HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-06-TCC-min.pdf TOWN CELEBRATIONS CONNITTEE
I -1
October. 6, 1960
The second meeting' of the 1960-'61 Town Celebra-
tions Committee wrs held in the Town Accountant 's
Office of the Town Office Building at 8 :00 p.a
Present were Mrs Fox, Mrs Williams , Mrs Litchfield,
end, easrs Cronin , Cobb and '?oward
7 Essay Contest The United NationsEssay' have been U N Day
written_ About 50 hirrh school seniors entered, the
2 High School United Nations Assembly A program is
being planned by the S'udent Cotncil (Natalie Hutchins,
President) and will be presented nn Monday, October 24
nt 1 30 n m in the High School Auditorium
3 Flays : The iinns Club (Jos ph Rooney, President)
plans to presenp a United NF ti ons flag to each of the
Lexi'ng'ton schoolsat its United Nations observance or
at some oth r suitable ceremony
4, United Nations Tree Mrs. Litchfield reported that
t = Lesi ton Par'' IDepart'nh nt f r P- .l r.ezerall)
prows of t' e idea of a private or"anization's pro-
vidlije the tree for the annual tree nlantirrr ceremony
at a I exin ton school
VOTED That the Celebrations Committee accept the
Le, inion Junior Chamber of Corrmeece ' a offer of t '-
IL. .l ition Jr the 1060 United Nations tree which will be
clouted at Parker School The tree will be' r t'le
u 'u 'rl pl aquE
VOTED: That the purchase of 3 p1ac,res (for merki.ne'
t'rp,e 1,1 .on ho' at 1041 loK1 into Unit:':[ (Jr t+en`
Day observances) be my le throne h 13-'1"Uram Cu, t
5 Cary i',e " ori-ll I,ibiary A lettei had beei received
fru, '"r -anon st&tinn' that there are now about 75
l:molts on the Uri tel 1, attog On tlibrary' s United
Nations Book Shelf
6 Govrnor' a Iroolsnlation0 Mr i• orey , Che Irrnan of
the Board of Seleo :rye ., has been :env- ted by r; itch-
fieri to read the Governor' s United Nation, ' Day Pro-
clam tion at both Jutted I tion ° Day observances
(Pani"e School -nil the 'Ti- h School . ) fir Fox will
write to the State House, Dosto, , for copies or both
th „nite Natiols ' DcV aii'1 Then. sg'iq"inr' Proclamations
7 Photoerapher Mrs For will Inform the Lexinrrto.i rfl
Minute Mrw newspaper photoerapher of the Parker School
and Hicth School. observances
THANES- 1 All participa )ts in the Thanksaivinc service have
GIVING been notified
2 Mrs Sandb. rrer, High School Music Director, is
plenninr the music
APRIL 19 The Battle Green Inn Heritage Room Restaurant
has been reserved
h'iISCi3L- 1 Jrs Litchfield reported that Barrett Press had
LANOU,., quoted a price of h25 for 2000 sheets of stationery
(1000 sheets would be about a1( 50) She was author-
ized to purchase the larger quantity
VOTED; That the 1959-'6n Town Celebrations Committee
minutes be entered into the Committee ' s official
minutes book and that a price for the ,jot be ascertained
Mr Gilman reported that he would be out of town
and would not attend the October 5 meetirim
The next meeting will. be held on October 20,
1060 at S 00 p u,
1. Invitations to participate in the 1961 parade
should be sent to the followinp bands
Norwich University Reading High School
Maynard High School Winchester High School
Athol Hich School First Naval District
Gloucester High School Needham High School
Fort Devens Woburn Himh School
2 The Celebrations Committee should be orxranized
3 The 1061 Theme should he discussed
L- Floats (Chamber of Commerce)
Georgia TI Williams ,
Record.inu Secretary