HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-19-TCC-min.pdf 213 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 19, 1959 The twentiethmeeting of the 1958-59 Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Selectmen 's Room of the Town Office Building on March 19, 1959 at 8 00 p.m Present were Messrs Gustin, Hutchins , Bongiorno, Cole, Cobb; Mesdames Williams, Pullen and Litchfield Also present were Mrs LaPorte, representing Girl Scouts; Mrs Edith Cheever, Mr Ray Lewis, Mr Joe Rooney, former members of the Town Celebrations Committee The Brownies will meet for morning parade at Munroe School (Mrs Edward Mann, in charge ) GIRL SCOUTS The Girl Scouts will meet at Adams School (Mrs LaPorte and Mrs Jefts, in charge ) Mrs LaPorte was asked to instruct the Girl Scouts to use the crosswalks at the Common for leav- ing the morning ceremonies Police protection will be there Lt Gen Davidson, Supt of West Point Mili- tary Academy, is unable to come to Lexington on GUEST OF April 20th. HONOR Dr Nathan M Pusey, President of Harvard University, has a conflicting engagement on. April 20th, but indicated that he would come to Lexington another time ( Some Committee members suggested in- viting nr, p„ao f to bo the—speaker -at the Lexington Community Thanksgiving service ) Mr Gustin asked Mr Maloney, as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, to extend aninvitation to Major General Wooten of Ft Devens to come to Lex- ington on April 20th The Salvation Army Central Band will come to Lexington BANDS AND DRILL TEAMS Stanley Hill Post No 38 of the American Legion has sent invitations to many posts in the area and eighty to ninety men are expected to attend. The Grotto Oriental Band will participate in the parade for $75 plus transportation ( The Committee voted to invite them 214 The Blue Birds ( Camp Fire Girls) may be in the morning parade Mr Jerry Tabeling, in charge of Blue Bird public relations, has beenasked to consider r entering a float, also Tufts University will send a band and two drill f teams (one armed, one unarmed) The Boston Fire Department Band will come ( The Lexington Fire Department will be notified of this ) Gardner High School band will not come St Mary' s Annunciators asked the Committee for a letter confirming their invitation by telephone The Blessed Sacrament Church of Cambridge wishes to send a drill team of 38-40 girls for $100 plus transpor- tation; there was a discussion (VOTED That the Committee will not pay for drill teams unless they come through. veterans ' groups ( the V F W or the American Legion) and complement those groups ) The Belfry Club is reserved Iirs Marie Muse will LUNCHEON cater the luncheon and provide canapes for the reception AND (Mrs. Litchfield and Mrs Williams will meet with Mrs RECEPTION Muse to plan the menu ) Invitations to the luncheon parade and reception will be sent immediately to the following and their wives 1 The five Lexington Selectmen. 2 The two United States Senators from Massachusetts 3 The heads of seven military installations (Ft Devens, First Naval District, Watertown Arsenal, Coast Guard, Hanscom Field, First Corps of Engineers, and the Marire Corps at Charlestown Navy Base ) Mr Bonney has arranged for official automobiles TRANSPORTATION and drivers to be supplied by Colonial Garage, Rowe- Jackson Chevrolet, and Dunn Ford Company The Committee approved of Mr Ronney' s suggestion that a policeman enter the first official automobile as it arrives at the reviewing stand from the luncheon and lead the other official automobiles to a reserved space on Bedford Street There the cars would await the end of the parade when they would be driven up to the reviewing stand to take the dignitaries to the reception "Exec-U-Phone Systems Inc " will provide the same SOUND SYSTEM, loud speaker service as last year' s ( The Committee will ++ DECORATIONS & send an outline of plans for the day to Mr Edgar Kennedy ARM BANDS of that company ) L. L_ 215 3-19-59 -2- Mr Cronin will continue to try to readh Universal Decorating Company A set of arm bands has been ordered to replace the 1958 set which was lost Mr Cobb has notified the Student Council that some teen-aged parade participants other than members HIGH SCHOOL of high school bands may attend the reception RECEPTION Mr Cobb asked the Student Council to consider the possibility of using "Birth Certificates" as sou- venirs for the reception Mr Bongiorno delivered 500 sheets of paper to the Chamber of Commerce for use in printing entry- FLOATS blanks for floats Raytheon Mr Kenneth. Golden (Director of Pub- lic Relations) is considering the entry of a float by Raytheon. Arthur D Little, Inc No word from Mr Marek A letter which outlines parade plans and ex- presses the hope that companies, in and about Lexing- ton, will enter floats in this year' s or future parades has been written by Mrs Litchfield and will be sent to several businesses A Boston Globe photographer met with. Mrs Pullen and Miss Patricia Thoren (Lady Lexington, 1959) at Cary PUBLICITY Hall and photographed Miss Thoren standing beside the portrait of Lady Lexington Tex Trailer charges a 0000 fee fnr pnhlie appear- ances He will follow up Mrs Pullen' s suggestion that one of his sponsors might pay the fee for him to appear in Lexington. Prom-Manaders have been asked to usher at the April 17th and 18th Theater Guild presentations Mr Gustin and Mr Rooney will inquire whether or not the Lions Club will have "Lady Lexington" and her court make the presentation of awards for the Lions Club slide contest Theater Guild costume sketches by Barbara Hopkins were shown to the Committee L Mr Cole awaits acceptance of marshals he nas 216 named for the parade Mr Cole, Mr Lewis and Mrs Litchfield will meet together to make up the parade roster Mrs Cheever volunteered to help Mrs Litchfield with the typewriting of letters and invitations Mr Cobb, with suggestions from the Committee, revised and made additions to the Lexington portion of the Patriots ' Day program which is published by the City of Boston Georgia Williams Recording Secretary