HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-09-TCC-min.pdf 365 Tedi' CvI TRATIOLf COMMITTEE Parch 4, 19(1 The el eve 7t'1 meetii of the 1460- °(l Toru Cel e- tratione Committee was hela._ i1 tI' o Town Accoultaiit ' s !"'fine of the Town Office Building• at C;00 p m Present ,- r = rP , LI .ail liair• , Mrs. Litchfield, and I es.0rs Cronin, HoNc 'rl , Bongior in, Cobb, Gilman and Dousola a Also pr= gent war Chief �f Iolice, Jahn rdvcroft Police Chief Iih'croft AF'IL 19 Pro )'I_ems of traffic control imere 1' i sell, red 2 _I shun] ] bs '1 certai 'ed from Dr I,,c::oiial 1 or the Colcml Commute whet -ler or :P`ri Q"Fresco t" will ride with "Revere and Dalai a" tart year , Te In° ton police- mei .,olice- met w-(inl y awai ter his arrival 2 Questions arose es to pi ,u5. poi Lire Afrl Csra U N fele ate and acne ,r .r police protection Cor them (Dr Smit r of til Citizens Cornmitte, N' ich is soo.isor- inn the visit Till. be i ivi ter9 to the next Celebrations Vo- Vre ) in ,h i't te,- r- tJ_i14. li A police ice ocr 'ill bt- avail:nide for ti's-sor.,rti.)iP' the Ch irrnan of in B erd of Cel ctmen from the lunch to the Minut Man statu on ILhe Grey n to awalt tin arrival of Foul Revere 5 Ti ,:Cline Department reque La 1'125 for foot_ ev- peilses tits year (The 1r0 of last, year w-+s Art ade- juate ) Floats I-n Ron iorno reported that 0 floats are being pl a_ineu i; _repeat The are 1 Grace Chapel Ch umber of Co nmer•ce Ueposi Pers ° Trutt Co 6 Rapti r Church 0 Junior Cha.nber' of Commerce 7 lions Club notary Club n Ji-Tr 0 Church of Jesus Chvi t of Latter Day Saints f' ars'hal_s and Aides Chief I- rshal dillia -I F Ronrinrno Alla to Chief Marshal John Rudd, U - C or 11e1 of First Divi ion Mel Bunt, American Leaio:i ( ,ide nit t named) ar ] ?l of iSee- id Division Franca Benoit, Commander of V Rlr Marohal of Thirl Division Edmund Cldv, I, xLitTton Minute L_R r'rn Aide t(. Third Division Do_ cl i Ii Hi coc , U A R 366 War hal of Fourth Division Martin Gilman ( Celebrations Committee) Marshal of Fitt Division William F Fitzgerald , Fire Commissioner (2 firegem will be aides to Firth Division arshal ) Bands and Drill Tea '[C 1 The Committee emu cts replies from the Army and Hwy Ban soon 2 The Levin ton Lodge of Elks (Mr LeBornberd) accepts invitatioi for about 150 m sobers to march in the after- noon parade Communicati.o'is 1_ Civil Defense ears will be used (Mr 4rthur E Burrell will be invited to a Committee me=ting in this connection ) 2 A, part of the pron'ra for the day, the Jaycees in cooperation rich tine Civil Defense will have on display a bomb shelter which will be constructed above around somewhere near the Green 3 "Exec-U-Fhone Systems, Inc " will upiily the loud speaker system and i 1ieinr- contacted by Mr Howl 1 Luncheon Mrs Iitc'hfiell Mrs Williams and Mi Howard will reconfirm tie reservation for lunch with t e Levi. lc''ton F tt l eare n Restaurant an' mill d iscu a me 11F with tis restaurant Automobiles 1 Mr Douail ass has arranger) for automol-iles from Lexin ton automobile companies These will be used to tre sport dignitaries from the luncheon to the parade a sembly and tine ice to the reviewing stand Mr Howard reg. nests the name of di°'nitari,es, who will be ridinrr is thm automobilea, as soon as possible so that placer- s with t re names can be m de by the art department of Yr ro*.,card' s co pHn1, Th se placards will be placed an the silee of t e cars Bece;otion Mr Don lass hns reserved the Belfry Club for t to afternoo of April 19 Coffee 1 , sandwiches will be ordered &-fresh_neite will be served at the receptiol until 6 00 p m I 367 evi.ewi.ne Stand r 1 Chnire from the Belfry Club sill be delivered to the reviewin, stard 'v iii sto c. rd 2 Bean ( .ove.rs ) ill be en, red to j)ic:C up the ch- ire, after the parade and ke them hack Lo the Belfry Club (yd. 13oward will arranc-e for this with J . P,en ) 3 i l er ill i i out fro r:r. 7 1p1 Tucher, Preside t of the Lex_1ncton IIi -torical Society, whether or not a tour of Suckmn i Traver i, and uerhal's some coffee could be arranged for the ladle of the review- inn- st, ad durinr the interval between the luncheon and the ti-'e that Ehe parade arrive° in the center of town Sinirit of ' 76 Unit : 1 Mr Co b reported that costume materials hvve been purchased by the r , 7 n . [Tome iscomomi cs Departm nt from Baker 's for '31 OR, 'id work nn the costume is being started by the 'Tome ',cenoyri.ce Dep rtr.ent 2 uJtep en Shaw, the sixth nn'r.anle drummer, frost Bern- I, eade Dr , will march il only 1 parade (Pr Gilman will speak to A';i Pechh =nen an-all to find out whether uot'her 1uy clru ti evaila1,le ) 3 The drummer `ro- Carlisle -ill to the part of the grandfatt' er of the trio (A stipend of liP will be criers:_; to biro for expenses is this connection ) b Mrs Fox will inquire of the Frederick Tul_larn of s Ave as to u e availal it ity or a 1'ro 11 wig for the father of the croup, e white wi, for the grand- father (The Tu' lars mere in & 'erre. of costumes and make-um for the 19;0 celebration ) Publicity 1 ,•_rs Fc w fa,ssed round copies of s , rant' i or ',er weekly schedule fpr newspaper p'.thli .ity from new ttiti.1 April 27 2 ''o Committee members have b-?ran invited to attend the 71r17 ,rch 1P At th ti !^ the Pror,- Paua.ders ' queen will be chosen She in turn will be name, "Lai -L€-xir toi--l ^61 " 3 Arr&npw'mcnts for a portrait p oio -reph of "Lady Pe'cjr_ tc n" must be made -with Pei* Junes or '-url i ngton AI (i4nrtin Haggerty was 'mentioned a ail alternate phot,o- � rapliar ) I,I 36S -I- Mr Fox will prepare the mornin parade procram and will to e 11 to Hayle-1 Centre where 500 copies will be made 5 Mr Ernest Kitchen, 4 Kimball Rd is handling publicity is connection with the African U 1, delegates ' visit to Lexington 6 An item of 1 terest for puhlicity is the fact that the Tufts Armed Drill Team which will prrticipate in the parade is under the cornmanc of a Lexington boy, 1st Lt William ') Faxton, R n T C Tufts Air Force Unit 7 Fermi sion for distribution of Patriots ' Day pro- ram throu -h the schools has not been received from School Supt Medill Bair, yet High School Band Reception: Mr Cobb noted that the Citizens Committee sponsoring the Africa-1 delegation has reserved the auditorium, t e 1-itchen , the dining room, and the gymnasium of the Hi 'h School from 4-11 n0 p m on April 19 (The Student Council has not reserved space for the High School Reception A place for the TTigh chool reception mu L be found ) Photo Contest A representative of the T T r- P'hoto- r-ramhv Cllii ghouli be 1-wited to the Cel br tions Com- mittee meetin next week Plans for I- e Photo Contest should be dicer sed (ih,r Crorii. , sus' esterl that the Photo. Clur „i ht be int rested i, s (a- Aro- the Coam_ ttee ' s P triots ' Day movie to it proun ) Parade Roster : It wee the co lse 1sirs of the meetin,q that outside secreterial service should be hired for the l ypewritinc° and mimeoc-r phing of tie parade roster this er Deecoroti Universal Deco etino- Co will be hied for decor' tiro C, ry Me o irl Hall rn the re-vicwi,-& stand The buntira will. be Put up , n April 10 or 11 Invited Guests Z Con -ressrn. .i Bradford Morse has auceptte invitation to take part in i -xilr-t( n' cel r' do "l "o In 1l l Cc ( 'i " F , H 11500w Fi erld , Bedford) and Maj General Mrs' P r -qui t (al Bedford_) h-,vh 'n,celted , also 363 idiscel lencousst l Three i :L.ttatiler or t''' P_ e its y it l he ort ere3 1'Z� Kr r i Lehr lead 2 Belebi trbea Bose 1_'112-= 1' 1 ri„ t,i ' Tienedscti or t the an.rni m cerem ny Kr Cr° 'li.n re-+il ci c,,py cf a let tel r. lit It b Cl. t. XPi et_t to Dr Si ith of th Citizen Cola ittc_e spon ,urinp. l.t .fr'ic lel tor ' ,i 1; T'-e 1e'te' etiivised the Citizu le Co mittee to coo;'-31 t-tet it cF for d tY'lOtS' Day wit', 1-'- e Toy Cel etr i.i J'"G Col ittee ah .il is of ,f ed 1' y the tOiet, for thc: ove -- 11 pIaktni_tg c,f the P Lrl ota,' Da-si cel.ehr ii ou Ceor i. -I TI ldi.11Iam e, recol =oh. Semuretery H I hi 370 I