Minutes * May 4, 1975
The Vice Chairman, Steve Politi called the meeting to order at 1 35pm
with the following members present Harold Handley, Miriam,Butts, Lois
Brown, Roland Greeley, Richard Michelson, Matt Powers, Becky Nueederfet,
and the director Bob Tarlin Steve Moore .var present also Tony
Mancini and Line Cole arrived later
The minutes were accepted after Dick pointed out that his name had been
omitted from the last meeting' s list
Bob opened the discussion with mention of Bob Harris (Workshop '75)
and his new proposal for a motion picture about 20 min in length
The new name for the present group is "Art work 200, Inc Miriam
said that Bob H has worked tirelessly - however the projects seem to
be- financially unworkable Bob estimates the cost to be 440,000 and
-will illustrate the meaning of activities- 200 years ago Harold mentioned
that there are 4 movies either ready now or in the process; Grace Chapel
has an excellent one wnich will be shown starting in July; the Library
is involved in such a project; the Nat 'l Historic Park has made one;
and there is one set up for bus tours etc Miriam suggested that we
ask Bob H. for the possibility of a slide shots - perhaps in coopera-
tion with Bob Hilton Dick made a motion that Bob Tarlin write a letter
to kr Harris telling him of s1miler Dro3nams Thies motion carried
Rely reported that he had obtained some figures concerning the costof
reproducing the speeches and ceremonies on April 20 ne quoted a fgure
of "220 per 100 and 418 each additional 100 The warrant would have a
stile cover - 12 interior pages After some discussion and expression
of appreciation for the excellent program that day, Dick made the motion
to print 500 copies of the events These would be distributed to
Town Meeting members, Town officials and et Bast one copy to each pf
the school libraries and the Historical Society. The printing not to
exceed ;300 The motion was seecnded and carried
Walking Tour - Rely said that the Historical Soc is short about ;2000
Peewee. one bank could not contribute the amount tnat they first
thought they could Rely will pursue other sources before asking the
LBC Tony suggested that the Historical Soeity get together with the
C of C
LBC budget - The cost of the Presidential visit has raised the amount
necessary from the LBCorp from 4°1 ,000 to 478,000.
Responsibility Sheet (attached) - Under Art and Music etc - Miriam said
she would like to see the school art exhibits under Rudy Fobert and
the band concerts under Line Cole Also the Masterworks Chorale under
Line The Poster exhibit is over The visitors brochure is being done
by the Newcomers Club The foreign language descriptions are finished
and have been done under the direction of Mise Brega at the high school
Youth - Steve said the essays have been judged and should have the re-
sults by the end of the week There were 60 entries from the grammar
schools; 40 - 45 from the Jr Hi School, and 3 from the high school
Photography - Clif"e Goodie should be the reference Anne Scigliano and
Larry Whipple are also on the historic records committee.
Minutes cont
Mitiam "said there :rho' ld be 2 list of the handicapped The slide
series are available to them She will tnlk to Bob Harris ( handioa.pned)
Line said he feels LBC should be an on-going committee through 1976
We should inform the Selectmen The budget for July 4 1976 should be
worked out by the fall
fhe next meeting will be on June 4 he meeting adjourned at 9 30 p m
Respectfully Submitted,
Becky Nussdorfer, Secretary
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