HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-07-TCC-min.pdf 91 v TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 7, 1963 The 1962-63 Town Celebrations Committee met at the Battle Green Inn Present were Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Fox, Mrs Bayle and Messrs Howard, Gilman, Barnes and Gaughan Report of Subcommittee: After cocktails and dinner, members of the subcommittee submitted the following reports : Mr Perks reported: A letter from the Town Counsel stated that if admission is charged to a function it is not proper to use town funds to support it : accordingly the 250th will act only as a steering committee so far as the musical drama is concerned and Ray Lewis will be the management director for financial affairs. On Sunday afternoon of the celebration, Lynn Village Drum band will play and school children will sing and conduct a combined band concert. Grant Cole reported: 1 The Harvard Band will play Saturday afternoon 2 Mr Hayes of the Recreation department will run the athletic events on Saturday morning Mr Gustin will report next week on the exact nature of the ath- letic events Dr Howard Smith reported: 1 The P 0 will issue a Commemorative Cancellation stamp for the 250th Celebration 2 Mr Howard, Mr Parks, and Mr Welsh will be inter- viewed on T.V Doris Pullen will be on T V. and radio 'i Mr Marshall will prepare a 250th anniversary cake 4 Mr Welsh wanted assurance that the receiving stand would be adequate. 5. Tickets for the Latin-American Banquet are moving slowly 6 The response to the Exposition is good 22 Mr Cronin reported: 1 The Elks have ordered 250 of each type of plate and are taking orders for them 2 Hayden will run the Youth Dance. 3. Musical Drama ticket sale is going well Dr Smith also reported on his publicity budget. The stickers for cars which were distributed to all present cost $15 24 They also expect to paint and erect a large poster over the Manhattan Building and markers at each end of town It is also expected that there will be extensive professional photographic coverage Mr Howard gave a preliminary report that the merchants seem to favor the idea of dressing windows with antiques and wearing appropriate costumes for the celebration The minutes of February 14 and 21 were accepted as submitted CORRESPOND- B U Band cannot come The 12th Pershing ENCE Rifles Co B will participate Clan McPherson has accepted Usual terms, 35150 Selectmen will march in the morning parade Bedford High School Band cannot participate. Gloucester R O.T.C. has accepted 1st Sqt Vateson called to ask if we would like to have the Women's Army Corp Band from Ft McClellan. Ala He will find out details Bill Fitzgerald said that Boston Band will come for 11200 Cambridge has no band He is to be advised that we will not invite Boston; if he wishes a fire de- partment band he will have to locate one Medfield and the Golden Eagle Drill Team from Everett would like to attend It was agreed that a decision on these re- quests would be deferred until next week Kenneth O'Donnell - Pres Kennedy cannot attend. He will send an appropriate message if requested Mr Howard will confer with Mrs Litchfield on the reply re- aarding the message Mr Daniel Fenn has accepted. 1 fp Mr. Howard read a letter from NASA after which it was decided that we would not continue to press for an Astronaut for the Parade Ray Lewis letter from American Legion request- ing $200. allowance for refreshments this year After discussion it was agreed that the Committee will dupli- cate the collation allowance made last year to all Veteran' s organizations Mrs Litchfield will contact Ray Lewis to get the names of all contact people with addresses and telephone numbers for each post Col Alexander has been sent the forms for Air Force Drum and Bugle Corps. Father Wm J O' Connor will give the Invocation REPORT OF TREASURER There is no money until the town meeting appropriation Projection on Band Expense 1962 . . • . . $1900 1963. . . . . . . $2100 (budgeted) Contracted to date---- $1700 We have not yet heard from the Shrine and the Salvation Army We will commit up til $1900 immediately Pat Fox will try to find out about the tv prog- PUBLICITY ram on Lexington and Concord announced in T.V. Guide. Several ideas for feature articles were suggested. British Grace Flag Ceremony: The Lexington Minute Men propose that we invite the British Counsel to the afternoon parade after which Llic,y wvuid cbevrL hint Lu Llic 01,fi Du 7 ' ,r iii -cud ful a flag-decoration ceremony at the spot where a British soldier is buried They would then have a firing demon- stration on Battle Green There was a suggestion that this ceremony would take place at 10 a m It was also suggested that we be on the lookout for a British ship which may be in Boston at the time Mr Howard. will contact the new Chairman at Concord abnut Scout exchange of flags 24 Report on Tree From Israel : The Selectmen have approved the idea but have suggested —7 that it be planted at Hastings Park Rabbi Rosenbloom, 1 Mr Parks, and Mr Mazerall of the Park Department will work out the details Report of Chief Marshal : Mr Broderick reported on Marshals and Aides he has ap- pointed Mr. Broderick at next meeting will give the Committee a specific suggestion on the question of Brig Gen McGonigle ' s role Mr Broderick is to implement the agreement with Mr Fitzgerald that there are to be no more than 12 fire engines in the Fifth Division Mrs Litchfield will reserve the Selectmen's room for April 7 for a meeting of Marshal and Aides All Mar- i shals and. Aides should be asked to bring their arm 1 bands Other Business: The Shuttle bus for which Ray Barnes will make the sign will be in front of Cary Library at 12 in charge of Leo Gaughan The President of the Historical Society will be our guest Paul Lloyd will be sent the same letter as last year re- garding 4-horse team Mrs Litchfield will contact Ray Lewis regarding bells. Call Frank DiGiammarino to invite the head of the Stu- , dent Council to the next meeting Shirley Bayle, Recording Secretary II