HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-05-TCC-min.pdf 11 LEXINGTON CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE Minutes of the third meeting, October 5, 1955. The third meeting of the Lexington Town Celebra- tions Committee was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Wed- nesday, October 5, at 8 p.m There were seven present: Mr Lewis, Mr Dearborn, Mr Sawyer, Mr. Frothingham, Mr Gustin, Mrs C.N Williams, and Mrs Cheever Mr. Lewis, chairman, asked Mrs. Cheever to record the min- utes in absence of Mr Kennedy who had to withdraw from the Committee due to a heart condition. Mr. Reed from the Board of Selectmen was introduced and asked concern- ing the following questions 1) What are the duties and scope of the Committee? Mr Reed said that frankly he was surprised that we all were appointed for only one year He would have DUTIES to ask Town Counsel about setting up a permanent com- mittee with present members divided into 3-, 2-, and 1-year terms. He also said that we should put all our efforts into UN Day and April 19, but if dignitaries or celebraties should be in Town, we would be expected to entertain them. The Veterans take care of November 11 and Memorial Day 2) What is the Committee' s authority? Mr. Reed said that being a citizens committee we are free to make plans and expected to check for AUTHORITY approval from the Board of Selectmen on funds and bud- gets. 3) Where does the money come from and how much is available for the different holidays? Mr. Reed explained that there is no money ear- marked for UN Day, but there would be funds to care FUNDS for paying expenses for films, speakers, etc . for the public schools to celebrate UN Day Mr Reed suggested that we work out a budget and have it ready by November 15 or as soon after as possible He said if we doubled the amount this year to cover 1956 and 1957, then we would always be voting in Town Meeting in March for the year ahead In that way plans could be made well in advance of April 19 . Mr Frothingham told us of the LeRoy Brown Fund which has S125 available each. April 4) Could we have the flags displayed in town on UN Day? Mr Reed promised us he would see that the flags FLAGS were up on that day 1 5) What about planting a tree on the Green for UN Day? As far as Mr Reed knew there would be no ob- TREE lection Mr Frothingham was sure there are definite restrictions about putting anything on the Green It is a matter that would have to be looked into before doing such an act. Mr Lewis then read the minutes of our first two meetings as recorded by Mr. Kennedy, secretary pro-tem. He gave copies to Mr. Reed for the Board. Mr Gustin asked Mr Reed if we could have an official list of members of this Committee Mr Gustin explained that some of those on the list given to Mr. Foster for our first meeting have never been asked to be on the com- mittee or if asked by phone, have not accepted. Mr Reed explained that he did not know who they were and would try to see that we were notified. After Mr Reed left, Mr Lewis carried on the business meeting. Mrs. Cheever reported that during the past week she had notified Miss McIntyre and Mr Ramsdell of the high school and Mr John Smith for the elementary schools that we were ready to help them celebrate UN Day in our public schools; that she had called Mr Morse of the Lexington Council of Churches about our desire to have the churches observe UN Day; and she read the article she had written for the Minute-man It was decided after a short discussion to try to get ten or twelve posters from the art de- partment at high school so that UN Day could be pub- licized in stores along Massachusetts avenue Acutely aware of the shortness of time and the still small number of members on the Committee it was voted to postpone the planting of a UN tree until next year when we would have time to do it preperly We planned to meet next Tuesday, October 11, at CHURCH 8 p.m in the Selectmen' s room. Mrs Cheever was voted PARTICIPA- the secretary She was asked to send cards to members TION IN not present Mr Gustin suggested that we divide up UN DAY the churches in town and each call special leaders to personally ask them for support on celebrating UN Day in their own churches Mr Lewis volunteered to cover the Catholic and Jewish churches ; Mr. Frothingham the Episcopal; Mrs. C.N Williams the Unitarian; Mr Dearborn the Baptist; Mr Sawyer the Congregational; and Mr Gustin. the Methodist, Christian Science, and Latter Day Saints . L 13 It was the feeling of those present that Mrs Cheever write a note of appreciation and regret to Mr Kennedy The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Edith B. Cheever, Secretary