HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-11-TCC-min.pdf 247 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE June 11, 1959 The thirty-first meeting of the .1958-59 Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on June 11, 1959 at 8 00 p m Present were Messrs. Gustin, Cronin, Hutchins, Cole, Cobb; Mesdames Pullen, Litchfield and Williams The incoming Superintendent of Schools should be notified of plans for planting a tree at Fiske UNITED School in connection with Lenngton' s observance of iTATIONS United Nation ' s Day Iie should also be notified of DAY the plans for conducting a United Nation ' s Essay Con- test at the High School The 1959 United Nation' s "ssay Contest has been officially planned Miss Frank of the United Nations in New York has been notified and has been sent a copy of the essay subject The members of the Celebrations Committee felt that a statement regarding the Committee ' s position. in the celebration of Un_ted Nations Day should be entered into the minutes as follows "The Committee will ac+ively promote and sup- port United Nation' s Day school programs and will have the Park Department, under the direction of the Town Celebrations Committee, plant a tree , suitably marked, as an official act of Lexington' s United Nation' s celebration " The Lexington High School Art Department will be asked to design the cover for the Thanksgiving THANKSGIVING probrw The Lexington Field and Garden Club will be asked to decorate the High School auditorium for the Thanksgiving service Mrs Williams had heard Dr Bixler, President of Colby College , recently and hoped that he might consent to be the Thanksgiving speaker (Mrs . Litch- field will write to him ) Mr Gustin described possible contents for a folder which would explain the background, functions , FOLDER duties, schedules and policies of the Town Celebra- tions Committee L_ 248 Mr Cronin demonstrated a McMillan. Record Book and recommended that such a book should be purchased and that all Town Celebration' s Committee minutes should he entered therein He recommended that a pro- fessional secretary be engaged to accomplish the job VOM It was voted a sub-committee consisting of Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Cheever and Mrs Williams will hire a secretary to bring the T C C minutes up- t0-date by September VOM It was voted that Mr Gustin purchase notebook binders for each. Celebration ' s Committee member ( The members will be expected to keep Committee minutes in the notebooks and to bring them to each. meeting ) A member of the Salvation Army Central Band has PATRIOTS' been asked to suggest that the Band consider coming to DAY Lexington for April 19, 1960 as it makes plans for the coming year Mr. Lauritzen of Lexington will be present at a Fourth. of July celebration in Denmark at which time he will have Certificates of Birth, Liberty Bills and tricorne hats from Lexington for distribution It was suggested that Mr Lauritzen be asked to organize a group of residents who have come to Lexing- ton from foreign countries to appear in the Patriots ' Day parade in costumes of their native country Press and Publicity personnel should be invited to a Celebration' s Committee meeting prior to April 19, 1960 Lexington Girl Scouts have requested "Certifi- MISCE'L- cates of Birth" for use in the Swap Program of the LANEOUS International Girl Scout Roundup in Colorado. (Mr Gustin explained that two boxes , each containing three hundred certificates, can be shipped to the Roundup Lila Towle will be asked to contact Mr Gustin ) Mr Hutchins will follow up Mr Bortman' s offer of a Peace Dollar and a copy of the Minute Man National Park bill for eachmember of the Committee Lady Lexington 1958 is recovering from an appen- dectomy The portrait exchange ceremony has been in- definitely postponed Mrs Pullen and Mr Cobb have begun their sumer project of compiling information for a souvenir program for April 19, 1960 L Georgia [,villiams Recording Secretary