HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-04-LBC-min.pdf j Ali: yviio1 n-w 4 i::. E) C0g%2p. TTE i; 41Anutes JVA18 1975 The Ace- ha. 'rnam> Steve PGS x b called the meeting to order at 7911.0 v m. ''.itb the feline .tag,; members presem : Dick N:iche33on, Rudy .Fobera, Harold Handle-s / Steve Cool ti, Tony Mancini, Matt Powers and the director Bob arlinm Steve Moore was present also. Miriam Butts arrived latero The minutes of Nay 4 197' were accepted. Dick opened the meeting with a request to purchase 31.x,. 1 hr. video tares taken by High Seliec3 students during various activities cm April 19th. Cost wou'.cl be less doom $100. Dick made e motion to authorize expenditure atter taper had been reviewed and approved by at least three members of the LBO. The motion, was approved. Dick will notify the LBO tiben the tapes will be ahem. AnslIalo Device,.?:'e: i.,aen cz�r.'ical - 'Sob has secured information on an answering ckovice uiEl h ahau'.iC serve I,IIG needs. Cost would be about $200. There was ruucc discussion, regarcOng rental of: machine versus the purchase of one Motion was made and carried that Bob would further iivest..gate ;he cost of l.aase -.s. p rehase and jculd then be authorized to make the decision as to ?hick optica was preferable. Dramaa Csom .F. check for : 900 wGs 7°eturned to the LBC by the battle Cfrr©ean d'rtuia grow; as they do not believe they. can successfully get .sate production. in 1975. Bob advised ';boas that the IBO would be r uctianding tb:°t4 19y6 and that if lhey came back the LBO would be happy to listen agein. Tony Mancini wili act as ..BC focal point 'fon this project. Tcah'n i6aAnd ! ;s,',.r3�,tot Bieeni. -Inial Bend has requested 1975 start—up funds of-$1 0 Their expenses eve , the winter used up their 1974 excess. Rev. Handley made rm on the $150 be authorized in. aaattcipation that it will be paid ba jF r.io ,_ ors, was amended to stipulate that if the band nes a surplus o " $1 150 at he end of thea" summer season the $150 shall be paid bask to the LBC. 'hid-TM-VS .on_j.c ^aisle® -• Bob advised a,3aat the first 20 tables have been delivered and E ms°1 Abe jou in Tower Park and near the Visitors Center. Walking Tour Booklet U ck advieed tha • the Walking `.dour booklet was ju •9 cempieb"i,$ 3.3L=e 'ueul, l3 act vee, set up. The Chamber of Commerce y hap voted Lo pxcvidi $1000 ler th° 'Pciur, 'i.o pick up a deficit le.Lt when one of the five banks a'sa.= unable aro provide the funds es promised. 170IL fc+bb?T.4 flleci,• - major co ai,ribut .oat will be nee of aerial photo- 6rarhy to „roe-: f:.lhails wrude ' t:,3e ground 'ire' The prL ject is currently .a tint for ci'ey,and. avo{.'.vL.Llit';" �.t- eesial plan e' 'o,jeeet could go ahead i.,s't3 Thee: ho o , ao q bt.. .� would 'iia lot .' .�47 i♦'.i, '! Cf 'f (:. gid) .J it � G+: 8 fit. of time. There has been sonic public op pati. .'on�, lx d',£ ;Ing ids: the Green and it certainly efendt be done during t„35 t �'U.t t easen n cac Minutes June 4v 1975 w2 Essay Contest •- The winners have been picked and may be in paper this fbc week tblas -ames of the winners and will notify theme Art Work 200 Inc, - Bob Harris brought to the Committee his idea of a program for tourists which would consist of a 20 minute film depicting the Battle on. the Green and specific events from then til now He has talked to Cinema II about showing the film at a cost of $1 .00 for adults and 50 cents for. children. Several members of the committee brought up the fact that there were several Films being shown already at the Old Belfry Club, Masonic Museum, etc, for free, Project is still too in- definite to pursue , Bob Harris was told that LBC would discuss and get back to him. LBC later voted to have Bob write a letter to Bob Harris stating r,BCs view that project has still a torr"€ way to go and that much has to be determined before LBO can consider encouragement or endorese- meat, With &iCos knowledge of what is available they do not feel project will be successful., TRIM A,ssociaMi.on - Judith Totman and Bob Bowyer, sub-committee members of°TMMA advised LBO of project they are working on, in conjunction with BU 'Productions , It is a multi-media presentation, 12 15 minutes in length, focusing on. the evolution. of the town meeting form of govern- ment typical of New England it is hoped it can he made portable for use in. schools possibly all eve: the USa They would hope to eventually give the film to Cary Library . They have requested a grant from Mass. Council of Arts and Humanities to help w;l..th expenses which they estimate to be $10i 000 e $12,000, The Historical Society has received a grant of $3500 from Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission for Restoration of Oil Portraits. Next LEO meeting will be June 18th. Meering adjourned at 9:40 p.m, Respectfully Submitted, Anne Coccoluto Acting Secretary