HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-17-HSC-min.pdf 11-17-80 HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Present Ruth Butler, Ruth Nablo, Stephen Baran, Nicky Osborne also Nancy Banks( Bea Phear, Elizabeth Pressman A Absent Carol Perez, John Mackey, Howard Levingston The meeting was called to order at 7 30 p m. The minutes of 11-10-80 were approved as corrected Nicky Osborne asked whether the committee would be meeting with the Selectmen The response was that they would attend the November 24 meeting, but only as observers Nancy Banks told the committee that by December 15 the Selectmen need a definition of priorities, in terms of areas, not dollar amounts, from the committee She also said that Dr Monderer is ready to meet with representatives of the H S committee, as is the Council on Aging Ruth Nablo asked about meeting with Minute Man Home Care Corporation Nancy Banks stated that the committee could look at them as well She suggested that the committee divide into smaller groups to look at the various organizations Sometime in early January the committee should comment on the budget requests of the three funded agencies Dr Geoffrey Pierson, assistant superintendent of schools is enthusiastic about meeting with the committee and is interested in the committee's approach Ms Banks continued by telling the group that Selectman Jim Crain and the Town Manager, Bob Hutchinson, would like to meet with the committee on December 2 This turns out to be a bad night for committee members Ms Banks thought December 1 might be possible Ruth Butler asked how the Selectmen view the thoroughness of what they are asking the committee to do Some discussion followed Ms Butler offered that she is afraid the Town and the Selectmen will get a false sense of security from committee opinions Dis- cussion followed There was some discussion of human services in the schools and how they will be affected by 21 Steve Baran worried that the possibility of a preventive approach is diminished by 21 There may be a reversion to crisis intervention, he thought Ruth Nablo said that it is cost effective to go for prevention Ms Osborne added that in the long run, that is true, but meanwhile, crises must be addressed and that uses up resources The chairwoman suggested there may be less costly ways of dealing with crises-intervention. Use of volunteers and existing organizations, such as churches, could be increased Ruth Nablo thought that since Lexington is good about funding recreation activities and library services, both preventive areas, perhaps the committee should focus on vulnerable populations Ms Butler questioned the definition of vulnerable, that is, by pathology or by developmental stages In schools there could be a focus on restructuring curriculum, training teachers, or other means of building in services within_ the existing structure Budget cuts may, she went on, lead to innovations in service delivery mechanisms A human service group can exercise leadership to encourage such changes The committee has not yet agreed on a definition of human services or prevention Jack Gardner submitted a definition of the latter which will be passed on to committee members 2 _ Nancy Banks emphasized the need to make timely decisions about human service priorities If they don't, other groups will Budget cuts may he made on town ! meeting floor Itmay he a good idea to narrow the focus, as Ruth Nablo suggested Ruth Butler questioned the wisdom of redefining the H S committee in such a restrictive frame Tertiary care is where human services are least effective and most expensive, she stated Discussion included the fact that the committee does not have to focus only on the three funded agencies in setting priorities It is up to the committee, Nancy said, to decide what it feels priorities are, including a coordinator if that is what the committee believes Nicky asked how the Selectmen will use the priorities Nancy explained that each town department has been asked to come in with budget cuts of 10% , 15%, and 20% Such cuts will indicate where each department's priorities lie After budgets are submitted to the Manager Nicky asked whether the committee could see them. Ms Banks felt that certainly summaries could be made available A discussion of daycare for children followed It is not clear what the needs are for such care in Lexington Nicky will try to get regulations for home daycare Ms Pressman suggested that rather than further local regulations, what is needed is education for parents to know what to look for in a daycare home Bea Phear suggested that the committee set up a process for the next few weeks to look at priorities Steve Baran indicated that looking at short-term and long-term priorities are not mutually exclusive tasks Nicky asked what the total town budget cuts might be Once the committee sees these, it might want to suggest money to be put toward re- i instating some potential program cuts Nancy also suggested that the committee come up with 10% , 15%, and 20% cuts for the three funded agencies Some discussion of the schools, their turning down REPLACE for reimbursements for that agency's participation in CORE evaluations and the Lexington 766 program took place Since detailed information on the school budget cannot be had by Dec 15, Nicky asked what information can be gotten that would be useful? There was some discussion of the functions of the Veterans' agent Ms Banks • is thinking of merging that position with that of COA staff person Ruth Nablo offered to meet with the COA and the Home Care Corporation She asked whether there were specific questions she should present Ms BBanks said that it would be helpful to know what services Home Care is delivering Bea Phear wondered how many Lexington residents are served in general, and in the daycare program in particular? Ruth Nablo suggested sending the evaluation criteria in advance of her meeting with the two groups Nancy Banks agreed to draft a letter to send indicating that the criteria are a guide the committee is using with other agencies They can serve as a basis of discussion when Ruth Nablo meets with the organizations The letter will lot the two groups know that Ruth Nablo will be in touch with them to set up a meeting Discussion of the committee working as a whole versus in subcommittees followed. • Nancy Banks agreed that the Selectmen were asking alot of the committee now, but that the same is true of all departments and committees Nicky felt that the committee may be diverted for a month from looking at human services as part of the total town structure, hut it may he good to be more task-oriented for a bit It is important at some point, though, to look at the committee's charge She asked what are committee outcomes, and how is the committee measuring itself? - 3 - Ruth Butler feels the committee core is trying to establish a base for setting a structure that would be sustaining, recognizable by others She asked about the possibility of meeting with Dr Lawson to get his perspective of Pupil Personnel Services The Town Manager stopped by for a minute and emphasized the need to meet budget deadlines, and perhaps to put 'prevention on a back burner In subsequent committee discussion, Bea Phear stated that Mr Hutchinson is not opposed to prevention, but needs dollar figures to go with it Ms Banks added that the committee has a good knowledge of the three funded agencies It needs to find out more about other agencies and set priorities The feasability of doing this was discussed Nicky felt it is important for the committee to attemptthis task and have input, even if the infor- mation available is rough. Others will have input, whether or not the committee does Ms Butler questioned the quality of this kind of decision making process It is misleading, she believes, if recommendations are made to seem as though they are based on sound knowledge She asked for a list of budgets to be reviewed Ms Banks responsed that they include the COA, MMHCC, MVMHC, Health Department, Recreation, Library, CMARC, REPLACE AND transportation Access to the school budget is not possible before Dec 15 Bea added that the committee could also think about daycare needs and the position of Human Services Coordinator Nicky suggested that each committee member call two agencies or departments and ask what impact their budget cuts will make Discussion followed It was decided to spend some time at the Selectmen's meeting on November 24, and some time looking at the various budgets and beginning to assess priorities Meeting adjourned at 10 20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth A. Pressman EAP kh