HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-30-TCC-min.pdf 235 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMITTEE April 30, 1959 The twenty-sixth meeting of the Town Celebra- tions Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room of the Town Office Building at 8 00 p m on April 30, 1959 Present were Messrs Gustin, Hutchins, Cronin, Bongiorno , Cole, Cobb; Mesdames Pullen, Williams and Litchfield Harold Roeder of Lexington High School was also present The movie of Patriots Day 1959, which was filmed by David Vogt, was shown to the Committee by Harold Roeder The Celebrations Committee has received letters of thanks from ( 1) the chairman of the Board of Select- men, ( 2) Theater Guild, ( 3) Major and Mrs Oscar Lee of Watertown Arsenal Mrs Litchfield will send letters of appreciation to ( 1) all marshals and their aides; the Girl Scouts of the Thirties ; the official automobile suppliers; the Lexington High School Student Council ; radio station WBZ for announcements; General Wooten (Ft Devens) for march- ing units and band Admiral Espe (Navy) for band and marching unit; Mrs Muse, the caterer ( The Salvation Army Band has sent a letter of regret that it had not participated because of inclement weather It hopes to participate next year ) Mr„ Gustin_rova.ewed—bi-Lls—which—ha-ve—been -sub flitted to the Celebrations Committee The Committee BILLS gave its approval for the payment of these bills . It was voted that the Firo Department be allocated 5125 00 VOTE instead of the 0100 00 which was inadequate for hosting visiting firemen Decorations Decorators should be invited to FUTURE appear before the Committee, a month or two before SUGGESTIONS Patriots Day, to show their wares and to be considered for the job of decorating public buildings, reviewing stand, etc 1-7-7-5 Signal Arrangements should be made through Chief Engineer of the Lexington Fire Department 236 Luncheon Hostesses should be present at 11 30 if lunch. is scheduled for 12 00 Parade (1) General traffic control at start of parade must be inproved (meet with. Chief Rycroft about this) ; ( 2) A map ( 17" x 22") indicating units ' lining-up positions should be sent to each participat- ing unit along with. the parade roster; (3) the parade should he halted at "Foster' s" store so that military dignitaries marching in the parade can go to the re- viewing stand to receive their honors as their aides march. past with their units Reviewing stand A handrail would be helpful addition to the steps High. School reception ( 1) Many visiting high school bands never found their way to the reception. inside the high school because of a lack of guides outside the high. school; ( 2) Next year the high school group ( Student Council, National Honor Society, or some other) which is in charge of the reception should send representatives plus a faculty advisor to a meet- ing of the Celebrations Committee; ( 3) The Celebrations Committee should send invitations to the reception to all high. school participating bands Floats Prospective float entrants should be shown the movie of the previous parade Flats The flags of Hawaii and Alaska should be added at the appropriate time to the state flags which are placed around the statue on the Common (The Town Celebrations Committee may he asked to purchase the new flags and to refurbish the old ones which were a gift to the town by Mrs Shepard No provision was made for their upkeep ) Mrs Edith. Nourse Rogers requests copies of the MISCELLANEOUS parade roster Mrs Litchfield will send two Mr Gustin hopes to make a folder containing a timing schedule for meetings, events, and plans for the year The work of "Exec-U-Ph.one,Inc" was commended Mrs Cheever gave out twenty-five Minute Men pins Two additional ones are needed for Mrs Maloney and Nlrs Pullen. The Lion' s Club voted $25 00 to be given to the High. School Photography Club for use in connection with its contest 237 4-30-59 -2- Mr Bortman, President of the Boston National Historic Sites Commission , commented upon the genuine- ness of spirit whichhe had observed in connection with "Patriot' s Day" in Lexington He felt that a re- cording of the "Patriots" Day activities might be con- sidered for "Voice of America" The charge for the "Lady Lexington" portrait by "Zitso" was $19 00 (Mrs Pullen will order two small mat finish prints to be given to Patricia Thoren and to Hayden Center for its scrapbook ) The League of Women. Voters has appointed a per- UNITED son to be in charge of the United. National Essay Con- NATIONS test She will be invited to a May meeting DAY Mr Gustin gave a report on his visit to the United Nations Miss Josephine Frank, Chief, Public Inquiries Unit, United Nation' s Visitors Service, would like to get local news of United Nation' s Day events such as the planting of the United Nation' s trees Mrs Pullen recommends that a form letter be sent to all organizations saying that the Town Cele- brations Committee suggests that the organizations take recognition of United Nation' s Day as they make plans for October meetings Georgia Williams Recording Secretary 238