HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-25-TCC-min.pdf 48t TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE October 25, 1962 The Committee met at the Town Offices at 7 :45 p m. Present were Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Fox, Mrs Bayle, Messrs Howard, Gilman, Poplawski, Barnes and DiGiammarino Mr Gaughan was absent The minutes of the October 4 and 11 meeting, in GENERAL accordance with the meeting schedule, should be design- BUSINESS ated as meetings of the U.N. Day Committee The minutes were approved as amended. Mr. Howard has received a letter from the Select- men appointing Mrs. Bayle to fill an unexpired term on the committee to April 1964 Dr. Howard Smith and Grant B Cole have been confirmed as members of the 250th Subcommittee Mr Poplawski suggested that Mrs Litchfield make some mention in her correspondence that Lexington will be celebrating our 250th Anniversary. A letter was received from Donald Noyes, Presi- dent of the Historical Society, regretting that he was away and could not help with U N. Day, but will be at our December 6 meeting We have received a statment from the town audi- tor At our next meeting decisions on our financial situation will be made Mr Howard gave an outline of the history of the ORIENTATION committee, of which highlights were : that Patriots' OF NEW Day was run by veterans groups, and the parade degen- MEMBERS erated in both appeal and dignity; steps were taken to form a by-law committee to run April 19; the committee gained a reputation for work and performance; U.N. Day and Thanksgiving were added to its duties On the matter of protocol, Mr Howard made the following statments : No single member of the committee may commit the committee to a course of action Com- mittee members must abide by the decision of the majority Committee members must be careful of stat- ments regarding policy or discussions of the committee 482 The Celebrations Committee has a sizeable work load, and our operation requires the support and contribu- , tion of each member The formation of the subcommittee was explained, and the plans for the weekend celebration, April 19, 20 and 21, 1963 U.N DAY Mr Poplawski suggested that the Chamber of Com- post mortem merce should distribute U.N. posters He felt that the Elks were rebuffed in their efforts Mr Gilman felt if the job was given to the C of C we might as well throw it out the window as the Chamber is besieged with requests Mr Howard. seconded this, with a description of the pressures put on stores by salesmen, charity drives, local organizations , etc Mr Gilman felt we should continue to ask the cooperation of the Chamber and get another organization to distribute material Mr DiGiammarino suggested we rotate those stores asked to display posters, and ask the Chamber before their Christmas display meeting It was decided next year to do everything pos- sible to get the C of C to take a more active role in improving the display of posters Mrs For suggested that we should apply for materials at the World Affairs Office much earlier than she did this year Mr Poplawski inquired about inviting foreign students to Lexineton Mrs Fox thought we might have a U N. party since we are well aware of the difficulties of a serious speaker Mrs Bayle mentioned the Inter- national Ball, and concurred that we should think in terms of a social function for U.N. Day. Mr Howard talked to Mr Greeley at the Franklin School, and found that he was responsible for the U N Day celebration all over the country Evidently, he used all means at his disposal to promote it, and it was passed by Congress Mrs Fox will look this up and report on it A motion was made and passed to purchase a staff and stand for the U.N. flan we have which was made for the town by the Grange Mrs Fox was authorized to ask if the Library will display the flag permanently Mr Poplawski felt we should arrive at some figure on the number of U.N. flags displayed on the Green, and then stop Mr Barnes mentioned we would need a plaque for the Grange flag if the Library accepted it. 483 Mr DiGiammarino reported that Miss McIntyre thinks that the announcing of the winners and award- inp' of the prize at the High School assembly should be done by the same person The Committee felt that the Hirsh School can do what they choose to with the assembly Mr Howard explained how Mr Fiorentino of the Elks purchased U.N. notebooks to distribute to all students who wrote for the Essay Contest Approval from the League and. the Rotary Club should have been received before this was done Mrs Bayle will ex- plain to Mrs Wilson and Dr Way how this happened Mr Fox received permission to have enlarge- ments made of the U.N. Day pictures and give them to Franklin School. Mr Gilman would like to see more people at the tree-planting ceremonies, and this might be done through the PTA. It should be the concern of the com- mittee to encourage the school to take every action to interest parents in the event It was agreed that planning for U.N. Day should begin in the spring Mr DiGiammarino will be U.N. Day chairman in 1963 subject to the approval of the committee as it will be next year Members of the sub-committee joined us for their 250TH monthly report Mr Howard called on Dr Smith to make a re- port to us as an individual, not as a committee mem- ber lir Lim_ tn reported that it had been suggested to him that representatives of the South American countries should be invited to Lexington as were the Africans, and this would be a way to show our friend- ship, etc He felt the old Minute-Man Freedom Com- mittee could be re-activated, and carry the ball again The idea seemed to receive general approval, but the many ramifications of this proposal will be discussed at our next meeting Mr Parks gave committee members copies of the 250th committee organization He has met with the musical drama group, gone over the budget in detail, and gone into details on the memorial dinner plate 484 Mr Parks and Mr Howard met with the Selectmen on the problem of financing the Anniversary, and will meet with them again next week for further discussion. Mr Howard felt that 3 things had been learned at this meeting: 1 The insertion of a warrant for funds is possible 2 The problem of financing the Anniversary has been made clear to the selectmen 3 The copy-write problem involved in the musical drama has been reported to the Town Council Mrs Pullen talked to the committee on the musical drama, described its content, and said she hoped to have it in its final form by December 11 Both committees discussed at length the problems of financing all aspects of the Anniversary Dr Smith suggested that the town might underwrite it as a Lexington Fund, and this would be a good publicity stunt too Mr Howard felt it would be better to have organizations do this, but we might have to fall back on this method if other avenues fail After the members of the 250th subcommittee withdrew, Mrs Pullen briefly explained her past re- searth on all the Lexingtons in the United States It is hoped that this will be used for the 250th celebra- tion. It will make an excellent publicity story, and representatives of the Lexingtons could be asked as guests at no expense to us After Mrs Pullen left, Mr Howard called for a brief discussion on Dr Smith' s proposal on the South Americans A motion was made and passed to accept it. Patricia N Fox, Recording Secretary, Pro Tem