HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-04-06-TCC-min.pdf 307 TO 11 OFTFPRAT'ill .i5 COMMT.TT •E April 6, 1967 PRESENT Chmn, Barnes, Mr Titehfi 1 I, Mr Gaughan, Mr. Broderick, Mr. Lord, Mr Bel rastro, Mr _Spordute, Mr Brenchi^k and Mrs Hall. VISITORS Mr. James Edgar, Minute Men Mr Edward Fitzgerald, V P®W PATRI")TS DAY The Lexington School Color Guard will not march.. Neither will the Medfield Drill. Team. Mrr.. J.i.tchf:ield will, inform the Continental Junior Drum and Bugle Corps from Lynn that one roster is full. at this late date, and • we will not be able to t Lse them„ The following groups will march The Bedford Militiamen The Methuen Dr-11 Than A High 5ch0c1 student (Alin Alorond) representing Car, Memorial. Library, and a. marching unit from the U. S Naval Reserve Tra.ini.ng Center, Surface Division 1 -5 replacing the unit from the U. S S. Wilkinson originally scheduled to march Mrs. Litchfield will. invite Colonel. Dim-tri A Kellogg, Commanding Officer, • U S. Army Materials Research Agency. in Watertown and Mrs Kellogg to be our guests on the 19th. She will send a follow-up letter to Colonel Kellogg asking that he be our Memorial Day Speaker. Mr. Broderick will order about nine or ten official signs for cars of TCC members to read "CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE OFFICIAL". There will again be a House Decorating Conte• t sponsored by the J,rnee , with a silver Paul Revere bowl as the prize The winner will. be announced by Mr. Broderick from the reviewing stand. The sunrise parade will have Joseph Rooney as Chief of Staff, Paul Lombard as 1 -t Division Marshal, and Arthur Reed as 2nd. division Marsha] Mr ,. Severance will call the Lexington Sea Scout, and a -k that they take down the flag on the Green, fold it, and rarry it in the parade if they wish to. Mrs. Hall will make up a Head Table list, and an Introdurtionz list for Mr Barnes. She will tire care of the seating arrangement and place cared . Lady. Lexington i Debby Quincy, 1 Aerial. Street, and her escort will bo Paul Norcross, 50 Forel:, Street. The check 11 't was gone over again The chair. are order-ed for the reviewing stand, The Town building, will. be decorated nn Frid. y, Apri'.l. tllth„ The reviewing stand wa.l.l he decorated on Tuesday, April 15th. 308 U. S. S. LEXINGTON A letter from A, Rex Turcotte, U S N Ret , New England 1-7 representative for the U. S S Lexington CV-2 Minutemen Club asks if we can again have a, memorial service for those men lost on the U, S. S Lexington. The date of Saturday, May 6th will be s gge'-ted to Mr Turrntte, The Minute Mon of Lexington will be on hand, plus representative of the three other veterans groups in Lexington. The ceremony will tak+ place on the Green, MEMORIAL DAY Mr. Lord will make arrangements for the buses to take the *e' eras etc to We 't Cemetery. veteran. ,�. , 'tying y, Mrs Litchfield will contact three member, of the clergy - Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish to take part in the var'inuc ceremonies at lelestview Cemetery, along the parade route., and on the Green. The Le ington Minute Men and the Marin Corps League will. take care of the firing squad details The American Legion personnel. are in charge or the parade. Those groups to Iv invited to perti.c- pate in the parade are Air Force, National Guard, Jody Drill Team, Veterans Groups, High School Band, Hayden Center, Boy and Girl. Scouts, Campfire Girls, and so forth. Mr Lord will take care of the High School Senior to read. the Gettysburg Address. , and speak to Mr. Gillespie about the Band. Mr. Belca.stro will content R.ufut, MacQuillan to read the Charge to the Grand Army, and to contact the Gold Star Mothers. Mr Iitchfi.eld will ask Rev Reynold of the Fir t, Baptist Church if his church will. host the Memorial. Day Service on the Sunday before the holiday, i e May 00th, 4n Officer of the Day should be appointed by the Chief Marshal. Tht following groups should receive all minutes pertaining to Memorial Day Le-ington Minute Men -- Mr, Jame Edgar American Legion Post - Mr Chavle Sisk Veteran.: of Foreign War Mr. Edward Fitzgerald Resee -tfully submitted, Marilyn L. Hall Recording Secretary