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May 22, 1958
The 32nd meeting of the Town Celebrations
Committee was held at 8 00 p.m , May 22, 1958 in the
Conference Room of Cary Memorial Hall Present were
Messrs Gustin, Cole, Poehler, Mesdames Litchfield,
Pullen and Williams
Mr Gustin reported that the Board of Select-
men had indicated that the T C C will be responsible
for an observance of Thanksgiving 1958, and the
Selectmenwill confirm this in a letter The Select-
men suggested that the Committee go directly to the
Trustees of Cary Building for suggestions as to where
the photograph. of "Lady Lexington. might suitably be
The following organization of the Celebrations ORGANIZATION
Committee for the coming year was voted Chairman, OF COMMITTEE
Bertram Gustin; Vice-chairman, Lincoln Cole; Corres-
ponding Secretary, Eleanor Litchfield; Recording Sec-
retary, Georgia Williams; Member in Charge of Public
Information, Doris Pullen
Two Sub-committees were appointed by the Chair-
man for United Nations Day observance, Mr Poehler, C.OMMIT'TES
Chairman; Mrs Pullen; Mrs Williams For Thanksgiving APPOINTED
Day observance, Mr Cole, Chairman; Mr Gustin, Mrs
Litchfield, and Mr Dearborn
Mrs Pullen recalled that if there is to be a
United Nations Essay Contest, the High School would UNITED
like it to be announced before school closes for the NATIONS
summer Mrs Williams will contact Mrs Paul Hanson
for information about the conducting of an essay con-
test Mrs Fukien read from September, 1957 minutes,
the suggestion that a Speaker' s Bureau be set up to
include people who have represented the U S in other
countries and who would be willing and able to speak
to groups
Mr Poehler described the excellent exhibit at
Adams School having to do with the United Nations, and
he hoped that some of our Committee would go to see it
Mr Poehler volunteered to speak to someone on the
Cary Lecture Committee about the possibility of the
first Cary Lecture ' s being in October with a top
speaker on the United Nations Other U N observance
suggestions were that our Committee members suggest
1 to their organizations the United Nations as a possible
theme for programs in October Students from the
International Student Center could be invited to
Lexington, and U N booklets could be mailed to
different organizations
Two Governors sent money for their "Birth
Certificates " One thousand certificates will go to
BIRTH the Lions' Convention in Swampscott, Mass One
CERTIFICATES thousand certificates will be given to Mr Poehier,
Director of a camp in Belmont, for distribution on
July Fourth Certificates should be placed in the
Information Booth in Lexington for the summer Talla-
hassee, Florida has requested twenty-five
As a theme for April 19th, 1959, Mr Cole sug-
gested a simple insurance policy Mrs Pullen hoped
that instead of a gimmick that we might have a pro-
gram of the events of the day which could be given to
all Lexington residents and sold by the Student
Council to visitors
Mr Al Peckham has movies of April 19th which
he will show to the Committee at a later date A
letter from Capt Forde, U S Marine Corps was placed
on file until the time for proper action Mr Gustin
mentioned an extraordinary expense of twenty dollars
for replacement of decorations stolen from a R I
participant' s car on April 19th Mr Cole suggested 1
that we line up high school bands for April 19th
participation immediately after Thanksgiving He
also suggested that the Committee keep to the line of
business when visitors are present
Georgia H Williams
Recording Secretary