HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-19-TCC-min.pdf 271 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE November 19, 1959 The tenth meeting of the 1959-'60 Town Celebra- tions C-)mmittee was held in the Selectmen' s Room of the Town Office Building at 8 :00 p m Present were Mrs Litchfield, Williams , Pullen and Messrs Cole, Cobb, Cronin and Bongiorno . Mr Cole opened the meeting b congratulating THANKS- Mrs Pullen on the articles about Thanksgiving Service GIVING and speaker which had been published in the Lexington paper. Hancock Press -ill have programs printed by Friday morning Mrs Litchfield will take stamped envelopes to Hancock Press for mailing of programs to the Clergy. Mr Cobb will initial an announcement for use over the loud speaker system at L FI S. Mrs Litchfield will order carnations for the 14 ushers and flowers for stage Future sug7estions : An announcement of the date of the Thanksgiving Service shoi-ld be included in the United Nations letter which go s out to all organiza- tions in Spring In the near future an invitation should be sent to Dean EdwPrd K. Graham inviting him to be speaker at the 1960 Thanksgiving Service. Miss Hall and Mr. Kershaw High School Faculty U N chaperones for the U.N Essay Contest winners , gave ESSAY permission for their letter of appreciation to the Com- CONTEST mittee to be published in the paper MRS Kaufman of the League of Women Voters has submitted a. report on the U N Essay Contest to the Committee Mrs Pullen and Mr Cobb will meet with the APRIL 19 Selectmen on Monday, November 23, at 8:15 p.m to out- line their plans for a booklet about April 1.9 celebra- tions. Letters of acceptance have been received from the Athol High School Band, Woburn High School and the l Coast Guard. 272 Luncheon Committee : Mrs Litchfield and. Mrs Williams will contact restaurants and will report back to the Committee Reception Committee VOTED That the Belfry Club be engaged for the after-parade reception Mr Ray Lewis , former member of the Celebra- tions Committee will be asked to be in charge of the reception He would be assisted by Arthur Douglass, of the Committee Suggestions : That some reliable person be in charge of getting participants from the luncheon to the parade That chairs for the reviewing stand be gotten from the Belfry Club and returned to the Belfry Club after the parade (It was suggested that J A Bean, Parker St , be engaged for this job. ) Themes of tie day were suggested "Freedom The Right To Choose" "Four Freedoms For A1.1" Cronin's su.rgestion "Four Freedoms" Cole ' s suggestion MISCEL- The last meeting of the year will be December 3, LANEOUS 1959 Lexington High School Guides will be invited to attend at 8 15 p m Mr `rank Bateman of the Jaycees will be invited to attend at A 30 p m January 7, 1960 will be tie first meeting next year A discussion of the April 19th theme will be on the agenda January 14, 1960 meeting, Youth Groups and Civic Groups will be invited The official 1959 film of the April 19th parade will be shown (Mr Gustin has the film, it is believed ) Lteorgia Williams Recording Secretary