ut limiting the genera�ity of th�e faregoing, said term shalf afso include all interest �nd oth�r charges cl�argeab�e to Rfedgor ar due fr�m Pledg�r t�th� Banl�from time ta time and all costs and e�cpen��s�wing t�the Bank; c. the perf�rmanc� and abser�ance �y PledgQr vf�ach and e��ry c��enant, ��ndition and o�l'rgati�n eantained �n th� Nate and any ath�r do�ument ��e�uted by th� Pledgor in connection with any of the��ligat�ans; _ ai� liabiiiti�s of �ledg�r to the B�nk, �rheth�r naw �xisting or her�after �rising, under any f�rei�n ex�hange �ontract, int�rest rate swap, cap, floor ar h�dging agr��m�nt, �r �th�r similar agre�ments �inc�uding but not limited ta breakage and make-whvle fee��, and all obligations of Pl�dgor to th� Bank under any credit card ser�ice� agreements �r agr��ments relatin� to the pro�ess�ng of aut�mated c�earing hous� transactior�s, tagether w�th ali fees, ex��ns��, charges and ath�r amounts owing by �r �hargeabie to �IedgQr under any such agr�ements and a!1 liabiliti�� of Pl�dgor t� th� Bank to r�pay �W�rdrafts ar�d ather amounts due t❑ the Bank under any exi�ting �r future agr�em�nt$ relating to ca�h management��nri�es; The Pledgor represents and warrants t� Lender as follow5: re�.1�15/��13 4$5�-502$-45�1.3 1. The Ple�gar ha�the power and authority ta enter inta this As�ignmerrt. �. Neither the License nvr th� In�ent�ry is �ubject t� any priar lien �r encumbrance. The un�ers�gn�d will n�t transfQr, agree ta or a��ly f�r a transfer, pledge, sale or�ther disposition of the �icense ar any �wn�rship or ben�ffcia� int�r�st t�rereirr, in whole ar in part, ta any ather indi�idual or entity for s� I�ng as any�bligations remain out5tanding, with�ut the prior writt�n cansent of the Lender. The Pl�dgor al�o �hal� ma�Ce al! payment��ta supp�iers, w�ro��salers or �ther providers af the Inventary �o that nfl lien ari�es in c�nneetion therewith to such entiti�s, including without iimitatian any lien rec�gn���d the Auth�rEties as being sup�rior to thi� Assignm�nt. 3. The Pledg�r wif� pay v�hen due ali taxes, charges, liens �nd as�essm�nts against the License, the In�entor� vr both, ar the b�v�rages authari�ed tn �e sold under the Licer�s�. Th� Pl�dgor wilf perform any and alf acts requir�d ta keep the L�c�n�e in gaod standing, including filing timely applicatians af the renewal thereof, and wiil n�t suffer ar p�rmit the �ic�ns�to lapse. �. The P�edgor �hall promptly rep�rt in writir�g ta the Lend�r uparr the occurrence of any event whieh might impair tF�� �aiue a�the L�cense, inc�uding, but n�t limited to, any acti�n t�k�n by ar�y la�al or stat� regulatary ag�n�i��, Encluding without �imitati�n the Auth�r�ties, whieh in any manner r�stri�ts the use af th� Li�ens�. 5. Th� P���gar will �amply with all applicabi� �aws and regulations, inciuding withaut limitati�n th��e of tF��Autharities, with re�p��t ta the Li�ense or its use, ar r►vith respect t�the �n��ntory. �. The Ple�g�r agr�es to da such further ac�s vr �xe�ute su�h furt�r�r d�cument� as may be determin�d neces�ary b� the Lend�r t� perf�ct th� i�terests grant�� h�ereirr, including without IimEtation, compieting, executfng,filing �an� paym�nt of all as��ciated fifing ar r�lated fees� and pras�cutirrg with �!I due diligenc� any �pplications for approval �f this Assignment by the Autharities. Upon the default in any of the �hligati�n5, repr�sentations or warrant��s of th� undersign�d t�the lender hereunder vr ur��er an� of the �bligatians, �nd the giving vf any r�quired noti�e and th� �xpiratian of any �race or cur� peri�d �an "E�ent af Default"}, the lender shall ha�e any and a�� rights �rovided by su�h documents �r �y law, inc�uding thos� �f a s�cured party und�r tF�� Unif�rm Commercia� �ode an� a �I�dgee under the ru1�s and r�gulat�on� o� th� Authorities. The Lender shall ha�e the right t� apply the proc�ed� of any disposit�o�r of th� �i�ense, the Inventory �r both, to th� pa}�m�nt of any of the Obfigati�ns, after deducting therefr�m the e�penses relating to sueh sa�e ar �ispos�tion, in�luding court costs and att�rney's f�es. � The P�edg�r hereby grants the lender an irre�ocabl� �ow�r of�tt�rn�y, coup��d with an intere�t, to endars� the name of the Ple�gor an any and all d�cum�nts and to take �n the name af the Piedgo�all acti�ns deem�d nec�ssar� by Lend�r to effectuate the pr�m�t tran�f�r of the License and disp�saf af the In�ent�ry, or b�th! f�ll�wing the �c�urrenc� vf an E�ent of Defauit; such docum�nts and actian� may inciude but sha�l not h� iim�ted ta the comp�eting, �xecuting �nd filing with t�re Authflrities of applications far the transfer of the Lic�nse, the appearance a�t hearings of th� A�th�rit�es ar ather bodie� having jurisdi�tfan a�er the Li�ense, the ass�mblinga completing and filin� of tax-related retu�ns an� farms reas�nabiy requ�red to �e �ompleted ar�d filed in �annecti�n with the transf�r of th� License or dispo$ition �f the In��ntory, and ir�tera�ting with ai!g�vernmental authorities�n b�ha�f�f the ��nder in ��nn�cti�n therewith. rev.1/�5 f 2�13 � 4850-50�8-45 f 1.3 The rights and remedies of the L�nder are cumulatiue ar�d not alternative, and may be exercised concurrerrtly or suc�essively. Th� L�nder assumes no ��ligat�on with respect ta the Lic�nse, th� in�entory, �r the sai� vf bev�rages th�r�under, and th� undersigne� agrees to hald the Lender harml�ss fram any and all c�st� and expenses incurred �y reas�n of tnis Agreement which shall be add�d t� th� loan balance. all n�tic�s, demand�, re�ue�ts and ath�r �ammunications required under this agreement sh�ll be in writing and shall be de�m�d tv hav� �een �roperly gi�en if giWen in th� manner ap�licable to n�tices und�r th� Note. Applicab�� �aw; jurisdiction: thi� agr�ement is intend�d ta tak� eff�ct aS � sea�ed fnstrument a�nd has been executed or c�mp��ted ar�d is t� �e perf�rm�d in Massa�husetts and it and ali tran�a�tions th�r�un��r or pursuant th�r�ta shall �e gv�erned as to interpr�tativn, validity, �ff�ct, rig�rts, duti�s and r�medie��f th� part��s thereunder and in a�l �th�r respects by the inte�nal laws �f th� commonwealth of Ma�ssachusetts� without regar� ta c�nflict� of laws principles. �orrow�r h�reby submits to the juri�dicti�n �f�a�h state and fed�ral c�urt which sits in Mas�achus�tts �n� agrees that ��rvi�e m�de in accor��nce with the n�tiee pro�ision��f this agreem�nt sha�l be �raper serv�ce. re�.1/1�/��13 � 485D-5�Z8-�5G1.3 W�TNE55 the e�cecutEon hereof und�r seal as of this day of.luly, ��24 WITN ESS: PLEDGQR: Bisw�s Enterpris� Inc By: Print Narne: Anukul Biswas, �resident and Treasur�r AC�N�WLEQ�MENT ��MM4NWEALTH �F MA55ACHUSETTS C�lJ NTY �n th�s �] day of July, 2a�4, �efare me, th� undersigned rrvtary �u�(ic, p�rsonally app�ared Anuku� Biswas, Rresident arrd Treasurer of Bi�was Ent�rprise In�, �ro��d t� me through satisfa�tory eviden�e of id�ntification, whicf� was a license,ta be the persor� wh�s� name is si�ned on the preceding or attached �o�ument, and acknow�edged t� rne that h� s� signed it voluntarily f�r its �tate� purpose as Pre�'rdent and Tr�asurer af Biswas E�t�rpris� 1rr�. Natary Publi� Print Name: My�ammission Expires re�.�./�5J�013 � �$5�-5��8-�5�1.3 �������������.F..AL� �� I"��.�������. �i��r�.�, ��r�l�� ���.�� �h� �+�l���r�r�,�: 1� � �.�. �h� �i�`� o��n�u��.l ������,�. �. � �����r�� ���:��� ��r i�������� ��������� �� ����n���.� ���:������ �����.� ������� ����� �.�1 �.1������i� ����r��;�s li��������.t ��� ��u���.��c����.� �.�'����:�. �:��� �.�.�.� �� �� ��:������c� �:� ���� �������.��+��t� ,�v����, ����,i.������, �.�. �. � ,�:m� �v��..���1��.��p�� t� ���,���.+�� �`��a� ��� I����.�r ����.1� �c��ur� ���1 �� u��� t� �u�-���.�� +���t�.�r� �.���t� �.��'�►.r�t�� ������.����� �.�L�` ��c��:��1 �t� 1���� ��s��.���,����.�� �►,.��:��u�� I�����.�t��. ��� ���Iud��� ��i�. ��c����, ����.�� ���.�r�:�� ;����� ��� ���.�.1.�:��� �f �r`�u ���� ��� ' �� ��'� �°�I ����. � � � � � � �� � � � ����� � I�u���.���. ���i����.� ����� ����������V��� 1���M�S'SA Cl�'US'�'TTS�Y�1vU�, L�XI��T��, MA Tenant: BistiYas Enterprise, Inc. �ir�f�laor, Store� TABLE �F ��NT�NTS SECTI�N PA�E �. LEASE OF PREMISES I 2. DEM��E�F PREMISES � 3. TER 1��[ 2 �. RENT 3 5. TIME ANi�PLA�E�F PA�NfENTSlLATE FEEISECU�ITY DEP�SIT 4 �. TENANT'S SIiARE�F OPERATiN� E�P�NSESIUTILiTY �Bi.i�ATI�NS 4 �. SER�i�ES 6 S. QUIET E�IIQYMENT 8 9. ��NDIT��NfFREPARATI�N�F PREMISESIALTE�ATI�NSIRETLJRN S �Q. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 9 1 l. INSURANCE 9 12. FI RE AN D�A S�JA LTY 17AMA�E l� 13. EMINENT DONiA�N 1] �4. SI�NS �� i 5, A�CESS 1? 16. SUBLEASE AND ASSI�NMENT 13 l7. DEM�LITIQN 13 1 S. SUB�RDIN�TI�T�1 13 �9. TENAIVT'S���TEN�NT� l4 ?0, TENANT'S DEFA�JLTS �8 ?1. RI�HTS�F LANDL�RD UP�N TENANT'S DEFAULT l 9 ��, REC�RDiNG �1 �3. LIABILITY�F LANDLORD 21 ��. �o��E�aaEu�E z� ��a �5. i1�i���i�Nt��' Li CN 5 �1 2�. �TAIV��;A���1�T�A�ID �A'i'I��A�'['��i� ?� �7. 17EF��ItTi�NS �� �8. �El�1EI��►L I�R�Vi�I��1�. �� �9. ����UT��N ?3 ��. 1���'I�E� �3 ��, BF��K��'� i�D�Iv�1��TY �3 3�. ��LD1N���l�R �� 33. I.�AI�IDL�T�I3'�i1ri��T�A��5 �3 �4. ��1A FiA�TY �� E���BITS: Exhibit� - Plan af Premis�s �xhibit B = f�ul�s at��Re�ulations �xi�ibi�� - Guarant��of Leas� ��� ����� This [ease�the``Lease"}entered inta by and between: TRU�TEE�F LE�IN�T�N SQ[.JARE TRUST�"Lar�dlor�''}, and B I SV�AS ENTERPRI S E, INC., a �Viassachusetts carpor�t ian�"�'�jr�rrE"�. 1. LEASE�F PREMISES ln con�ideration of the rents and coWenants��ntained herein to b� paid,p�rformed and obser�red b}�tl�e Tenant, t}�e Landlord �lereby leases to ihe T�nant and the Tenant hereb}� leases from the Landlord,subje�t to ihe terms and condi�ions hereinafter set�orth,the prernises tas deftned in Section 2 bel�w}. �. DEM I SE OF PREIUI ISES Z.a. Premises. The premises demised h�reb}��ihe"��•�r��i,s��s�"}are �ocated in the Landlard's propet`ty known as Lex�ngton 5yuare,and presently numbered l 6f�N[as�achusetts Avenue in Lexington,Massa�husetts�the"Burldrr2g"�. T�1� Building together�vith the land upon which it is located are referned io as"Larrdlord's Propert}�"�r the"Pr��ert�". The Premises consist of certa�n rentable space an the First F��ar of the Building desi�nated as Storc H,��rhich spa�e is shown�r�Exh ib it A,atta�hed hereto. ?.b. Excepti�n�and Reservatians. Excepted and resenred to the Lar�dlord, hovrre�er,frorn the Prernises, is the space n�cessary to insta�l,maintain and operate, by m�ans of p�pes,ducts,�rires or atherwise thas�utilities and senri�es required �'ar the Bu�lding and c�mmon fa�iliti�s thereof�including t���PremiSes},and the right�f acc�ss and entry t�the Premis�s by the Land��rd and �ts agents for the purpose of making repairs,alterations ar�� addition�to�he Pr�mises ar�d to the Buildin�and�ther tenant space thereit�. �.c. Existin�Tenant. , , __ �1) Tenant acknawledges that the Pr�mises are curren�ly occupied by an�ther tenant, Art's Specialties,�nc. [th�"�xi.�t�rrg Terran�"}pursuant t�a lea�e�the"�xis�ing Lease").Thss I.ease sha�l be subj�ct to and conditioned on Laridiord entering into a termination arrangement with th�Existing Tenant an terms satisfactory to Landlord,and an the Existsng Tenant fully�a�ating the Premises an�r before May 3 l,��2�. If for any reason,thi�condition is not satisfied, Landlord may elect to t�rminate either:�i}ext�nd the Term Commencement�3ate�as pravid�d i n 5e�ti on 3,a belovr�}unt�1 the�ate that th�Ex isti ng Lease has been so term i nated and th�Existin�Tenant ha��acated the Premises; �r(ii�to terminate this Le�se by giving written notice thereofto Tenant,and ihi�Lea�e shall be of no further force and�ffect and all prepaid rents and security d��osits shatl he returned tv Tenant. �2� Tenant sha�l make al� necessar�r arrangemenis and agreem�nts dire�tly with the Existing Tenant regardin��i)the�ccupanc�r ofthe Premises and�a�ation thereof by the Existing Tenant,and�ii}conditior�the Premises is teft ir�b�r th�Existing Tenant,and�iii) the rema�ral or non-remo�al of any personal property,trade fixture�,equiprnent,trash, rubbi�h and d�bris or�ny ath�r prap�r�y of the Existin�Tenant at the Premises. The foregain�shall be matters so[ely between Tenant and the Existir�g Tenan#,and,�vithout limitati�n,the failure to enter into satisfactory arrangements�v�th the Existin�Tenant�rith re�pect thereto,or�he failure of the Existing Tenant ta�omply�ith any arrangem�nts or agre�ments betwe�n Tenant and the Existing T�nant,sha�1 nat in any way(a�ef`fect Tenant's�bligations under this Lease,�b}�mpose any abiigations what�ae�er�n Landlord with r�spe�t�hereto,�c}delay the��mn�encement Date,(d} -3- d�lay or excu�e Tenant`s obli�ation to pay the rent and other amounts in full ti+�hen and as due hereunder,(�}cvnstitute a default or breach by Landlord under th�s Lease,�r�f}lead ta any cl�im or defens�, und�r the Lease or at la�v or in equity, for br�ach of cavenant or other claim due ta th� any�f the foregaing, including inability nf Tenant to accupy a�l or any por�ion of the Premise�or the i mpos�ibi l i ty of Tenant's�erf�rmance,uninhabi tabi lity or untenantabi I ity of the Prern ises or any partion thereaf on accaunt af�uch fai�ures;and Tenant her�hy irre�ocably waives any such c�a�ms and defense�with respect thereta and re��ases Landlard from any clain�s or liability in connection with any of th�far�going arrangements. The pr�visions of this Sectian sha�[supersede any other provisi�ns of this L�ase that are inc�n�istent with the fore�oin�. 3. TERM 3.a. Term. Subj�ct to the��n�itians h�re�n stated, th�Tenant shall ho[d th� Prem i s�s for a term of approxirnate l�r S years and'I�man th�th�"?"c�rna"), cornm�n�in�July 154����, or, ifearlier; on the Permits Date�as definin�Section 3.c}�the earlier of«rhi ch is the"�'�rm Cojr�meneemert!Da�e"or"C'amrnerrc�ment�]are"�,and termi nati n� JuIY 3�,�U29. As used in this Lease,the term "��a.se v��r"shall mean ea�h successi�� l�-mo�th peri�d in�luded in�Whol�or in part in the Term,�►rith the first lease�rear beg�nning on the�ammencen�e�t Date and ending an Ju iy 3 l, ����, and subs�quent lease�ears beginn ing on A ugust t�'and end�ng an July 31=t�f the�u�sequent calendar year. 3.b. �ption to Extend the Terrn, �i} Tenant shall ha�e the�pti�n t��xtend the Tern� of this Lease for � additional �-year term, fram Au�ust l,���9 to July 31,Z�34�the``Exten.�•lorr �'erlr�"�, provided hat: (i)Tenant has not a�signed thi�Lease ar sublet any portion of the Premises, and (ii}Tenant provides Landlord with written natic�of�uch elect��n to extend the T�rm at least 9 manths prior ta th�exp�ration�f the Term. Upan the occurrenc�of any defauli t�y T�nant,�vhich default has not heen eured wittzin applic�►ble noti�e and�u�`e periods�Tenan�'S O�][l�n[O��[C17i��h�T�f171 hereunder shall,at the electi�n of�andlord, becorn�null and void and of no further far�e and eff'ec�. ��} In the e�ret�t that Tenant shall extend the T�rm pursuant to t��is Sectian,such ext�nsian shall be on ihe same term�and�onditions as set f�rth in this Leas�, except: �i)there shal t be no furth�r right ta�xtend th�Terrn�f this I��ase;and�i i�th�annual F�xed Rent during the Extensiot�Term shall be as fail�ws�the"�ption Rent"}: �A} The annual Fix�d Rent due hereunder during the �rst lease year �f the Exten�ion Term shall equa�the F�xed Rer�t pa��abl� during th�last lease year�f the original term, increa�ed b}�3°/0; and �B} The annual F�x�d Rent due hereunder f�r each subsequent lease year�f the Ext�nsion T�rm sha�1 �qual the Fixed Rent pa�ra�le during the�r�vi�us l�ase year, i ncr�ased by 3°�o. Durin�the Ext�nsion Terrn,Tenant shall continue to pay all additional rent and ather char�es as provi ded hereunder, Sh�uld Tenant furth�r�xtcnd the Term as pro�rided herein,the term "�'e1•n1",as us�d her�in sh�ll refer to th�Term tog�ther w�th the Extension Term. 3.c. Perm its�onti n enc t 1� Tenant's obligations under thi�Lease are candttianed an Tenant vbtaining a!1 permits and appro�rals �ssued by the appropriate�o�ernmenta�authvrity or authorities -4- }�erm i�ting to�perat�i[s bus�ness at th�Prem ises for th� Perm itted Us��the"1'�r�j�iit.s"}. The Permits include a lEquor lic�ns�p�rmittin�Tenant ta se�l un�pened bottles or containers of a[coholic be�erages at or fram the Prernises�the"�iq��or Li�.•en.s�"}. Tenant sha�i use i�s best efforts t�obtain the Pern�its by JuIY �4,2�24(the`iPerjrritrrng C���l.ric��Date"�. Teflant shall keep Landlord full�r inf�rmed of i�s pro�ress in obtaintn�the Permi�s, includ�n�copies of all subrnittals made an�tim�ly notice of th�dates af any hearin�s. Upon obtainin�the Perm�ts ' �the"P��-rr�its I.�ate"},T�nant shall pron�ptly�o notify Landlard,and prvvide L�nd�ord ti�rith copzes af same. If despite Tenant's b�st eff`orts, it c�nnot abt�ir�the Permits by the PermEtting�utside Date, Tenant shall ha�e the right ta terminate t��is Lease by written notice to Landl�rd not�ater than the Permitting�utside Date(and if Tenant shall fail ta pravide such notice of terminat��n by the Permitting�utsid�Dat�,Tenant's ri�ht ta�errninate this Lease pursuant t�this subsection sha�l be deerned�vai�ed by Tenant and the Term shall cammer�ce as of July �S,��?4]. If Tenant shall not so t�rminate this Lease and the Term cornmen��s,at any time thereaf�e�until Tenant actuatly obtains the Permits and pro�rides La�ndlord with notic�of same, Landlard shall ha�re the r��ht to terminate this Lease by written n�ti�e to Tenant. (2� 1t is agreed that,nat�rithstand�ng anythin�ta the cantrar}r in this L�ase,Tenant ma�not enter the pr�per�y or other�ise use and occup�r the Premises or any portion there�f prior to the Perm�ts ha�ing be�n ab�ai n�d and the R�rm its Dat�ha�i ng�ccurred. 4. RENT 4,a. Fixed Rent. Tt�e annual fixed rent("Fixed��jxt"�payable by the Tenant to the Landlard dur�ng the Term shall be as fallo��vs: Lease Year Annual Fixed Rent Manthl� In�tallrnents . 1 $62,53Z �5��1 2 $64 4�4 �5,3�? 3 �b6,336 $5.5�8 � � ��8,3�8 �5,�94 S �?0 38� �5,8f 5 The obligation to pa�the rixed Rent�hall cammence an the Term Comm�ncement Dat. S i multaneously��ith T�nant's del i very of an ex�cuted Lease to Land I ord,Tenant shall pay to Landlord the Fix�d Rent due far the partial mot�th at the be�innsn�of the Terrn to�ether with the Fixed Rent for the first ful l rr,anttl of the T�rm �in the total amaunt af�7,8�?}. A l l F�x�d Rent shal[ be payable i n monthly �nstal lments due on the f rst day af every manth thereaf�er durin�the Term. A11 rent paymen�s are due in ad�ance withaut natice,demand, deductian or set-off. If the f rst lease year ar last lease year�s shorter or��ng�r than on� 12-month year,the annua! Fixed R�nt f�r such lease year shall be d�crea�ed or increased praportionate�y. 4.b. Additional Rent. Tenant shall also pay,in addition to the Fixed Rent,as additional rent hereunder,��ith�ut notic�(exc�pt as specifically pro��ded und�r this Lea�e}, demand,deduction or set-�ff, all surns, irnpasiti�ns, co�ts, expenses and other pa�rm�nts�hich Tenant in any oft�l�provis��ns o�this Lease assurnes or a�rees to pay,and, in case of any n�npa�ment thereaf, Landlard shall ha�e in addition to any other ri�hts and remedie�,all�f the ri�hts and remedies provided by 1 a��v or pra�ided f�r�n the Lease for tl�e nnnpayment of rent. 5. T�ME AND PLA�E OF PAYMENTSILATE FEEISE�URITY QEP�SIT S.a. Payment of Rent. A�l payrnents uf rent and other amounts due hereunder shall be made by the Tenant�a the Landlord with�ut n�tice or demand at suCh plac�as the Landlord may from tirne to time des�gnat�in writing,which shal� initial�y be Landlord's notice address,as -5- provided�n Sectian 30. The extension artirne for the payment of any amaunt due hereundec,or the acc�ptane�thereof after the time at which it is payable shatl not be a waiWer�f the ri�hts of the Landlord ta insist or�havin�all other pay�ments made in the mann�r at the times h�rein specified. S,b. Late Fee. In the e�ent any Fixed �ent,additional rent�r any other payrnents are not pa�d���thirt ��days of th�due date thereaf,Tenant�hal1�e char�ed a �ate fee oT$3��for each late payment for each month or portian thereof t��at said payment remains outstandin�. Said late fee shal�be payable in addition to and n�t in�x�lusian of additional r�medies herein pro�ided t�Landlord. �.c. Se�uritv D�posit. Tenant shall pro�ide a s��uril�r�ep�sit to Landlard in the amount of�l�,U04�the"�ec�rrit�De�n.sit"}.The 5�cursty Deposit shall be paid in ful� simultane�usly with Tenant's de�i�ery af an executed Lease to Landlord. Th� Securit}r Deposit shall be held as�ecurit}r for th� paym�nt of the rents and the perf�rmance and obser�rance af ihe a�r�em�nts and condit'rons in thi� Lease contained�n the part of the T�n�nt ta be perf�rm�d and observ�d. Th�Se�urit�Deposit�h�ll be he�d by i.,andlord and ma}r bz eom ing�ed��ith Laridlord's other assets,and T�nant shall not be�ntitled ta any iriter�st an the S�curit�D�p�sit. �n tt���vent of any default or defau�ts in such payment,�erformance or observanc�, Landl�rd may app�y the Security Deposit ar any part th�r�of taward the curing af any��such defau�t or defaults andlar ta�rard compensating Landlord far any loss�r dar��age arisin� frorn an�such default ar defaults,in��uding any dama�es ar deficien�ies in the rel�tting ofthe Premises,whether such damag�or de#iciet�cy occurs hefor�or after a rep�ssession proceedin�or other reentry by Landlond. It i�understo�d and a�reed that Landlard shal[alway�haWe ihe right to apply said sum, or any part thereof,as aforesaid in lhe eWent of any such defau�t or defaults,without prejudi�e to any Qther remed}r or rem�dtes tivhich Land�ord may have or Land[ord may pursue any other such rernedy�r remedies �n lieu af applying�aid sum ar any part thereof. i f Landlard sha�� apply the Securit��De��sit�r any par�there�f as aforesaid,Tenant shall u�on d�mand pa�r to L�ndl�rd the amount�o appli�d by Land��rd,to restore the Security Depasit to it�ori�inal amaunt. Upot� yielding up of the Premis�s at the expiratian or ather t�rmination of th�Term,if Tenant sha�l not then be in default or�ther��rise Ziable ta Land�ard,the Security Deposit or th�unapplied balance th�r�af shal�be returned ta Tenant. V�henever the holder of Landlord's interest in thrs L�ase shal� transfer its interest in this Lease,said hald�r sha11 turn o�rer to its transf�ree the Se�ur�ty Deposit or the unapplied balan�e thereof, and thereafter such holder shal� be relea�ed from an�r and ai� �iabilsty to Tenant with r�spe�t ta the S�curity Depasit or its application ar r�turn. The f�older af an}r m�rtgage upon Land�ord's Pr�perty shall ne��r be responsible ta Tenant far the Security Depasit ar i�s application or retum unless the Security Deposit sha�l actually ha�e been received hy such holder. fi. T�NANT'S SHARE�F �PERATIN� E�iPENSE��LJTILiTY �BLIGATI��� 6.a. ,Tenant'�_O�eratin�Expense Ot�l� a� t� on. Tenant�t�all pay to the Landlord, as additional rent hereunder 3.��°�o�f any increase in the�per�ting Exp�t�ses for ea�h�perating year�as d�fined bela�v)o�er the O�erating Expenses f�r ea�et�dar y�ar�OZ3("Base f�perat�ng Fxpenses"�. For th�purpose of thi� Lea�e the term"f��eratirrg�xperrses"shall mean th��e c�st�incurred by L�ndlord�ith respect t�the operation,administration,cleanin�,repair, management and maint�nance of Landlard's Propert���tncluding both the Building and the land on vwhich the Build�ng is l�cated�, including�ut nat limited t�the f�llo�ving: sa�aries,wages,medical,surgica� and general�relfare benefts(including group life insurance},pension payments,payrall taxes and warkmen's�ompensatiQn insuranee vf�mplaye�s of Landlurd engaged �n the operatian and w�w ma�ntenance af 1.andl�rd's Propert}+; electri�ity,st�atn,gas,heating fu�l and other ut�lity charges and taxes; real estate taxes and assessn�ents�f every kind and nature imp��ed,as�essed or levied by a governm�ntal auth�rity on Landlord's Property, �ncluding with�ut limitation a!1 tax�s, betterments,and assessmen�s tord�nary and extra�rd�nary},and all installments ther�of;►�vater and sev�er rent�,taxes and char�es;casua l ty, l i�►bi I i�y, rental i nterruptian and other insuran��;repai rs and maintenance,rubbish r�mo�al,��indow cl�aning,snow remo�a� and care�f landscaping;casts and expenses of inspection,use,maintenance and depr�ciation of machin�ry and equiprnent used sn the operation and maintenan�e of Landlord's Praperty;costs of heating and(�f applicab�e)air �vnditia�in�the Buildin�;costs af cleaning sertrices for the Bui�ding;building and cleaning supp�ies, uniform�an�dry cleanin�;ac�ountin�and f�gal fe�s and charges; management fees not in excess of campetitive rates for such servic�s ir�the ar�a;��rvice contracts with indeRendent contractors;telephone,data cammunication�,stationery and advertisin�;and all other expenses paid in connectton with the�peratian�f Landlord's Pr�perty�rhich are properly char�eab�e aga�nst inc�me. �perat�ng E�penses shal� t�ot include any capital expen�iitures for impr�wements �meanir��exp�nditures which ar�not properly chargeab�e a�ainst income�,exGept far those capitalized impr�vements�r iten�s�i)required by f�deral,stat�or f��a! r��utacion or ordinance not in ef�ect a�of the Term��mmenc�ment i3ate and�ii}which ar�int�nded, fn Landlord's reasanable judgment, to reduce tl�e�peratEng Expens��. �.b. Pa�rment af Share�f O�eratin�Ex�enses. Tenant sEiall pa}r�uch additianal rent far�ts share of�ncreases in the�pet�t�ng Expenses sn est�mated monthly installmenis,as determin�d by the Landl�rd from time to time. Su�h rnvr�thly estimated payments from Tenant to Landlord for i ncreases i n�perati n�E�penses shal l be due on the fi rst day of each month thereafter during the T�rn�, suc��pa}r���ents to�e rnade ta�etl�er with t�1e pa}rment��f Fix�d Rent hereunder. The o�li�ation ta pay additional rent on account of increases in�perat�ng Ehp�nses shall commen�e�r�the Term Gomm�ncement Date. At the be�inning of ea�h a�eratin�year,Landlard s��all deterrnin�the estimated increases in �peratin�Ex�en�es far that aper�ting year,which amount shall remain in effec�unt�l the last day of that operating year, un��ss further adjusted by Landl�rd from time ta time. Af��r the end of eacl�operating�rear, i,andlord�hall pro�ride T�nant��rith a statement setting forth the a�tua����rating Ex�enses far that operatin�year,the Base�peratin�Exp�n�e5,Tenant'� share�f th�in�rease in the�perating Expense�over the Base�perati�g Expens�s, and any additi�nal rent owed by Tenant or any overpayment by T�nant�vith resp�ct to that�perating Year. �Vithi n l 5 days therea�er,Tenant shal l pay Land lard any bal ance due,and if Tenant overpaid, such�verpa�rrn�nt shall be credi�ed to the next installrnent of rent du�hereunder. Th�t�rm "apera�ir�g}�ear"shall mean the periad of t�relve months as desi�nated from time to tirne by the i.andlord,if the Term sha�l contain only a part�al op�ra�ing}�ear,at the beginning or end of the Term,the��erati ng Exp�nses for such operati ng y�ar shal l be prorated. T�nant'�abligati�n to pay additi�na! rent under this Section shaEl survi�e th�exp�ratian or early terrnination of the Term. �.c. Tenan^�Audit Ri�hts. Landlord sha�l permit Tenant,at Tenant's expense and during normal bus�ness hours,but onl�one time��vith r�spect to any operating year,and uti�i2ing a licensed�ertified Fub[i�Accoun[ant experienced ir��f�ce leasing expen�e issues wh�is not paid �irect�y or indire�tly bas�d an their results ar recovery,ta review Landl�rd's invaices and statements relating tv�perating Expenses for the applicabte operating year fvr the pur�ase af verif}rin�th�statement�vhich Landlord is required to deli�rer t�T�nant hereunder,provid�d thai natice of Tenant's���ire to so r��ricw is gi�r�n to Landlord not later than 3 manths ai�er T�nant -7- recei�es such statement fram Landlord, and pro�rided that such r��ri���� is thereafter commenc�d and prosecuted�y Tenat�t��ith due�i 1 i�enc�. A ny�peratin�Expenses Staternent�r a�counting by Landl�rd sl�all be binding an�conclusi�r�upan Tenant unless(i}Teflant duly reque�ts su�h audit�rithin such 3-month p�riod, and�ii�withsn 3 man�hs after such audit request,Tenant sha1� natify Landlord in writing that Tenant disputes the c�rrectne�s of such statement,specif}�ing the particular respe�ts in which the statement is claimed t��e inc�rr�ct,and includin�the wtitten report i ssu�d by it5 [i�ensed,�erti f ed Publ i c A ccountant identifyi ng su�h i n�orrect items based on i�s reWiew of Landlord's�perating Expense records. The results af any su�h audi t by Tenant�hal� be c�t�ftdential,and�hall not b�pro�ided ta,discuss�d�r shared in any way wich any ather partie�. If such dispute has not been settled by a�reernent within 2 m�nths thereafter,either party ma�submrt the d�spute to arbitration in accordance�ritf�comn�ercia! arbitration rule�of the American Arbitratian Ass�ciati�n within 3�days aft�r the expiration of the aforementioned 2 month period. The de�ision�f the arbitrat�rs shall be final and b�ndin��n Land��rd and Tenant and judgment therean may be entered in any�ourt�f competent jurisdi�tian. 6.d. S�e�ial �peratin�Expenses. In additi�n to the faregoing,during the Term, Tenant shal t pay to Landl�rd l D4°/o af any�peratin�Ex�enses which are incurred by Landlard and are caused by an}r default or any r�eg�ig�nt act�r omission by the Tenant or its emplayee�, agents,contractars ar in�itees, are due ta ser�ices performed as special services to the Tenant, which service�are not pr�vi�ed gen�ra�ly to oth�r tenants of the Building. �.e. Tenant's Uti[ity�b1 i�ations. The Tenant shal 1 prom ptly pay for al l uti l iti es furnished to the Premises t�rhich are separately metered or measured, including without limitatian al� e�ectrica�service ta the Premises. If an�r utility i�furnished to the Premises as well as to other t�nants, �ut nat a�l other tenants, of the Bui id in�,Tenant shall pay,as add i[ional rent hereunder, upan dernand, its pra rata share of sueh ut�lity,up�n a square footage�asis,�vith the�ther tenants to wham such utility is furnish�d. 7. SER�I�ES 7.a. El ectric Curr�nt. W ith respect ta elec�rical servi c�, i t is agreed as folla�rs: �i) The Premise5 contain a�eparate electric m�t�r or meters for measuring electra�ity furnish�d ta the premises. Ten�nt shall contract v�rith th��ompany supp�ying e�ectrica�current for the purchas�and obtainin�of electrical current directly from such company, which shal� be billed directly ta and paid �`or l�y T�nant. Thi�shal� includ�all electricity used in the Premises, ineluding but not limited ta all electricity used for heating,air��nditioning and �entilation, lighting,c�n�enience�utlets,equipment and machines �2) The Landlard shall ha��th�right, in its sale discreti�n,to d���gnate fr�m time t�time(and to change any previous des�gnation)the particular ut�lity company or compani�s�vho v�rill be supplying�le�trical s�rvices ta the Build�n�ar any port�on thereof,and, �f Landtord has so des�gnat�d such carnpanies,Tenant shall contract for its electrical ser�ic� exclusi�rel}� fr�m such companies. (3) If Tena�t shall requir�electrica� current for use in the Premises in exc�ss af the pre�ent capacitie�and if in Landlord's reasanabl�judgment,Land�ord's facilities are inade�uate for such ex�ess re�u�rem�nts or such excess requirements wil� result in an additional burde�an the�u�lding system�and additional cost to Landtard on account thereaf,then Landlord �hall upon writ�en request and at the so�e e�si and exp�nse af Tenant,furnish and instal!such add�t�anal w�res,cunduits, feeders,swit�hboa��s and appurtenances as reasanably rnay �e required t�supply such�dditianal r�qusrements af Tenant,proWided�urrent theref�r is a�railable to Lat�dlord, ar�d provided furth�r that the same shall be p�rmitted�y applicable la�rs and insuran�� regulations and shall r�ot cause perma�nent dan�a�e to�he Build�n�or tl��Premises,cause or create ��w � a dan�erous or hazardous condition, �nt�il excessi�e or ut�reasonab[e alterations or repairs, or interfere with or disturb ath�r tenants or accupants of the Buildin�. T�n�nt�hall reimburs� Landlord on dem and for a l l costs i ncurred by Landlord�n account thereof. �4} Tenant shall��re�p�nsible,at Tenant's expens�, f�r keepin�all [ight fixture�properly lamped at al1 times and for purchasing and installing all lamps and replacement lamps(including without lim�tatiot�hoth tncandescent and fluarescent}used zn the Premis�s,such that the Premises are saf�l}r lit at all times�f use. �5} Landiord shal� not �n any way be liable or responsible t�Tenant far any lass,damage or expens�which T�nant may sustain or Encur if ihe quantity,�haracter�r suPP�Y of electrica�ener�y is changed�r�s n� ��nger awai�able or suitabl�f�r Ter�ant's re�uir�rnents. �G} Tenant agr�es that it shall not make any material alteration or material additi�n ta the electrical ��uipment or appliances in the Prernises withaut�btain�n�the pri�r written consent�f Landlord in each in�tance,vvhich cons�nt wilt not be unreasonably withheld,and Tenant shall promptly ad�ise Landtord of any other alteration ar addition tQ such ele�trica� e�uipm�nt appl iances. 7.b. �ater. Landlard shall fumish hot and cold�vater to common area restr�oms � for toi let, la�atory and dr�nk�ng purposes,and for ard inary interi or c�eani ng,and, i f th�Premises c�r�tains any la�rat�ries�r ather si m i 1 ar faci l it i�s wh ich ut�l ize water for such purposes, Landl�rd shall alsa furnish hot and c��d�vater ta suct� IaWat�ries and faci 1 ities. I f Tenant r�quires,us��or con�umes water f�r any purpose ather than fvr the af�rementioned purposes ar otherwise in excessive quanti�ie�,Land�ard may�i�asses�a rea�anable�har�e far the additional��ater used�r consumed by Tenant,or�ii) instal! a��rater meter and thereb}r rneasure Tenant's water consumpti�n for a�l purposes. In the latter e�ent,Landl�rd shall pay�he cost of the meter and the cost of insta[�atian thereof and shall keep said rneter and installation equipment in good v►rorking order and repair. Tenant a�rees t�pay for water c�nsumed,a�shown on said meter,together with the s�wer use char�e based on�aid meter charg�s as and when bi l is are rendered. �n defau It i n mak�ng such paym�nt,Landlord may pay such charges and c�llect the same from Tenant as additi�nal rent her�under. Any pipin�and other��uipment and facilities for use of water within the Premise��if any}will be maintained�y Tenant at Tenant's��le cost and expense, 7.c. HeatlAir Cori�itianin�. �i} La�ndl�rd shall furnish heat and air conditioning t�the�ommon Areas of the Building during th� Building's b�usiness hours and bu��ness days,as established by Landlard fr�rn time to tim��"Business I�or�rs"�,durin�the norrnal heating and co�ling seasons. �2� Tenant�hall be re�pvns�ble heating and air�onditioning the Premises, including all utility costs,the costs of all maintenance and repair af the H�A�system and �ts campanent�,and the cost�of an�re�la��ments or upgrades or supplem�nts af the �i�A� system or any of its com�onents. Tenant covenants and agree�to ke�p the premises heated and air canditioned t�usual and custornar�r le�rels during Business Hours and to keep the Premises heated at leas�to minimurn levels to prot�ct the Pren�ises and buildin�systems dur�r�g all hours wElen�he Premises are not occupied. ?,d. Ele�atars. If the Building eontains eievators,and if the Premises ar� locate� an a flaor requiring ac��ss by elevat�r,Laridlord sl�all pravide elevator facilities��vhich may be manually or autamaticalty operated,eiiher ar bath, as Landlord may from time to tim�el�ct� dur�ng Business H�urs and during other haurs that the Building is open, f�r Tenant's use,n�n- �xclusi�ely,tog��her witl��thers ha�ing busines��n the Building; -9- 7.e. Interruption or,�urta��ment of S�rWic�s. Landlord r�5erves the ri�ht to interrupt, curtail,stop or suspend th�furnish'rn��f sec�rices�including the elevator�and the aperati�n of the plumbin�, m�chanical,heatin�and el�ctri��ystems�rhen��er necessary� for repairs,al�erati�ns,replacements ar impro�emen�s desirable or necessar}r to be mad�in the reasonabie j udgment of Landl ord ar whene�er ne�essary due tv acci dent or emergency,d i ff cu�ty �r i nabi�it}r i n s�curing suppl ies or l abor�tri kes,or any other cause beyond th�reasona ble control af Landlord,v►�hether sucE�o�her cause be s�m i lar ar d iss im i lar ta tl�ose here i nabaWe��eci f cal ly mentianed,until sa�d cau�e has been remaved. Ex�ept when caused by the�ross ne�li�ence of Landlord, there shall be na di�ninuti�n ar abatement of�ent�r other campensati�n due from Tenant to Landlord hereur�der, nor shall this Lease be aff�ct�d or any of Tenant's abli�ations hereunder reduced,and Land lord shal l ha�e no responsi bi�ity or 1 i abil ity f�r any suc�l interruptian, curtailment,stoppage�r suspen�ian af services�r system�,ex�ept that Landlard shall exercise r�asonab�e due diligence t�eliminate the cause of sam�. 7.f. Ener�v�;ervation. Notwi�hstanding anything t�the cantrary contained in this Lease, t�andl�rd rnay in�titute su�h reasonable policies,programs or rneasures as may be necessaty, required or expedient for the�anser�ratiort andlor presertiration of ener��r ar energ�r services,pro�ided either the majority ofsimilar bui�dings in the area in vr�hi�h the Building is located are subj ect to si m i lar pol ices,programs ar m easures,or such are necessary�r req ui red to earnply v�ith applicable��vernmental cades,ru�es, re�ulatians or standards. 7.g. �leanin�. Tenant shall he respansible,at its sole c�st and�xpen�e, far a�l cleaning of the interiar of the Premise�,including all star�fronts and glass. S. �U1ET ENJ�YM��IT The Tenant,upan}�r�mpt payment af the rent and ot��er amounts t�erein reser���d,and upon the performance of al1 af�ts�bligations under this Lease,shall at a1l times during the T�rm and during any extension ar renewa� thereof,peac�ably and quietly�nj�y the Premises�yithout any disturbance from th� Landlord or from �n�r other person�laiming throu�h th�I.andlord, subject,howe�er,t�the rights of h�iders of rnortgages and t�the terms and pro�isions of this Lease. 9. ��N�ITI�NIPREPARATI�N �F PREM�S�SIAi.TERAT��N�IRET�JRN 9.a. ��ndition of the Premis�s. The Premises are leased to the Tenant in�heir"as is"conditian and Landlord shal� have no ob�igatian to complete any w�rk to prepare the Pr�rnises for Tenant's occupanc�r, Tenant accept�the Premises in their candit��n as of th�Term�ammencement Date,with�ut representation or vriarranty,express or implied,in fact nr in law,by Landlard and without r�course to Landlor�as to the nature, candit�on or usabil�ty thereof: It i�underst��d and agreed that the Landlord has ma�e no repre�entations as to the c�ndition afthe Premises or the Building,�r as to the�r ftn�ss far any spe�ifi�purpose. Tenant also canfirms that the nature,ext�nt and quality af the management,maintenan��and serWices as currently prov�ded�y I.andlord ta the Premises and Landlard's Property ar�satisfa�tory in a�l respect�and are and shall�e de�me�t�be �n fu�l ��mplian���vith the term�of this Lease; and Tenant her�b�r irre�acably wa�ves any �nconsistency, nonconformity�r def ciency in such existing and current candition�and services with the requirement�af this Lease. 9.b. Tenant's Work. Tenant shall l�e respansibte, at Tenant's s�le e�st and exp�nse,for any and a�l ti�rork or improvement�t�the Premi�e�ta prepar�same for Tenant'� occupan�y,and such wark sha�� �e deemed for al� purpase�ta he Alteratians,as def ned h�reund�r,and subje�t to the provisions here�fapplicable ther�ta. -10- 9.c, Alterations. I�la alterattons, additions or improvements�1lereinafter "�4�terativns"}to the Premises shall �e made by the Tenant without ihe prior written c�nsent of th� Landlord,which rnay be�ranied or withh�ld at Landlard's sole discretian. All��ork dane in ��nnecti�n with any Alteratians,follow�n�Landford's appraval thereaf,�hall be d�ne �n a�aad and workmanlike mann�r, in a�cardance��ith afl applicabl� la«s,��rith all perrnits and approvals therefor obtained b}r Tenant and perf�rmed�y contractors appro�red by Landlord. Ar�y such �antract�r sha�l be required to pro�ridc certifieates af comprehensiv�general �iability at�d praper�y dama�e in�urance in amounts reasonably reyuired by Landlord,naming Landlord as an additionaI insured. �nce commenced by Tenant,such w�rk sha11 pro��ed dili�ently and cnntinuously to completian, and in perform�ng such A lt�ratfot�s, Tenant shall a�roid interferin�with the use and occupancy of other tenants of the Bu i 1 d ing ar�d shal[ keep al[areas ou��ide tl�e Premise5 c lean and f�ee af dehr�s at a!l times. Tenant shall comply,and shall�ause its contr�ctors to��mpl��, w�th any reasonable d irecti�e from the Landlard regard in�the perfarmanee of the A�teration�. Any A�terations made by the T�r,ant after su�h consent shafl have been�iven, an�any non-trade fixtures installed as part ihereof(and an}�Alterations�r not�-trade #ixtures insta�led durin�the term ofthe Existing Lease)shall at the L�ndlord's option become the propert�r of the Landlard upon the expiration or other soon�r termination of`th�s Lease. If Landiord shal� fail to exercise�u�h option, the T�nant shall rema�e such fixtures(inctuding without limitation all Alterations and fixtures insta�led during the term of the Existing Lease)at the Tenant's��st up�n th�termxnation�f this L�as�, lea�i n�the Prem ises i n ga�d ord�r and repai r,reasanabl e wear ar�d tear only excepted. 9.d. Return of Pr�mises. The Tenant shall,at the expiration ar earlier tern��nati�n of th�s L�ase,cem��e it�goods and effects and peac�ab�y yi�ld up the Pr�mises clean and in gaad �rder,repair and condition,ordinary wrear and tear except�d�but this�xception shall apply only if 'I'enant has emp�oyed�o�d maintenan��practic�s,and this exception�hall not excuse T�n�nt from any obligatian hereunder to mak�nec�ssary repairs and replac�ments},att�except f�r repairs which the Landlord expre�sly agrees to mak�as herein pra�ided; and Tenant shall repair any injury�done ta the Prernises or the Build�ng or the P�aperty by the snstal�atian or remo�al of ihe T�nant's f xtures or ot��er pra�erty. 10, MAI�iTEIr1AN�E AND REPAIRS Tenant shall maintain all par�ions�f the Premis�s and immediat�ly adjaining areas,and interior sides of�•in�aws,includin�all storefronis, in a c��an and ord�rl}�candition, free�f dirt, rubbish and ob�tructions. The TenAnt sha�l make a�l n�ns#ructural repaics ne�es�arSr to maintain th�Pt`ern[ses in�ood order and repair, except repairs relat�d t�comm�n fa��lities�r u�ility insta��ations�`or�he common us�of th�Bu�lding(but if such repairs are required as a result of Tenant's n�glect or fault,Tenant sha�l b�responsible for the co�ts thereof}. 1 l, INS[]RANCE I l.a. Ind�mnsfication. The Tenant shall save the I.andlard harrnless and indemnified fr�m and against all �njury, lass,claim vr damage t�any persan ar pra�erty wh�le an the Prernis�s or Landlord's Pr�perty ar��ing out af the use ar occupan�y af the PremY�es by the Tenant�unless cau�ed by the gro�s negligence or default of the Landlord,its emplay�es,a�ents, licer�sees or contractors}and fra�n and against a!l injury, l�ss, claim or damag�to any pers�n or praperty occasiQned by any act,ne�lect or defau[t�f the Tenant�r any afTenant'�agents, empl�yees or cantractors. l l.b. Li abi l i �nsurance. The Tenan��hall mai ntai n wsth re�pect to the �rem ises and appurtenanc�s#hereto,campr�h�nsi�re general liabil�ty and propea-t�dama��includ�ng the broad form comprehensive�eneral l»bility endorsement and a contractual liability co�rerage �ndorsement, in limits of not less than��,4Q0,�00 per accurrence,or such�reater amaunt as i.andlor�d shall reasonably re�uire fr�m tirne to time during the Term} for camb�ned single limit -11- b�ily injury and property damage liability, in companies qual�f ed to do busine�s in Massachusetts and acceptable to Landl�rd, insuring the Landlard as��rell as the Tenant again�t i nj ury ta persons ar damag�to prQperty as herei n pr��i d�d. �1.e. Prapet�r Insucance. The Tenant shall maintain, at �ts so�e cast�n�expense, fir�and ext�nded covera��i nsurar�ce for al� af its contents,furn iture, furnish�n��,equi pm ent, impro�ements, funds,personal propercy, f1o�r caverin�s and fixtures�acate���ithin or about the Premises,pro�iding pr��ectian in an amaunt equal to 1 U4°�� percent of ttte full replacement�alue of said item��replac�rnent�alue meaning the cost of repairin��r r�placing th�dama�ed propert� �rithaut deduct�an for depreciatian}. l l.d. Insurance P��icies. The Tenant shall deposit�ith the Landlord certificates of insurance that it is required t�maintain und�r this Section,at or prior t�the Term�ommencement Dat�of th�s Lease, and thereafter,w�thin 30 days prior ta th�expirati�n af each such policy. Such policies shall to the�xtent abtainable, pro�ide t��at the pofici�s may nat be ctianged ar canceled without at least 3�days priar�vritten notice ta the Landlord. Su�h insurance rnay�e maintained by the Tenant under a blanket�oliey or�al�c�es so-cal�ed. l l.e. Landlord'� Insurance. Landlord s��all �n�intain fir�and extended co�era�e insurance an the Building proWiding protection in an am�unt determtned by Landlord tv be adequate. The costs of�u�h insuranc�and any other ir�suranee obtained b�r Land�ard with re�pect to the Propeny and its operations shall be included as part ofthe�peratir�g Expenses. I l.f. �aiv�r of Subra�ation. Landlard and Tenant and all parti�s claiming under rhem mutually releas�and�ischarge�:ac�l other fram a�l claim�and liabilities arisin�fr�m or caused by any casualty ar hazard covered or nequired hereunder to be coWered in«rhole or in part by insut�n�e on the Premis�s�r rn eanneet��n with property on or acti�ities c�nducted on the Prem i5es,an�v�ai�e any ri�ht of subrogatior�which m ight otherwise ex ist i n or ac�rue to any pers�n on a�count thereof,prav�ded�hat such re�ease shall n�t�perate �n any cas�where the effect is t� invalidate or in�r�ase th�c�st of such insurance coverage�pro�ided,that in th�cas�of increased cost,the other party�hall ha�e the right,within 3�day�s fo[lowing�vritten notf��,to pay� �uch increased co�t,thereby keeping such release and wai�er in full farce and eff`ec�}. 1�. FIRE ANI�CAS�JALTY ��4MAC E i?.a. Termination. Shou�d all ar a porti�n of the Prern�ses,or�f the Bui�ding,be substantially darna��d{as defined belov��b�r f re nr ather casualty,the Landlord at its option may ele�t to t�rminate this Lease. Shauld all ar a portian af the Premises be substantially damaged�as defined bel�w}by fire ar other casualty,the T�nant may elect�o terminate�h�s Lease if: �i} The Landl�rd fai�s ta�ive�vritten natice vvithin 6�da�rs after such damage of its intention to restare the Prem�ses,or �2} Such damag�causes the Premi�es to be unt�nantable for Tenant'� use ther�of for more�han I 2�day�. Ter�ant�haCt exer�i5e it�aption t�t�rrninate by gi�ing v�rritt�n natice t�Landlord, as applicable, withi n 3�days after Landlard's fai 1 ure tQ noti f}r�r�►rithin 3 U days after such j 20day periad. The term"sub�tantia�damage"as used herein�hall ref�r to damag�of such a character thaE the same cannot, in�rdinar�course,be reasonably�xpected to be repaired«rithin 124 d��rs fr�m t�1e time that such work�ommen��s,as rea�onabiy determined by Landlord. 1�.b. Restorati�n and Abatement. If the Term�fi this Lease is not so terminated, Landlard vwill,«rith r�asonable diligence and at it,�expense,repair and rebuild the Premise�as n�arly as r�asanably practicable to the satne c�ndition as �t was prior ta such damage. I.andlord's obligatians to r�pair and rebu�ld shalf in all events b�limited to the insuranc�praceeds made _y�_ a�rai labl e to Landlord. . Landl ord sha l C not he gbl igated to repair�r r�store Tenant's personal pro�erty,fxtures,furniture,equipment or flo�r���ering�or any Alterations performed by Tenant. �f the Term �f this Lease is n�t sa t�rn�inated, far s�lang a�such f re or casualty renders t}�e Prernises�ubstantial�y unsuitable�`ar the Ten�nt's use,a just and prop�rtionate abatement of rent shall be made until Landl�rd's repa�rs have�een completed. It is expressly understoad and a�re�d that n�thing in this Lea��contained shall be d�emed ta �reate in Tenant any i nterest i n any ha2ard �nsurance pol i cies or the proceeds thereof. �3. EMINENT DaMAIN 13.a. Term�nation. I n the ev�nt that the�vho�e of the Prem ises or Landlord's Property shall be lawfully condemned ar taken in any manner for any public or quasi-pubtic use, this Leas�and the Term hereby granted shall forthwsth terminate as�f the date of the diWesting of Lan�lord's title. 5hould a porti�n of the Premises,or of th�8ui lding,�r of Landlord's Propert3r, he so candernn�d or taken,and�uch taking is sub�tantial �a�d�fined be�ow),the Landlard at its option may ele�t to terminate�hi5 Lease. Should a portion of the Prem�ses be so condemned or taken,and su�h tak�ng is substantial ��s definec�bel�w�,the Tenant ma�r e��ct to terminate this L�ase i f: ��} Such takin��r candemnati�n results in the perm�nent loss of: reasona��e ac�ess t�the Premises,or ��°�o or more of the Pr�mises,ar fa�ilities rhat supp�y heat,air condition�ng,water,dra�nage,plumb�ng,e�ectric�ty or other utilitie�ar ser�vice�to the Premises;or ��} Such takin��r��nd�mnati�n caus�s the Premises to be untenantable for Tenant's use thereof for mnre than 1��days. Tenant shall ex�rcise its opti�n t�tertninate�y�rvin�written natice to Landlard��ithin 6�days �`ollaw�ng the date�n�rrhich Landlard's tit�e has h�en divested by such auth�rity. The term "substantia�"as used herein shall refer to a candernnation ar tak�ng which: reduces the floor area af th�Bui�din�,or r��uces th�total ar�a of Landlord's Pr�pert�r b�more th�n 5°Ia,or aff�cts parking andlar access to Landlard's Prop�rty and th�Building,or wil� re�uire, in Larrdlor�'s judgrnent,mare than l20 days to r��tore. 1�.b. Restaratian and Abatement. If n�ith�r the Landlord ar Tenant el�c�s to terminate this Lease as af�resaid,this Lease s1�a11 be unaffected by such taking,�xcept that the Fixed R�nt shail be abated equitab�y. In the e�ent that�nly a part of the Prem�ses shal��e s� cot�demned ar taken and thi s i.ease i s not term i nated as h�rei nbefore pra�id�d, Landlord�i 1l,with reasonable diligence and at its expense,restore the remaining partion of rhe Premises as nearly as reasonably practicabl�to the same condition as it was priar ta such c�ndemnation or takin�. i�andlard's obtigati�ns ta r�store shal[ ifl al� events be limited to the candemnation proceeds mad� available to Landl�rd. 13.c. Award. In the�vent of any condemnation or taking hereinb�f�re mentiot�ed of al1 or part af La��lord's Praperty,Landlord sha11 be�nti�led tv recei�e the entire award in th� �ondemnation proceedin�s, ineluding any award made f�r the value�f the estate�ested by this I.ease in the Tenant,and Tenant hereby expres�ly assigns ta the Landlard any and all r��ht,tit�e ar�d interest oFT�nant now or hereaft�r arisin� in ar to any such�ward or ari�r part ther�of. Notwtthstandi ng the foregoi ng,Tenant shal l have the right ta l�ri ng a separate�ondemnatian proceeding f�t�relocation expenses and th�unamortized�ralue of trade f xtur��payal��e in the manner and�xtent as,and if,pro�rided by law. 14. S I GN S _�3_ Tenant shall not place an��i�ns or other forms of ad�rertisin�on or about the exterior af the Premises or�he Building�including any si�nage �n on or fac�ng tt�e interiar concaurse of ihe Building�or upan any sid�►valks, interi�r�r ext�riar walkways or roads ar dri�es adjacent ta the Buildin�,without Landlord's pri�r�rritten��nsent,whi�h may h��rrithheld at Landlard's so�e dis�r�tion. The foregving prohib�ti�r�shall also prohibit any signs�r other ad�rertising an the wind�ws af the Rremises ar located vvithin the interi�r af the�'rernises that are�isible�utside�he Premises, and, specifica�ly,no banners, flyers or sign�adhered directly to the Premises' ��ir�dovvs shall be perm i tted. Notwithstanding the fore�oing, �f and sa lon�as Tenan�is a retail tenant of the Building and the Premises has an exteriar stor�fr�nt and entrance,Tenant may,at tts so�e�xpense,place one sign on the exteriar of the Building at the Pr�rnises' stQrefront,such exteri�r si�n to be l�ca��d at th� sarn�t��atian as ihe curr�nt exterE�r sign installe�by the Exi�tin�;Tenat��.The�i2e,desi�n and specif��anfiguratian and l�catian�f such s��n shall be�u�ject io Landlord's prior written approval,which shall not be unreasQnab�y tivithheld. �ithout limitati�n, in na e��nt��iil Landlord be re�uire to approve of r�ean,�as, i l I um inated or flash ing signs. Such si�n shal l i dentify Tenant's tradename only and shal! 6e in accordance with Landlord's building standards f�r signage,as establi�hed from tim�t�time,and such sign shall comply tiv�th all applicable la�►rs, including aIl code�y ordfnances and regulatians of the Tawn�f��r�cvrd, and T�nant shall abtain all required perm its and approva�s pri or to i nsta l ling such�ign, in�luding any appra�ra�s r�qui red from ihe Town's Histori�a��ornmission. Such sign shall be fabricated and installed by Tenan�w�thin 45 days aft�r the�arnrnencement Date,s}�af l b�maintained in good condit�on�y Tenant thr�u�h�ut the Term of th is Lease,and shal l be remQved by Tenant upan th�terrn i nati an of this Lease�with an}r damage�aused to the Fremises or Build�ng by such sign�r its remoWal being pr�mptly repaired by Tenant at it�expen�e). Not�vithstandin�the forego�ng, if Tenant is a retaii tenant of the Buitding and the Premi�es has an inter�or concourse�tarefront and entranc�,Tenant may,at it�sal��xpense, place one sign on the co�course face of the�xteriar wall of the Premis��,at th�Pr�mises c�ncourse st�refrant,the si�e, design and ��c�tion�f which shal� he as determ i ned�y LandlQrd,and in al� event�sha11 be at al 1 t�mes in accor�ance�Yith Landlord's Buildin�standard�for concourse si�nage,as established from time t�time. 15. A��ESS �l� The portians of the Buildin�nec�ssary for access ta the Fremis�s sha�l remain open�uring�usine�s ��ur�,as prawided herein, and Tenant's emplo�rees,agenls, customers an� �usiness invitees shall ha�re a rrght af access, in common with others entitl�d thereto,to the Premises duririg Bu�iness H�ur�,subject to emergency conditions. Subje�t tv after-hours security arran�ements, i f an�r,that�n a�be establ i shed by Landl ard from tim e to time,and ta emerger�cy ��nditions,Tenant's emp��yees shalt have access to the Premises during other times. �2� The Landlard shall ha�re ac�e�s to the Premises at all r�asonable times upon reasonable pri�r written or oral notice, exeept in tl�e case of emer�en�}r su�h r�strictions on access sha�� be inapp�icable. (3� Prior t�T�nant's accupanc�af the Pr�mi�es,T�nant shall,at its expense,ha�e a��d�ors ta�he Pr�mises re-key�d,and shall depa�it dupli�a�e�apies�f all keys to tl�e Fremises in the I�n�x Box,sa-called, mainta�t�ed at the Building�r with the Lexin�ton Fire I]�par�ment or such other iacatian a�may be desigr�ated by Landlard. i 6. SUBLEAS�AND ASSjGNMENT -1�- Th�T�nant shaC� n�t assi�n the Leas�or sualet th�Prem��es far th�remaind�r of th� Term�xc�pt with the prior written appro�+al of the Landinrd,which approval may�e granted or �►r�thhe�d at Landtord's st�lc and absolute discr�tian; it��in�understood that the tenant rnix,the nature af any tenant's business, and the identity and experienee oT an�� praposed tenant is of crucial importance to Landlord and to the he concinued success of th�Property, of o�her tenants of the Building and of the due and property mana�ement and operation of the Praperty. �V�thout limiting Landlord's�i�ht t�grant ar�iihha�d ics appro�ral �f any assignment at its sole and abs�lute discreti�n,�r any other c�ndit�an� Landl�rd may elect ta impose,Landiord may cond�tian any such approval on the principal indi�ridual or individuals o�f any entity cons��tutin� th�proposed assignee�ers�nall}r�uaranteeing the abli�at'sons of Tenant under this Leas�. N�twithstanding any such assi�nment ar subletting, it is understoad and a�reed that the original Tenant named here�r�shall alwrays remain primarily and uncanditi�nally liable to LandCord f�r the �b��rvanc�and perforrnance�f the obligations and a�reements afTenant in this Lease contained. it shal! be a condition precedent to the�ranting of any cansent b� Landlard hereunder that Tenant and any�uch assignee or subtenant shall enter into an agr�ement with Landlard, in form sati�factary to�ounse�ta Landl�rd, pursuant to��hich sucl�assi�;nee or subtenant agrees directly �vith Landlord to assume and perfarnn a�l�f the�bl igations and a�reements of Tenant contai ned in this Lease,and cantainin�such ather conditions and pro�isi�ns a�Landlard�hall require. Tenant a�r�es to pay all af Landlard's costs in connection v►rith the cans�derati�n�fany su�h proposed assignment or�ub�etting, inciuding reasonable attnrne��'s fees. Tenant shal�pa�r to Landlard ���anthly��e-h�lf afthe exces�of ttle rents and ather charges recei�red by Tenant pursuant to the ass�gnrn�nt or sub�ease o�er the rents and oth�r charges reser�ed to Landlord under thi s Lease attri butab��ta th�space assigned�r sublet. I 7. DEM�LITI�N I f after January 1, ?03 4,the Landl�rd�hal t determ i ne to demol ish and rebui ld the Building,or t�ur�dertake a sub�tantial ren��ation af the Buildinb,then Landlord has t��e ri�ht t� term�nate th�s Lea�e by givin�to Tenant 6 months' written natice�f Landlord's determination to demolish and r�bui�d�r to renovate,and thereupan the Lease shall terminat�at th��xpiraiion�f such Gmanth period. [8, SUB�RDINATI�N Thi�Lea�e is 5ubject and subordinate to a�l real estate mortga��s and graund 1�ases prior to or subs�quent ta the date of execution and delivery of this Lease and t�al�rene►�rals, mndifeations,cons�lidations,replaeemen�s or extensians th�reof. Up�n the requ�st of Landl�rd, the Tenant sha�l pr�mptly�xe�ute and d�t��er all�uch instruments as may be apprapriate to sub�rdinate this Lease to any�round leases ar�dlar m�rt�a�es,and io all advanc�s made thereunder and to ihe interest therean,and ali rene�ra�s,repla�ements and extensions thereof, pra�ided tha�, in the case of gr�und �eases or m�rtgages entered i nto subsequent to ��rnmencement Date,on the r��uest of Tenant, Land�ord shali use reasonable efforts to ha�e the mortga�ee agree,on�ts custamary farm, not to disturb th�accupancy of Tenant under the L�ase in the e�ent of forecl�sur� if Tenant�s not in default�f a�ny of the terms and c�nditions of this Lease. 19. TENANT'S ��V ENANTS l 9.a. Tenant's Genera C C�venant�. The Tenant co�enants and a�re���s fol l a�s: �a} Tenant�hall perform promptly al��f t11e obligations of the Tenant set f�rth in this Lease and shalt pay when due all rent�including a1l Fixed Rent and ad�itional rent} and all other charges which by the terms of this L�ase are to be paid by the T�nant. _��_ �b) Tenant shall obta i n al� necessary go�ernmental 1 i cense�and R�rm its requi red far the proper and lawful condu�t af Tenant's Uusiness and Tenant's use of the Pr�mises. Tenant,at Tenant's expens�,sha�l comply�y ith a�l health,safety and police requir�rnents affectir�g vr appli�able to the Premi�es or the cl�anliness,safety, oecupancy and use thereof,�►rhether or nat same are su�stantial,for�seen or unforeseen, ardinary or extraordinar�r. Tenant shal� at all times canduct its business in a reputable manner. �c) Tenar�t shall pay all costs an demand for a1� lass or dama�e suffered vr incurr�d by Land�ord cau�ed by Tenant ar caused by nuisan�e or neglect suffered on the Prem ise�due to Tenant, its a��nts,ernployees, i nvi tees or as�i�ns. �d� Tenant shall k�ep the interior of th�Premis�s in a c�ean,neat an��rderly, conditi�n. Tenant shall keep all refuse, ru�b�sh and debris in covered cantainers loca�ed onfy in areas approved b�r Landlord and shall r�ma�e rubbish and debris from the Premises at a frequen�y�onsist�nt with�oad frre�afety, h��giene practices and neatness. 1f addit�onal rubbish p��kup is required,or�f the dumpst�r needs ta be emptied due ta Tenant's usa�e,then such additianal cast shall be paid by Tenant,as additional r�nt hereunder,promptly upan demat�d frvm Landl�rd. (e) Tenant s1�a11 pernl it Land lord and its agents ta exa�n ine the Pre�n i�es at reasonable times,and to sho�r the Premises to prospective t�nants, l�nders, bu�ers and other parcies. The Landiord may enter the Premises to mak�anyr replacements and repair�ar f�r other�urposes,after r�as�nabl�notice ss given to Tenant. �f} Tenant shall use the Premises only for the retail sale af prepackaged spe�ialty foods,snacks and be�erages�including,subject t�and �n stri�t ace�rdan�e with the pro�isions of Section �9.b�[h�,ihe sale�f be�r,��ine and li�uor�{the`�!'errnirred Use") and f�r nu other purpasc. Notv�ithstandin�and without limiting the farega�n�,the Permitted Use shal� not include tn any event or circumstanc�s:�i)the preparatian, coaking or serving of fo�d or b��rerages at the Premises,or any restaurant u�e; �ii�the sale of cigarettes, cigars,vaping or�-�igarettes,or canna�is ar cannabis based praducts, or any related paraph�rna�ia;ar(iii}the sal�af latt�ry tickets ar any ath�r gaming or gambling uses. Tenant shall only canduct its bus�ness in the Premises under a trade name as that has been reas�nably be approved of in v��riting by Landlord, �g) Tenant�ha�� not injure,o�erl�ad, d�face or atherwise harm th�Premises, commit ar�y nuisance or perrni�tl�e emiss�on�f any abjectianable od�r,or make any use of the Prernises�which will inGrease the ca�t of the Land�ord's insurance[unless Tenant pays for such increased cost). Tenar�t shall n�t sell or display mercha��ise in or stare ar dispo�e of trash or refu�e in ar oth�rwise obstruct the dri�e��ays,watks,halls, parking area, ar other comman areas. The side�alks,en�ranees, interi�r corridors, and stairv�ays sha�i not be�bstructed or encumbered by�he Tenant or used for any purpose o�her than egres�t�and frorn the Prem ise�. �h� Tenant shall not suff`�r vr p�rm�t strip�r waste, �i} Tena�t shall not permit any use that may�e deem�d obnuxious or�hich unre�soriably i�t�rferes��vit��4r affects any other tenants in th�Buildin�or creates a publ iC ar private nuisance or fire ��a��rd. �j) Tenant�hall not��nduct an�r auction, fire,bankruptcy�r go�ng-�ut-of-business sale,nor u5e ar perm�t any saund apparatu�for reproductian or tr�nsmissian�f mus��or saund wh�ch shall be audihle beyond the ph�rsi��l interior�f the Premises. _��_ (k] Tenant shall camply with Landl�rd's Rules and Regulations as are curr�ntly it� effe�t and such reasonable rules and r�gulatians as s1�a11 from time to time hereafter be establEsh�d by the Landlord farthe safety,car�,cl�an�iness or orderly conduct ofthe Prem ises and Land��rd's Property,and for the benef�t,cam fort and canr�enience of al l of the oc�upant�of the Building. The Rules and Regulation�as currently in effect are as set farth in Exhibit B attached h�reto. ��} If during the Term and any extension thereaf,the fire insurance rate af the Bui 1 din�or the Prem�ses is i n�reas�d du�to the natur�of th�Ten�nt's oc�upanc�, T�nant sha�l pay t�the Landlard any additional �nsurance �r�miums re�ultin�frorn such rate incr�ase. Any�uc1�addstiana� premiums pa}�ahle b�the T�nant shal! b�addit'sana� rent and shall be paid t�th�Landlard within l�days aft�r written demand accampan�ed by the insurance premium notice ar otl�er sat'tsfactary e�idence of t��e a�naunt due. �m} Tenant sl�all not at any tirne us�or vccup�ttle Premises �n�iolation af t�ie certificate of occupancy ar building permit issued far the Building or any appli�ab�e �aning ardinance. The statement in t��e Lease of the r�ature of the business ta b� conducted�y the Tenant in the Premises daes n�t constitute a re�re�entat��n ar guaranty by the Land��rd that sueh business may�e c�nducted on t��e Premise��r��lawfui under the certificate of accupancy or bu�ldin�p�rm�t or is otherwi�e p�rmitted by la�r. (n} Tenant shall nat�r�cat�or abandon the Premises,and shall continuou�ly �perate and�onduct�ts husi ness��vith in th�Prem is�s in a fi rst class and reputable rnanner. Tenant shall conduct�ts business in such a manner both as regards noise and ather nuisances,as�will not unreasonably interfere with,annoy or di�turb any other tena�nt in the c�nduct of its busin�ss, or the Landlard in the mana�emen�of the Buildin�. �a) Tenant,and Tenant's em pl�yees,agents, cantra�tors, �icensees, i t��ritees,�u�sts �r customers,shal! �at gen�rate,st�re ar spilf upan, dispose of or transfer t��r fr�m the Premis�s or Land�ord's Property any hazardaus waste ma�erials�as d�f ned below},and T�nant shall strictly�amply v��th all applicable law�relatrn�ta ha2ardaus waste materiaEs, Tenant shal l save Landlard�together wiEh its par�ners, benef eial owners, trustees,�rnplay��s,a�ents,�ar�tractors,attortteys an� martgagees)harmless and ind�rnnified �'ram and against any and all dama�es�inc�uding�yith�ut limitation clean- up and remediation c�sts�which rnay be asserted on account of the presence or release �f hazard�us waste materials on, tn or from the Pr�mis�s durin�the Term and any peri�d when Tenant�or th�se claimin�by or thraugh Tenant}�ccupie�ihe Fremis�s,on account of the activtties�f Tenant�or thase claimtng by or through Tenant�in v���at�on ofan��applicable la�vs re�ating to ha2ardous waste materials,or on a�count of the breach of an��of the co�r�nants contained in th�pre�iaus sent�n�e. T�nant agrees that if it or anyon�claiming under it vi�lates this pro�ision,Tenant shatl forthwith remowe the hazard�us wa�te materials in the manner pr�vided by applicable law,re�ardless�f wh�n sueh hazardous wa�te materia[�shall be disc�v�red,and Tenant sharl forthwith r�pa�r and restare any Rortian�f the Premises ar Landlord's Pr�per�y which it shall disturb in so removing said ha�ardous waste rnaterial�to th�conditian��rhich exist�d prior ta Tenant's disturban�e thereof, The provisian�of this subparagraph shal� be in addition to any ather o�l i�ations or 1 iabi!ities of Tenant under th is Lease or under applicabl�l avv, and in additiQn to any ather rem�d�es of Landlord under this Lease or und�r applicable law,an�the abli�ations of Tenant under this subpar��raph sliall sur�ri�e the termination of this L.ea�e. For purposes of this su�paragr�ph,"�rc�-ardous tivasre nra�eriats"shal�m�an any su��tance which i�or becomes defined as ha�ardous v�aste,hazardous mat�rial or ail -17- under any Federa�, 5tate or local lav��s,�r which is taxic,explasi�e,corrosive, flammabl�, infectious, radioacti�r�,�arcinogenic or otherv��se ha�ard�us to health and which is or becornes re�ulat�d under any applicable �aw. tp} Tenant shall temporari ly kcep all refuse and rubbish generated at the Prern Es�s in co�►ered contain�rs w�thin th� Premises,st�re same in a sanitary�and si�hrly mann�r, and regularly rer�no�re suc��refus�and rubbish from th�Premises to an exterior dumpster or other con�ainers pr��ided by Landlord at the Prnperty, tf Tenant's use of th� dumpster or other cantair�ers shal� be de�rn�d ex�:�ssive b}�Landl�rd,Landlord may requi re Tenant ta pay a f��for su�h use and d i�p�sal, ar r�nay requi re Tenant to be responsible,at its sole cost and expense,for th�rem��al of all �ts refus�and rubbish fr�m the Pr�peMy. (�� Tenant shall keep th�Prernises fully equip�ed with a!1 required safety appliances and equiprr�ent, in�luding withaut Eimitation f r�extingui�hers. �r} Tenant hereby represents to the Landlord that, if Tenant is an entit�r: (i}th� entity con�titutin�Tenant has been duly farrned in the Cornmon�+r�alth of Massachu�etts,i� is in��ad standin�,and a�l annual rep�rt.s ar�d other filings required under Applicable Law ha�e been made and are curret�t and a�curate, and that thrau�h�ut the T�rm�f the Lease,�he entity canstituting Tenant�hall make a�l required filing�and be and remasn in go�d standin�; and(ii}�t has the authority to enter into this Lea�e, that the ex��ution and deli�rery�of xhis Lease is not in cantravention af its�harter or by-laws or applicable�tate la��s, and that this Lease ha�been dul}�auth�riz�d hy,as appropriate, it�Baard of I]irectars and Shareholders, it�Partners, its Men�bers, its Betteficiarie�or oth�r o��rnership or management interest-holders. l 9.b. Tenant�pecifc�o►�ena�. tn addi�ion ��the�avenants above,Tenant �ovenants an�agrees as follow�: �a� Tenant�ha�1,during the entire T�rm of this Lease, keep th�Premis�s fully st�cked, furnished and set up wrrith merchandise, mat�rials and decor ofa t�pe and qualit}�consistent with the Permitted U�e, Tenant shall continu�usly aperate and c�nduct its bus�ness at the Pr�m�ses durin�the er�tire T�rm of thi�Leas�, and shall keep the Aremises fully staf�'ed�nd vpen far business during the hours that Tenant's business is apen. Tenant shall not close,reduce it��perations,aband�n th�premis�s,c�os�the business at the Prem��e�or otherwise let ih�Premises"go dark"at any time durin�the Term. �b} The Premi�e�, including�vithout limitation all storefronts,as well as all exterior areas in front of the Premises and its stor�fr�nt, shal� be kept by Tenant in a n�at and arderly cvndition, free�f al! lit�er and trash,and consistent with th�Permitted Use and the first class nature�f th�Building�n� its�th�r tenants, No pasters ar paper wil� be a�lawed on the windows of the Prern��es at any time, except far�i�ns as expressly provi�ed in S�ction l4. �c} Tenat�t shal l k��p al l doors��tw��n the Pr�m ises and the B ui ldi ng's interior c�ncourse closed a�all times��xc�pi v�hen people are actually enterir�g ar lea►�ring the Prem is�s},and said doors shall never be prapped open or otherwis� kept in an open pos�tian. �d� Tenar�t shall be respons�ble f�r keeping th��xterior areas in frant of the Premis�s free ofsnow and ice and properly salted and sand�d,so su�h areas are and remain safe for pedestrians,Cus�omers and emp�oyees accessing the Premises, _�g.. �e} Tenant�hall keep the Prerni�es and adjoining portiorts of Landlard's Pr�perty free of pe�ts, �n�ects,rodents and other�r�rmin,and shall cause same to be exterminated by a prafe�sionat pest con�ro� campany on a reasonable schedule as required, but na less frequently ihan�uart�rl}��unle�s pest prablems are disco�ered,in vvhich event mare frequent�xterminatian may bc r�quired b}�Landlvrd),and T�nant shall pr��rid� Landlord w�th a copy of its pest control serrri�e cantract, �t� Tenant sha�l not permit any loud�ounds or nai�es(inc�uding music�ta be em itted from the Prern i�es sa as to be rea�onably audi bte in the Common a r�as or to oth�r tenants ar or�upants of the Building,the sidewalks and streets adjacent thereto ar anv adjoi�in�properties. �g) Tenant s��all n�t permit any of Tenant's�ustomers,�endars,�mploy�es, contra�cors ar ag�nts ta park in any of th�parking areas�r spaces on Landlard's Property��xcept to the extent Tenant h�s rights to use anyr parking spa�es,pursuant to separate arrang�ments with Landlord},ar�d shall t�ke reas�nable step�ta advis�its emp�oye�s and�ustom�rs that they canr�ot park in su�h areas. �h} Lan�lord agrees ttlat, i n connectinn wi th the P�rn�itted Us�,Tenant m ay engage in th�reta�l sale�f alcohalic be�rera�es in s�a�ed and unopened b�t�[es and eonta�ners{"�4lcoholi�Beverages"}at or fr�m th� Premise f�r aff-premises c�nsumption. Tenant acknow�edges that, but f�r T�nant's as�urances gi�en bel��4, Landlord�rould not permit ttle�ale of Alcoho�ic Bevera��s�n the Fremises. Accordin�;ly,Tenant co�enants and a�rees v��ith Landlord as fallawvs: 1. Tenant may se�l Alcoholic Be�erages on or from the Premi�es only if it ha�first re�eived th��iqu�r L�cense�as defr�ed in Section 3.a above�,and so�ong as the Liquar License remair�s in full farc�and ef�'ect,and all Al�oholic Be�erages shal� be sold only in strict accordance with th�Liquar I�icense, and a11 of its terms, c�ndit�ans and �imitatEons, includin�withoui limitation any iimits cantain�d therein regardin�hours vf operati�n or regarding the percentag�of sa�es�r flvor area devoted ta liquor�ales. �. Pri�r to an�sale of Alcoh��ic Bevera�es, T�nat�t shall �ro�ide Landl�rd ��rith a copy of the L�quor License,and shall pro�ride Landlord with c�pies of any renewals ar modif ications thereto prampt�y u�on receipt thereof.Tenant�h�11 al�o promptly pr��ide i,andlord virith copies af any not�ce�f v'rolation,re�ocat�on,hearin�or canlplaint Tenant recei►�e� from governmental autharities or any other party in connectivn��ri�h the Liquar Li�ense or atherwise in cQr�nection with its�ale of Alc��l�lic Be�rerages at the Pr�mi�es, including without limitation, natification that it has be�n placed on the��mmanwealth of Massachusetts Alcohali�Be�erage Contra� �ommissian's delinquent list. 3. An}�Alcoholic Beverag�s sold shall be solely for later�or�sumption by c�nsurners. In na e�rent sha11 any Alcaholi� B��erages be opened or ser��d at th�Prem i ses or anywhere on the Propert�,and na Alcohal ic B�vera�e�shall be c�nsumed at an}r time at th�Premises or any�rhere on the Property. It shall be Tenant's abligat��n,at its cast,to properly pol ice the Prem ises and Proper�y to assure that nQne of the f�reg�i ng occurs. 4, Tenant shal�,at is sol�cost and expen�e,at all tim��pr��ide appropriate and adeauate security at the Pr�n�ises�including an alarmed r I�� security system}for the storage�f al I Alcahalic Bevera�es thereat and the prot�ctian of person�and propert}r in connectian therewith. 5. At a11 times,Tenant sha�1 keep in force,at i�s expen�e,dram shop �nsurance namin� Landlard, Landlard's managernent campany and any mortgagees as insureds, in the amaunt of no �ess than$�,�0�,000.00,ar such h�gher amount as Land��rd may from time to t�me reasonably r�quir�e,and sha�[l promptly pr�wide Land�Qrd with a c�rtificat�of�uch insurance priar t� the cornm encement of the sal e af A 1c�hol ic Be�erag�s at the Prem ises and at 1�ast 30 days prior to th�expiration af su�h polic}r,and if Tenant fails t� procure,keep in forc�and pra�ide such certificates to Landlord,Landlord may�btain such insuran�e�n Tenant's l��half,and Tenant shall pay Landlord for atl costs af�ame as addit�onal rent hereunder promptly upon b�lling ther�f�r. �. Landlord'�agreement to permit the sale�f Alcohalic BeWerages by Tenant,or it� procurement or payment far�ny in�urance in��nnecti�n therew�th,�hall nvt in any respect whats�ever be deemed an ackna�w�ed�;em ent�y Landl�rd that its own�rsh i�of the Bui 1 ding,th is Lease, �r the Permitted Use hereunder, impo�es any responsibility upan Landlord far hazards or I i abili ties aris ing therefrom,al l of wh i ch are hereby�xc lusively assurned by*T�nant;and in addition to�ther indemnity pr��isions s�t farth in thi� Lea�e,Tenant h�r�b}�� indemni�es and h�lds harml��s Landlord, its officers,pa�tners,men��ers, managers,eantra�tors,agents and emplayees, and those in pri�it}t of`estate tivith Landlord or any of said parties, fram and against alt cfaims,expenses ar liabilities af whateWer nature�inc�uding attorneys' fees}arising,directly or indire�tly, from any ac�id�nt, injury or dama�e tt�at results or is cl�irned ta ha�re resulted from the pr�serice ar sale�f atcohal Ec beverages on or fram#he Prem tses. �T. In addition to any oth�r remedi�s I.andlord has under the Lease, up�n any Ev�nt of Defau�t under this subsection, Landlord may immediatel}� prohibit Tenan#from sellin�any A[caholic Be�rerages an or fr�m the Prem ises. T�nant understands that ea�h of the covenants in this�ection l�.b,each of which relate to Tenant's operat�ons at th�Premises,are of crucial and mat�rial importanc�t�Landlord and to the o�eral l su��ess af th�B ui ldi n�as a m ultitet�ant retail fac i!ity,and Tenant under�tands that Landlard w�u�d not�nter into this Le�se ti�ith Tenant a�sent Tenant's agreement to comply fully and strictl}r�rith ea�h vf the�vr���ing co�renants. 2�. TENA�[T'S T�EFAULTS The fa�lo�ving shal l �e deemed to�e def�ults hereunder: �a} If Tenant sha[� fai 1 to pay the Fixed Rent when due hereund�r and such fai l ure cor�tinues far mar�than 7 days af�er the date due;or if Tenan�fails ta pay any other additional rent�r other charge�provided for hereunder and such failur�continues for more than 7 days after writien n�tice fr�m Landlard designating�uch failure;or (b) I f Tenant shas I t'ai�to comply v��th an�other ob ligati�n ar cavenant h�reunder and such failure eontinues for more than 3�days after written natr�e fram L.andlord to Tenant specifying such failure(ex�ept that th�notice arrd�ure period for Tenant's failure ta comply witl�any of the covenants cvntained in Section 19.b shafl be�days); pro�rided, if such failure by its nature cannot��cured within 3�days,Tenant shall be _�p_ giWen such additiona! time as is r�asanahly �re��ssary, n�t to ex��ed�4�i�y�in t�t�l (pro�ided such additional time shal[not b�appl�cable to any failure to comply with any �ovenant und�r Secti�n 19.b�, pra�ided Tenan�h�s commenced diligently to correct said failure and thereafter dili�ently pursued su�h corr�ction to eamp��tion;�r (c} [f Tenant or any guarantor of Tenant'�abli�atians under this Lease rnakes any� assignment for the beneftt�f cr�ditors, commit�an}�act of bankruptcy ar fi les a petition und�r ar�y bankruptcy or insol�rency �a�r; if a petition i�filed a�ainst Tenant or any guarantor and is nvt dismissed��i�hin 45 days; if a reeei�er or similar officer l�e�omes entitled to Tenant's leaseh�ld hereunder and is not returned ta Tenant within 45 days;ar i f such leasehold i s taken from Tenant on execution or other process of 1 aw i n any action.;or �d} I f Tenant i�a corporation or ather�ntity,its fai lure tv remai n a corporat�on ar other entit}� in goad standing and qualified to da�usine�s irt Massachusetts. ��. RI�HTS �F LAN�L�RD UPON TENANT'S DEFAULT ?l.a. Land�ard's Remedies. In the e�ent any defau��shal� accur,Land�ord sh�ll ha�e the right, then or at any tim�thereafter,at �ts sole elec�ion either: �1� To terminate t��is Lease by�►ritt�n noti�e to Tenant,v�hich terminat�on shall tak�effect on the date of Landlard's gi�rin�af�aid n�ti�e�r on any later dat�specif ed in Landlord's termination notice; or ��} To�nt�r upon and take pa�session of the Premise��or any part thereaf�n the name of the�rhoCe�with�ut demand or notice,at�d reposs�ss th�same as�f the Landlord's former estat�,�xp���1 n�T�il�nt�#lC�ihDS�C��iri�11]� under Tenant, forcibly if n�cessary,without bein�deemed�ui�t}r of any rnanner oftrespass and without prejudic�to any ather remed}r for any default her�under. Lar�d�ord's repossession af the Premises under thi�Se�tion shal�not be construed to eff'ect a termination af this Lease,unl�ss Landlvrd�ends Tenant a written notice of terminat��n as re�uired hereund�r. Tenant her�by waives any ri�hts af redemptian under Massachusetts Gen�ral Laws chapter 18�. �1.b. Relettin�, Landlard shal� ha�e the right(at its s�le�l�cti�n and whether or nat ih is L�ase shal l l�e term i nated�to rel�t the Prem i s�s or�ny part thereof for such period ar periods�which may extend beyond the term)and at such rent or rents and upon such ather terms and canditions as Landlord may deem advisa�le,and in cannecti�n w�th any su�h rel�tting, Landlord may make or�aus�t�be rnade such additiQn�, alteratians and impr�vernenis to�he Premise�as Landl�rd ma�r d�ern advisa�le. �l.c. Remaval of�oods. tf Landl�rd�hall terminate this Lease ar take passession �f th�Premises by reason of a default,Tenant,and those�laiming under Tenant,shall forthwith remo��their goods and effec�s from th�Premises. if Tenant or any such claimant shal�fail sa to remo��forthwi�h, i.andlord,�rithout li�bility to Tenant or to those cl�iming und�r Tenant,may remo�e such goods artd effects and n�a}r store the same far the a�count of Tenant or af the owner thereof in any place selected by Landlord or,at Landlvrd's s�le election,Land�ord may sell the sarne at public at�cti�n�r at pri��te sale�n such t�rms and conditions as to price, payment and other�ise as Landl�rd, in its sole jud�m�nt,may deem advisable. Tenant shall be respansible for all co�ts of rernoWal,st�rag�and sale,and Landlord sha11 ha�e the r�ght to reirnbur�e �tself from th�proceeds�f any such sale for all such c�sts paid or incurred by Landl�rd. �f any surplus sale praceed�shall r�main after such reimbur�ement, Landlard may deduct from such surplus any�th�r -2 I- sum due ta Landlord hereunder and shall pa}r o��r to Tenant the rema�ning ba�ance ofsuch surplus sale pra��eds, i f any. �l,d. �urr�n�Dama�es. No t�rrnination or r�pass�s�i�n pro�ided for in this Sectian shalt re�ie�re Tenant or any guaran�or of its liabii�ties and vbligatians hereunder or und�r its instrum�nt of guarantee,�ll of v►�hic��sh�ll sut�rive su�l�terminatiQn or reposse�sion. In th�event o�`any such terminativn�r rep�sses�i�n,T�nan�shall pay Landlord, in adWance,an the first day af each month�and pro rata far the fraction af any manth}for what��rauld have beer�the entire balance of the terrn, on�-tw�lfth of the Annual Rental far the Premises,as defined in �ection�l.e. hereo�, �ess the praceeds(�f any}af any relettin�of�he Prernises which remain after deducting Landlord's expenses in connection with such r���tt�ng. Such expenses shall inc�ude,�rrithout I�mitation,removat,storage and rem�deling casts,rhe cast of painting and refurbishing the Premises,and attorne}�s' and brok�rs' fees. ��.e. Annual Rental. The Annua[ Rental for the Pr�mi�es shall be the totai af the Fixed Rent and additional rent, and a�l other char�es payable by T�nant[vvhether�r not to I�andlord}far the year end�n�next prior ta�u�h ternlination ar repassessian. 2�.f. L%�uid�ted Darna�es; In lieu af any other dama�es or indemnity and in lieu af full recoWery by Landl�rd of all sums payable under all the forego�ng�ro�isions of this Secti�n, Landl�rd may by written notice to Tenant,at an�r time after termin�tion�f this Lease or rep�ssession of the Prem�ses,and before such full recovery,elect to recaver,and Tenant shall ther�upon pa}�,a�l�quidated damag�s,an am�unt�qual to the Annual R�nta! accrued in the twe�ve m onths ended next prior ta such t�rm i natron p�us the arn�unt of r�n�of an}r k ir�d accrued and unpa�d at th�time of termination ar re�ossession and less the amaunt of any recovery by Landlord und�r the f�reg�ing prov�sions�f this Section up to the tim�of payment of such liquidat�d damages,plus in any e�rent al[ costs ofet�forcement. Nathing cantain�d in thrs Lease sha[l, howeWer, timit or prejudic�rhe r�ght af Land�ord ta prave for and obtain in praceedings for bankruptcy or insolvency by reason of the term�nation�f this Lease,an amount equal t�the maximum allow�d by any statute or rule�f law in effe�t at the time when,and goWerntn�the proceedings in which,�he�amag�s are to be pra�red,whether or not the atnount b��reater, equa! ta,or less than the amount�f the lass�r damage�referred to above. 2�.g, Remedies�umulative. Any and al l right5 and remedi�s vrrhich Landford ma�r have under this Lease and at law and equity,shall be cumu[at���and shall n�t b�de�med inconsistent with eacE�oth�r,and an}�t�ro or m�re af a[!such�ights and remedies may be exercised at the same time ins�far as permitted by[aw, ��.h. ,L�ord's R��ht to�ure�7�faulrs. Land lard shal� ha�e the ri�ht but not the obligatian,t�cure at any time and withaut notice,any default by Tenant unde�thss Leas�. WheneWer I�andlord so elects,all�osts and ex�enses �ncurred by Landlard, includin�reaso�able att�rney's fees, in curing a defau�t sha11 be paid l�y Tenant to Lan�lord on dernand,as add�tional r�nt hereund�r, t�gether with la�rful i�tterest thereon from th�date of payment b}r Landlard to th� date�f payment by Tenar�t. 21.i. �osts af Enf�rc�m�nt. Tenant shall pay,within 7 da}�s after receipt�f Landl�rd's bill ther�for,all cos�s and exper�ses�inclu�in�«ithout limitat�on r�asanable attorneys' fees}incurred by Land��rd in enfar�ing Tenant's abligatiQns ar Landlard's rights under thts Lease. 21 j. Interest. in the e��nt any rent(�vl�ether Fixed Rent�r additiona[ rent}or any other payments due from Tenant under this i.ease are not paid�vhen due,then Tenant�hall pay ta i�andlard,a�additional rent, interest on such overdue amout�ts fram th�dat�such amounts become due to the date on which same are paid at an inierest rate equa� to i t 12°Io per month. �2. RECOI�I3�NGr _��_ The parties agr�e nat�o r�cord this L�ase. Ho�yever, if thts Lease is f�r a term �including any options}of more than 7 years,either Landlord ar Tenant ma�record a Notice�f C��ase in the form sug�e�t�d by the applicabte statute,with�uch recor�ing to��at Tenant's expense. 23. L�A�ILITY�F LANDI.�RD In no event shal� Landlard b�liab�e for any brea�h of cQ�enant during th�T�rm unless th�same shall oc�ur during and within the per�a�oftime that it is the record o�ner of and in poss�ssion of I.andlard'�Pr�perty►. I� �s specif cally understood and agr�ed that there shall �e n� per�anal liability under this L�as� for any of the�bli�ations of the Landlord hereunder, and no tru�tee,�eneftciary, joint��nturer, tenant in comm�n, partner�general or limited},member, shareholder,director ar off�er�f i.an�l�rd shall h�v�any personal liabitity hereunder. Tenant agre�s to look an�y to Landlord's intere�t in the Buildin�f�r sa�isfac�i�n of any claim a�ain�t Landlard hereunder. . The failur�of Landlard or any uti[ity ar utility supp�ier to prav�de any serv�ce to the Prernises to any specific degree,quantity,�uality�r character shal� n�t f�rm a ba�is oFclaim f�r damages or bceach of cowenant against Landlord,or any offset af rent, The pla�ement�y Tenant of any goods,wares and merchandise in the Premises or any area�1�rithin Landlord's Praperty shall be at th�sale risk and hazard of the Tenant. In n�e�rent and under no circumstances vrrhatsoe�er shall Landlord be liable to Tenant far any indire�t, in�idental ar c�nse�uent��! damages in conne�ti�n��rith any act of Land[ord, �ts ag�nts or employee�. �4. F�RCE NiAJE�JRE � In any case�vhere Landl�rd is required to do any act,the time far the p�rforman�e there�f sha11 �e extended �y a p�riod eyual t�any d�1ay cau��d by or resulting fr�m Act of�ad, war,c��i! cammotton,fire or other casualt}r, labor difficulties,shartages�f labvr,materials ar equipment,g���rnment regutations ar other cause�be��nd suc��parc�'s r�asonable c�ntr�l, vvh�ther such time be desi�nared by a fixed time or"reasortable time," 25. IVIECHANICS' L�ENS The Tenant r�rril!not p�r���it any mechanic's or materialm�n's�r other�iens t�stand against th�Prem�s�s ar Landlord's Prop�rty for any labar ar mat�rials furn�sh�d the Tenant in conne�tion with 1�ork�f ar�}r chara�ter performed�n the Premises by or at the direction of the Tenant. An��such��en shall be dischar�ed within ten days. If Tenant fai�s to discharg�such lien, Land�ord may�o so at Tenant's sole cost and expense, �b. WA1�ER; A�C�RD AND SATISFACTI�]N The waiver af one failure to camply with any term,condEtion,covenan�,obli�ation or a�reement�f th is Leas�sha�l n�t be con�ider�d ta be a vvai�er of that or any other term,condition, obligation or agreement or of an}r suhsequent failur�. No ac�eptance by�.andlord of a le�ser sum t�lan any sun� due under an�r pro�isi�ns of this Lea�e �hall be d�emed to�e other rhan on accaunt af the earliest installment of su�h surn due,nar sha�� any endarsement�r stat�rnent on ar�y ctleck or letter a�ccampanying any che�k or payment be deemed an a�eord and satisfaction,and Landlord may accept such cheek ar paym�nt without prejudice to any rights ta reco�er the balanc�of su�h iMstaltment or pursu�any other r�medy in this Lease pra�ided. 2?. DEFIN�TI�NS -�3- The��rords"Larrdlorr�"and"Tenant"as used herein sha[1 include their respecti�e heirs, executor�,adrninistrators,suc��ss�rs,r�pr�sentatives,a�si�ns, invite�s, agents and ser�rants. The words"�t",�"�"!�"�`�'S�l�"�"him",`�her",`►���[l7"OC�`t�l��i'+�ar similar►�vords,�vhere app�icabl�shall apply ta the Landl�rd or Tenant regardl�ss of gender, number, corparat�entity,trust or other ��dy. If more than one part�r si�ns this Lease as Tenant,the cov�nants,condit��ns and a�reetn�nts of the Tenant shatl be joint and sever�l obli�atians of each party. 2S. �EI�ERAI. �PI���1Si��iS. It is agre�d as folloti�vs: �a� If any pro�ision of this Lea��a��he applica�tion thereof to any Rerson or circumstance shall be to any extent�nval id or ut�enforceabl�, the remainder of this Lease and th�applica�ion ta persons or circumstance�otlter than tt�o5e as t�which it is invafid ar unenforceabl�shall not be affe�t�d thereby,and eaeh term and pro�isinn of this Lease shall be valid and be enforced t�the fullest extent permitted by� la��r. �b) I n no case shal� rnention of speci fic in�tanc�s under a rnore gerieral pro�i sion b��anstrued to limit the generality of said proWision, �c� The secti on and ar�i�le headi n�s thr�ughout th is i nstrument are far eon�enience and reference anl}�,and the�►rords eontained therein�hall in no way be held ta limit,define or d��cribe the scape ar intent of thi�Lease�r�n any way affect this Leas�. �d} This Lease shall be canstrued without regard to any pr�sumption or other rule r�quiring construction a�ainst th�party�ausing this Lease to he drafted. [e} Th is Lease shal l constitut�the on ly agreement between the pat�ie�relative ta the Prernrses and n�oral statements and no prior�vritten staternents,agreements ar ather matters relati�re t�the Prern��es and noi specif cally inc�rporated herein shai� be of any force�r eff'e�t. 1n�ntering int�this�eas�,the Tenant r��ies solely upon th� r�preset�tat��ns and agreements cantained herein. Th�s Lease shall nat be madifi�d except by writing executed by both parties. �f} Tenant c���nants an�agre�s t��at,not�►it��standin�any�ther pro��sian of this Lease ta the contrary; the abligations of Tenant und�r the Lease, including the a�iigation ta pay the Fix�d Rent,additiona! rent and other charges when and as pra�ide�for thereir�, are c�venants whi�h are in�ependent of any covenants or abligatians to be performed by Landlord thereunder; and no breach of any��ligatians or ca�enants ta be perforrned by Land[ord thereunder shall gi��rise t�any right of terminatian��f the L�ase�y TenanE,or any right ta w�thhold,setoff, abate or othervvise reduce the pay�nent and�th�r obligations of T�nant thereunder. �g) Agents or employ�es af the Landlord have no authority�o make or a�ree to mak�a leas�or any other a�reem�nt in connection her�with. The submiss�on of this document or a summar}��f sorne or all of it�pro�isians for�xaminatian and n�gotiati�n, or the ex��ution of a letter of�ntent or a praposal letter or s�milar d�cument does n�t constitute an option to lease,or a reservation of,�r option f�r,the Fremi�es,and ihis do�um�nt,and the ri�hts af Tenant�rrith r�spe�t�a the Premises,shali �e�ame effecti�re and bindin�only upan the executian and deliwery here�f�y both parties. �h� This Lease shalt be c�nstrued a�cordin�to the �aw�af the Commonwealth af Massachusetts, and all actions braught ur�der this Lease sh�ll exclu�ively be braugh in t}�e state caurts of,and �ocated in,the�am monw�alth af llri assachusetts. -24- �9. E�E�CJTION Th�s Lease may►be executed in any number of caunterparts and each fully executed eounterpart shall be deem�d an original. 3�. N�Ti��S An�r not�ces required under this i�ease�h�ll be�n writing and deli�ered t�y har�d or ma�led�y r�g�stered or cert��ied ma i 1 or by aver�riight m ai� by a national l}r r��o�ni zed�arr�er: i f to Tenant,to the Pr�rn ises; and i f to Landlord,care of i ts mana�ement a�ent, 5pauld�ng Management LL�, �ne Concord Fanns,494 v�rginia Ro�d,Con�ard,Massachusetts 0174�. �uch addresses may�e chang�d by e�ther par�y by written noti�e to the ath�r in accordance with this S�cti�n. Time i5�f the essen�e with respect to�ll rtotices and peri�ds for g��ing natic�s or taking any acti�n thereto under this Lease. 3�. BR�KER'� INT�EMNITY Tenant h�rel�y represents and�arrants that it has dealt with no brakers in cortnectian w�th this Lease. T�nant hereby a�rees t�hald Landlord harmless frorn,and indemnif ed against, a!! loss�r damage�including,�ith�ut limitatian,the co�t of defending sarne}arising from any claim �y any braker or f nder�laiming to have dealt��rith Tenant. 32. H�LDIIVG DVER I f for any reason Tenant h�lds a�er or occupie�the Pr�m is�s bey�ond the Term,then Tenant shall ��aWe no m�re ri�ht�than a tenant ai suff�rance�or, at Landlard's sole optian,such h�lding over shall canstitute a Eenan�y fram manth ta month,termtnab�e by either party upon 34 da�►s prior�vritt�n n�tice to the other}, and, in at�y case,Tenant shall be liable for pa�rment of rent durin�such periat� in An amount�qua� to twa times the rent�inc�uding Fixed Rent and a�l additional rent}payable hereunder f�r the fnal year af the Term prior io such holding oWer. Such t�nanc�sha��other��ri se be on the same t�rms and c�nd�ti ons as set forth i n th�Leas�, as far as appt�cable. Nothing in this 5ectian shall be construed t�permit su�h holding oWer,or to limit Landlord's other ri�hts and remedies on account thereaf. 3�. LANDL�RD'S M�RTGAGES Aft�r re��i�ring noti��fr�m Landlard ar frorn any person, firm�r ather entity that s��ch pec�on,f rm or other entit� halds a mortga�e,��rhich includes th� Premises as part af the mortgage�premises,n�n�tice fram Tenant t�Landlord shall be eff�ctiv�un�ess and unti�a c�py of the sam�is�i�en in accordance with this Le�se to such halder,and the curing of any of Landlard's defaults by such hold�r 5ha11 h�treat�d as performance b�i�andlard, it bein� understood and agreed that su�h holder�hall be afforded a reasonable period�f tirne after the re�eip�of such nutic�in whi�h to effect such cure. Tenant shall cooperat�with Landlard�o that Landlord wtll be able to procure mortga�e fnancin� for an�r and all of Landlord's prapertie�. Upon reque�t,Tenant agrees t�execute and deliver ta Landl�rd estoppel or offset letters as reasonably required by LandCord's mor�gage�enders. 34. �iJARAI�TY Th�s LeaSe is conditiot�ed an the�imultanegu�ex��ut��n and delivery to Lan�lord of a �uaranty of Lease,in the form attached hereto as Exhibit�,by Anukul Biswas,individually. Executed under seal as af May ,��2�4. ���w T���11�": Bi��AS��TERP�IS�,�I�1C. gy. � Naxne: Anukut B iswas T�t��: 1'�szdent and T�e�surer duty aut��ri�d �DI..�R�: L�GT`�]�I S�UARE TRUST By its rnartaging a�ent SPAULD �MAI�AGEMENT LL� By: amc: a E.S pau 1 d ing, 3'zt�c: Manager .2�. ������ � � Plan �f P�emises � - . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . y - . .. . • � ' � . r' . - � ■ . � . � . . .*� *. : � ' # • � . � � + - � �. . a . � . � . � .r � � . • • . � �+ ■ . � � . i • .. ' . ,� . � � . ' � - ' f . • r i � 1 1 i �•�� ; . � E�HIBIT B Ru I�s a nd R��u latians l. The entrances and stairways shall n�t be encumbered or obstructed by Tenant,Tenant's agents,servants, em�l�yees, i i c�nsees or vi�itors�r be us��by th�n� f�r an�r purpose ather than for in�ress and e�r�ss ta and from th� Pr�mis��. Landlo�d res�r�e�the right to restrict and regulate th�u�e of t��e publi�areas of the Building by Tenant,Tenant's agents, employees,s�tvants, �ic�nse�s and visitor�and by p�rsons making deliverie�to Tenant and the right to designate which building�ntr�nc�or entrances sha�l l�e used b}� . persons making deliveci�s in the Buildin�. 2. No sign,ad�rerti sement, no�i ce or ather lett�ring shall be�x11i b it�d, inscribe�,pai nted or a#'fixed b�r T�nant on an�r�rri ndaw ar p�rt of the outsi d�or i nsid�of the Prem ises vr Buildir�g withaut the prior��rritten c�nsent of Land�ord. In the event of the vialatian of the foregoing by Tenant, Landl�rd may remoW�same vvith�ut any liability and may� charge the expense incurred by such remo�al to Tenant. A[l i nter�or and exteri or s��na��s��a�l be inscribed, painted or aff x�d by Landlard ar by Land�ard's��ndors, f rst approved by Landlard,and shall be�f a size,colar and sty�e a�ceptable to th�Landlar�. 3. A bui�dir�g direetar�r tablet for affi�e tenants vvi[� be furnish�d and ir�stalled at the e�pense�f Land lord,and the num b�r of l��tin�s thereon f�r Tenant shal� be-at the discretion�f Landlord. • 4. The vvindaws and daors that reflect or adm�t light and air into the ha�ls,passagew�ys or . other�ubl ic pf aces �n the �ui�d ing shal t nat be cavered ar�bstructed by Tenant, nar shall any bot�les,parce�5 or ot�»r articles be plaeed an tl�e windo��vsills. � S. No displays, Rosters�3r ather articles sha�� be put�n front of ar af`fix�d to any part of th� exteri�r af the Bui�ding nar ptaced in the�orr�dors or lobbie�,�vith�ut the privr written c�nsent ofLandlord. �. The wat�r and��ash�Iosets and other plum�ing fixtures shall not he used for an�r purpo�es�ther than those for which th�y were canstructed,and na�weeping,rubbish, rags,paper t��vels or other sub�tances sha[I b�thrown therein. A�l damages r�sultin� � from an�misuse c�f�xtures�y Tenant,its ser�ant�,empl�yees,agents,visitors or �icensees sha�1 be�orne by Tenan�. - ?. Tenant shal l not m ark, pai nt,dri11 i rit�or i n any way d�f�►ce an�part of the Prem is�s ar th�Buildin�. N��oring,cut�ing�r stringing af w�res shall be permitted except with the priar��rit�en consent of Land��rd and as Land�vrd may dtrect. Tenant shall not lay floar � co��rin�ather than rugs,so that the sam��ha11 come in direct contact�rith th�floor of t}�e Premises;tt�e us�of cem�nt or similar adhesi�e materia[ being expr�ss�y prahibited. The faregoing shdll not be appli�able to any a�teratians approved af by Landlard � pur�uant to the t�rms�f the Tenant's lease. �. No bic}rcle�,�rehicles or animals of an}r kind shall �e br�ught inta ar kept in ar about the Prem�s�s. 9. No space in the Buildsng sha�l t�e used for manufa�turin�or for�odg�ng,sleepin�or any � il�egal purposes. �!�space other than space sa desi�nate by Landlord shall be us�d for ihe storage of inerchandise or for the sale of inerchar�dise,�oads or property,and no auction�ales shall be made by Tenant�vithaut the prior��rrit�en cons�nt ofLar�dlord, i�. Tenant�hall not make, or permit to be made,any ut�s�ernly or disturbing n�ises�hich disturl�or�nterfere with occupants of this or n�i�hb�ring buildings or premises or those zg ha�ring Uusines���ith thezn v�hether�y the use of any musi�al instrurn�nt� l'`s�C�l�i telev��ion,ta�king machine,unmusical n�ise,��htstling,sin�ing or in any other��ay. Tenant�ha�l not throw anythfn�out of'the daars or vvind�ws,or da��n the stairs,nor �w�ep anythin� inta the�orridors,stairs�r ather pu6fic areas af the Building. l.l. N�additivnal �ocks or�alts af an�kind shall �e placed upon an}r of�the doors�r �indoti�s b}�T�nant, nor shall ariy changes be made in�xisting locks or the mechanism - � thereof without the prior written consent of Land�ard. Tenant must,u�an the . term�nat��n of it�tenanc}�, r�turn to I�andlord all k�ys�ineluding securit}�pass�arcis}for , th�Building,the Premises and far storage areas and restroams,either furni�hed ta or othervvi�e procured by T�nar�t; itt�he ev�nt ofthe loss of an}�keys so furni�hed,Tenant � �hall pay ta Landlord the cost thereof, 12. All remowals ar the carryiing in or out or all saf�s, frei�;ht, fu�-t�iture ar bulky matter of any descr�ption must take p�ace during the l�aurs which Landlard may desi�nate from time to tim�. Landlord reserves the r��ht to inspect all freight t�be b�ought into th� Building and tv�xclude from the Buildin�al� fr�ight��v��ic���iolates an}�of these Rufes and R�gulations c�r th�Lease or any�overnm�ntat cades and la�vs. . j 3. Tenant shall not accupy ar perrnit any partian of the Fremise�to be accupied as an offi�e for an employment bureau, pub��c steno�rapher or typ�st or far the poss�ss[on, s�orage,manufacture ar sate o�'narcatics or ill��a!dru�s. l4. Landlord shall ha�re the right to prohibit any ad��rtising�y any tenant which, in - Landlord's opinion, �ends to impair the reputat��n of the Building or its desirabi��ty as a . � . buildin�for qualsty m�rchandising and executiv�offces, and upon wrttten noti�e fr�m . Landlord,Tenant shall refrain fram vr disc�ntinu�such ad�er�ising. Tenant shal� not use th�n�m��f the Building or that af th�ov��ner in any advertising without th�express . �on�ent in writing by Landlard. . l 5. Tenant,before clo�ing and leaving the Pren�ises at any tin�e, sl�a11�ee that a!1 et�tran�e , doors from the Prem ises�nd�l1 Bui�d i n�entrance daars arid doars i nta com mor�and stair�andings,dre�losed and lacked. _ ��. Tcnant,before�nterit�g or leaving the Prer�lises dur�ng non-business hours�refer ta next �tem}shall s�e that�xterior daors leading outs�d�fr�rri common�estibules are c�osed, ��cked and bofted. . l 7. Landl or� reser�res the ri�ht to exclud�from the Bu'r�di ng's inteirior c�m mc�n ar�a�duri ng - non-business haurs--su�h as before S�.m.and after G p.m. on��r�ekdays,Saturdays, � and half-h�lidays and durin�a!l hours on�unda�s and full halidays�-all �endors, visitors and persons nat under tEie direct supervision af the Tenant and n�t normally � auth�ri2ed by Tenant to ha�re access ta the Building durin�non-bu�ines�hours. Tenant shalt be responsible and liable ta Landlard f�r all of the acts af all T�nanE's personne�, � � � customers and invitees wha ha�re a�cess to th� Building. Landl�rd may require all � persons given access ta the Buildin�during n�n-business hours to sign a re�ister on � � enterin�and leavin�the Building. � �S. �ach tenant shall,at its expense,pro�ride artif cial light for the employees�f Landlord .. while doing janit�r's service or other cleanin�and in making repairs or alteratians in the Pr�rnises. Landlord shall b�in n�way respansibl�to any tenant for lass of pr�per�y fr�m the Prem ises,hc��vever occurri ng,or for darna�e done to�he furniture�r other � effects of any tenant by Landl�rd's agent�,emplo�ees, ar contractors da�n��vork in ihe P rem ises. l 9. The requirements of tenants wi ll be attended to only upon appli�ation to Landlord's . agent or at the�ff�c��f the Buildin�. Landlord's employees shall not perform any work �9 or d�anything outside aF their re�ular duties�xcept under special instructions from the affice af the Landlord or its a�ent. �0. �an��ssin�,so[ici�in�and pedd�ing in the Bu�lding are proh�bit�d,and Tenant shall assist the Landlord to pre��nt such acts, • 2!. No hand tru�ks, except tho�e equ�pped with rubber tir��and side�uard�,shall b�use� in ' any�p�ee or tn rommon areas of the�uildin�,either by the T�nant ar b�+jot�hers or others. 2�. Withaut first ohtainin� Landlord's written permissi�n,Ter�ant sha�l not install, attach �r ' bring inta the Premises any equipn�ent,other than normal business e�uipm�nt such as el�ctrsc typewriters,�alculators, �]7C��h� ItI�C, or any instrument,du�t, r�frigerat�r,air canditianer,�yater caoler or any oth�r app�iance requ�ring the use af ga�,electric current or«rater. Any breach vf this covenan�will author�ze Lanc�lord�o enter the Premise�, remove•v�hateWer Tenant ma�r ha�re so in�talled,attached�r brou�ht in,and c��arge the cost af such removal and any�amag�that may be sustaaned there�y as_additional rerrt, � pay�able at the opti�n of the [.at�dlord, imrnediatel�or with the next month's rent accruin�under this lease. 23. N�ither T�nant n�r its servants,emplvyees, a��nts,�risitars�r lic�nsee�shall at any time br�ng or ke�p upon the Premis�s any flammable,�ombu�tib���r explosi�e fluid, chetnical ar substance,except such items a�m�y be incidental�y used,provid�d Tenant � n�tifies Landlord of the lo�ati�n thereofand make�ad��uate pro�rision for the safe starag�thereof. . 24. Landlard strictl}�pro�Yibits T�na�nt from cooking in the Pretnis�s,or c�nducting an}� . � - restaurant, luncheortette�,t•cafeteria for the sa�e�r service of f�od or bevera�es tc�its . . � . , emptoyees or t�others. Th� farego�n�shall not apply if the T�nant's Permitted U�e . inc�udes restaurant ar fc�od service uses. Z5. Typicay fl�ors are desi�ned to carry li��loads not exceeding fift�r�5��.pound�per�quare � . fa�t. Safe�and other espec�ally heavy items shall nat he ��cated �n the Prerriises withQut Landlord's prior��rrritten appro�ral. � 26. A i�del i�r�ries to or fram the Prem is�s, and al l rem owal of refuse;trash an�th�1 i ke from . rhe Premises shal�-be accomplish�d through the exterior doors of the Premise�,ar if the � � � Premises da�s nat ha�e exterior doars,throu�h�uch�oars,corridors'and exits as � • Landlord may designate fr�m rime to�ime. In no event{unles�9pecifica�ly agreed�o in � � � -� writin�by the Landl�rd�shall the interior pedestrian�ancourse�f the Buildin�or oth�r public�omm�n areas be used b�r Tenant�r the t�nant's servants,�mplayees,agent�and bu�iness in�itees �or any deliveries,�ither to�r fram the Premis�s or for the remaval of . rubb�sh from the Pr�mis�s or for any� other purpos��x�ept�nly for ped�strian aecess and egress. 2?. All serving,suppl�rin�or consumpti�n of ale�hol and alcoh�[ic be�erages on th� Pr�mises,the�omman Areas or any�where on Landlard's Pr�perty is strictly prahibited. . • �n�-time���nts,rec�ptians and the like in�olv�n�the�erW�ng of alcuhol ar alc�h�lic be�era�es shall be permit�ed only upon the prior v�rritt�n�onsent of the Landlord,which � - may t���i��n or withhe�d at Landlord's sole discretion,and, if consented�a;shal l be � � subject t�any and alt restrictions, requir�ments and limitatians.as Land�ord sha�l reyuir�. 3� E�HIBIT � • Guaran�� of L�ase �uaranty of Lease,dated M ay ,��2�,by aNUKUL �3IS�AS,indi�idually�"�uQr��ltor"�, to LE�IN�T�N S�UARE TRUST�the"Lajtdlord"}. Landlard is the owrner of certain praperty known as Lexin�ton Square and located at l��� Massachu�etts A��t�ue in �.exin�ton,Massachu�etts. Landlord is�ntering snto a l�as�[the "Lease"},af even c�at�wit�this Guarancy of Lease,of a p�ortion of said property wit� B�S�AS �NTERPRISE, iN�. (th�`'Te�aur�t"}. - . The Land�ard as a condit�on precedent�f its execution and deli�rery of the�.ease has required that .the�uarantar guarantee to Landiord the punctual performance and obserWa�ce af a�l abli�ations of T�nant thereunder,as hercin pro�ide�. No�v,therefore, in�onsideratian of the executi�r�and d�li�er� b��the Landlord vf the Leas�,the �uarantor f��r�b�r c��renant�and a�ree�w�th the Lan�lord as follo�v�: l. Tt1��uarar�tar her�b}�unco�ditionally guarantees to the L�ndlord: �a) T}��full and punctual pa}rn�ent as the}r a�cru�and hecome due�f all rents of . • �very kind,additiona� rents and all o�her charges to be paid b}r the Tenant under the Lease;and - �h} The ful� anc� pun�tual perf`ormance and obser�+ance af al l�ther terms, c��renants,c�nditi ons,warranties, indernn�fieations,agreements�and obl igati ans af Tenant under in tt�e Le�se;�nd � � �c) A�� dama�es that m ay aris� i n cons��uence of t��e non-pa�m�nt, � ,nonperfarman��or nonab�er�ance of the fore�oing obligatians. � . • ' ?, Th�Guarantor upon vvritten natice of the Tenant's defau�t from the i�andlord,shall make � punctual and full paym�nt of said rents,add�tional rents and other charg�s'and perform�uch other obl igations a�the T�nant is ob�igat�d under the Lease. 3. The Guarantor hereby vrraives all �uret}rship defenses general l�r,.including demand, notice and�rate�t, and fur#her covenants and agrees t��at it shall not be release� fr�m the ' obl i�ati�ns�f thi s�uara�ty,nor shal l sa�d obt igations be di m i n i�hed�r athecwise af�'e�ted by any of the follo��ring: � �a} Any extension of time or oth�r favar or induigence grant�d to the Tenant under the Lease or by any waiver wtxh respect t�the payment�f rents,additianal r�nts and �ther ctlarges t�be paid by the Tenant or wsth resp��t to the performan�e and � obser�rance af any other tenant obligations under the i.ease;or � tb) An}r assignment�f the Leas�or any li�ensing or subl�ttin�af all ar any parti�n of th�Prem ises;or � � ��) The acc�ptan��by the Landlocd af any security for the punctua� and full payment of said rents�r the punctual and fu[1 performance and ab�erwance of�aid - tenant ahli�ati�ns,or th�release,SUI�`�I�[��r�substitutiar��r madif catian of any securit�r �`rom time to tim�held by th�I.andlord, or by any act ar�mission to act by th�t�and�ord with re�pe�t to any such security;or 31 �d� Any ather a�t�r ornission to act by the Landlard;or � �e) Any other matter what�aever wher�b}�the Guarantor wauld or might�e released,it being the intent hereof t��at the Guarantar sha�l at a�l �imes be and remain l iable to the Land��rd ta th�samc extcnt as i f it was j ointl}r and sev�ral i� l i abl e with the Tenant to th�C.andl�rd for the performanc�of all the terms,conditions and provisions in said Lease c�nta�ned on the part af the Tenant ta be perform�d. Ar��amendment or m�difcatian of the Lease that madifies Tenant's abligations shall modify this�uaranty accord�ngly,which�uaranty sl�atl rernain in force an�ef�'ect�rith respect to th�Lease,as it may b�amended ar madrfied. �. This�uaranty is an absafute,unconditional,unlimited and c�n�inusn�guarant}r af the obligations stated in Paragraph � above,and not of�heir collectability onEy. Guarant�r does hereby co�enant and agree�hat its liabilit��under this�uarant}r shall be primary,and Landlord � �hall be entitled t�proceed d�rectly a�ainst�uarantor for the paym�nt and perf�rmance of su�h obli�ation�,�rsth�ut f rst pursuin�or exhausting any remedy which the Landlord tria}�have against the Tenant;this Guaranty is in na way conditi�ned on any re�uiremeni that Landl�rd first attempt � ta col�ect ar enfarce an}�of such ob!i�ati�ns fr�m ar a�ai nst th�Tenant,or on an�r other . c�nting�ncy. Guarantor fut�her w�i�res any ri�ht which it would or rni�ht ha�e at law ar�n equity ar by statut�to r�quire that the Land�ord,befQre enf�rcing th�obli�ati�ns of the Guar�ntor hereunder, pursue or other��rise a�ail itself af any rights ar remeds�s vrrhich �t ti�rould�r might ha�re ag�in�t tl�e Tenant by reason of any f�ilure pun�tually t�pa��rents,additian�� rents and other char�es to�e paid under the Lease or punctual�y ta perform and�bserv�al l at�ler tenant - obligations c�ntained in the L�ase. Notwithstanding the fore�ain�, before pr�ceedin�directly �a�ainst the Guarant�r for the payrn�nt and p�rforman�e of the Tenant's o�ligations, LandIord shal! first apply any security deposit bein�hetd under the Lease tv such abligatians. �uarantor als� - agre�s that, in any juri�d�ct�on, it will �e�anclusive�y b�und by t��e judgment of any court ot` campetent jurisdiction in any su�h aciion by Landlord against Tenant a�if Guarantor were a party . to such action even thou�h Guarantor is not joined as a party in such action. �. The c�bligations�f the�uarant�r hereund�r shall in no vva}r be rel�as�d,dimin'rshed or atherw�se at�'ected by rea�on of any�oluntar��or i n�al untary proce�d�ngs by or agai nst the Tenant in bankrUp��y or for an arrange��nent or reorganization or far any�otl�er relief u�der�ny provisi�n af the Bankruptcy Act as from time to time in eff�ct. �, The faslure of the L�ndlord to insist in any�ne or mare instances upan a strrct � � perform�n�e�r�bservan�e of any of the terrns, provisions or covenants of the Lea�e or to exerci�e an�r right therein contain�d shall nat b�c�n5trued or d�emed to he a�rai�er or relinquishm�nt for - the future of such term,pr�vision,co�enant ar ri�ht,but th�same shall continue and remain in ful� force and effect. Re�eipt by Landlord�f rent with knowledge of the breach of any provi�ion of the Lease shall not he de�med a waiver�f such breach. ?. �n the cas�vf enf�rcenaent of�his Guaranty,�uaran�or sl�ali be liable for and sha11 indemnify Landlord for all ca�ts and expenses of��ll��tion,including reasana�le attarneys' fees, in�urred or paid by Land l�rd, i n add iti on ta any am�unts which m ay he due under�h�terms�f the Lease and th i�Guaranty. S. �uarantor h�reby wa��es all ri�hts io tri�l by jury in action or proceedin�hereat�er instituted by s�id Landl�rd to wl�ich Guarantar rnay�e a p$�t�r. Guarar�tor�varrants and repr��ent� that it has the I��aI right and capaeity t�execute this�uaranty. tn the e�ent that this�uaranty shall be held in�ffeetive�r unenforceable by any court vf competent jurisdicti�n,then Guarantor s�alt be deemed ta�e �es�ee under the i.eas�with the same force and eff�ct as if Guarantor wl�ere expre�sly named as a joint lessee therein. 32 � � 9.� Th��uarantor a�rc:e�that any nati��or demand upon it�hal�be deemed ta be sufficiently���en Qr served if in�vriting and nlai�ed by re��stered or certif�ed mail, �vit��ar without re�urn.receipt requested,addre�sed ta the Guarantar at the address f�r natice to Tenant pursuant to the pra�isions of th�: Lea�e. - � !U, The pro�ri�ian�her�of sha!� be bi nd i ng upan Guar�ntor togeth�r, indivi dual�y, and j oi ntl�r . and s�v�r�ily,and shall in��re t�the benef t of Landlord and Landlord's heirs,executars, . administrat�rs,�ucces�ors,successors in[�tle anci assi�ns. If there i�rnore th�n ane person or � entity signin�this�uarar�ty,ea�h shall be ind�vidually and futl� fi�ble for the�bligatr�ns of �uarantor�nder thEs�uaranty,and the ahligations af such pers�ns or ent�ties sha�! �e jaint and �e�era�, - 1 l. �uarantor represents and warrants ta Landl�rd that: �uaran�r�r halds a majarity and ��ntro�ling ownership interest in the ez�tity tli�t constitute�Tenant, and has th� p�wer to direct 'T'enant's managem�nt and�neratian and ta c�ntral T�nant; and�uarantor deem�T�nant's . entering into the Lease to be in Guarant�r's b�st inierest,and Guarantar�xpects t�deri�e . substanti al benefi c therefrorn. . � �2, This Guaranty shal! be�oWerned by 3nd construed under the la�vs af the�o�i�rnon�vealth - afNlassachusetts. Witnes�th�execution of this �nstrument as a sealed instrument as af th�ab��re written dat�, Nam�: �nukul B��was • H�m�Address: � ' . 33 BOARD OF SELECTMEN REGULATION Alcoholic Beve�age License Regulations Applicable to Package Sto�es Date Approved by BOS: Signature of Chair: August 5, 2019 � f��. ,��c��u`e I. PURPOSE The Board of Selectmen is duly authorized by statute to issue and to regulate alcoholic beverage licenses. These regulations set the standards by which the Selectmen will review requests for package store licenses. II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The alcoholic beverage license must be prominently displayed and available for public viewing inside the premises. 2. All employees must be 18 years of age or older. 3. Package stores may not sell or deliver alcoholic beverages on Thanksgiving and Christmas. 4. Unless the Board of Selectmen elects to reduce such hours as a condition of a license, the hours for selling alcoholic beverages shall not exceed the following: Monday through Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. or between 8:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. on the day immediately before a legal holiday. Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 5. No package store license shall be issued to any applicant who has been convicted of a felony. 6. Package store licenses shall be issued only to retail establishments that specialize in the sale of alcoholic beverages. Such licenses shall not be issued to grocery stores or convenience stores. For purposes of this regulation, retail establishments in which alcoholic beverages constitute 50% or more of their annual sales shall be considered eligible for a package store license. Upon request from the Board of Selectmen, applicants and/or license holders shall furnish proof of compliance with this regulation. 7. Automatic amusement devices in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 140, § 177A may be kept in licensed premises, provided that each such device is properly licensed by the Town of Lexington as an automatic amusement device, and is installed on the premises so as to be kept in open view at all times while in operation, and shall at all times be available for inspection. No device designed or intended for gambling, gaming or betting for money or property shall be permitted in a licensed premise, nor shall any other automatic amusement device be permitted to be used for such purpose. The term "automatic amusement device" shall mean any mechanism whereby, upon the deposit therein of a coin or token, any apparatus is released or set in motion or put in a position where it may be set in motion for the purpose of playing any game involving, in whole or in part, the skill of the player, including but not limited to such devices commonly known as pinball machines and video or electronic games. 8. Licenses shall not be issued to establishments located within a residential neighborhood area. 9. Package store licensees must conspicuously post a list of prices for all alcoholic beverages being sold on the premises in each room where alcoholic beverages are displayed or sold. 10. No license shall be sold, transferred or surrendered without the prior approval of the Board of Selectmen. 11. Pursuant to state law, each applicant, whether an individual, partnership or corporation (including its af�liated entities), is eligible to receive no more than one package store license in Lexington. 12. All alcoholic beverage licenses are conditioned on the compliance with all applicable state and local laws, including but not limited to M.G.L. Chapters 13 8 and 140, the state building code, the ABCC Regulations and Lexington's bylaws and regulations. 13. No corporation, organized under the laws of the Commonwealth or any other state or foreign country, shall be issued a license to sell in any manner any alcoholic beverages unless such corporation shall have �rst appointed, by vote of its Board of Directors or other similar board, as manager or other principal representative, a citizen of the United States who is 21 years of age or older, and shall have vested in him by properly authorized and executed written delegation full authority and control over all business relative to alcoholic beverages which takes place on the premise. 14. Such manager or representative shall be present in the licensed premises and shall be available to the licensing authorities at all times during which alcoholic beverages are being sold pursuant to the license of such corporation, unless some other person, similarly quali�ed, authorized and satisfactory to the licensing authorities, and whose authority to act in place of such manager or principal representative shall �rst have been certi�ed to the licensing authorities as set forth in paragraph 13, is present in the premises and acting in the place of such manager or principal representative. 15. The licensee shall have a manager or an assistant manager in charge during open hours who is a responsible person of good moral character, satisfactory to the licensing authorities. 16. All managers listed on the license must provide the Board with proof of successful completion of an accredited alcoholic beverage server training program(such as Training for Intervention Procedures by Servers (TIPS)). All other employees must complete similar in-house training within 30 days of hire. 17. The manager or representative is responsible for the order and decorum kept in the premises and in the immediate surrounding exterior area and must cooperate with Town Of�cials. The property is subject to inspection by appropriate Town Of�cials. 18. If the licensed establishment is closed for more than 7 consecutive days or 10 days in a calendar year without prior approval, it shall be considered abandonment of the alcoholic beverage license and is cause for the suspension or revocation of the license. 19. All alcoholic beverage licenses shall be conditioned on strict compliance with these regulations, and any failure to comply may be cause for refusing to grant or renew a license or for suspending, canceling, or revoking a license already granted, at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen after consideration of all relevant circumstances. III. THE APPLICATION 20. Alcoholic beverage licenses are issued for one year only, subj ect to annual review and renewal by the Board. 21. No action shall be taken by the Board of Selectmen on an application until the information requested on the application form is complete and all license fees are paid. 22. All applicants must submit to the Board of Selectmen with the application a floor plan of the building on which is clearly marked and designated the location of proposed sales area and storage area in which approval of the Board of Selectmen for the sale or storage of alcoholic beverages is requested. Sales and service of alcoholic beverages are prohibited in any areas or locations not expressly approved by the Board of Selectmen, and no change in such area or location may be made without prior approval of the Board of Selectmen. 23. Every application for an alcoholic beverage license made by a corporation shall state the full names and home addresses of the president, treasurer, clerk and secretary, directors and manager or other principal representative of the corporation. The application shall be signed by a corporate of�cer duly authorized by a vote of the corporation's board of directors or other similar board. A copy of such vote certi�ed by the clerk or secretary of the corporation, together with a copy of the certificate of its organization, shall be submitted with the application. A copy of the vote appointing the corporation's manager or other principal representative shall also be submitted with the application. 24. All applications for licenses shall be made upon blanks furnished by the licensing authorities, shall be fully answered in detail and shall be typewritten or legibly written in ink. Applications written in pencil, in whole or in part, will not be accepted. 25. Statements and information provided in all applications shall be made under the pains and penalties of perjury and any false statement contained in any application shall be cause for refusing to grant or renew the alcoholic beverage license or for suspending, canceling or revoking an alcoholic beverage license already granted. 26. The annual license fee is due at the time of applying for or renewing an alcoholic beverage license. Annual fees are as follows: (a) All Alcohol - $2,000, and; (b) Wine and Malt Only - $2,000. 27. For a new license or change of license, a $100 administrative fee is due at the time of application. 28. If an applicant is denied a license, a new application shall not be received for 12 months unless a Board of Selectmen member, who previously voted against the application, moves to allow resubmission and such motion prevails. IV. BACKGROLJND V. REFERENCES Adopted by the Board of Selectmen on November 8, 2004. Amended by the Board of Selectmen on February 15, 2005. Amended by the Board of Selectmen on May 14, 2007 (No. 6—from 75%to 50%) Amended by the Board of Selectmen on March 15, 2010. Amended by the Board of Selectmen on August 5, 2019 (No. II.3 and II.4) MGL Chapter 138 ABCC Licensing Guidelines AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: SELECT BOARD WORK SESSION - Discussion on Muzzey Parking Lot Design PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: John Livsey I.3 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing This s es sion is to have the initial discus sion with the S elect Bo ard on the layout and design conc epts for the Muzzey S treet p arking lo t and whether this d e s ign s ho uld inc lud e meters and P ayB yP ho ne o r s imp ly PayByPhone, sirnilar to the Depot Lot. SUGGESTED MOTION: No mo tio n required, the Engineering D ep artment is s eeking inp ut fro m the S elec t B o ard s o that d es ign c an b e finalized. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 7:20pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���i..������:...�,:����.�:��.��;������������.�� ��..�,�v������������,:� � I LEXINGTON,MA a I TOWN CENTER MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT � � STATE FED.AID PftOJ.NO. SHEET TOTAL p I I I NO. SHEETS N \ I � \ MA --- - - ii r I I PROJECT FILE NO. -- `- 0 � 0 � d C� 03/13/2024 9:43:42 AM � 0 � � � a : W I " Z 0 2 � 0 � � x N .. . ..... �. .. .. .. ,,. ,. W ��� � _.: . ,,. .. � � . .. ' '� � 4 ! EXISTING CONDITIONS - - � 119 PARKING SPACES i - - - - i 5 ADA SPACES 1 i 4 _ 124 TOTAL S PAC E S \ , - - - - i � �� �� � i '4 � � � - - w `w Q �� 13 Q ' � � i� � 4 I V V 4 ' � ' I � Y { ' � � ' s ' .. ,L.L �>i' ' ..A.A ',. ' �'.... � � ' ',, . CO CO 4 ' 11 6 ,.. � 9 ' 4 I - - - - ' 12 ' 7 - _ - - � 16 0 20 50 100 SCALE:1"=20' 4? � I LEXINGTON,MA a I TOWN CENTER MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT � � STATE FED.AID PftOJ.NO. SHEET TOTAL p I I I NO. SHEETS N \ I � \ MA --- - - ii � I I PROJECT FILE NO. -- `- 0 � 0 � a C� 03/13/2024 1022:59 AM � 0 � � a : � W I " Z 0 U � I � o '..,... ," . .: . � � � � N W � � 1 � - P CONCEPT 5 - RE-CIRCULATE 2 - - � 98 PARKI NG SPACES � i - - - - ��i ����� 5 ADA SPACES 1� ��i ���� _ 103 TOTAL S PAC ES � � ������ �� ��� � ��� � � �� i 3 ,) � � � � - - U 11 � 1 � 12 � � � � 4 > � � ' � � I z ` � z . � � { Q ? Q ;� � _ N � a 17 � � 4 ' � , 10 '. , -. � 4 5 � 11 ` . . ` :s.� .�. .. __:� - - 16 0 20 50 100 SCALE:1"=20' 4? � I LEXINGTON,MA a I TOWN CENTER MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT � � STATE FED.AID PftOJ.NO. SHEET TOTAL p I I I NO. SHEETS N \ I � \ MA --- - - ii 0 I I PROJECT FILE NO. --- `� 0 � 0 � a 03/13/2024 1026:38 AM � 0 � � : � a W I U Z O � I 0 .;�: :. , �: . � � X � w 3 �°2 � � - � CONCEPT 10 — 90° PARKING 4 - - -► � 118 PARKING SPACES i — — — — i 5 ADA SPACES i 5 _ 123 TOTAL SPACES \ � ����� ��� � ai , � ,i� �� � ��� ���� ' ��� � � � ����� � — —� �� � � ��w ���w ��� � c..� c..� Q Q � � $ 4" I � � � z z � ., � � { , > , � >i; � �, � � C'7 O 4 18 CO C4 19 �g � �'� - - - - ♦ � ' �� 9 � ,.. � ' � I , � � 12 � � ' � 17 0 20 50 100 SCALE:1"=20' 4? AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: SELECT BOARD WORK SESSION - Small Business Tax Exemption PRESENTER: ITEM Carol n Kosnoff Assistant Town NUMBER: Y � Manager fo r F inanc e; R o b L ent, Director ofAssessin I.4 g S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B rains to rming T he F inanc e D ep artment s taff will p ro vid e an o verview o f the S mall C o rrlmerc ial Tax Exemp tio n. T he exemp tio n is o ne o f the fo ur tax c las s if'ic atio n o p tio ns that the S elec t B o ard mus t vo te when s etting the tax rate in any given fiscal year. In November 2023, when reviewing and approving the FY2024 tax rate the Board indicated their interest in b etter und ers tanding the S mall C o rrlmerc ial Tax Exemp tio n. T his o verview b y s taff will review what taxp ayers the exemp tio n wo uld ap p ly to, the financ ial imp ac t o f the exemp tio n and the p ro c e s s fo r imp lementing it. An app end�to the pres entation also includes metric s from other corrlmunities that have adopted this exemption. S taff are s eeking general feedb ac k o n whether o r no t the B o ard wo uld like to further exp lo re this o p tio n o r b egin p ub lic o utreac h and d ata c o llec tio n that wo uld b e required to s uc c e s s fully and ac c urately imp lement this option. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: T he B o ard will b e required to vo te whether o r no t to ad o p t a S mall C o rrlmerc ial Tax Exemp tio n in No vemb er 2024. S taff are s eeking feedb ac k and direc tio n ab o ut this item b efo re the tax c las s if'ic atio n vo te. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 7:40pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����������..������������;����"������f�;����������,:��� ������������������,:��.� ������������������,:��.� � ��.�������������:��.����i��:����u�.����������������.���w������� �:����;���i���������������� �.��� ��_ ����. 0 .� — s � --. —� �, � �c ��. F= ��_ � _ � � _ ���� � ��_ _ �� � � _� ,� � � �� � � � — � � �, � � � �� —� � � � �; � �� � � � �� _" � � � � � �s � � � �� � - � � � � �. � � �`. � � ��, _ _. ,� � �' . � �.� � �` � � �� � � _: �. _ � �a � _.._ � �_ ��_� � a. . e� , �_—. : � - �- � �: '- = E� - �:_ _ _ _ y� < <, � M �4 �� _ -� ` �_ � � � — ����� � � ��s����� �� ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? 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Taxable Value of Commerical Parcels $ 858 524 720 � � � 6 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� � �= � ���� �,� �.z �� `AF�1����. � 1`� ��`3�����- Tax Rate Summa - With Small Commercial Exem tion rY p 1 a - Tota I to be Ra i sed $ 349,411 ,436 1 b - Est. Recei pts & Other $ 105,765,360 1c - Tax Levy $ 243,646,076 a b c d e f Amount to be C lass Levy % Ra ised Va I u atio n Tax Rates Levy LA5 1 c * % i n b LA5 c/d * 1000 d*e/1000 Residential 76.8546 $ 187,253,295 $ 15,289,843,165 12.25 $ 187,300,579 Commercial - 8.5652 $ 20,868,792 $ 858,524,720 24.31 $ 20,870,736 Industrial 10.8566 $ 26,451 ,563 $ 1 ,088,195,285 24.31 $ 26,454,027 Personal 3.7047 $ 9,026,287 $ 372,968,740 24.20 $ 9,025,844 99.9811 $ 243,599,936 $ 17,609,531 ,910 $ 243,651 ,186 _ _ �,� \� �; ��, `�- ; `�,_�-, � Tat�l �r��r�t af L�v �id b C�I �I����� da�� nat ���n � 1 �.4���� � Y � Y � � T�x�bl� v�l��tiar� af Ca���r�i�l ra �rt d��r����� d�� ta t�� � � Y 7 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, � �� � � = ��. � � � � ' � . Additional , Savings for Without Sm�all Co�im � � � Cost to Exe mption (Status Quo) With Sm�all Co�im Exe mption � � � . Prope rtie s , Tax on Gross Tax on Gross Net Value Wlth Tax on Net Prope rtle s . (c-a) Gross Value Value (a) Gross Value Value (b) Exemptlon Value (c) (c-b) $ 100,000 2,420 $ 100,000 $ 2,431 $ 90,000 2,188 $ (232) $ 11 $ 200,000 4,840 $ 200,000 $ 4,862 $ 180,000 4,376 $ (464) $ 22 $ 300,000 7,260 $ 300,000 $ 7,293 $ 270,000 6,564 $ (696) $ 33 $ 400,000 9,680 $ 400,000 $ 9,724 $ 360,000 8,752 $ (928) $ 44 $ 500,000 12,100 $ 500,000 $ 12,155 $ 450,000 10,940 $ (1,161) $ 55 $ 600,000 14,520 $ 600,000 $ 14,586 $ 540,000 13,127 $ (1,393) $ 66 $ 700,000 16,940 $ 700,000 $ 17,017 $ 630,000 15,315 $ (1,625) $ 77 $ 800,000 19,360 $ 800,000 $ 19,448 $ 720,000 17,503 $ (1,857) $ 88 $ 900,000 21,780 $ 900,000 $ 21,879 $ 810,000 19,691 $ (2,089) $ 99 $ 999,000 24,176 $ 999,000 $ 24,286 $ 899,100 21,857 $ (2,319) $ 110 $ 1,000,000 24,200 $ 1,000,000 $ 24,310 n/a n/a n/a $ 110 $ 1,100,000 26,620 $ 1,100,000 $ 26,741 n/a n/a n/a $ 121 $ 1,500,000 36,300 $ 1,500,000 $ 36,465 n/a n/a n/a $ 165 $ 2,000,000 48,400 $ 2,000,000 $ 48,620 n/a n/a n/a $ 220 $ 5,000,000 121,000 $ 5,000,000 $ 121,550 n/a n/a n/a $ 550 $ 10,000,000 242,000 $ 10,000,000 $ 243,100 n/a n/a n/a $ 1,100 $ 20,000,000 484,000 $20,000,000 $ 486,200 n/a n/a n/a $ 2,200 $ 30,000,000 726,000 $30,000,000 $ 729,300 n/a n/a n/a $ 3,300 8 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, . . . . . . . g ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, . . . . . . 10 . ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, - - - � _ _ � � � _ _ � �_ � - - - - 11 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��. � ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, 12 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��. � ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, 13 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? P � ��� �'�-�`� .�;'�_ '��� '' AF�1����. 1`. �����-����1�, SmaII Commercial #of Total Value of DOR Exemption Commercial #of Total Commercial Total Municipal Commercial Code Municipality Billing Cycle Percentage Properties Parcels Commercial% Properties Value % 017 Auburn Quarterly 10% 330 7,689 4.3%0 $420,300,660 $3,136,769,045 13.4% 018 Avon Quarterly 10% 92 2,252 4.1%o $145,119,183 $1,147,498,063 12.6% 025 Bellingham Quarterly 10% 191 7,189 2.7%0 $346,326,661 $3,724,400,151 9.3% 028 Berlin Semi-Annual 10% 48 1,878 2.6% $106,746,093 $963,080,533 11.1% 040 Braintree Quarterly 10% 461 14,662 3.1%o $1,412,026,990 $9,679,935,171 14.6% 056 Chelmsford Quarterly 10% 402 14,733 2.7%0 $545,447,842 $8,529,278,697 6.4% 072 Dartmouth Quarterly 10% 553 15,737 3.5% $704,575,793 $7,943,750,432 8.9% Preliminary 091 Erving Semi-Annual 10% 43 1,012 4.2%0 $9,455,132 $874,827,311 1.1% 155 Lexington Quarterly n/a 420 13,347 3.1%o $867,162,320 $17,618,169,510 4.9% 200 New Ashford Semi-Annual 10% 7 214 3.3% $6,638,170 $54,961,588 12.1% North 211 Attleborough Quarterly 10% 309 11,394 2.7% $582,899,719 $5,773,339,900 10.1% 265 Seekonk Quarterly 10% 332 7,060 4.7%0 $502,408,386 $3,427,290,915 14.7% 291 Swampscott Quarterly 10% 89 6,000 1.5%0 $216,124,634 $4,677,360,094 4.6% 330 Westford Quarterly 10% 265 9,824 2.7%0 $348,314,402 $6,732,871,223 5.2% 350 Wrentham Quarterl 10% 146 5,122 2.9% $377,750,002 $3,267,113,335 11.6% �a�r��: htt��:��dl�gat�v�ray.dar.�tat�.r�a.���r��a���rdF�ag�.a��x�rdR��a�t=�a�alQ�tiar��.la�ala�tiar�� 14 ��� ������ ��`����� ��` � ��.. : • ���� �� �� �� �? 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Section F of the guidelines has been revised to reflect a change made by the recent Municipal Modernization Act regarding the due date for applications for small commercial exemptions. Topical Index Key: Distribution: Classification and Taxation by Use Assessors Exemptions Selectboards/Mayors City/Town Councils City Solicitors/Town Counsels , „ v�►Tww.mass.�ov/DLS . . , - - Informational Guideline Release (IGR)No. 16-405 November 2016 Supersedes IGR 00-403 and Inconsistent Prior Written Statements SMALL COMMERCIAL EXEMPTION Chapter 218, �� 126 and 247 of the Acts of 2016 (Amending G.L. c. 59, � SI) SUMMARY: These guidelines explain the features and operation of the small commercial exemption and have been updated to reflect recent legislation amending the due date for applications for the exemption. G.L. c. 59, � SI, as amended by St. 2016, c. 218, � 126. The small commercial exemption is one of the property tax classification options available to communities when setting the annual property tax rate. Under that option, the Selectboard or Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, may exempt up to 10 percent of the value of Class Three, Commercial, parcels occupied by qualifying small businesses. G.L. c. 59, � SI. The assessors apply the exemption to reduce the taxable valuation of the property before setting the tax rate, in the same manner the residential exemption option under G.L. c. 59, �SC is applied. The small commercial exemption lowers taxes on parcels occupied by small businesses and shifts those taxes to other commercial and industrial taxpayers. Eligible small businesses are defined as those having an average annual employment of no more than ten persons at all locations during the prior calendar year. The Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development (Secretary) must certify that the business meets the employment criterion in an annual list provided to local assessors. G.L. c. 151 A, � 64A. If a business that is a sole proprietorship or partnership does not appear on the list, the assessors may determine eligibility. Under the recent amendment, eligible taxpayers will now have until April 1 to apply for the exemption if no reduction was made in their assessed valuations, unless the tax bills were mailed after January 1. G.L. c. 59, � SI. In that case, taxpayers have three months from the date the bills are mailed to apply. This amendment took effect on November 7, 2016 and applies to applications for small commercial exemptions granted beginning in fiscal year 2017. These guidelines supersede the guidelines issued when G.L. c. 59, � SI was last amended in 2000 and any inconsistent prior written statements or documents. See Informational Guideline Release (IGR)No. 00-403, Small Comme�cial Exemption. BUREAU OF LOCAL ASSESSMENT JOANNE GRAZIANO, CHIEF -2- GUIDELINES: A. ANNUAL ADOPTION The selectboard or mayor, with the approval of the city council, may decide before the tax rate is set whether or not to grant a small commercial exemption for the fiscal year. A small commercial exemption of up to 10 percent of the valuation of eligible Class Three, Commercial, parcels may be adopted. The small commercial exemption is in addition to the other local tax policy options available under the property tax classification law. It may be granted regardless of the residential factor selected and used with or without an open space discount or a residential exemption. B. EXEMPTION QUALIFICATIONS To receive a small commercial exemption granted for the fiscal year, a Class Three, Commercial, parcel must be occupied as of January 1 by a business with an avera�e annual employment of no more than 10 people at all locations during the previous calendar year, and have a valuation of less than $1,000,000. 1. Occupanc_y The commercial parcel must be occupied by an eligible business as of the January 1 assessment date for the fiscal year the exemption is granted. It does not have to be owned by the occupying business or any other eligible business. If a parcel has multiple commercial occupants or tenants, all occupants must be eligible businesses. If a parcel is multiple use, such as a residential and commercial property, all occupants of the commercial portion must be eligible businesses. 2. Eli�ible Business An eligible business must have an average annual employment of 10 or fewer people during the calendar year before the January 1 assessment date for the fiscal year the exemption is granted. Average employment is determined for the business as a whole, not just at the location of the parcel or other parcels within the community. a. Certification by Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Businesses certified by the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development as having an average annual employment of 10 or fewer people at all locations during the prior calendar year qualify for the exemption. The Secretary will provide the assessors with a list of eligible businesses each year by July 1. G.L. c. 151 A, � 64A. -3- The list of eligible businesses is not a public record. The assessors and their staff may use the list for the sole purpose of administering the small commercial exemption. Assessors or their staff who use the list for other purposes or disclose any of the listed businesses to people outside the assessors' office may be fined $100. b. Determination by Assessors If a sole proprietorship or partnership occupying the parcel on January 1 does not appear on the certified list, the assessors may determine whether it met the employment criterion for the previous calendar year. In all other cases, however, the assessors must rely exclusively on the Secretary's certification in determining whether a business meets the employment criterion. Assessors will mostly be determining eligibility for sole proprietorships and partnerships that did not employ anyone other than the proprietor or a partner for more than 13 weeks during the previous calendar year. Sole proprietorships and partnerships that employed any other person for longer than that period are required to report to the Secretary and, therefore, they should appear on the certified list. For purposes of consistency, assessors should calculate an average annual employment figure for the business using the same method as the Secretary. That method is as follows: (1) Determine the total number of persons employed at all locations who worked during or received pay for the payroll period that includes the 12th of each month in the calendar year. Do not include p�op�ieto�s and pa�tne�s. (2) Determine the total number of persons employed during each three month quarter of that calendar year. (3) Determine the average number of persons employed for each quarter of that year by dividing the total from step (2) by 3. Round the�esult down to the nea�est whole numbe�. (4) Determine the average annual employment by adding the four quarter averages from step (3) and dividing by 4. Round the�esult down to the nea�est whole numbe�. This number must equal 10 or below for the business to meet the employment criterion. -4- 3. Valuation Limit The Class Three, Commercial, parcel must have a valuation of less than $1,000,000 before application of the exemption. The exemption applies to a specific parcel occupied by an eligible business, not an eligible business. Therefore, if any particular eligible business occupies more than one parcel under $1,000,000 in value, each parcel would qualify for the exemption. C. ASSESSED VALUATION AND TAX RATE The assessors administer the small commercial exemption in the same manner as the residential exemption, i.e., by applying it before tax billing and without an application from the taxpayer. Unlike the residential exemption, however, the small commercial exemption is based on a percentage of an eligible parcel's valuation, rather than a fixed dollar amount. The assessors value all Class Three, Commercial, properties at their full and fair cash value and use the total full and fair cash value of the commercial class to compute the minimum residential factor and to determine the levy allocation under classification. If a small commercial exemption is granted, the assessors must then determine the eligible parcels, reduce their valuation by the selected exemption percentage and use the reduced taxable valuation of the commercial class to calculate the tax rate. Any small commercial exemption granted is borne by other Class Three, Commercial, and Class Four, Industrial, real property, but not by personal property. The tax levy to be raised from commercial and industrial properties remains the same, but use of the reduced valuation in setting the tax rate results in a higher tax rate for the commercial and industrial classes than for personal property. The attachment, "Impact of Small Commercial Exemption," shows how adoption of the exemption affects the calculation of the tax rate. Assessors may also refer to the Options Table in Gateway Online that allows them to see the impact on the rate. D. OTHER EXEMPTIONS The small commercial exemption may be applied to parcels that qualify for other property tax exemptions under G.L. c. 59, � 5. There is no minimum taxable valuation as is the case with the residential exemption. E. TAX BILLS Tax bills for parcels that receive the small commercial exemption must show the following amounts: (1) the total full and fair cash valuation, (2) the small commercial exemption, and (3) the total taxable valuation to which the tax rate is applied. Model tax bills issued annually reflect these requirements. -5- F. EXEMPTION APPLICATIONS An application for the small commercial exemption may be filed with the assessors if the exemption is not applied to reduce the assessed valuation of a qualified parcel. The application deadline is April 1, unless the actual tax bills for the fiscal year are mailed after January 1. In that case, taxpayers have three months from the date the bills are mailed to apply. The taxpayer may use a form approved by the Commissioner for this purpose ("Application for Small Commercial Exemption," State Tax Form 128 —SI). A regular abatement application("Application for Abatement of Real/Personal Prol�erty Tax," State Tax Form 128) filed within the deadline will also serve as an effective application. In that case, the assessors should then ask the taxpayer to complete State Tax Form 128-SI or otherwise provide the information needed to determine exemption eligibility. -6- IMPACT OF SMALL COMMERCIAL EXEMPTION Tax Levy $ 5,000,000 Full and Fair Cash Valuation Residential $ 150,000,000 75% ) Open Space 10,000,000 5% ) (80%) Commercial 20,000,000 10% ) Industrial 10,000,000 5% ) (20%) Personal 10,000,000 5% ) TOTAL $ 200,000,000 100% Eligible Class Three Parcels Full and Fair Cash Value $ 5,000,000 Exemption Percentage 10% Exempt Valuation $ 500,000 Taxable Assessed Valuation $ 4,500,000 EXAMPLE 1 COMMUNITY ADOPTS A RESIDENTIAL FACTOR OF 1 Tax Rate Computation Without a Small Commercial Exemption Class Lev % L� Tax Rate R& O 80% $4,000,000 $25.00 ($4,000,000 - 160,000,000) CIP 20% $1,000,000 $25.00 ($1,000,000 - 40,000,000) Tax Rate Computation_a Small Commercial Exemption Class Lev % L� Tax Rate R& O 80% $4,000,000 $25.00 ($4,000,000 - 160,000,000) C & I 15% $ 750,000 $25.42 ( 750,000 - 29,500,000) P 5% $ 250,000 $25.00 ( 50,000 - 10,000,000) Tax Impact on Eligible and Non-eligible Parcel Full and Fair Cash Valuation $500,000 Without Exemption With Exemption Eligible $12,5 00 $11,43 9 ($500,000 x $25/1000) ($450,000 x $25.42/1000) Non-eligible $12,500 $12,710 ($500,000 x $25/1000) ($500,000 x $25.42/1000) _�_ EXAMPLE 2 COMMUNITY ADOPTS A SHIFT OF 150% ON CIP ADOPTS A RESIDENTIAL FACTOR OF .875 Tax Rate Computation Without a Small Commercial Exemption Class Lev % L� Tax Rate R& O 70% $3,500,000 $21.88 ($3,500,000 - 160,000,000) CIP 30% $1,500,000 $37.50 ( 1,500,000 - 40,000,000) Tax Rate Computation_a Small Commercial Exemption Class Lev % L� Tax Rate R& O 70.0% $3,500,000 $21.88 ($3,500,000 - 160,000,000) C & I 22.5% $1,125,000 $38.14 ( 1,125,000 - 29,500,000) P 7.5% $ 375,000 $37.50 ( 375,000 - 10,000,000) Tax Impact on Eligible and Non-eligible Parcel Full and Fair Cash Valuation $500,000 Without Exemption With Exemption Eligible $18,750 $17,163 ($500,000 x $37.50/1000) ($450,000 x $38.14/1000) Non-eligible $18,750 $19,070 ($500,000 x $37.50/1000) ($500,000 x $38.14/1000) AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Placement of Temporary Signs at Lincoln Field and/or Center Track Field - Lexington High School Girls Soccer Boosters PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.5 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attac hed p leas e find the reque s t and a p o wer p o int p re s entatio n whic h was als o p ro vid ed to the R ec reatio n C o mmitte e fo r their review. Erik L ars o n will p ro vid e an o verview o f the reque s t and will b e availab le to respond to any questions the S elect Board may have. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the request from the LHS Girls Soccer Boosters subject to the conditions approved by the Recreation Committee on 5/15/24. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 7:SOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���,������������-�r����r�C���°������������,��r ���,����r����,�������4:.:����r����m�����,����,�������r����a,��������,������� 4:.:����,��r. �,������ � �I�������,�������,������� ���,,,,,�I�:�,Q�:�,� ��;�,�����.���� .��,�������,� �� ���°�F' �' � RE REATI MMITTEE � �� � C ON C O ��� �,H,,,,,,„ ,,,,,,,, If, �f f� ' � � �rf � �� ;� Frederick DeAngelis,Chair Christian Boutwell,Vice Chair Lisa O Brien ,�y��" �ni, � f� � � �r�,��,I ���y� '/lyiii�r��ifJ���� j- . . . ,H��� Claire Sheth Carl Fantasia Weiwei Li Renen Bassik �� l� f,� , ��„ �� Y� ���� , �� ' ,,,,,,,,,J�,,, ' ' >���uf, �;���»���r�� ���y Tel: 781-698-4800 Email: ��������.���................:�.�..������� ��� �� �v ,,,;, p%fyj`, �' , � �, � �,;� ° Web: � ������ ��� �� �v�5�������������,.....�� ���� ,..... �� �� � May 20, 2024 To: Select Board Cc: LHS Girls Soccer Boosters; Town Manager's Office; Recreation Committee Re: Recommendation to approve temporary sign placement At the Recreation Committee's regular May meeting (Wednesday, May 15, 2024), the Committee voted unanimously (5-0) in support of the placement of up to eight, approximately 4'x8', vinyl, corporate sponsorship banners at Lincoln Field #2 and/or Center Track Field by the Lexington High School Girls Soccer Boosters for the purpose of fundraising with the following conditions: • final banner design and content,placement location,and method of attachment will require express approval by the Director of Recreation and Community Programs or their designee; • the banners will be placed on fences only; • the banners will be temporary and only in place during LHS Girls Varsity, Junior Varsity, and/or Freshman team soccer games, to be put up immediately prior to the start of the game (or block of games) and removed immediately following the conclusion of the game (or block of games); • this recommendation will be reviewed by the Recreation Committee annually following the conclusion of the soccer season. `\ � \ i �� �, . _ _._, __ ��� � � � ��;� � , - �:�� ; �������� �- � � � �-�� � ��� �� � �� _ `� � ♦ ' rre t tate a o text are e ere? r0 OSa eSCrl t10 O O� eXl t0 eCreatl0 O lttee eC0 e e 1 ell eS r0 OSe XeC t10 OC - S OC S1 eSSeS ar ete e 1X ti�� `�� �,� � � � � � ��� � _. � � _ • • • ' � t B t r r niz ti n f f i i t t it r n w n 'n e o o s e o a a o a a e o . �'U e a e o a 1 cor orate oi c g p 5 3 non- ro it entit wit a Boar an overnance ocumentation re are to p y g 1� 1� ta t f t r r wt an finan ia ta i it f t Pr ram c e e uuego c s yo e og . 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Florence DelSanto will present the LexMedia update at tonight's meeting. Also present will be Jim Shaw, L exMedia B o ard o f D irec to rs C hairman and Ken P o gran, C o mmunic atio ns Advis o ry C o mmittee C hair. SUGGESTED MOTION: N/A FOLLOW UP: N/A DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 7:5 Sp m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �I..�,��,.�,������,�.:�������,��,� �I����r��,�������,������� • . � � ' � � n ove ry i evv o e� e i a s r o ra m m i n c ove ra e vv i a n . . , em asison overnmen mee in s. � � �� ���� ��- ���� ��- �� �� g��� ��� _����� ������ �� �� ���������� �� ������� ��������� ���� ���� ���� ��� �� ���� � �� ��� ��� ��� � ��� � � ' �� ����'� ���� �� ; ����� ��� � ��� � ��� � � �� ��� ����� �� ��� � �������� � � ����� ���� �����* �� �� �� �� �� � �� __._ ���� _� ���� _ __ _ _- .____ ____ �� �� �� �� � ��� �� � �� �� � � -�� ��� �� =� � ����� � ��` ��,� ���- ��� ��� �_ . : � - . _ � ��� �� ��_ � � �� ��- �� ��. �� �� ���� ��- ��� ��� � � �� �� �� "�� �� �� �� � � �� _�� � ���� ���� ��� ��� ��� -���� � ����� -� ��� � ��� � � �� �� � ��� ���� �� ��� � � � �� � � ��� :���� �� ��� �� ,�� �- ��� � _ � ��_ �� �� ����4 numb�rs ar� in ro r�ss. � � AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: SELECT BOARD WORK SESSION -Town Meeting Article Submission Timeline Discussion PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: D o ug Luc ente, C hair; Mark S and e en, Member I.7 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing On May 23rd, S elect Board Members Doug Lucente and Mark S andeen convened with Deputy Town Manager Kelly Axtell and S elect Board Executive Clerk Kim Katzenback to discuss the timeline for presenting Town Meeting Articles, including citizen petitions and those requested by committees. The discussion focused on establishing a detailed schedule to ensure alignment with S elect Bard as well as committee expectations. D o ug Luc ente and Mark S and e en will take the lead in d evelo p ing this timetab le. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: A prop o s ed timeline will b e pres ented at a future meeting. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 B:OSpm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: SELECT BOARD WORK SESSION - Public Process for Staff Proposals Discussion PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.8 S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B rains to rming Attac hed p leas e find the p ro p o s ed I nternal P o lic y fo r C o mmunity Engagement to lay o ut a p ro c e s s o f p re s enting to the S elec t B o ard and invo lving o ther s takeho ld ers in an o rd erly, c o ns is tent manner. A draft was previously provided to the S elect Board and included in a Town Manager Weekly Update and there was a c o mment p ro vid ed b y the Engine ering D ep artment regard ing o ngo ing regular p ro j ec ts, s uc h as p aving, water/s ewer, s to rmwater, etc. and a que s tio n whether the s e wo uld b e inc lud ed in the p o lic y o r exemp t. T he Town Manager's draft policy would exempt these types of projects. SUGGESTED MOTION: T here is no mo tio n required, this wo uld b e an internal p o lic y that wo uld b e ap p ro ved b y the To wn Manager fo r the use of staff, but a discussion with the S elect Board to ensure this will meet the S elect Board's needs is requested. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 8:l Op m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����r�������������y 4:.����,��r. �,������ Internal Policy for Community Engagement Dated: Pu ose: The goal is to provide a roadmap for consistency on a public process for the future to ensure we have a standardized process that includes both internal and external engagement. Further, to provide clarity to Town staff on the order of bringing a proposal before the Select Board as well as other Boards/Committees or having public outreach to avoid confusion and inconsistency on whether proposals should come before the Select Board first or after review by other Boards/Committees/public engagement. Application: This policy wiii appiy to: • Proposals that have not already been presented to and approved by the Select Board and approved by Town Meeting. . � Other proposals that exceed 1,000,000 in value for capital proj ects w� ���.�� � ������� ������ ����. ������������ ����� ������������ ������ ����� ���� ���� ���� ����:� �:��������� ����.���� ���� ��� ����� � �����.��� �� ������ � � �� � � � � � ������� �������� ������������ ������� /����������������� ��������� �������������� �����:���� ��� ��� ����� �. � � � � � � � �� � • For abutter notification, this policy will require notification within 3 00 feet of a proj ect. • This policy will not apply to other statutory or bylaw requirements that may be less than or greater than the requirements stated above. Process: The following is the process that Town staff will be directed to follow: 1. Bring the proposal before the Select Board, in a regularly scheduled meeting as a p�elimina�v presentation and a general timeline for presenting to other Boards, Committees and/or the public. 2. Present the proposal to other Boards, Committees or the public. 3. Bring the proposal with any revisions from other Boards, Committees or the public back to the Select Board for a second presentation and to receive any comments from the Select Board. 4. Bring the proposal with any revisions from step (3) to the Select Board for final approval. If there were no further revisions at step (3) the proposal will be placed for consideration on the consent agenda. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Accept Deed of Gift - LexSeeHer PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager I.9 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached please find the deeds for the plaza and monument from LexS eeHer. Town Counsel has advised that it would be best for the S elect Board to vote to accept the deeds and gift of the monument and plaza for these to b e kept on file in the Town C lerk's O ffic e. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ac c ep t the gift o f the p laza and mo nument fro m L ex S e eH er as p er the c o nd itio ns in the attac hed documents dated 3/28/24 and 5/18/24. FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 8:20pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �I����,���,�I�����,�����,������I���������,������� �:.����,��. �,������ � . .������.�����a������I.�a��,�����,������I���������,������� 4:..����,��r. �,������ �i���r� l 'J 4 ��; �� i � , r����q � � J� 11 1 ��".,'t��l�l ���JfIJ.�� � � .� ��. ������������I� � ��� I�� i� I / f!�° ii i a � ��Ill��l�Dll'�/ � � _w� � i i �7 � i� / � � lll� 4��� �1 r��� �,�s,`� w, �' ' ° f l�l�� a � � � .� , �,., � � � f � � i i� �/�.lqb�, ����� ��, �'��� ��..��������,� �'�� �. ��� ��� ���� �����r������ �� ����� C���� ��r�,, �+��� ������, ,��I�,� ���� �r�� I"����� I� �� �i��h� ������ �I������ �h�� �� �����r�� ��� �'���r�� �� �.���i����� r��i�� � ���������� ����� ������� ���r� ������ �"`������i�� �� ��i���� ����" ����a����. `���'�� �� ��� �����i��r�� �I�� ���� �����i��� ������ �� ��� �+��vr� �r�� ������� ���a ���� �� �� ��� ������. �'�� �wl���� °��� ���iu���� �g� �������r �'�����I�� ��������r��, �r�� ���� ��� ���������� �� ���� �1�"�� �'��r��w��� �"������ �i�l+� �y���r�� �����i�����w�. ����I�i� ������, ���� ������ ��� ����� ��� r����i��� � ��i�r�i����, �r����, ,�i����� �������� �����i��u�� ���r�� ��� �����i��i��� ��������� �°��� ��� ���� ������� �`�� ��� �������ul ���:� ��u���w ��������a��w, ��,���� ������,� ��� ��,��������r� �I�����i���l ���i��� ����r� ��1�i�c� ��� ���� i� ���� ���� ���� c�����r���� ��� ��;����� �r�r�i������ �����w�'� �a������� �`�w� �I��� i� �r����i���� ���h� ��� °�r��c�.� ���'�r ���� ""��r�w��� ��' �.���r������ �"��fi, F�������� ��� �'������ �"�"�� �"�r�i�� ��� �"�r��� Li���r��.�' ��"����� �'��� ��� ���� ��r������ ������d���w� ��r��r��T�I��, ���� ����C�w�r��, �'������ ���i���� ��r�����, ���� ��w������ �r�� �����i�l'� �--���ri��w����, °��r� ������ �+��� �����u °��� �r���� �i���i������ ����r��u��i��� t� t�i� �����r�����r, ��� �►�rr��r�+���r������ �h�� �'����,��i�� ����r���r� ��� �►����d. �""� ��� ����� �� ����� ��'�� ����� °����� �i��i�l�, �i��r�� �i��� ����Ib��,����� ��� ����I����� ����. 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NUMBER: Jo e P ato, Memb er I.10 S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B rains to rming The School Building Committee (SBC)has received initial ballpark cost estimates of$600M+ for the LHS building project at their 5/13/2024 meeting. These estimates were further outlined at the 5/22/2024 Finance S ummit where ap p ro ac he s to mitigating taxp ayer imp ac t were d is c us s ed. The project is to replace or rebuild the existing LHS to: 1. accommodate a larger student population 2. provide a safer environment for students 3. deliver the district's educational program 4. address end of life mechanical systems, inefficient and outdated building envelopes C o s t e s timate s are c urrently b as ed o n the educ atio nal p ro gram and s tud ent enro llment s ize. To gether this generate s a target s ize in s quare fe et fo r the b uild ing, whic h is the p rimary driver o f the p ro j ec t's c o s t. The S elect Board will reflect on the current estimated costs and how they compare to other sinvlar projects. The Board is asked to consider any feedback it would like to provide to the S BC about this project or about related projects such as requests for a pool, a new or expanded fieldhouse, and relocation of school administration to the LH S campus. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 8:25pm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Anticipated Adj ournment PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: S UMMARY: SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6/17/2024 8:45pm