HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-26-TCC-min.pdf 349 TOWN CELEBRATICM` COMMITTEE January 26, 1961 The seventh meeting of the 1060261 Town Celebra- tions Committee was held in the Town Accountants 's Office of the Town Office Building at 8 00 p m Present were Mrs Fo: , Mrs Titchfield , Yrs Williams, and Messrs Cronin, Cobb, Bongiorno and Gilman Also present were Dr Francis C McDonald of Concord' s Committee on Public Ceremonies and Celebrations Mr Clarence Glenn and Mr Nick .loSice representing Lexie -ton 4-H clubs Mr Wayne ,Shg,rpe representing DeMolay Mr Tincoln F Cole, Jr representing the Boar_, of Selectmen Mr Gerald Tabelin2 representilg Camp Fire Girls and n1.ue Birds James Connell and Eric Handley, L TT C students, re- presenting Lex Guides Mrs Johnson representing Hayden Recreation Centre Theme "Let Freedom Rina " APRIL 19 Co.lco_•d: Dr 1, cDonald outlined a work sheet calendar of events in connection with Concord's Patriots ' Day activities A military ball will be held on April 1R; "Sam Prescott will arrive at Wright ' s Tavern at 1 30 a m on April 19 the parade will start at 900 a m after sunrise fl g-raising ceremony at the "Bride-a " General '"armo of Norwich University and Adriral Carl F Espe, Commandant of the First Naval District have accepted invitations to attend Coicord 'a Celebra- tion Dr McDonald mentioned that there are many ad- vantares to TeYinoton' a aild Concord' s working too-ether in the plannin, of their celebrations Concord , also, clans to slow evidence of appreciation to t e 18 towns which sent asoistance to Lexington and Concord in 1775 (Mr Cl. rence Glenn offered paper from his company for hand-inscribed certificates of appreciation w' ich Con- cord plans to present to these towns ) The Lexington and Concord Celebrations Committees agreed to share expenses for lun .h for the F mrvrich and Navy hands at the Navoy Restaurant again this year 350 DeMolay Mr Sharpe reported that for the last years DeMolay has marched in loth morning and afternoon parades This year, in the afternoon parade, there will be 2 automobiles in which the DeMolsv Queen a-nd Color Guard will ride whether or not there are DeMolay marchers Mr Sharpe will innuire as to the reason for the Saugus DeMoley' s not participating in the parade as planned last year Mr Sharpe Till report to Mr Bongiorno whether or not DeMolay plans to enter a float Hayden Centre Mrs Johnson reported that the Hayden Twirlers will be in both parades Thi-re will be 36 girls, a flag group of 12, 4 drummer boys, and 2 will carr=" the Haydenbanner Hayden doe not expect to have a float this year Mr Joh son offered Hayden facilities for the mimeogra thing of tine mornin parade programs again this year Camp Fire Girl and Pin o Birds i n Tabcl i r " Led that thr-'rE will be a longer number of Camp Fire Girls and flue Siris this year They -ill adsercbne at Aiuir. oe School 4-H Town Committee . (repre entinr- all 4-H clubs) Mr Glenn reported that a float will be entered However, he expressed the cpini_on th t the 4-Ii clubs have not felt that the judgin of float lea b. en fair 4-H clubs will have ore than 30 marchers and ,. 111 carry large banner in the morning ng parade Le in ton Guide Association 1 The Guides reported that last year 500 pr per sheets, showing £a ma,' of 'Lila I attic green will information abort the battle of Le-sington, were distributed by Lte Cuir3ee This year the Guides would like to have 7000 of [ hese information sheets 2 Three Guides (James Connell , Eric Handley and "illy oT'1in) will be in costumes which will be rented -itti Cel rbr tions Comm ttee funds The boys will attend to the details of costume rentel The costumes are expected to cost about i7 00 each 351 The Guid. „ '-uggested that the Lexinpton Infer ation tooth be open 217( April 19 (Jim Connell. will speak to Nr Lee Tarbox, _Pres of the C of Cabout t'iis ) 4 The Guides mentioned that you/weer Le, innton boys shoull ba st i<ulated to beco e Guides Seven ur eio'ht boys would find it profitable to work teedily at th Green Blots Mr Bonsiorno reported that the Reoreanized Churek of Latter Dec Saints, the h--H Clubs, aril the Lions Cluh plan to enter floats (Mr Ponpiorio will form Dr Crooke of t'rr Chamber of Commerce on com- plaints of unfair judoinp of floats by some or=antzations ) Miscellaneous 1 ,_r Cronin, , Chairman, repnr e.? that Dr Hor•arc Smith has oreanized an enthusiastic committee which is int,ere ted it providinu wave and meas for brine lug to Lexin -ton, for its Patriots ' Day Celebration, delo- etes to the United Nrtionn from the new African countries . Pie is are hinlerway for a U .N Dinner and Pall at the T'i.r'h School The dele<rates will stay at the Bettie "Gree otor Inn a trarsportet on to and from Boston and New York will be provided by Northeast I Air Lines 2. Mrs Fox reported that the. Prom-Menaders Fall. is SCV c-l.ul ed for March 1 R ,r Cobb will and erta ce the project of fi d i op- ar official photoa'rapher to replace David Voc^t who took movies of the 1960 celet ration Vor't graduated last year 4 Mr Gilman -epos' ed t'- it pronra!n plans are proc ress- inc satisfactorily. r, Mrs Ti chfield reported that Natalie T-Iutcnins of ]. .h . Ltudekt Council will attend next week' s Celebra.- tio s Coi'eii ttee meeti F c The 4-d For •r- Coned tee (Yr Feul Lloyd) had tele- phoned Mr Litchfield. Twenty horses will be in the parade finch rider will have an identification arm band , and the necessary insurance will be purchased 'by the Horse Committee (Police Chief Rycroft should he notified that no ho •.e hould he permitted to be in the rorede if its rider lacks the officicl era band ) 7 The Rainbow Drill Team will probably participate in the parade 352 A "Spirit of '76" Douclas Maxner will he unable to r-, or°anize the group this year (Mr Gilman will in- quire of Mr John Clarke of Eliot Rd , who has offered to play the fife in this unit , whether or not he would organise a croup for the "Spirit of '7.," } 9 The Sons of Union Veterans Bawl of Dorchester re- quests an invitation to participate in LexinTtnn' s parade (Mr Ron}for o may try to visit one of the band' s rehearsals ) 10 The Lexinmton Marine Corps Leajue will partici- pate in Lexinston(s pr rale this year 11 Mr Cole reported that an old-fashioned fire engine, which is run by 2 mem wouli come to Lexington from Lenox, Ma s , to be in t e parade if requested 12 The Woburn Himh School hand accepts invitation to participate Geormia H Williams, Recording' Secretary