HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-07-TCC-min.pdf e31e9 TOWN CELEBRATIOldS COMMITTEE April 7, 1960 The twenty-fourth meeting of the 1959-'E,0 Town Celebrations Committee was held. in the Selectmen' s Room of the To7 rg Offi e Buildime at 8 :00 p in Present were Mrs Pullen, Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Williams and • Messrs Cronin, Howard, Cole and Cotb Also present were Mr. Arthur Burrell (Communications Service of Lex Civil Defense Dept ) end Mr Del Hunt (American Legion, Commander of Stanley HillPo,st, Lex ) Civil Defense Motile Units APRIL 19 1 Mr Burrell ' s offer for use of C D communica- tions nrhile units in the parade was accepted Cars will be stationed near the reviewing stand and at the rear of the First and Third Divisions of the parade (Mr Burrell will ascertain from Police Chief Rvcroft whether a C D car can supplement a police car et the heed of the parade ) 2 Th cars will report to the Division Marshals Important Guests 1 Major General Verbeck, Commanding' General of Fort Deven accepted invitation 2 Admiral Rowland of the U S Coast Guard will be represented by Captain D J Lucinski 3 Governor Furcolc sent regrets that he cannot • be present but would send a representative 11 State Senator William Madden will be invited 5 J J Griffiths, British Consul, will be invited to be a guest for the day 6 The 2 most recent former members of the Cele- brations Committee, Mr Bertram Dustin and Mr Bentley Hutchins will be invited to all activities of the day 7 Rear Admiral Espe, Commandant of the r'irst Naval District , his wife and his Aide, Lt Carrington, have accepted the invitation to Lexington Congresswoman Edith Mourse Rogers will be present Booklet Mrs Pullen rave the following report of the special distribution of the T C C history of April 19 celebrations Inscribed copies were personally riven to : Dr Fred S Piper; William Rorer Greeley Helen Elizabeth Mugzey; George Foster Lester T Redman Mr & Mrs Edwin T Worthen, Jr and Janice Cupp, "Lady Lex_incton-1960" Otki Copies were given to Cary Memorial Library (6 copies) LexinetunHigh School Library, Lexington Historical Society (2 copies) Lexington Social Studies Department ( 3 copies) Copies have been sent to Boston Public Library; Massachusetts Historical Society; Concord Public Library; Valley Forge Center, King-of-Prussia , Pa. (on request) ; Time-Life Boston Bureau Mr J Jerauld Buck, Hyannis Port , Mars (on request) (Note The copyright form for the booklet has been completed and notarized In the future, if mere copies of the booklet are wanted, copies can be made from 2 Food copies of the booklet by photo offset process ) Parades The parade roster was outlined and corrected for typing Mrs Titchfield will make the stencil for the Parade Roster Mr Cobb was named Marshal. of the Fourth Division One-cylinder cars (go-carts) cannot be in the parade (unrenistered vehicles wit ' unl icensed driver! are ille al ) Dr Clifford Hunt wishes to enter 3 antique automobiles in both parades Permission wan granted for the after- noon parade but nct for Sunrise Parade Note TH7 SUNRISE PARADE SHOFID BE KEPT SI.SL ? AND DIGNIFIED Marching units will be soucht from Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass Hayden Center will be asked to be host to the Civil Air Patrol. unit Arrangements for cancelling the parade in case of inclement weather must be made Mr Kingston Howard will be in charge of the reviewing stand. Mr Cobb will request that Adams and MunroeSchools be open April 1.9 Bands Clan MacPherson sent letter accepting invita- tion to participate. 317 The Norwich Band will have lunch at the Navoy Restau- rant at 11 30 a m The Navy will have lunch at the Navoy Restaurant at 12 00 noon Floats : The Knights of Columbus and the I-Teens will not enter floats because trucks are not available I'°iscellaneous : Wreaths, Bunting and an amplifying system have been ordered. Committee will be responsible for transporting "Lady Lexino'ton" from the luncheon to Grant St , for dressing for the float, and then to parade beginning VOTED 1 That the 1960 White Tricorne Fat recipient be invited to the luncheon 2 That all White Tricorne Hat recipients be in- vited to ride in the parade and be on the reviewing stand Georgia H Williams , Recording Secretary 31.8