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March 2, 1961
The tenth nreetinr of he 1960- ' 61 Town Celebra-
tions Committee was held in the Town Accountant 's
Office of the Town Office Building at C On p m.
Present ore : Mr' Will is e, Mrs Litchfield s&nd
Messrs Cronin, Howard, Cobb and Oilman
^pirit of '76 Groep
1 Mr Cobb reported that Miss Clark of the L. H APRIL 19
'Tom(' Economics Department had agreed to make authen-
tic costumes for she nrcun
2 Mr G lma1 reporter' that 4r John Clar e of Eliot
ad gill play the fife in t e parade Mr Cl 'rice would
be able to ar--t a Concord drummer to take the grand-
father ' s part in the group (Mr G+. line , will asst Mr.
Clarke to invite the Concord drummer to participate )
3 Mr Peckham had suocested to Mr. Gilman that it
rnisht be appropriate to conduct a contest, for a. drum-
mer for the unit, in William Diamond Junior High School
since the school was named for the famous irummer boy
of the Revolution However, in the evert -ti- at a Lex-
in^ton boy is not available, Mr Peckh:nn woi ld be able
to get an ei"htt grade boy fro' Carlisle to participate
Mr Peckham suggested that the Carlisle boy should be
given a stipe :1 of about •jl0 if he participates
a. It was suanested that the "Spirit of ' 76" group be
i 'vited to en April n-eetins of the Ce' ebratiors Committee
bands arc Drill ie' ms :
1 The Paul A Dutra V F W. Post Bend requests an in-
2 . T' e Clar • acPherson Bend requests an invitation to
participate for iyl.50 which would include transporta-
tion and a donation to its band fund (The band will
be invited but will be requested to keep the 'umber of
participants as high as possible. )
3. Mrs Litchfield will send a ] invitation to the
Rainbow Asserbl,y ao 6O Drill Tee 'n fro; ewtcnviile
_ l
4 Nathalie Hutchins , President of the L d . Student
Council , had reported that the Student Council will
send invitations to all high school bands which will
participate in the parade to attend the after-parade
reception at the High School .
Photographic Contest
1 Mr Cobb reported that a Patriots' Day Photu Con-
test will be conducted by the L H G Photography Club
this year
Mirk Lindsay, Chairman cf the Photo Contest,
should be invited to next week ' s Town Celebrations
Committee meeting
BUDGET The Appropriations Committee has approved the
Town Celebrations Committee budget of 1.000 for the
coming year This will he voted on at the March Lex-
- ington Town Meeting
APRIL 1c) Invited Guests :
1 Mrs gilliama inquired whether or nct the British
Consul or some British contingent should be invited to
Lexington (It was the consensi. a of the meeting that
there will be an adequate number of invited guests this
near )
2 Mr Allen, Governor Volpe 's appointment 3ecretary,
has indicated that Governor Volpe will probably come
to Lexington for the parade and reception
B Col Grover C Willcox , Commanding Officer of the
3245 Air Base ding , Bedford, plans to come to Lexing-
ton on Patriots ° Day
4 Maj Gen Fenneth P. Berrquist ' a office suggests
that Maj Gen Clyde Mitchell , U r A F Commander of
the Electronic Systems Center of Lawrence G Hansco
Field , and Mrs I' itchell be invited
Morning Ceremony
1 Mrs Litchfield has sent letter askin Mr Floyd
Taylor to ive the Invocation
2 Yrs Titchfield_ Inns sent a le -ter shinc Rabbi
Bosenblu to give the Benediction
3 Mr Lawrsnce Stone will be ssked to play Tel, at I�
the crremony
�� 1'
r - Programs :
1 Boston' s Patriots ' Uny proProm will be published
Request information soon
r Mr Po sent report static,' that the Minute-Man
hec;sp. per 'sill print the uroara of the da.y it the news-
papur •id will make reprints of the program as was done
in 1959 It was s1zap'ested_ that the program be inserted
in the A;a'il 6 issue of th revs_paper, and Iistributed
to school children on April 17 (Committee members will.
i el_1VeY' th JrOcrrHmS tr t e SCV OO -S
7 Program distribution will he as follows :
5500 to school children
50 `.c, Town Hall
100 to Minute Men
50 to police
Copies of pronrams should be placed i. i i11 T_erinaton
establishm=nts open on Patriots ' Day
Minuteman Freedom Committee Mr Cronin, ". 0 C Chair-
ma , rev germedrepert fro-, Dr '•ol'or ; ani of pla is
for bring.ini '��c lei delegates from tta_ 17 new Couid r e
Uo Len in ton for 'rntriots ' Lay (i7Ts Titchfield will.
i 'vUte Dr Cmit',h 1-0 the Nisrc'u 16 TCC in ei; '.i
.' c tnr4.•v;,
-� `_i: ::ti ib'lre' co��it. o" Jud a r, =tl �- E�. -
1^' Thenl'ec;1VI.n< 911re s nIV.Ii'G
IL iav su mested tl'i, t former neoiberc of L e P U'CFT-
cor,mittna nip be inritel to a P C C. meeting TA.;ECU0