HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-08-TCC-min.pdf 397 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE June 8, 1961 The eighteenth meeting of the 1960-'61 Town Celebrations Committee was held at the home of Mr & Mrs Cornelius P Cronin, 14 Utica St , at 8:00 p m. Mr Cronin, Chairman, presided. Present were Mrs Williams, Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Fox, and Messrs. Cobb, Cronin, Howard Bongiorno and Gilman. Thank you Notes: Notes should be sent to the following: APRIL 19 1 High School girls who worked on the costumes for the "Spirit of '76" group (A note has been sent to their instructor, Miss Clark. ) 2 Mrs Moyle, who provided coffee and her coffee service for the after-parade reception. 3 The 2 Lexington residents, Mr John Clarke of Eliot Rd and Mr John King, Jr. , of Shade St , who made up the "Spirit of '76" group The Carlisle resident who participated was given a stipend I 4 Frank Kotler, who took the official movie of the 1961 parade (He will be instructed to deliver the film to Mr Cronin of the Town Assessors Office (It is understood that thank-you notes have been sent by Arthur Douglass to the automobile dealers who pro- vided official cars for the parade. ) Sports Events : Donald Cobb reported that he had dis- cussed with L.H S Coach, "Doc" Abell, the possibility of changing the April 19 sports events (baseball games, etc ) to another day The Coach was agreeable to the suggestion provided that something worthwhile is sub- stituted at the time when the sports events ordinarily take place. (Mrs Litchfield will telephone Dr. Mc Donald of the Concord Committee to inform him that Coach Abell is amenable to the idea of holding the baseball game on another day ) Photo-Contest : If the L.H.S Camera Club plans a photo contest next year, an early request should be made to the Lexington Chamber of Commerce for permission for students to solicit local merchants for contest prizes (Mr Bongiorno offered to assist the students in this connection next year. ) Lady Lexington : It was the sense of the meeting that, after graduation, Pat Fox should show the photographic portrait of Lady Lexington to Mr Johnson, Principal of L.H.S , and find, out from him whether or not there is some place in the High School where the portrait might be hung for a year 398 Restaurant: A reservation should be made soon for the r, use of the Heritage Room of the Battle Green Inn for the 1962 Patriots' Day luncheon (A diagram of table arrangements should be made ) Reviewing Stand! $390. was paid by the Celebrations Committee for the 1961 addition to the reviewing stand This was an unexpected expenditure which arose after the Celebrations Committee budget was planned Mr. Howard suggested that a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen explaining the Committee's position in the matter and asking what might be done (Mr Cronin suggested that the money might be available for such an expenditure from the Reserve Fund which is under the jurisdiction of the Appropriations Committee. ) Official Arm Bands : Missing bands should be replen- ished through Mr Bertram Gustin, Bloomfield St (Mr Cronin suggested that someone on the Committee make it his duty to collect the arm bands after the next parade and be in charge of that equipment during the year. ) Bills : All bills have been paid except bills for the reception and for the movie film These bills have not been received as yet. Bands: Ithaca High School Band requests an invitation to participate in the 1962 parade (A letter will be sent to the director offering a $50 donation, the usual contribution to high school bands, and suggesting that he contact Mr. Donald Gillespie, Lexington Director of Music, if the Ithaca Band were interested in planning a joint concert for the night before the parade ) Minuteman Freedom Committee : Mr Cronin suggested that a letter of commendation be sent to the chairman of the Minuteman Freedom Committee, Dr Howard Smith, because of the efficient way in which the visit to Lexington of African U N delewates was planned and carried out. U.N. DAY Tree planting: Munroe School will be the site for the 1961 planting of the U.N tree (Plaques are ready for the 1960, '61 and '62 trees ) Essay Contest: 1 A letter should be sent to Mr Charles Johnson, New Principal of L.H.S. , asking him to make some provision in the high schoolschedule for observing United Nations Day on or about October 24, 1961 (High School assembly periods will be held on Mondays during the coming school year ) 399 2. Pat Fox will find out whether or not the League of Women Voters organization has appointed its essay con- test chairman and she will suggest that the new chair- man consult with Miss Helen McIntyre of L.H.S. concern- ing the selection of a topic for the 1961 contest. VOTED: That Mr Howard be authorized to obtain THANKS- a Thanksgiving Service speaker during the summer, if GIVING possible. (Dr. Herold Hunt, Lanter Lane, Lex ; Presi- dent Sachar, Brandeis University and Judge McLeod, North St. , were suggested. ) 1. Mrs Litchfield received a thank-you note from U. S. MISCEL- Representative Brad Morse. LANEOUS 2. An organizational meeting for the 1961-'62 Celebra- tions Committee should be held soon Mr. .e Mrs Cronin served delicious refreshments after the meeting was adjourned. Mr. Cronin, Mrs Williams and Mr. Bongiorno expressed their appreciation for having been on the Celebrations Committee and their regret that their terms had expired. Georgia H. Williams, Recording Secretary I 4 P 1 .