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Minutes of the Fourth Meeting, October 11, 1955
The fourthmeeting of the Lexington Cele-
brations Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room,
Tuesday, October 11, at 8 p.m There were finally
eight present: Messrs . Hutchins, Frothingham, Butler,
Gustin, Belcher; Mesdames Williams and Cheever. Mr
Lewis called the meeting to order at 8 15 The
minutes of the third meeting were read and approved
as read except to change Roy Brown Fund to Leroy Be-
cause of the low number in attendance at meetings and
the lack of a full committee by the Board of Select-
men, it was decided to suggest possible members, i e.
friends of ours whom we felt would be very helpful to
such a committee The following names were suggested
Messrs Giroux, Legro, Bashin, Gillespie, and Poehler
Mrs Cheever then told of a check for $10 which
had been sent by the LWV to help meet expenses on UN DONATION
day for the school children She was asked to acknow-
ledge the gift The posters would be sent to us from
the high school Friday, October 14. The teachers in
charge of film and of speakers would call on us if
help was needed.
Mr. Lewis explained that we needed letter paper
with the heading of our committee on it Mrs Cheever REPORTS
was asked to contact Miss Murray and make inquiries
concerning the acquiring of such paper The members
reported on the contact made to the clergy concerning
their support in recognizing UN Day Mr Lewis said
that our budget had to be in by November 15 We voted
to ask for $125 for UN Day celebrations next year, but
we we-re - ot-able-to-set-any -de f-inite-amaunt for Aprii
19 at this meeting
Mrs Cheever was asked to write a letter to the
Veterans' organizations in town to let them know we COOPERATION
would cooperate with them in any way possible for the WITH
celebrations of November 11 and May 30, which we un- VETS
derstand from the Board of Selectmen are their respons-
Mr. Lewis then held a wide and varied discus-
sion on April 19 After subjects such as $500 spent
for police protection; why are the school lavatories
not open; award of a tricorne hat; written contests
in the schools; history of celebrations over the
years; and the day being integrated with aspects of
the day as a WHOLE - Mr Lewis started going over a
schedule for the day with the thought that after we --,
have a schedule and theme we can call in some key
people to help us set up a good and working schedule
Mr Frothingham said he would bring in copies of
past schedules One new idea brought out was that
neighborhood coffee hours after the morning parade
would be a fine innovation
Plans to meet a week from tonight, October 18,
were formulated Mrs Cheever was asked to reserve
a room and send cards to those absent
Meeting adjourned at 10 40 p.m
Edith B Cheever, Secretary