HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-03-TCC-min.pdf 495 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE January 3, 1963 The Committee met at the Town Offices at 7 :45 p.m Present were : Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Fox and Messrs Howard, Gilman and DiGiammarino Absent were Mrs Bayle, Mr Barnes and Mr Gaughan. The minutes of December 6 and 27 were accepted as presented Mrs Litchfield reported she had received a CORRES- letter from the State Library (in the State House) PONDENCE offering access to their collection of material on Lexington history They will have these available for exhibit during the celebration of our Anniversary. Mr Leo Poplawski has submitted his resigna- tion from this committee to the Selectmen The Selectmen will be asked to appoint another person to fill out his term We have received an invitation to attend the inauguration of the Concord Minute-men on January 12 at the Veterans Building in Concord, at 2 p m Some of the committee will attend A letter was received from the Sixth Mass Continentals and our account with them is now closed. We hope to have them here on April 19 We have received replies to our offer of speakers regarding the Anniversary from the Elks and the DAR. Members of the committee are to take care of groups in their churches as much as possible Dis- cussion took place on approacning Pias We received a letter from Neil Cronin saying he has taken our films to Cary Library. Mr Howard has written a letter to Mr Adams of the Minute-Man outlining our publicity organization and asking his cooperation We have received a letter from the Selectmen FINANCES that they have taken action on our warrant for our special request for funds for the 250th Anniversary A stand and staff for our U.N. flag has been purchased $50 in petty cash has been turned over to the subcommittee to be used for a commemorative 496 cancellation stamp for use by the Post Office at the time of the Anniversary 3175. has been used for paper stock to be set aside by the Lexington Press for use by the subcom- mittee Gardiner Maxey is in charge of printed mat- erials We close out our 1962 funds with $26. to be returned to P & E ANNUAL Our annual report is due on January 14 Every- REPORT thing has been assembled that is needed to complete it SPECIAL Mr Howard reported on the meetings held last MEETINGS Thursday, Dec 27, and that copies of the proceedings had been sent to all members Plans for our Jan. 31 meeting also have been sent to members Invitations will go to those with speaking roles, and it will be open to the public Mrs Fox will prepare a special publicity release on this The highlight of this meeting will be the show- ing of the Air Force films taken on Patriots' Day last year APRIL 19 Publicity: Mrs Fox explained the special publicity spread which is to appear in the MM next week, and which was paid for by local merchants through the efforts of Mrs Biggs. It will relate almost entirely to the musical drama We hope to have a similar spread relating to the entire celebration in the MM issue of Jan. 24 before the special Town Meeting, when our request for funds will be presented Material for this must he ready by Jan 17. The speakers at the Jan 31 meeting will be asked to contribute articles We plan to submit a lay- out with pictures and news stories, to develop community enthusiasm The assistance of the committees will be needed for this project It also has to be cleared with the MM Some of the suggestions for items would be on Norwich, the Air Force Drum and Bugle Corps Mrs Fox feels that items relating to people in Lexington are more interesting and more likely to be used by the MM. A history of the Lexington MM would be of interest, and explanations of some of our Patriots' Day ceremonies. Parade Theme : The committee voted to adopt the title of the musical drama, "THEY NOBLY DAR'D" as the theme for 1963' s Patriots ' Day We are to spread this around as much as possible, and Mrs Fox will do a story on it This should help encourage those involved with the drama -- -- 497 Future Meetings : A review of our meeting schedule was made by Mr Howard . He suggested we might get together with the subcommittee for a dutch dinner. It was sug- gested that some work be covered at the same time to make it more official Details will be decided after conference with Mr Parks The possible date will be February 1k, Valentine' s Day Check List : Mr Gilman and Mrs Fox will work with Doug Maxner on the "Spirit of '76". Meeting with the 250th Subcommittee: Mr. Parks went over the entire program for the Anniversary for us, including the changes in their budget. Patricia Fox, Recording Secretary Pro Tern