HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-26-TCC-min.pdf 97 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 26, 19611 PRESENT• Chairman Barnes, Mr. Gaughan, Mr. Rudd, Mr. Sperduto, Mr. DiGiammarino, Mr. Fenske, Mrs. Litchfield, Mrs. Beardsley VISITORS. James Broderick; Kingston Howard, Chief Marshal The minutes of the March 19th meeting were corrected and approved. The minutes from February 26th through March 12th were accepted. HISTORIC GUIDES Mr. DiGiammarino reported the Guides all set, and will rent their uniforms, billing the committee. Last year's map was checked. Mrs. Beardsley will ask that they change the date neatly on each one. SONG FEST Mr. Fenske has checked with Mr. Gillespie. The program will be essentially the same as last year. They will take care of their own transportation and signs. Mr Fenske will tend to the podium, which is at the Park Department. There will be a Lexington—Concord baseball game on the 20th at 10:30 at Parker Field. P. A. SYSTEM: Mr. Gaughan is meeting with Hanley's Sound Equipment Company on Sunday at the Green, so they can estimate the job. They will need a week's notice if we okay them. ROTARY BALL. Frank Bateman is chairman. The dance is Saturday, April 18th, at the Old Belfry Club from 8 — 12 midnight. LIONS ROAD RACE Someone from the committee should be there at the finish. SPIRIT OF '76 Mr. Sperduto has checked the instruments with Mr. Maxner. Miss Eileen Clark of the High School Sewing Department will make an extra pair of pants for Stephen Shaw's uniform if it is not practical to enlarge the present ones. 98 CORRESPONDENCE 1 Acceptances received from: Gloucester High School Band; Clan MacPherson 6th Massachusetts Continentals wrote Mr. Tarbox and asked to enter the parade for $25.00. Mrs. Litchfield will call Bob Brown regarding this. Capt. John Ward of the Minute Men asked for increase, from this committee, of $100.00 to $125.00, for collation due to extra guests. It was so voted. The Minute Men wrote asking that the Minute Man Memorial at the Buckman Tavern be decorated Memorial Day. They will be asked to take care of arrangements themselves. The Minute Men wrote offering their new Fife and Drum Corps, consisting of two fifes and two drums to lead the parade. The committee voted to have them march with their own organization if they wish. The White House has declined the invitation for President Lyndon B. Johnson. PUBLICITY The A.M. parade roster goes in the Minute Man on April 9th — the afternoon in the April 16th issue. Special boxes concerning the bad weather cancellations and shuttle bus operating to East Lexington for all parade participants will be in the 16th. Publicity will emphasize that the morning parade Legion—sponsored section for school children is not for pre—school children. 1 Mr. Rudd reported that the Maple Street bridge may still be closed off for repairs by the B & M on April 20th. Mr. Gaughan suggested that in that event, signs be placed at Woburn Street and Lowell Street so stating. FLOATS Miss Lexington will ride before or after the Jaycee float in their convertible. This year's maximum float height is 114 feet due to wires Applications so state NAACP called Mr. Rudd for a float application. He was net at home, and theywere asked to call later, but have not as yet. n The committee does not insist that floats conform to the theme, but prefers that they do. 99 Float applicants were drawn from a hat in turn by each committee member for places in the parade. Any late additions will be added as they apply and divided through the divisions. On future float applications, space must be given to allow the Town the right to refuse a float. ROSTER The committee reviewed the roster with Mr. Broderick. Mrs. Litchfield will call Dr. MacDonald in Concord to see if the Concord Independent Battery will join the parade. The Hanscom Field Protocol Officer has been asked to help the committee with the arrangements of distinguished guests. Mr. Broderick will try to get the 29th Marine Corps Reserve Division. Mrs. Litchfield will get in touch with Adj. Gen. Donnelly's office for additional National Guard units. She will also call the Concord National Guard, Col. Passales of the Lexington National Guard, and Norwich University to see if they can attend. Mr. Barnes will contact the Ft. Devens Public Information Officer to request a marching unit, as well as to inquire how many men we will be feeding at lunch. MARSHALS AND AIDES As reported by King Howard Chief Marshal's Aides Raymond E. Lewis; and Norton P. Hood Aides to Chief of Staff Edward W. Turner; Jerome F Garrity 1st Division Marshal Ernest J. Graustein. Mel Hunt and Wilbur Hyatt, Aides 2nd Division Marshal. John Bonawera. Lee Poplawski, Maurice Healy, Aides. 3rd Division Marshal. Donald Guiler. Staff — Lt. Col. George Rosenblum, Cdt. Cent. Legion Col. Connell Albertine, Staff Sgt. Donald Hiscock, Aides. Uth Division. Father Thomas McLeod, Lt. USNR, Marshal. Cornelius P. Cronin, Past Chairman of Town Celebrations Committee Joseph Rooney, Past President Liens Club--Aides Honorary Aides Richard Hale — Past President Jaycees C B•ix Shoemaker — President Rotary George Kolevson — President Chamber of Commerce Six more Division Aides will be filled by next week. 100 Mr. Howard has planned the following meetings April 5th - Sunday, 2 - 4. Selectmen's Room with Staff and Division Marshals Staff, Marshals, and Aides. April 12th - Sunday, 2 - 4. Selectmen's Room with Staff and Division Marshals Staff, Marshals, and Aides. Mr. Correll of the Concord Celebrations Committee sent an invitation to the Lexington Board of Selectmen to the Fiske Hill Ceremony, April 12th. This should be a joint occasion. Mr Gaughan has the flag. The parade order is completed. Mr. Howard will ask Chief Rycroft for a special officer to be on duty at the end of the parade and to report any problems. The Reading Police Ass. has asked to join the parade. Mr. Howard will contact the 9th Mass. Battery. Mr Broderick asked that signs be placed for Rest Room facilities at Adams School and not Follen Church. Mrs. Beardsley will check with the Promenaders asking Lady Lexington and her escort to the luncheon. Belfry Club President Lannquist will be called about arrangements for the reception. We will use the entire first floor. A policeman will be hired and the bartender alerted to not serving early. SIGNS It was. voted that the committee pay for all materials to make signs and make a donation to the High School Art Club fund. After luncheon, parade participants go to East Lexington. Mr Sperduto takes all the women to Buckman Tavern. Mr. Fenske tends to the Reviewing Stand. Mr Gaughan was asked to get 4 Air Police for the Reviewing Stand. One for each end, one on the steps, and one in control. They can help set up chairs which should be delivered by 1 p.m. Mr Fenske will tape the chairs with numbers for seating There will also be some extra chairs. Audrey Beardsley Recording Secretary Pro-Tem.