HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-19-BOH-min-copy 1 LEXINGTON BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 6:30 pm Conducted by Remote Participation Board of Health Members in Attendance: Wendy Heiger-Bernays Ph.D. Chair, Jillian Tung, M.D., M.P.H., David Geller, M.D., Vice-Chair, Shoolah Escott, MS. Board of Health Members Absent: Susan Wolf-Fordham, J.D. MPA. Health Department Staff Attendees: Joanne Belanger, RN, Public Health Director, Alicia McCartin, Assistant Health Director Select Board Liaison: Mark Sandeen (Absent) Documents:  Welcome new Board Member – Shoolah Escott  Minutes Approval  Open Forum (2 minutes per person, state your name and address)  Laboratory Animal Regulations - Fee schedule, second review  National Public Health Week  Discussion –Priorities for 2024  Tobacco Control Update  Health Staff Reports Environmental Health Community Health Directors Report  Correspondence/Information  New/Old Business 2 Meeting Called to Order: The meeting began at 6:30 P.M. Welcome new Board Member – Shoolah Escott Dr. Heiger-Bernays welcomed new member Shoolah Escort to the Board. Ms. Escort’s expertise includes her background in Clinical Microbiology, Biosafety, and Hospital Lab settings including working with the MA DPH Lab for many years. She carries a Master’s Degree in Medical Science. Minutes Approval: The Board reviewed the minutes. Dr. Tung motioned to accept both December’s and February’s minutes with Dr. Gellar seconding. Motion approve unanimously Open Forum (2 minutes per person, state your name and address) None Lab Animal Regulations/Fees Vote Ms. Belanger brought the Board up to date regarding the recent adoption of the lab animal regulations and the need for the adoption of the associated fees that will go into effect on May 1, 2024. Ms. McCartin, working with the consultant Ms. Schatz, felt that the fairest fee schedule would be based on the size of the square footage of the facility. Dr. Heiger-Bernays wanted to be assured that these fees were fair and adequate to cover the proposed amount of work to enforce this regulation. Ms. McCartin stated they are. There were no other questions from the Board. Dr. Gellar motioned and Dr. Tung seconded to approve the Lab Animal Regulation fees as outlined. Motion approved unanimously. National Public Health Week Ms. Belanger detailed to the Board that the first week in April is Public Health Week. Ms. Belanger spotlighted for the Board that this year the Health Department is now a Health Department and that it continues to grow. Some activities the Health Department is conducting include Narcan training, working with the Public Health Museum, the movie Below the Belt featured at the Venue in Lexington, and a guided tour of Conservation land. We are collaborating with the Conservation Department, Rec. Department, and Human Services. 3 The website will continue to be updated for residents to have up-to-date information for any added events and other activities. Impact Update on Hanscom Neelakshi Hudda, PhD of Tufts University provided an update on their early findings regarding the impacts on health in Lexington and other surrounding communities. Slides were presented. The motivation for the study is that there is no current data on the health impacts of the airfield. A study plan for Phase 1 is going on this winter with an expected continuation into the summer for Phase 2 which will also include random mobile monitoring. Dr. Hudda with return to the Board for a Fall update. This study is currently utilizing the rooftops of the DPW facility and Diamond Middle School as they are in the flight path of the airfield. Dr. Tung asked questions regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and its findings. She also had concerns about flight paths. No data has been finalized yet. Dr. Hudda stated she agreed and that the data and the information so far are confusing. Dr. Heiger-Bernays asked what location makes a good sampling location. Dr. Hudda stated the highest buildings in the flight path. Dr. Heiger-Bernays informed Dr. Hudda that the Board will do what it can to be most useful for this project. Ms. Escott also had concerns about sampling locations and how the study was conducted. Dr. Gellar finds the study very important and is interested in moving forward. BOH/Health Department Priorities 2024 Discussion Ms. Belanger asked the Board members to consider what they feel to be some of the main issues they would like to see the department take on. Ms. Belanger feels that would be helpful for staff and for prioritizing workload. The issue should remain a constant agenda item moving forward. Dr. Heiger-Bernays stated years ago a Town Wide Health Assessment was conducted and would like to see another one conducted. Dr. Heiger-Bernays feels the Board of Health should be aware of where the community stands however this is not to place more work on the Department. Dr. Heiger-Bernays mentioned that the Town of Nantucket has a survey and that it could be obtained as a place to start for Lexington and would like to see staff obtain it. Tobacco Control Update Ms. Soto presented her report and a study done by Epidemiologist Katy Doughty on Environmental justice blocks and retail establishment locations. This analysis was a requirement of the state tobacco program. No disparities were discovered. 4 Health Staff Reports: Staff provided their monthly reports. Directors Report: Ms. Belanger explained staff reports were submitted in the Board Member packets Highlights: 1. Ms. McCartin obtained her Certified Pool Operator’s License 2. Ms. Belanger attended the opioid forum. It was well attended by different groups. The Health Department no longer has to go to town meetings for monetary appropriation. The current appropriation of monies is approximately $270,000. 3. Ms. Belanger and Ms. McCartin are to attend the NACCHO conference in Cleveland next week. Both will be available by phone, text, and email. 4. Proposed noise bylaws and plastic bottle bans are before the Town Meeting and could affect the workload of the Health Department as a Department is listed as an enforcing authority. 5. The department working with LexZeroWaste to make the ZeroToGo pilot more attractive to additional restaurants. 6. 7. Town manager Jim Malloy is retiring. Correspondence/Information None Adjournment Dr. Geller made a motion to adjourn at 8:04 p.m. Dr. Heiger-Bernays seconded the motion. Approved was numinously