HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-27-TCC-min.pdf 143 TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE March 27, 1958 The 27th. meeting of the Town Celebrations Committee was held at 7 30 p.m , March 27, 1958 in the Selectmen' s Room of the Town Office Building Present were Messrs Gustin, Rooney, Hutchins, Poehler, Lewis , Cole, and Mesdames Williams, Litchfield and Pullen Also present were Mr Bates, Asst Sales Manager of United Farmers, and Mr Cruller, Commander of the Lexington Minute Men Mr Bates discussed United Farmers' plan for participation in the parade Bob Emery of the WBZ-TV "BIG "Big Brother" program will ride in the parade on an BROTHER" antique fire truck Mr Bates hoped that one or two members of the Celebrations Committee might appear with "Big Brother" on his program. Mrs Pullen, the Committee member in charge of publicity, will work with. Mr. Bates on the matter It was hoped that "Big Brother" would mention the Lexington "Birth Certifi- cate" on his program Thursday, April tenth, the day that Lexington children will take home the "Birth Certificates" from school Since Fort Devens may not send a band, Mr Lewis felt that he would like to give Norwich Univer- BANDS sity a place of recognition at the head of the parade, if neither the Army nor the Navy fill the spot He will contact additional bands of nearby high. schools and others, also Mrs Pullen announced that on Thuraday April third, at two o! clock, Governor Furcolo will meet with CERTIFICATE two or three members of the Celebrations Committee OF BIRTH when they will present to him a Lexington "Certificate of Birth " Mr Gustin felt that Mr Maloney, Chairman of the Board, of Selectmen, be asked to be present, and the Committee felt it appropriate that Mrs Pullen, who conceived the idea of the "Birth Certificate, " and Mr Poehler, who represents the school system, be the rep- resentatives of the Committee to meet with the Governor Mrs Pullen hoped that several members of the Committee could be present at the Prom-Manaders dance Saturday night when. their Queen, who will also reign as "Lady Lexington", will be chosen "Yankee Homecoming" asked whether they will be 144 permitted to park a covered wagon near the Minute Man "YANKEE statue The Committee approved, but additional approval HOMECOMING" should be obtained from Police Chief Rycroft "Yankee Homecoming" plans to have someone sing the "Star Spangled Banner, " and wonders if musical accompaniment will be available "Yankee Homecoming" representatives will be limited to ten plus Mr Frost for the luncheon at the Lexington Inn, and they may have three people including Mr Frost on the reviewing stand Mrs Pullen will find out whether they plan to provide their own transportation or will need Celebration cars One dealer has offered automobiles and drivers free of charge that day for transportation of officials and guests Mr Rooney mentiaied that someone would like per- mission to place a ferris wheel on the Barnes property April 19th No opinion was offered since this does not come under the jurisdiction of the Committee Mr Poehler reported that (1) both Lexington Junior and Senior High School bands will be in both parades; ( 2) Supt of Schools Smithgave permission for the distribution of "Birth Certificates" through the schools, but asks that we decide the number of certifi- cates to be given to each child, the number to be taken to each school, and to take them to the schools soon enough so that each teacher will have time to plan for the distributionto the children; ( 3) both Adams and Munroe schools will be open from 6 30 to 7 30 a.m and 1 15 to 2 15 p.m The Committee voted that each school child be given three "Birth Certificates", and Mrs Williams and Mrs Litchfield will distribute the certificates to each. school Mr Foster offered his store (formerly Smith' s Paper Store) as headquarters for Lexington adults to come to get their certificates It was suggested that 2500 certificates be taken to Foster' s Twenty-five thousand certificates have been ordered "Town Celebra- tions Committee" will be omitted in the printing of 3,500 certificates, and these will be given to the Stu- dent Council as a start on their project Mrs Litchfield reported that Mrs Rogers has been written and asked whether or not she would like to present "Birth Certificates" to members of Congress Mrs Litchfield also reported that both Senators Kennedy and Saltonstall have sent regrets that they will be unable to be here April 19th. Mr Guiler reported that the First Corps Cadets, 145 3-27-58 -2- an active National Guard unit, will come out and take part in the wreath-laying ceremony The Committee FIRST gave its approval to their bringing along a firing CORPS squad and for their having guard mount on the Lazing- CADETS ton Green between ten and eleven o'clock The First Corps Cadets will march with the Centennial group in the parade It was voted that the Celebrations Committee meet next week in the Conference Room of Cary Memorial Hall at eight o'clock Georgia H Williams Secretary L_. 146