HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-10-TCC-min.pdf 301 TO 'N CEIEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 10, 1960 The twentieth meeting of the 1959-'60 Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Town Ac- countants ' Office of the Town Office Building at 8 00 p m Present were Mrs Pullen, Mrs Williams, Mrs Litchfield and Messrs. Cole, Cohb, Cronin, Howard, Douglass and Bonpiorno. Also present were : Chief of Police Rycroft and Mr Mel Hunt , Commander of the Stanley Hill Post . American Legion Committee members congratulated Mr Lincoln P Cole, Jr , Chairman of the Celebrations Committee, en his recent election as a member of the Board of Selectmen Police and Traffic Chief Rycroft discussed ways of alleviating traffic problems 1 By lining up the First Division on Mass Ave 2 By keepin Pleasant Street open 3 By lining up the Third Division on Follen Rd. 4 By utilizing Adams School playground ( if dry weather) for lining up units 1 The Police Department will have a roped off area around the Minute Man statue for the ceremony during the arrival of "Paul Revere " The Police Department looks forward to the time when there will be one and one-half miles of rope available for keeping crowds in line in the middle of town Power Scooters and go-carts cannot be permitted in the parade The drivers must be over 16 and have a license The contribution of 387 50 to the Police Department last year toward its hosting expenses will not be an adequate sum this year The Police Department requests a contribution of 3100 for 1960 4-H horses will continue down Bedford St after passing the reviewing stand American Legion Mr Mel Hunt will see that the "Spirit of '76" is organized Mr Hunt has invited the Chinatown Post of the American Legion to participate The Arlington Marine Corps League Post will be invited to participate 302 Mr Hunt stated that last year' s contribution to the hosting expenses of the American Legion was adequate and will probably be adequate this year (Note : Mr Cole reminded Mr Hunt that this is the year in which the American Legion is expected to invite additional units to participate If it does so, the Committee would expect to subsidize the Legion ' s hosting ex- penses to a greater extent ) Prom-Maneders Ball The Prom-Manaders ' queen will be chosen at their ball on March 19 Booklet Mrs Pullen reported that page proofs should be ready by March 111, and the finished booklet should be ready by March 21 ( It is hoped that the booklet can be presented by Mrs Pullen and Mr Cobb to Mr Mason for Cary Library on March 25 or 26 The first publicity about the booklet should be in the March 31st issue of the Minute Man newspaper Copies should also be presented to the libraries of the 2 Junior High Schools and the Senior High School ) VOTED That the booklet should be copyrighted unless the price for copyright is excessive Publicity : Mrs Pullen outlined plans for publicity from now until Patriots ' Day but stated that due to her daug'hter' s hospitalization she will need assistance with publicity (Mrs Litchfiell and Mrs Williams will work with Mrs Pullen ) The following are ideas for publicity 1 The China- town Legion Post story 2 Fire Department story 2 Lady Lexington activities 4 Patriots ' Ball (April 18) sponsored by Rotary Club 5 Annual Road Race sponsored by t e Lions Club 6 Baseball Game Parades Mr Cronin reported that plans for the Sunrise and Afternoon Parades seem to be on schedule Floats: Mr Bongiorno reported that application blanks with rules for float participants will go out this week Receptions : Mr Douglass reported that the afternoon reception is organized Lexington Guides : There was discussion about plans for taking advantage of the Guides ' offer to give historical talks on and about the Green on April 19 (Mr Douglass remarked that the Guides would add color to the occasion if they were dressed in costume such as that of Revolu- tionary farm boys He will speak to James Connel 'about this ) 303 A letter will be sent to the Lexington Guides thanking them for t eir interest and stating that some of their suggestions are being incorporated into the plans for the 1960 celebration Chief Marshal of the 1960 parade Mr Cornelius P Cronin was voted Chief Marshal of the afternoon parade after Mr Cole asked to be relieved of that duty be- cause of his recent election to the Board of Selectmen (Publicity will be sent to the newspaper this week with Mr Cronin' s name as Chief Marshal and the names of his aides Mr Cole stated that he felt that it is such a high honor to be named Chief Marshal of the parade that the honor should go to a different person each year POLICY It was the sense of the meeting that there dlould be e Committee policy of naming a different person as Chief Marshal of the parade each year The Junior Chamber of Commerce (Mr Howard) reported MISCEL- that the custom of decorating houses on Mass Ave on LANEOUS Patriots ' Day will be reinstated Hainhoa Girls will be in both parades Senator °al.tonstall had sent a letter via his admini- stative assistant stating that the Senator has the date on his calendar and hopes to be present A letter should be written to the British Consul in Boston to ascertain whether or not he would be interested in participating in the celebration and decorating the graves of the British soldiers The American Legion will be responsible for any elementary school children who wish to be in the parade hut are not members of organizations which are participating* (They should meet at the playground adjacent to the Muzzey Junior High School ) Georgia H Williams, Recording Secretary 3 04