HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19-HSC-min.pdf HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE 2-19-80 Present Carol Perez, Ruth Nablo, Ruth Butler, Stephen Baran, Howard, Levingston also Elizabeth Pressman Absent Barry Marshall, Nicky Osborne Carol Perez called the meeting to order at 7 30 p m. She suggested that members be careful of the kind of information they disclose at meetings since it all goes into the minutes It may be necessary, she felt, to have an executive session The open meeting law should be reviewed, she thought, to see when an executive session is permitted The minutes of February 11, 1980 were accepted as corrected Mrs Pressman read to the committee a letter written by the Town Manager to the executive director of CMARC The Town Manager asked for quarterly bills from CMARC A contract was drawn up between CMARC and Lexington regarding the $5,000 appropriation from the Town to CMARC There was a discussion of whether the specifics of such a contract could be voted on at Town Meeting The potential for CMARC's long term existence was discussed The committee felt that as each quarterly bill comes to the Town, a review of CMARC should take place A decision could then be made as to whether or not CMARC funding should be continued The CMARC subcommittee will continue to monitor what is happening at the agency They will also keep in touch with George Smith, Health Director The minutes of February 11, 1980 were accepted as corrected A discussion of REPLACE followed Ruth Butler told the committee about a program in Hong Kong, being used as a model for a Boston program. In the model a 24 hour drop-in center has proved more successful than traditional 1 hour a week therapy with adolescents Those who have successful outcomes then pay for member- ship in a "club" and become very much like staff at the Center Counseling is one component of the program Finally, Ruth Butler indicated that kids who go to a drop-in center like REPLACE can sit and wait with friends In a more traditional setting, such as Mystic Valley, these kids would not feel comfortable sitting and waiting, therefore they would not go to such an agency A discussion of what a cut in funding would mean to REPLACE followed Howard Levingston suggested an 81/2% increase over last year's appropriation Since the Lexington funds seem to be applied to REPLACE salaries, Mr Levingston felt that 81 % was a fair increase He also suggested that the committee offer to give the agency some constructive advice on management and accounting procedures He added that he would like to consider the overall amount of money for the 3 agencies, CMARC, REPLACE and Mystic Valley, at the same time He would like a "window" to review REPLACE over the next year The possibility of tying the Mystic Valley appropriation to consulting services for REPLACE was discussed It was also asked whether REPLACE could tie into the Mystic Valley management computer when it becomes operative in about a year Mrs Judy Zabin, observing the meeting was asked how and when a committee goes into executive session. She said that a discussion of someone's reputation is different from one dealing with the person's competence The latter would not fall under reasons to go into executive session - 2 - There was some discussion of a Federal grant for consultation services to schools, police departments and other agencies or groups Stephanie Monahan of the REPLACE Staff spoke about the relationship between her agency and bYystic Valley She said that in the past there had been some consultation from Mystic Valley This past year they worked together occasionally on an informal basis When REPLACE tried to get a consulting psychiatrist from Mystic Valley they ran into some administrative difficulties She felt that more could be done together Ruth Butler asked how valid was the idea that the two agencies have two different approaches Ms Monahan stated that such had been the case in the past, though it is less so now with some changes at Mystic Valley According to Ms MonaMhan, REPLACE is getting excellent psychiatric consultation now, on their own, for less money than what they would need to pay Mystic Valley Stephen Baran suggested that, over time, consultants from one agency could serve the other agency well In reply to a question about the REPLACE relationship with the Schools, Ms Monahan said that the REPLACE outreach worker has helped develop programs this year that may be put into the curriculum next year He has worked more on the elementary and junior high levels than at the High School The schools do not pay for his services Mrs Perez stated that the committee is interested in how REPLACE can integrate some programs and services into the schools, and how the schools can contract with REPLACE for services There is a need for more collaborative planning Mrs Nablo thought that perhaps REPLACE could request summer workshop money to train some of the school counselors Mrs Perez related to the committee that Mystic Valley had still not replied to Barry Marshall's fiscal questions He is concerned that they have not answered and will continue to pursue a reply A grant proposal from MAPC for a demonstration drug program had been given to Mrs Perez by Mrs Angela Frick for the committee's comments After some discussion it was decided that the committee has no basis on which to comment, and therefore will make no recommendations A request came to Mrs Perez to attend the Lexington High School student Town Meeting on Thursday, March 13 from 8 to 11 a m She cannot attend Ruth Nablo offered to go to the meeting Ruth Butler reiterated the idea that the committee outline a framework of how they appraised programs Agencies could get a copy and be prepared for next year Mrs Perez asked whether one of the criteria should be the question "Does the program address a vulnerable population?" Discussion of the definition of "vulnerable" and the role of the BC study in setting criteria Mrs Perez reread the Selectmen's charge to the committee She suggested a time frame be set up for working on particular aspects of the charge Ruth Nablo felt that the committee need to look at the Council on Aging The committee asked what is the United Way model of looking at agency requests referred to in the charge? The committee asked for copies of the Selectmen's goals and priorities The meeting was adjourned at 10 05 p m Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth H Pressman r