HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-11-TCC-min.pdf 359 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE April II , 1968 PRESENT Chmn Barnes, Vice Chamn Gaughan, Mrs Litchfield, Mr Lewis, Mrs Severance, Mr Sperduto, Mr Belcastro, Mr Lord, and Mrs Hall VISITORS George Cooper and Ken Campbell - Boy Scouts Jim Broderick - Marine Corps League Walter Ormiston - Veterans of Foreign Wars Chief Marshal Corydon Wyman MEMORIAL DAY We will use the same format for celebrating Memorial Day as has been used in past years The parade will step off at IOAM from Munroe School with the veterans visiting Westview Cemetery prior to parade time The parade stops will remain the same with the possible exception of omitting the ceremony at the Revolutionary Monument on the Green, which seems repetitious The Legion will consider the pos- sibility of placing a wreath on the the aforementioned monument during the regular services held on the Green The American Legion will be the host veterans group for this holiday, and will select a Chief Marshal and his staff Mr Lewis asked that the Youth groups march again as last year, and they will be invited to participate as suggested Mr Broderick will be in charge of the firing squads for the day Mr Belcastro will take care of ordering the appropriate number of wreaths and flags for the graves Mr Rufus MacQuillan will be asked by Mr Belcastro to be in charge of organizing the Gold Star Mothers for their part in the cemetery ceremonies Mrs Litchfield will ask two members of our Lexington clergy to deliver the invocation and benediction at the ceremony on the Green She will write to Maj Gen Lennon and ask that he be our Speaker of the Day on the Green The annual Memorial Day service for veterans will be held on Sunday morning, May 26th, at the Sacred Heart Church in East Lexington Definite time details, and so forth will be forthcoming PATRIOTS DAY The Fiske Hill ceremony will be at 4PM on Saturday, April 13th, at the Fiske Hill site The Lexington Scouts are making plans for this ceremony, and these plans were gone over by Mr Cooper and Mr Campbell The Coast Guard will not be coming The Ennunciators Drum 8 Bugle Corps from Cambridge want more money for transportation, but Mrs Litchfield will call them and say $125 00 is our top figure Mr Barnes will check on a definite number of men to have lunch at Anthony's Restaurant, and see if Concord might split this bill with Lexington (Note Mr Barnes reports Concord will split this bill with us) 360 Mr Belcastro will check into possibly using a school bus to transport the Marine Color Guard from the USS Wasp - there will only be four men If this doesn't work out, we will suggest they use their own bus(con- siderabiy larger) and fill it with Marines interested in witnessing our town feastivities Mr Lawrence Stone asked to have the Hayden Fifers and Drummers come into the afternoon parade at Maple Street, but we will have to say "No" to this request It's too late to get into this year's parade roster, but if they did march next year, they would have to go all the way from East Lexington Perhaps they could enter the Sunrise Parade from the Munroe School next year, but not this year Mrs Litchfield will invite the Air Force Pipe Band from Andrews Air Force Base The White Tricorn Hat Recipient will be invited to attend our luncheon at the Inn along with Mr Reed, President of the Lions Club Gen Burgoyne has sent his regrets In his place will be either Lt Col James E Attaya, CO 25th Division Artillery, or Lt Col Bruno Bertelli Lady Lexington, Mary Forte, and her escort, Steve Bolster will be on the Prom=manaders float and our guests at the luncheon Mrs Litchfield will invite Rep Gregory B Khachadoorian, State Rep from the Middlesex District of Massachusetts and his wife to be our guests on Patriots Day There will be no Mexican dignitaries as our guests this year as far as Mr Sperduto can tell as of this date The "Dollars For Scholars" group in Lexington will enter the Sunrise Parade from the Munroe School Mr James Broderick will be an Aide in the Sunrise Parade USS LEXINGTON The USS Lexington CV-2 Minutemen will have a memorial service on the Green on Sunday, May 5th, at 2PM Mrs LitCiifield will ask clergy from the three major faiths to partake in this ceremony Admiral Fitch is expected to be in attendance Mr Belcastro will speak with Mr Mazarell about the speakers stand forthis ceremony, and appropriate roping for the April 21st Song Fest and Drum performance Respectfully submitted, Marilyn L Hall Recording Secretary