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September 7, 1967
PRESENT Chmn. Barrie,, Mr Litchfield, Mr . Broderick and Mrs. Hall .
VISITORS Mrs. Frederick Frick, League of Women Voters
Mrs. Arthur. Pennell, League of Women Voters
UNITED NATIONS DAY: October 2hth - Tuesday
Mrs. Cooper, from the League, is handling the Postecontest, and
Mrs Fennell will take care cf the Es-ay Contest. Thetczpic for the
latter is "What changes in the organ! ation and ba. c procedures of
th. United Nations would you suggest a a way to inrr. nae the
effectiveness of its peace-keeping operations". The Es, ay Contest
is for High School Juniors.
The League of Women Voter ? committee, the TCC, the High School Assembly
Committee, the High School Speaker,- Bureau, and Miss McIntyre are working
together for a successful UN Day The High School hopes tc play a
larger part in the program this year There will probably he an
n +sembly program for the EsLay Conte tent as there was la, t year Thi
proved successful.
The contest awards (Poster and Eu,•ay) will be made at the 7 am Flag
Raising ceremony on thr Green on October Phth. Mrs Litchfield will
contact members of the Elk and Rotary for pn; ter and essay prizes
respectively. She will contact the Jaycees about their don. tii.ng a
tree for the annual tree-planting ceremony in conjunction with UN Day.
The Bridge School is n.exl, to receive vrh a tree, and Mr- Titchfield
will call Principal Goodrich to see about a tree-plant/int, program at
the: school, for wh ch Dr Goodrich will ;et a titer- on October 214th and
assume the planning for a sivipl a program.
Mr ,. Li.tchfi lel will call Principal Perkins at the Bowman School about
their receiving a lie flig, hopefully to be donated by th; Tinos club,
Mr , Titchfield will inform all of t.hr- above people or the award
presentation at lam on the Green on TIN Day, co that any interested may
attend She will then contact Mr Frintc of the League to give her all
of the acr•ummulated information
Mrs. Reku Yasin, 7 Bird Hill Road, i T,e'ingtont Ohaitinan of the UNICEF
cards. Mr- Prink will arrange for an appropriate Library d :r1 -y for
UN Day. Lad-, year? lovely di 'plait or the porter , and ,o forth 'in the
Piper Gallery went virtually unnoLired, anri Mr „ Prink hope to ;et ur
publicity this year to encourage vi tor- .
N'r . Severance ha, been a iked to nhtn -n a TIN Day p 'nnla.matinn Mr. Ra1c'aetro
i a ;iced to see that both the national and iln-ted Nation? flag< are on the
Gr •en on the 21ith for proper r•ni••i-ng, Mr' Litchfield will inform the
Se=lectmen, the clergy the bugler, and will send note to the military' unit
in Lexington calk .ng for their partio pat.ion
i 322
ITETEBAN3 DAY November 11th, 1967
Mr Litchfield will send out. invitati.on;, to the Air. Force atri Nati ort l
Cua.rd for their parade participation
Mrs Hall will call the Cayrden and a. ;lr that all their parade urn 1 t
participate. She will call Mr Lord to alert the High. School Band
for toe parade
Col Kellogg of the Army Materials and Meeh an:O• Re :earch Center in
Watertown is unable to he the 'ne ;knr of the day. Mr Litchfield
will tail the Wat.erl-.orrrt Be :eareh Center to see if the incoming
C•immerider i available for our rpnai<er of the day,
The next, TCC meeting will he on Th,rr ;day evening, September 21rt, at
R nM in the Seleidmenrs office Mr, . Litchfield will invite the
Lexincton military units (V. F. W Marine Corps Teague, Minute Men,
and Amr:riean Legi.en) to meet with thin committee at the September 21st
:chednled meeting to disown 1 lam for Veteran, clay.
Re pectfully sit m' tted,
Marilyn T 1-111
Records nd, Secretary