HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-05-TCC-min.pdf 205 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 5, 1959 The eighteenth meeting of the Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building on March 5, 1959 at 8 00 p.m Present were Messrs Gustin, Hutchins, Cole, Cobb, Bongiorno, Cronin; Mesdames Litchfield, Williams, Pullen Also representatives of organizations which may enter floats in the 1959 parade Mr Gustin, Chairman announced the theme for the 1959 afternoon parade, 'Freedom--U S A ", and turned the meeting over to Mr Bongiorno, who is in charge of floats Mr Bongiorno read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce which announced that three trophies will be FLOATS awarded for the best floats in three different cate- gories Youth, Civic, and Commercial The awards will be made by Chamber of Commerce officials at the review- ing stand at the conclusion of the parade Mr Bongiorno received the following list of or- ganizations which, at this time, definitely plan to enter a float (He also asked for a name, address, and telephone number for each float entered ) 1 DeMolay 7 Republican Club 2 League of Women Voters 8 Junior Chamber of Com- 3 Prom-Man.aders coerce L. Y-Teens 9 Youth. Division of the 5 Lexington Senior Girl Baptist Church Scouts 10 Rotary Club 6 Hayden Indians 11 Lions Club 13 Knights of Columbus March. 25th. is the latest date for entering floats The floats will be grouped in the parade ac- cording to category and a group of floats will follow each. of the first three parade divisions (Fire Engines will follow the fourth division ) Mr Gustin has contacted several commercial busi- nesses in an effort to stimulate interest in entering commercial floats Raytheon, Arthur D Little, Lexington Nurseries, Lexington Gardens, and businesses along Rte 128 were suggested as possibilities for commercial floats ( Commercial signs maybe upto fifteen sure square in size ) Mrs Pullen will meet with Dr Crooks of the Chamber of Commerce for the purpose of drawing up a set 206 of printed rules and entry blanks for float entrants . ( Dr Crooks will be reminded that the Chamber of Commerce is expected to select the judges for the floats ) Mr Cobb reported that 7000 sheets of paper CAMERA had been delivered to the Lexington Senior High CONST School for use by the Photography Club for print- ing rules and entry blanks for its school-wide camera contest which has been cleared with Mr Poehler, Interim Superintendent of Schools and Mr Warren, Principal of the High School Mr Cronin will ask Mr Cass of the Camera Guild of the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society to name judges for the camera contest Mr Hutchins reported that the U S. Navy BANDS Band had sent regrets that it cannot arrange its itinerary in. order to be in. Lexington. on April 20th Northeastern. University expects to send thirty-five to fifty band members to Lexington in spite of April 20th' s being in a University vaca- tion period Boston University will send a seventy-five man. marching unit, but no band Other military bands which plan to be in the parade are Norwich University, Fort Devens, Forst Naval District and Tufts. High. School bands which. have been sent invi- tations but from which no reply has been received will be contacted personally by Committee members Mansfield (Mr Gustin) ; Winchester, (Mr Bon iorno) ; �doburn, ( Mr Cronin ) ; and Gardner, (Mr Cobb The Committee members were reminded. that the Committee has a policy of offering a fifty dollar donation to the school' s band fund plus transporta- tion ) Mrs Pullen. will invite "Captain Bob", popular PUBLICITY T V star, to be in the parade The Committee will take over Theater Guild publicity The Junior Cham- ber of Commerce gill assist the Theater Guild with its ticket sale. The suggested ticket prices of two dollars ( adult) and one dollar ( student) seemed ex- pensive to some Committee members--Mrs Litchfield will express to Mrs Biggs the Committee ' s feeling that tickets of one dollar ( adult) and fifty cents ( student) might draw a larger audience . 207 3-5-59 -2- Mrs Pullen will bring to the next meeting a schedule of publicity for the next five weeks Mr Gustin passed out printed copies of the 1959 Morning Parade agenda Mr Cronin reported that MORNING the "Spirit of '761 " will be present for the morning PARADE parade The Rt Rev Msgr George W Casey, P P of St Brigitts will give the Invocation Rev Glenn Barker of Grace Chapel will give the Benediction Mr Cronin, Marshal of the morning parade, will select two Aides The Selectmen and the Clergy will be invited this week to be in the April 20th morning parade Georgia Williams Recording Secretary 208 i