HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-08-TCC-min.pdf 4 441 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE April 8, 1971 PRESENT Chmn Banner, Mrs Litchbield, Mta Reed, Mn. Fenmke, Mn. Fitzgetald, Mn. Bnenchick, and Mrs Hatt. VISITORS C1ue4 Marshal Tanner; Connanden Herbert Miller, American Legion Post; James Bnoderi.clz, Pat Ch-ie4 Mat4hal and TCC Member. MEMORIAL DAY Commander Mi.teen a{ the American Legion met with um to go avec planet ()on. the Memonial Day parade and cenemonieo The number o4 wn.eath4 to be placed on the vetecanm ' graves was diocumsed, and it was agreed that Mn. Baxnes would contact Wuo Glennon o4 Vetenaws Sehvices to an/Live at a mote realistic 4igace. Memorial Day Lo May 31st this year. PATRIOTS DAY MIto L.i tch{cield will contact Brenda's Twinlette6 to the e44ec t that ocuc Covmntttee ham voted to include them in out PM parade. They will be placed neat the Athol High School Band, according to our Ch-i.e4 Marmhat, and not with the Wobwcn High School Band. Mt. Fenmke /Lead .the Committee h,i,6 let-ten to the Student Mobilization Conni ttee at the Lexington High School which clearly nestAicto the weaning a{ black anmbandm, and o4 iderti{yying the Mobilization Committee with the High School itsel{ We have had acceptances ()nom St. John's Evangelettes and ()rom Miss Lenore Stonar, Hen Majesty's Consul. The 18th Anmy Band ()nom Font Devenm will a-too be munching with us The green Benet A-Team o4 the Ten Special Foncem Gaoup at Font Devens will be matching with us Mn. Fenslze will contact Anthony's Restautant concenvung the luncheon 4on the Font Devens men and Park Department penmonnel on Pat/riotj Day The Chie() Marmhal'o pre-parade brie()ing will take place on Sunday, Apni/ 18th at 4 PM in the Bind Room o4 Cary Hall. Rep Cole in()onmed the Committee o4 4owc guests 4nom Delone6 Hidalgo, Mexico who will be in Lexington bot Patni,otA Day They will be out guests at the luncheon, parade, and reception M4,6 LLtch{yield will write a letter o4 cowmendation on behal{ o4 Macy Facnie to General Cody expressing the Committee's sincere appneci.ati.on {yon yeanm o4 {yaith()ut service to Committee needs The Fiske Hill cen.emony will take place on Saturday, April 17th at 4 PM. USS LEXINGTON CEREMONY This will take place on Sunday, May 2nd at 2 PM on the Green Mt. Gaughan is to no-ti.()y the Pa.k Depwut3nevrt 04 .the physical needs bot the pn.ognam on the Green. Mite Hatt is to prepuce and colate the AM noeten. ()on ova Patrio=ts Day Sunni e Parade. Mns Litch{yieed, Reed, and Hatt will see that it is pnopenly diotni.buted Reopect()idly subnutted, Marilyn L Hale Recording Secnetcucy