HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-02-19-TCC-min.pdf 201 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE February 19, 1959 The sixteenth meeting of the Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room of the Town. Office Building at 8 00 p.m, February 19, 1959 Present were Messrs Gustin, Hutchins, Bongiorno, Cobb, Cole; Mesdames Litchfield, Williams and Pullen Also present were Martha Nason and Bob Wallace of the Lexington High School Camera Club, and Chief of Police Rycroft The Committee and representatives of the High School Camera Club exchanged ideas in connection with. CAMERA the organization of a Camera Club Contest in conjunc- CLUB tion with the April 19th celebration Prizes and CONTEST Ribbons would be awarded for the best pictures of the High School, Junior High. School, and Elementary School groups Mr Cronin suggested that local camera shops be asked to supply prizes such as $10, $7 50, and $5 worth of supplies and services These merchant sup- plies could be given for the judges ' prizes and rib- bons could be given for popularity prizes The Camera Guild of the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society could be asked for suggestions and entry blanks and rules should be drawn up. (At this point Mrs Williams had to leave the meeting and Mrs Litchfield took secretarial notes for the remainder of the meeting ) Geier or Police Hycroft stated that he is opposed to having horses in the parades No horse POLICE or horseman without proper identification marks or AND arm bands should be allowed in the parade Horses TRAFFIC should continue straight down Bedford Street after the parade At present there are 1300 feet of rope There should be one and one-half miles of rope This would be enough rope for controlling crowds on both. sides of the street from the "Green down to Woburn Street The police department requests fifty copies each of the parade roster and. the program of the day L Routing of the parade divisions was discussed 202 The Fourth Division should form at Pollen Road The sum of $87 50 which, the Committee gave to the Police Department for hosting expenses last year was adequate Mr Gustin reported that General Gruenther IMPORTANT had sent a cordial letter of regret that he has to GUESTS decline the invitation this year Alternate speakers suggested were Henry Cabot Lodge and Ralph. Bunche Letters from a C Y 0 band and the Sons of MISCELLANEOUS Union Veterans were read ( Both were tabled until the next meeting ) Mr Hutchins reported that the First Naval District Band and the Fort Devens Band request meals ( The Committee voted to provide meals for the Army and Navy bands at the Navoy Restaurant and Mr Lewis will make the arrangements ) Mrs Litchfield will write to Norwich Univer- sity for an estimate of the number of meals which. should be provided for their Band Mrs Pullen reported that the Boston Herald would require, a picture of "Lady Lexington" by March 16th for use in the April 19th issue of the rotogravure section of the newspaper This is im- possible since the "Prom-Manaderts Ball to select a queen (Lady Lexington) will not be held until March 25th Georgia Williams Recording Secretary