HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-15-TCC-min.pdf 183 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE January 15, 1959 The eleventh meeting of the 1958-59 Town Celebrations Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room of the Town Office Building January 15, 1959 at 7 45 p.m Present were Messrs Gustin, Cobb, Cole, Hutchins; Mesdames Litchfield, Pullen and Williams Also present were Boy Scouts ( represented by Mr Robert Bittenbender) , Girl Scouts ( represented 19th of by Mrs LaPorte and Mrs Jefts) , Rainbow ( represented APRIL by Mrs Milne and Sue Milne) , 4-H Horse Club ( repre- sented by Mr and Mrs Sam Barella and Mr and Mrs Paul Lloyd) Mr R L Baltz, showing movies of the 1956 and 1958 parade Mr Gustin asked for comments and suggestions concerning April 19th from the representatives of SUGGESTIONS the organizations Boy Scouts 1 A better time for the Cub Scouts to assemble at Munroe School would be 7 15 a.m instead of 7 00 a m 2 The Boy Scout mailing deadline is March 1st They hope that the parade format can be ready to be mailed at that time 3 Mr Bittenbender will advise the Sea .Scouts that they will be expected co raise the flag on the Common at the early ceremony 4 If Boy Scouts do not undertake the making of a float for the afternoon parade, the Committee will be interested in having them march. Girl Scouts 1 Likewise, 7 15 a m would be a better time for the Brownies to assemble at Munroe School 2 Mrs Jefts asked for police protection for a longer time at the Common at the end of the morning ceremony so that youngsters will have a chance to cross the street safely (Mr Gustin will speak to Chief of Police Rycroft about the matter ) 184 3 Girl Scouts will try to have a float If not, they will march in the afternoon parade 4 Mrs LaPorte reported that the "Girl Scout Champion Drum and Bugle Corps of the Twenties" would rather not participate for three or four years, and will be replaced this year by a "Girl Scout Champion Drum Corps of the Thirties " Mrs Kenneth (Lois Burnham) Smith will be in charge Rainbow 1 Rainbow will march in the morning and after- noon parades 11.-H Horse Club 1 Mr Lloyd explained that police protection for the horses is needed while the horses are waiting for the parade to begin 2 The 4-H Horse group would like to assemble farther down Massachusetts Avenue, preferably on Curve Street away from the crowd 3 Riders outside of the L}-H Club joined the group last year constituting a problem to the L4-H Club and an unsafe condition for which. Mr Barella and Mr Lloyd could not be responsible They aslc assistance in keeping out of the parade riders who are not of the L4-H Horse Club LL Police are needed to open the way through the crowds at Bedford Street so that the LF-H riders may quickly go to the A & P grounds 5 4-H riders will wear jackets with the L}.-H emblem 6 There will be a I+-H float in the afternoon parade C.Y. O 1 Not represented They will be contacted again DeMolax 1 Plans to march. ( Reported by Mrs Jefts for Mr Jefts, Advisor to DeMolay ) 1-1s-s9 185 The Red Cross wT11 be asked, by letter from Mrs Litch- field, to provide a first aid station wagon Mr Gustin read a copy of a letter from Mr Dearborn to the Board of Selectmen asking the Board to RESIGNATION accept his resignation from the Town Celebrations Com- mittee because of pressure of his business DEARBORN Mr Hutchins had talked to Mr Woodruff Brodhead about the possibility of General Gruenther' s IMPORTANT coming to Lexington on April 19th Mr Brodhead GUEST felt that General Gruenther would appreciate a COMMITTEE direct invitation from the Committee Mr Gustin and Mrs Litchfield will write a letter to General Gruenther as President of the American Red Cross in- viting him to be the guest of the day Bands 1 Mr Hutchins read a letter from the First Naval Disdrict The Naval Base Band and Marching Units ( The Blue Jackets and/or the Marines) will be made available for April 19, 1959 at Lexington 2 Mr Cobb wrote to the Athol Band Director about the Gardner band No reply yet Mr Cobb telephoned Belmont High School and their band would like to have an invitation to Lexington Since April 19th. is in a no-school week, the band will have to vote on it 3 Mrs Litchfield reported that nineteen bands have been invited 4 The question of inviting bands from contigu- ous towns was raised Mr uobo reported tnat Miss Mcintyre bad asked for a week' s extension for submitting April 19th themes to the committee Mrs Litchfield will invite the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, The Rotary, Lions and Kowanis Clubs and ask them to send representatives to our January 22nd meeting After meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, organizations can. be sent rules for submitting floats for April 19th Mr Cole had spoken to Fred B Cole of WHDH radio when the WHDH mobile unit was in Lexington this week Lincoln Cole feels that Fred B Cole might be helpful in giving radio publicity for the Lexington events Mrs Litchfield will wait until the April 19th 186 morning program is set up before writing to the ministers and selectmen A copy of the program will be enclosed in their invitation which should go out bymid-February or early March Kenneth. Palmer is the newly elected President of the Prom-Manaders Mrs Pullen reported that Mrs Arsove ( the L W V representative for the 1958 United Nations Contest) is residing in Italy for a year The L W V Foreign Affairs Committee will write to Mrs Arsove to ask her to send a chronological report of the League' s part in the 1958 United Nations Essay Contest so that there will be a time schedule for setting up the 1959 contest Georgia Williams Recording Secretary