HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-19-TCC-min.pdf 327 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE MAY 19, 1960 The twenty-eighth meeting of the 1959-'60 Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office Building at 8 no p m Present were : Mrs Williams, Mrs Litchfield and Messrs Cole, Cobb, Cronin, Douglass and Howard Also present was Mrs Roger Wilson, L W V United Nations Essay Contest Chair- man It was suggested that letters be sent to all U N DAY Lexington organizations requesting that United Nations programs be planned for October (The previous letter should be checked to be sure that the facts are correct ) Essay Contest Mr Cole, Chairman, announced that the League of Women Voters will, again, sponsor the High School United Nations Essay Contest The Celebrations Committee will be expected to make arrangements for the contest prize (Mr Douglass will approach the Rotary Club to find out whether or not it will sponsor the prize trip to the United Nations again this year ) The Essay Contest topic will be chosen by the L W V immediately so that the topic can be announced to students before school closes for the summer (Mrs Wilson will report to the Committee when the topic is chosen ) Mr Cobb will apply for the High School auditor- ium for the United Nations Day assembly for the nearest scnooi day to United Nations Day, October 24 Tree-planting Ceremony: The site for the 1960 U N tree planting will be Parker School which especially requested it for this year (Note If more than one school had requested the tree, the question of which school woull have been decided alphabeticali ) Flags : The Lions Club has indicated, previously, that it plans to pre ent United Nations flags to each Lex- ington school (Joseph Rooney , incoming Lion Club president, will he contacted about the matter. ) •1r Kingston Howard was named chairman of the Thanks- THANK S- giving Service GIVING 328 Auditorium Mr Co b will reserve the High School auditorium for Nov 20, 1960, for. tie Thanksgiving service Speaker: Mr Cole will contact Dean Graham of Boston University who has indicated that he will be the speaker for the 1960 Thanksgiving Service (Dr Bechar of Brandeis University was mentioned as a possible speaker if Dean Graham is unable to do so ) Programs : Hancock Press will print the programs Participants Mr Cole and Mr Howard discussed pos- sible participants in the service COMMITTEE ORFANIZATIO FOR 1060-1061 : Voted Chairman Cornelius P Cronin Voted Vice-chairman Kingston L Howard Voted : Recording Secretary Georgia H Williams Voted : Corresponding Secretary Eleanor B Litchfield Mr Cole expressed his appreciation, for having served on the Committee and turned the meeting over. to Mr Cronin An official letter reporting the reorganization of the Celebrations Coi-mittee will be sent to the Board of Selectmen APRIL 19 The Coast Guard Academy Band may be willing to participate in the 1961 parade (Note because it is an Academy, the hand would lead the parade ) MISCEL- Mrs Litchfield reported that the Celebrations LANEOUS Committee is in good financial condition Total ex- penditures to date have amounted to $2272 05 ( W500 00 was the appropriation voted for t e Celebrations Com- mittee by the Town Meeting ) Mr Cobb reported that the Lexington Guides • Association has invited Celebrations Committee members • and their families for a guided tour by the Guides of historic points of interest in Lexington and Concord on Sunday, June 5, at 2 00 p m (The Cnmmitte voted to accept the Lexington Guides invitation ) Georgia H Williams, Recording Secretary