HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-09-TCC-min.pdf 225 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE [ 1 April 9, 1959 The twenty-third meeting of the Town Cele- brations Committee was held in the Selectmen 's Room of the Town Office Building on April 9, 1959 at 8 00 p.m Present were Messrs Gustin, Hutchins, Cronin, Cole, Cobb; Mesdames Pullen, Litchfield and Williams Also present were Mrs Wilbur Cheever, former member of the Town Celebrations Committee and Mr Leo Gaughan, Lexington Post No 3007, V F W The Reading Post No 685 V F W Girl ' s Baton V F W Squad and Senior Drill Team would like to partici- pate in the Lexington parade The Committee authorized Mr Gaughanto in- VOTE vite the Reading V F W group The Lexington Junior Chamber of Commerce MR GUSTIN'S wrote a letter concerning the promotion of the play, REPORT "The Contrast" , and enclosed ten tickets for each night performance withthe request that they be sold by members of the Committee Mr Gustin read the Blue Bird Wish which had been submitted to the Committee for approval for use i nthe morning Patriot' s Day exercise The Salvation Army wrote a letter asking for a letter of confirmation of their invitation to par- ticipate in the afternoon parade (Mrs Litchfield will send the letter ) Raytheon Manufacturing Company will partici- pate in the afternoon parade by exhibiting three of their missiles (Mr Golden of the Public Relations Dept , 103 River St , Waltham, notified Mr Gustin ) Mr Alan Adams had suggested to Mrs Pullen that the following men be invited to be guests for HONORED Patriot' s Day ( 1) Mr Mark Bortman of the Boston GUESTS National Historic Sites Commission, and ( 2) Mr Thomas P O 'Neill, Jr who recently introduced into Congress the bill for establishment of the Minute Man National Park for Lexington, Lincoln and Concord It was voted that Mr Bortman and Mr O 'Neill VOTE be invited 226 The Governors of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Maine have sent letters of regret that they are unable to be in Lexington for the Patriot' s Day Celebration The following honored guests have written letters of acceptance Major General Reginald A Maurer, Colonel and Mrs Richard M Hurst, Brigadier General and Mrs Loren G McCollom, Captain. and Mrs George P Rogers of the First Naval District Mrs Cheever suggested that members of the Committee be responsible for certain honored guests VOTE It was voted that the Committee purchase a supply of "GUEST" ribbons to be kept on hand for pinning on honored guests this year and for future celebrations Past recipients of the white tricorne hats will be given invitations to be in the parade, to be on the reviewing stand and to attend the luncheon (Mr Poehler and Mrs Poehler have accepted the invitation to the luncheon and to be on the reviewing stand ) Mrs Litchfield reported that the Gold Star Mothers to whom she had mentioned the possibility of riding in the parade had not seemed too interested in the idea She will speak to others David Vogt is interested in making a 16 mm movie PHOTOGRAPHY of highlights of the 1959 Patriot' s Day celebrations He CLUB had investigated the cost of film and the rental of a CON'MST camera ( $40 00) for a local camera store It was voted that the Committee approves the ex- VOTE penditure of fifty dollars ( $50 00) for the purchase and processing of 16 mm color film for recording events in connection with April twentieth, and no money shall be expended for the rental of a camera Mr Cronin will look into the matter of purchas- ing film supplies at the most advantageous price VOTE A sub-committee composed of Mrs Cheever and Mr Cobb will work with. David Vogt in connection with the making of a movie of events of April twentieth VOTE It was voted that Mrs Cheevcr be appointed REVIEWING Chairman of the reviewing stand STAND Mr Cronin will find out from Mr John Carroll the exact area in square feet of the reviewing stand so that plans can be made for chair space, etc 227 4-9-59 -2- Lt Winn of the Metropolitan Police, Fellsway Division of Medford, had approached Mrs Pullen to MISCEL- find out whether or not three mounted police could LANEOUS be in the parade It was voted that the three mounted police VO'TJs be invited to participate, subject to approval by Chief of Police Rycroft, and will follow the police cruisers in the parade A Middlesex and Boston bus which shuttles back and forthfrom the Minute Man statue to Adams School to provide transportation for parade participants has been provided eachyear and will be ordered by Mrs Litchfield to begin service at 12:30 p.m. on April twentieth. It was voted that fifteen dollars be expended VOTE for memorial wreaths which. are to be ordered by the Minute Men Mrs Litchfield, Mrs Williams and Mrs Cheever will meet with. Mrs Muse, caterer, at the Belfry Club, Tuesday night, 8 00 p.m Tte Committee authorized Mrs Pullen to have VO'US 5500 copies of the program for the day mimeographed for distribution, through school children Norwich University sent letter a letter ex- plaining that its band will have its noon meal in. Arlington April twentiethsince it is participating in the Arlington celebration that morning (Mr Hutchins notified the Navoy Restaurant that the Norwich Band will not come there for lunch ) Mr Cole will have a meeting of all marshals and their aides at the V F W building on. Sunday afternoon "Sitso" will have a 16 x 20 print of "Lady Lex- ington" ready this week Programs should be distributed and distin- SUGGESTIONS guished guests riding in automobiles in the parade FOR FUTURE should be listed by car number onthe program This would help to solve the problem of identification by onlookers of people in cars Voted that henceforth the policy of the Commit- VOTE tee concerning the placement of floats in the parade will be determined by lot, and will be so noted on the float application entry blank Georgie Williams, Recording Secretary 228