HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-25-TCC-min.pdf 169 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 25, 1965 PRESENT Chairman Barnes,. Mr Gaughan, Mr. Broderick, Mr. Healy, Mr DiGiamaaiino, L . Sperduto, Mrs. Severance, and Mrs. Hall VISITORS Donald Guiler, Chief Marshal Edward Fitzgerald, Veterans Of Foreign Wars Neil Cronin, American Logien Ralph Hayes, Marine Corps League Mr. Broderick announced that the Lexington Academy of the Holy Family will enter a marching unit in the Sunrise Parade, and its Band will march in the afternoon parade. Mrs. Litchfield is to mail them ,a roster at 10 Pelham Road, Lexington. The Marine Corps and Navy will be here with Marching Unite on the 19th. The Navy will also send its Band. Governor Volpe's presence here on April 19th is dubious because of other commitments, but this committee is still hopeful. A copy of the Governor's letter has been sent to Selectman Lincoln Cole. The Nahant Knights of Columbus asked to send their 'Fife & Drum Corps, (sponsored by the Knights) made up of about forty—five children, to participate in the afternoon parade. We will advise them it is too late to be accepted, since our roster is full. St. Anthony's Drum & Bugle Corps of Allston have also applied too late to march on the 19th. We will send them our regrets. Mr. Lawrence Stone has accepted the responsibility of Bugler on April 19th. Mr. William Fitzgerald, Fire Commissioner, will look into the feasibility of having. the 1917 antique fire engine from Jamaica Plain in the afternoon parade. The Red Cross ambulance will be in the Sunrise Parade, but there is some question as to whether they will be in the afternoon parade. Mr. Guiler, our Chief Marshal, has set Saturday afternoon, April 17th at 3 p.m. for the pre—parade briefing meeting. This will be in the Selectmen's office. 170 Mr. DiGiammarino has been authorized to offer Mr Bongi,orno ten dollars for his taking colored film for us on Aprit 19th. Regarding Mr. Korel's call saying that the Concord Minute Men want to bring their fires and drums, this committer has ruled they cannot bring nor .play the fifes and drums Phe Lexington Minute Men have been instructed likewise. This committee decides what music will be played. Our Chief Marshal agrees with this decision. Mr. Barnes will call Mr Korel and give him our answer. In past years, their cadence has been too slow, and this has made large gaps 'in the parade. Mr. Barnes brought up the important point that no one committeeman or woman can speak for this committee. As for Fleepo, the clown, his position in the parade is pretty free. He is allowed to wander a bit, but not so as to disrupt the marchers. He thought he might have another float to bring along this .year. The committee went over the Sunrise Parade roster: Here is the rundowns Mr Barnes, Chief Marshal Mr Gaughan, Chief of Staff Mr. DiGiammarino, 1st Division Marshal Mr. Sperdute,- 2nd Division Marshal Mr. Healy will run off the Morning Assembly Diagram far the Green ceremonies. MEMORIAL DAY We went over the suggestions in the June lith minutes .of this committee, and we will see that they are carried out Mr. Healy will set up the day's program. Mr. Gaughan suggested we work more closely with the Girl Scouts concerning their duties of wreathe-laying. These duties should be defined clearly. Mr Healy would appreciate suggestions for the Speaker of the Day - and soon. mr Cronin advises us that George Foster, who has been in our parade .for seventy-five years, is not able to march, nor to place the many flags on the Civil War graves ,on Memorial Day. Mr. Cronin suggests we supply a car for Mr. Foster, so that he can again participate in the parade. Mr. Cronin suggests Rufus MacQuillan (Board of Health) to take up Mr Foster's duties of placing flags on the graves. Mr. Healy will keep in touch with Mr Foster, and will notify Mr. MacQuillan if he is needed to take up the aforementioned duties. 171 Mr. Healy needs to know the number of care driving aging veterans unable to march. These cars will be with their respective iorganizations, and will be for Lexington Posts only. Et. Broderick asked if there was to be a firing squad, and was told in thb affirmative. The Marine Corps League will execute this duty. It was suggested that we have more pre—parade publicity., Mr. Cronin suggests we look into the restoring of the Old Civil War Cannon laying behind the Town Barn. It needs wheels. Since we are having a new Veterans Memorial Building adjacent to the Green, it would be appropriate to repair this cannon, and place it in its original position on the Green. Mr. Barnes suggests the Veterans organizations look into this project. No action was taken otherwise. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Hall Recording Secretary Al 172 The Committee and the Veterans ' groups representatives discussed the use of cars in the Town's parades, We agreed, in view of the increasing ages of many veterans, to permit using cars for those unable to march, provided that the following conditions are met 1. The Committee is told in writing by each Commander or Adjutant how many cars will be used by his Post or Detachment; this information must bersupplied to the Com— mittee in time to be listed in the parade roster. 2. Cars in excess of those requested in item one, above, will not, be permitted in the parade. 3. Only members of Lexington's Posts or Detachments will be permitted to ride in cars, and only with their Posts i . Each Post or Detachment will police the use of cars by his group, to assure that only these whose age or permanent or chronic disability make marching impossible, are permitted to ride in cars. 5. The Committee will not be responsible for or help with getting cars for the Veterans' groups. That responsibility is strictly up to the group using the vehicle 1