HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-03-TCC-min.pdf 147 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE April 3, 1958 The 28th meeting of the Towb Celebrations Committee was held in the Conference Room of Cary Memorial Hall on April 3, 1958 at 8 00 p.m Present were Messrs Gustin, Lewis, Mesdames Litchfield, Williams and Pullen Also present were Mr Doherty of The Boston Globe, Mr Donald Guiler of The Minute Men, Mr Wade of. United Press, and Pat Cutter of the Student Council Mrs Litchfield reported that she had received regrets from the Governors of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island Mrs Edith Nourse Rogers had written asking for enough Certificates so that she could present one to each member of the House and the Senate Mrs Litchfield will send invitations to the Military Commandants and their wives, and luncheon must be pro- vided for them and also their aides and drivers This would be approximately twelve additional people f Mr Lewis reported on bands Mr H J Kells of Clan MacPherson Kiltie Band has accepted; there has BANDS been no reply from Arlington; the Navy has a prior com- mitment, so is unable to come Norwich University will consequently head the parade Mr Lewis telephoned Mr Gallo of Mansfield High. School and offered their band $50 00 plus transportation, and Mr Gallo promised to give him an answer on Friday, April fourth Mr Gus tin Mr Lewis, and Mr Rooney will meet at Mr Lewis' house Saturday April fifth, at 8 00 p m to discuss band nrnhl em e Mr Guiler reported on the number of men from the Centennial Legions throughout New England who plan to come to Lexington and be guests of the Minute Men The Committee was agreeable to his idea of also contact- ing the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Band to see if they might like to participate Mr Cole moved that the amount which the Com- mittee will give to the Minute Men to help with their expenses be increased from S75 00 to $150 00 owing to exceptional circumstances in connection withtheir hosting extra units this year. The Committee so voted The Committee voted to turn over $100 00 to the fire commissioners for hosting fire companies // MS Mr Gustin explained the function of the Celebra- C tions Committee to Mr Wade and Mr Doherty of the Press These men gave us valuable information as to effective ways of getting out news releases The following schedule of news events was outlined 1) Governor Furcolo will be presented a Birth Certificate on April 8, 1958 at 11 15 a.m at the State House With High. School permission, "Lady Lexington" will be substituted in Mr Poehler' s place, as he is unable to be present 2) There will be a publicity release about the Birth Certificate on April 8, 1958 3) A photograph of "Lady Lexington-1958" beside the portrait of Lady Lexington will be sent to newspapers on April 10th, 11th, or 12th for use in Sun- day papers I{.) A copy of the parade roster will be sent to Boston papers on April 14th or 15th 5) "Big Brother" wishes to have "Lady Lexington" and Mr Gustin to be on. his WBZ-TV program on April 11th Mr Wade and Mr Doherty suggested the following news directors to whom publicity might be send. Denny Whitmarsh of WBZ-TV, Tom Power of WMUR-TV, Joe Levine of Channel 5 (WHDH) , Leland Bickford of WNAC-TV, Larry Gerrity of WEEI ( CBS radio) They suggested that Bert Karl of I N S be sent a copy of the Birth Certificate which might be sent out over Wirephoto The Committee decided to send all releases out to all papers at the same time Mrs Pullen, the Committee member in charge of publicity will get out these releases Mrs Litchfield had talked to Mr Seabury of the Lexington Inn He would like to have a letter from the Town Celebrations Committee requesting the use of the facilities of the Inn for April 19th, and specific information as to when we expect to be there We must ask Mr Seabury whether or not it will be convenient for Rep Martin and Mrs Rogers to meet at The Lexing- ton Inn, April 19th, at 11 00 a.m The Committee must find out whether or not Governor Furcolo plans to come to Lexington on April 19th, so that Police Chief Rycroft. can make proper arrangements The Selectmen will be invited to march in the morning parade, come with their wives and husband to the luncheon and reception, and to he on the reviewing stand in the afternoon Mr Lewis reported that Mr Little of "Executone" will furnish a sound system for a $25 00 rental fee plus the expenses for one man for ten hours This would total $92 50 149 4-3-58 -2- Mr Gustin explained to Miss Cutter that the Committee will turnover to the Lexington High School Student Council 8,100 Certificates with 5000 envelopes and cardboards He directed The Student Council to send the bill for refreshments for the high school bands which the Council will entertain after the parade, to The Town. Celebrations Committee At present, there will be twelve floats Mrs Litchfield reported that the Republican Town Committee and the Womens ' Republican Club will enter a float Mrs Gelotte of Y-Teens notified Mr Gustin that a convertible with. a Y-Teen group will be in the after- noon parade Also, Mr Gustin turned over a letter to Mr Lewis from the Dedham Drum and Bugle Corps which would like to participate Mr Gustin had discussed with. Mr Raymond James of A D Little Co the possibility of laminating between sheets of plastic the Birth. Certificates which will be sent to the Governors of all the States and to Presi- dent Eisenhower and Vice-president Nixon Mr James felt that it could be done rather inexpensively Mrs Williams volunteered to write the Governors' names on the Certificates Yankee Homecoming asks permission to have a covered wagon with two horses in the parade Mrs Pullen will notify them that permission must be obtained from Police Chief Rycroft Yankee Homecoming will send the names of their ten guests soon. Georgie H Williams, Secretary 150