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September 14, 1961
The Committee met in the Town Offices at 8:00
p.m Mr. Howard presiding. Present were Mrs Fox,
Mrs. Fernberger. and Messrs. Gaughan, Vedette . Cobb,
Gilman, Poplawski and Howard Absent were Mrs. Litch-
field and. Mr Douglass.
Sample display: materials from the Boston U.N. head- U N. DAY
quarters were displayed by Mrs. Fox andthere was some
discussion as to what free and priced material we
should order. This will be used by the Retail Division
of the Chamber of Commerce which has approved the pro-
motional scheme for participation by retail stores in
the town celebration of October 24.
Breakfast meetings Tuesday, September 26, 7 :30 a.m.
at the Battle Green Inn, the Chamber of Commerce will
give us a half hour presentation, at which time we
will hope to enlist the aidof as many retailers as
possible for both window and in-store displays. We
will individually try to sell some of the key retailers
before this meeting to participate as fully as possible.
Flags : For sidewalk standards, the prices are as follows
$9.00 - from the U. N. (purchase price)
3 00 - from N.E. Decorating (rental )
1 50 - from N. E. Flag Center (rental) plus 20$
discount on any purchase
The Committee would like to have half the totalnumber
of sidewalk flags flown be U.N. flags. alternating with
U. S. flags, as its optimum Mr Gaughan will arrange
theee dretai-lc.
Flaw raising : It was suggested that there be a flag
raisins ceremony on the common the morning of U.N. Day.
Mrs Fox will check the Sea, Scouts; Mr. Poplawski the
Marine Corps League, for possible participants.
Educational material : It was suggested that some of
this be given to the school children, either social
science classes, junior or senior high school students
or both It was also sugeested that a letter be sent
reminding the schools to fly their U. N. flags.
Church participation: The Sunday preceeding U.N. Day
is World Order Sunday in Protestant churches. A letter
or some other possible approach enlisting the assistance
of the churches will be consideredat our next meeting.
The possibility of ringing all the church bells on the
morning of the 24th was suggested
Previous motion: The Board of Selectman, responding to
our request, has replied that this is our committee and -,
responsibility, and that the committee should act as it
sees fit Since it was voted at the last meeting to
sponsor an evening meeting with Congressman Morse as
speaker on the evening of U N. Day, arrangements will
be made to carry out this motion It was voted to up-
hold the previous motion, but not unanimously Mrs
Fernberger will take care of all details It was
pointed out that everything that happens on U.N. Day in
Lexington will be charged to this committee as we be-
come more and more identified with the celebration of
the day
Mr Howard will chair the meeting that evening,
at the High School.
Essay contest : Anyone with a C grade in English can
obtain permission from Miss McIntyre .or Mr Cheever to
enter the essay contest
- THANKS- All speakers having refused our invitation, Mr
GIVING Gilman is now planning to ask William C. Madden to
speak at the service Other suggestions include Judge
Cotton, Jean Keppel, Dean Wessell, Mr Gilman read
Mr Greeley' s (Sr ) note declining
FINANCES The Board of Selectmen has approved the request
from the TCC for funds from the Leroy Brown Fund and
will instruct the Appropriations Committee to make the
amount available to us
RECEPTION for Mr. & Mrs Nason: The committee has been extended
an invitation to attend the reception to be given in
honor or retiring Library Director, Mr Ralph Nason on
Sunday, September 24. in the library from 4 to 6 p.m
Next meeting will include former committee mem-
bers who will attend to offer suggestions for creative
ideas for the future function of this committee. The
meeting adjourned at 10 :35 p m
Linda Fernberger,
Recording Secretary