HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-29-TCC-min.pdf 446 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE Aptit 29, 1971 PRESENT Chmn. Barna, MA. Lord, Mrs L.iteh(lietd, MA2 Reed, Mn. Fenake, MR. Fitzgerald, Mr.. Bnenchick, and Mtz Hatt. VISITORS Ch-Le{ Marahat Monet; Clue{ o6 Sta66 Hunt; R.ichakd Wchetcon, Jayceea; Hehbekt I Mitten, American Legion; Frank Sherman, V F W ; Watteh. Spet tman, Fite Dept. Chie6 The Committee Received Lettem o6 appreciation {nam .the Baar.d o6 Setecamen; Hex Majeaty'e Con.eut--Lenore Storax; Adm.ihaL Goehking; and Sonmen Senatan Sattan.a,tatt. Clue{ Mane hat Twt.neh and hits Aiden and Divizion Maiuha z gave theik auggeatione and cit ti tome o6 cult. parade, art o{ which will prove hetp6uL to Suture C1u.e6 MakzhaLo Some o6 theee axe 1) In geneRat, the crowd cont't.o.0 was vent' pooh and de6initety need3 attention {ox 6uture paradea A Lettet. ehouid go out to Chie6 Coivt. to improve thtA condition. The State Potice Motor.cyele Brigade was eugge-oted to keep parade route c-ecak box maxch.ena in the 6utwne. 2) The Public Addreaa Syetem needy to be unproved, both on the GReen and at the Reviewing etand Coca ion in Emery Park. 3) The LADS/ LEXINGTON goat wavy entiheLy too ataw 4) One parade atop along the parade route ih neceeawny to ctoee ranho and aotid6y pcvcade pcux- t-Lc-ipanto It .io exactly 1 85 Tutee nom East Lexington to -the reviewing atand as a point o{ in6onma ton. Gape ahoutd be kept to a minimum, nus the cxowde c.Laae in when gape ocean. There it no eavay eotuti.on to this probtem, however. 5) Some people beet that the While T/c.Lcoxn Hat Recipient 4houtd Lead the cava lade o6 dign tcviiee in the convehtibtea ata head o{y the a6tennoon parade 6) It was suggested that we invite only two rutitaky bande each year, on a notating basila, as too many bancta incteaee the gap problem. However, it was pointed out that the Committee never xea ty fznowe how many bandy wiLL actuatty chow up on awn parade, and there.6axe, has to invite at . bandb in the event that one on two {ate to chow 7) Ouk geneRaL' parade axdens need ne-vamping! 8) ALL 6Loato ahouLd he in theik proper parade order when tined up in E Lexington 6ox judging 9) New {Coat ondeie ahautd be compnioed and updated. Mavtching unity should not be encouraged, non. even mentioned on 6Loat orders, as accompanying {Loato ALL winning {toata ' apaneons ehoutd receive thank-you notes and cong'atuta-Uonc 6ox thein bine e46oA,ts 10) Centennial gxoupe ehoutd be cautioned not to maneuver towaad the rear o6 the pcunade, az th-La hotda up the div.iaiona behind. For the Conronittee'e in6onmat%on, BILL Bxenchick has the Fiske Hitt. gag Son exchange at aux cenemany next year. Mrs Hatt ih to noti6y Mn.. O'CannetL o{ the 6irat meeting o6 the Mazaachusetth State Bi- CentenniaL Committee on Saturday, May 8th, at Merrimac College, 6Rom 10AM-1PM. Mn.. Baxnez wavcnty thanked our Chie6 Mavuehat and Chie6 o6 Sta66 and thetk parade ata{,S {ot a 1 job well done. 447 Aptit 29th minute's continued. MEMORIAL VAY Mu Liteh()<eLd wi,P.L wn,ite to Genelta-e Bn,igge bon a mcvtclti.ng unit ()on our parade. USS LEXINGTON DAY P2.an4 cute being &Lnatized ton the certemony on the Gteen ()ort the hunv-i.vohh o() the USS Lexington .in the Battee o() the Conatt Seas Th.ih eenemony takes p.Lace on Sunday, May 2nd, at 2PM on the 13attte Grteen. Thank=you notes w-LU be wn,i tten by MM Li tch().Letd, Mn.a Reed, and MAA Hate to ate can donou; dn,i.ven.s; the Shen.aton=Lexington petoonne.L; the Lexington Fine AuxLtcvty; and the 4ponoonh o() the winning goats Rehpeet()u ey aubntii.tted, Manityn L. Hat Recortding Seeitetany