HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-10-LBC-min.pdf r- C LEXINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Minutes - April 10, 1975 Tiny Yewell was present,,before the gormal start of the meeting to have the latest information on guest hosting The persons who will be hosts understand that they will see to getting their guests to various events and that the hosts are then incluied in the in- vitations Herold Handley Members present at the meeting were Line Cole,4Miriam Butts, Lois Brown, Rely Greeley, Dick Michelson, and Becky Nussdorfer Later George Rowe, Tony Mancini , and Steve Pont' joined the meeting Also present was Betty Weiss, a volunteer in Bob Ta„rlin' s office and Bob Tarlin Patriots Day Ball scheduled for Thursday the 18th is ell set Band Concert - seating has been checked out with the Fire Dent The tickets have been drawn Reenactment of the Battle - questions of the arrangements for Amb Ramsbotham were raised and detailsof his schedule were discussed It was agreed that either Line or Mr Kenney should greet him and that he should be escorted to the Narrator's stand ehere Mr Handley will see that he is then taken to the Rectory after the enactment From theretomay join the Minutemen at the United Church of Christ or go back to Concord, if hie time schedule will not permit him to stay Rededication - Therewill be no canopy The platform has been arranged for PA cyst m is ok The printed warrant will be passed out j hour before the ceremony The question of seating th gue 'ts was raised The list of those invited, end accepting was given to Harold Also the after- ceremony gathering for coffee for the in- vited guests was discussed Role will check with the first Parish Church LBC voted to authorize .100 for this event Other Lex1nge©ne - The Bird Room at Cary Hall hp. hemn n .wrvs, for the reception for the other Lexingtons and sister city representatives at 6pm on Sunday April 20 The motion was made to authorized up to 450 for this reception which was voted Youth_Day- Matt Powers came from the Selectmen' s meeting and reported that the Rock Concert had been given the go-ahead They are to sell the tickets beforehand if possible Matt says they rill work out the number of police needed , and the chaperones, and possibly Globe Security personnel They realize that they will have to' be very careful to obtain as much control and protection ss possible No one will be able to get back into the concert if they leave during the performance Matt also sail that the talent show im coming along slowly; they would like 11 acts but have only six so far Some sug;ree- tions from the committee were given for acts which they knew to be ,worthwhile Rental cars- George will Terve what is needed Bob- had a letter from the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW asking � per- mission to use our slogan *Pride in the Past- Faith in the Future a- -2- The motion was m,de and seconded to allow this This motion carried Bob also asked that a welcoming speech and a ore'entaticn of some sort be made to the US Bicentennial Band Line said he would do the honors Arts and Culture * Miriam renorted that she had received confirmation of a , 500 gift from Kennecott Cooper LBC 18 very grateful and as pleased as she is Bob and. Line both praised the scope and details of the program Miriam has put together for the Bicentennial years. She has done an outstanding job. LBC feels she has worked out the best program of any town for the Bicentennial, Bob-said he had received a letter inquiring as to whether our comm had invited Clifford Muzzey a descendant of the original Muzzey' s living in Lexington - 90 years young LBC voted to write a letter to Mr, 'Muzzey and have Rely Ball upon him with an invitation and greetings from LBC Also it was learned that Rep Tsengas would like to march in the parade This will be ok Lt Liov O 'Neill would like to speak at the ceremonies on Sunday However, the committee has decided that th©re will be no speeches . Trains from Boston will not be running The Centennial Legion has asked that there be one train to bring them out on the 19th They think that this will be arranged, (with tha RR) Minutes- Dick Michelsons name was left off the list of members attend- ing last weeks meeting Dick also wanted the correction made on page two under Special Group - eliminate "same place as last year", With there corrections the minutes were accepted, Public Information- Dick stressed that he feels Lexingtonians and visitors have not had enough specific information available con- cerning tha weekend He wants details such as the elderly stands , lost children facilities , Johnnies-, wheelchair parking, first aid stations, persde route, schedule of activities allprominantly pub- lished in next week' s papers. Line will se that this done D1-cic showedthe --sadal in plaette -rhiah I _,mow rcn3y Phzes.e will be given to the ladies on the Reviewing stand guest list Holy said that reproductions of Phil Ferson ' s painting of Paul Revere have been given to the Bd -ff Selectmen to be used as gifts • TCC - joined LBC at 9 40 pm Rav Fitzgerald- Concord is having dinners in seven different loca- tions They will have a State Police escorted motorcade bring the Lex invited guests to Heritage Hall or the High School By Monday he hopes to have the time of arrival definite Concord has sail they will hve them here by 2pm or 2 15 All invited gues s should come to Heritage Hall - there will be parking at Liberty Mutual Jim Broderick - reported a 60% turn-out of a meeting and briefing of parade participants last Saturday in Cary Hall. There hoe now been one change in the parade order - the Minutemen request was taken under consideration nd Jim is ready to compromise They are now scheduled to be behind the Spirit of '76 The Minutemen have met and accept this Kevin expressed his appreciation and acknowledged Jim ' s generous change He also thanked the chairmen of the TCC and LBC -3- for hearing him out and taking the time to consider the request British bons,ul etee.rerl Kent will be escorted by the Minutemen until the parade Memento es, Certificates, Name tags etc 1.a-Ire all discussed and are being taken care of - Line wants to be -sure he has care to meet the airplanes of some of the invited guests He will let Bill Fitzgerald know the needs and the times of arrival The KY mules and wagons are arriving on the 16th - a barn has been found for the mules and the devvers neve rooms in a motel Reviewing stand - will be on thy street -- not to extend beyond the bus stop, Morning parade- all set Norwich unit is coming- 0250 will be fine and they will take care of their own housing George Cooper- Wants LBC to know they are invited. to the Fiske Hill ceremonies on April le, The meeting was adjourned at 10 30 pm The next meeting will be held on Wednesday April 16 Respectfully Submitted, Becky Nuesdorfer, Secretary