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February 9, 1961
The eighth meeting of the 1960- ' 61 Town Celebra-
tions Committee was held in the Selectmen's Room of the
Town Office Building at S no p m Notes for minutes
for the first part of the meeting were taken by Mrs
Fox for Mrs Williams who arrived late
Present were Mrs Fox, Mrs Williams , Mrs
Litchfield and Messrs Cronin, Howard, Gilman, Col-b,
Douglass and Bonciorno Also present were 2 repre-
sentatives from the Student- Council, Prom-Manaders
represented by Mi s Flynn and Gregg Jones and James
Broderick of Maple St , representing the Marine Corps
League of Lexington
L H S Student Council : All High School Band parade APRIL 19
participants (about 300 in number) are invited to the
Lexington High School after the parade for refresh-
ments (cookies aid cokes) The Student Council re-
presentatives were reminded that last },e-ar invitations
for the reception after the parade were sent to the
high schools which planned to participate Souvenir
it mementos, such as Lexington stic ers , for guests were
sun ested The High School cafeteria must be reserved,
and any tills incurred in connection with entertaining
the visiting high school bands should be exit to the
TOTAP Celebrations Committee
Prom-Manaders The Prom-Manaders ' queen ill he chosen
at the einual Birthday Ball which will take place on
March In The queen will automatics ly become "Lade
Lexington 19h1" and will be the focal point of the
Patriots' Day celebration
The Prom-Mansiers float with "Lady Lenin -ton"
will follow the Chief Marshal ' s Aides and will precede
the automobile with the dignitaries The float should
be in place in front of Fol len Church by 19 30 on
April 19
"Ladv Lexintrn" will ride on the float, to the
reviewing stand at which point she will lead the float
and review the parade from the stand After t e parade
she will he tal-en by -In automobile, which should be
available for this purpose, to the reception at the
Hipp School
L "Lady Lexington" and her escort will attend the
lunch for di nitaries at the Battle Cr en Inn A car
will be provided to take her from the lunch to the
parade as embly
T_c response to the Prom-Manaders ' request that
their float be included in the competition for trophies,
Mr FIowwrard eypl.ained that the Prom-Manaders ' float 1 ead
the parade aid is the focal point of the parade and ,
therefore, receives the highest honor possible
Mrs Po; will look into tIi - mattei of having
"Lady Lein; ton' s" portrait included in ti-e roto--
c-ravure erection of a Postoa newspaper
Marine Corps League Mr Proderick stated Chit the
L ague : ill send only a color rn„•ri unit to th parade
this year It will form at Pollen Church err 1 00 p in
Parade R ter : Mr Co' 1 su, •rested ttet the rrstsi be
printed well ahead or time thi- yea' ,ie-d mailed out to
all participants
"Revere and Danes” It hoiil rl 1"e a Cent'aiii - i from the
fo"tir-nal Lancer Cr anizatiorii of Post° whether it
plans to sponsor th ide of "Revere and Dawes" this
fl l ectmen Will he in'v i ted to participate in the morn-
ing parade, luncheon m1 reception Mrs f orey, r•ir-
TM i P y of Selectmen, shod d be on th Green
to rreet "Revere and Daweo" when they arrive (A
Lexin ton police cruiser should be - ale nv- il aid for
her use OY t P hour when "Revert; and Dawes" are ex-
pecte ] to arrive
Buckman Tavern Mr Ralph Tucker, Preside it or the
Le ington historical Jociety will be ached .chether or
not ladle= who nil 1 he on th reviewing stand nil }it
tour Buckma Taver ] - o nerhaa ave a cue of coffee
during the interval between the luncheon and the
parade ' s arrival at tie Gruen T'-e coot would be born
by the Cc ebi bon= Committee
Drill 'lean Competition It has be-n rrevlousl.y sup-
_ested_ Llat if a ;1200 priL sere. offese,l, Lop drill
t ea`ra i; 1 Tit come to Lexin ton for a coy _petitici; inc t
which Colde be held between pare es (1n thF hal1 fi ld
or on the Cree ( It was he Consensus of thr meetin,
theU thi he tahl i for the present )
Luncheon Souvenirs Mrs Iitchfield and Mrs Williams
an eo ted t 1, t sterling I loute ili n pins (Ander on
Jewelers) be iven as souvenirs to the ladies' at tie
Tuncheoh The p lis were iven as scuvenir 2 years
igo (Itis Titchfield was authorized h`r t -i4, Committee
to end r the 'uiie pi . this year )
Invited Guests
1 Mrs Litchfield reed a letter from Fhilip Alle1,
Cecretary to Coverncr Volpe, stating t'hcrt tle Governor
hopes to take some pert in the celebra ion
2 J Co'Igressirran Bradford 'Mamie of the Fifth District
and his wife hope tr be present
3 Admiral !'spry Commandant of the Fir t Naval District
had sent regret- that he will not be able to come to
Le inLton as he has accepted en invietion to Concord
(Mrs Litchfield will write to Admiral Eeue asking him
to send a representative in his place )
4 General Harmon of Ahorwich University will be invited
to take part in some part of Lexington' s celebration in
spite of his hnvinr accepted an invitation to Concord' s
J Mattatuck Drum Corps will try to get enough men to
participate in the weekday parade "Will let us know "
2 Dedhem ' s Drum a rd Bugle Corps sent a letter re-
questing an iTmitatiou to participate 115 is re-
quested for transportation (A. :150 donation will be
offered to them in addition to the transportation fee )
Fire Departments It Wrs the consensu of the ;ceetinp
that the fire departments should be encouraged to strive
for quality instead of ouantitir of fire apparatus
participating in the parade (Half the number of
ens'i 'les with better appears ice would be more effective )
Movies : Mr Co b has arranged for r rank iiotler to
take official movie of the Petrini-Q + nn ,7
1; 'is year He as isted David Vont 2 Year ago (He
will be authorized to charge for film and to rent a
ce-rmera from the Theater Camera Chop A, note should
be ent to the Theater Pharmacy thenkin6 them for their
assistance for the past 2 years in this connection )
Photography Contest Mr Co b will inquire as to
whether or not the Hinh bchvol Carver Club will be
interested in conducting Camera Contest depicting
April In events (The Camera Club was not interested
in doing so last year )
Floats Er Porn iorno reported that Mr Tarbox of the
Le -ingtor Chamber of Commerce will have float applica-
tion blanks ready tomorrow
6 �
"Spirit of '76 Unit" Pr Gilman reported that Yr —
John Clarke of Eliot Rd had sug°'ested that a contest
be conducted for the purpose of selecting participants
for this unit (Mr Clarke would be viilii» to play
the fife ) Mr Cronin suggested that the HiTh School
Band Director be approached to find out whether the
High School would be interested in providing the "Spirit
of '76" participants and whether or not the Home Econo-
mics Department would be willing to nshe the necessary
U N DAY ire Fox stated that the League of Women Voters
wonders whether or not a person from the League should
be appointed to be a liaison with the Celebrations
Committee in connection with U N. Day and Patriots '
Day (Yrs Fox will suggest to the League that Nra
Pullen had been suggested tv the Celebrations Committee
as a person well qualifie in this connection )
Mr Douglass reported that the U N Contest
winners have al ready attended a Rotary luncheon meet-
ing, so that the invitation to the Committee to attend
a Rotary meeting on February 27, when the essays were
to have been read , is no longer in effect
GeorTie H Williams ,
Recordist ecretary