HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-26-HSC-min.pdf HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE
Minutes of the meeting of January 26, 1981
Present Ruth Butler, Nicky Osborne, Carol Perez, Steve Baran, also Bea Phear
Guests Jack Gardner, Bill Page
Health Workshops
Bill Page and Jack Gardner discussed the possibility of a series of joint workshops
between the Lexington Community Health Committee and the Human Services Committee In
addition to the benefit of the "product' (the workshops) , they felt that the collaboration
will give the two groups experience in working together Jack suggested as an initial
topic the needs of the odler-old, age 75 and up This could consider the character-
istics, their health, mental health, and social needs, and the ways to maintain self-
sufficiency The workshop would be designed to emphasize prevention
Steve felt that the Elderly Needs Assessment offered a timely topic to launch a series,
and Ruth pointed out the importance of communicating the concept of prevention to the
providers Jack mentioned as possible participants Symmes Hospital (ambulatory and
acute care) , Minuteman Home Care Corp, Mystic Valley, the Recreation Department, the
Housing Authority, the Visiting Nurses, and the CoA as well as clubs Ruth mentioned
that pre-retirement expertise is also needed, and the support system for retirees
that often isn' t there
It was decided to continue the dialogue with the Community Health Committee and endorse
the concept, but it is of concern that the charge to the H S Committee is large and
time is limited. The Committee is unsure if it can actively work on the project,
but wants to offer suggestions
Ruth said she felt the Committee was getting out of control and was continually post-
poning long term issues and its planning function
She asked what Bea's role is now Bea explained that she is a management intern, on
the staff part time until July 1, working on a variey of issues but with the job
evolving into a quasi-human service coordinator's role There is a possibility that
when the Veterns' Agent's baby is born, that job description will be expanded to
include some coordinating functions, and Bea may be asked to do that
There was some feeling that this indicated that a plan was being carried out in the
Manager's Office without recommendations from the Committee, but Nicky pointed out
that Nancy has oftne heard the Committee express the need for a coordinator, and the
Committee has probably indirectly influenced this In any case, Bea is not a coordinator
Nicky pointed out that there are only three months left to answer the charge She
suggested small work groups to come up with position papers
Nicky draft of structural issues, committee representation, reporting
Ruth Butler policy statement, objectives, purpose
Steve process issues
Bea possible two year smorgasbord agenda of issues to consider
Elderly Needs Assessment
Discussion focused around the main question of whether a "center' is the best way
( to meet the needs revealed in the survey Nicky felt that a lot of CoA services
could be beefed up and meet the needs in in the church, and that a center doesn't
address the issue of the homebound and isolated. Steve pointed out that Bea's concept
had been in part a center as focal point for outreach and advocacy
Steve asked if the CoA was clear on program needs and if they knew how to get from
A to B without a center as a catalyst. Ruth felt the CoA stands ready, primarily, to
help those with resources, e g money is need for trips On occasion she has called
them with questions and they don't appear to see this as an opportunity for outreach
She said the implication of a growing weight of nonproductive people on the whole
population is not studied enough, and we have to look in terms of making resources
available that are reinforcing to their functioning
Nicky said that studies have shown co-location does not necessarily lead to a system,
but we shouln't lose sight of the fact that it can help It is not an either/or
question, and we should think through the process by which programs might be located
together with specific recommendations
Steve mentioned the danger of the H S Committee being seen as adversaries to their
interest group Ruth said the danger of having a building is that everyone then
assumes that the needs are being met. Nicky suggested spelling out a planning
process that should occur, listing the steps needed in order to arrive at a decision,
since there are still unanswered questions Bea said she thought the decision on
Munroe would probably be made this year, but it was likely that Muzzey would be sent
for further study Even if the recommendation was accepted, architectural and
tredevelopment and colocation issues had to be decided. This is where a planning
process could be used to help design a system.
Carol will write a draft of the Committee's comments
Selectmen's Schedule
Bob Hutchinson passed by the door and said he thought the Selectmen would be discussing
human service issues Wednesday evening (Jan 28) Nicky will try to go
Next Meeting
Elderly Needs Assessment Response draft of Carol
Human Services Structural Issues draft of Nicky
Bea Phear