HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-02-13-TCC-min.pdf 133 r - TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE February 13, 1958 The 22nd meeting of the Town Celebrations Committee was held at 8 15 p.m , February 13, 1958 in the Conference Room, Cary Memorial Hall Present Messrs. Gustin, Lewis, Cole; Mesdames Pullen, Litchfield and Williams Present also was Mr. Paul Lloyd and Mr Sam REPRE- Barella for 4-H Horse Club; Mr Frederick Bryson for SENTATIVES Rainbow; Mr Alden Jefts and Jim Flanagan for DeMolay, Mrs Jefts for Girl Scouts; Mr Bill Ray for 4-H, and Sam Fardy for C Y 0 The formation of the early morning parade was discussed. It was felt that any youth group in town APRIL 19th should be invited to participate in the morning parade, the exercises should not be sectarian in any way, but any fitting and proper exercise would be acceptable. The leaders would work with Mr Cole, marshal All names of leaders should be given to Mr. Cole by March 10th. He would send the format of the parade to the leaders by March. 17th It was suggested that Mr Poehler contact Mr Gillespie to be sure that Junior and Senior High School bands plan to participate Mr Barella offered 4-H Club horses and riders if there were to be a reenactment of Paul Revere 's ride on the midnight before April 19th. Mr Gustin suggested that Mr Barella find out from Lexington Historical Society president, Mr Walter Sands, if the Snetety would he_neer€-ste-d in -sponeerin-g a midnt-glLL event After his meeting with the Selectmen, Mr Gustin reported that all permits to sell, or permits for stands must be referred to the Selectmen The Com- mittee is responsible for activities The Selectmen gave permission for the use of Cary Hall for luncheon and reception in the lower lobby It was voted that Marie Muse, caterer, furnish. luncheon and reception collation 1 In regard to Ft Devens' request for clearance for their Union band, the Committee established a policy of using amateur bands only 134 The sum of $200 00 was voted to cover Norwich University band expenses Mr Gustin volunteered to make a follow-up call to Edith Nourse Rogers since no reply to a letter had yet been received It was mentioned that letters should be sent to churches to remind them to ring bells on April 19th, and to the Minute Men to ring the bell at Old Belfry All participants in the parade would be sent rules and order of parade the week before Georgia H Williams Secretary