HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-20-LBC-min.pdf LECING'TON BICENT'rNNIAL CvMiv-ITT. : Minutes - March 20, 1975 Linc Cole called the meting to order at 7:40 n m with the following member? pro ,ent Dick Michelson, Lois brown, Becky Nue,'dorfer and the director Bob 'Perlin Tony iiencini and George Row, arrived later and Steve Poll ti arrived after his previogn meeting Line comniimented Bob Tarlin on hi report to thin Town Meeting nd Steve Fo11,ti on hiF presentation Minutes - Dick questinned the motion and the tabl.incc of the Drama Groun project discussed at the lest meeting The explanation was that LBC had decided t, make the 4900 available when it is satis- fied of/ the group' s capabilities The minutes wore then approved Arty and Culture - It was announced that the econd Bicent >nnial lecture held in. Concord with the lecture by PauAne Meier was a great 'success with Tony from both towns present Bob also said that the winning poster may be- published in UIS .News end World _ Report in the near future Commerci...1 - Dick says the booklets will be delivered on March 2P, The Girl and Boy Scouts will sell them door to door on the 5th and 6th of April The first prize poster will be on cele tomorrow Perrmen :rt i',-emorial - Dick .reported that the strtuA is the same as 1, =t .te;ik I" are is _ we i g with Hi toric Districts Comm. Wed night Facilities :sndPlr,nniny. - The gv .:stion of identi `'inction c':.rds wse. brought up It in being planned The telephone answereing service which will give visitors the schedule of events is being planned and has. be 'n Fent to the TM for approval Public Rel - Dick expressed disappointment that the program of events has not been made nublle Bob said that the March 27 Minute Man - will have it and alro a map showing ftre end police routes and other general info Dick suggested that the schedule h, printed—or one p.:-ate so that—nr&oa-e con cl-lp —i-t--out e -saga it. Invitation - iecky said that we had received 30 yea to the reded 21 yes to the Rev stand and PP recent ; 20 no ' s to the Rev stand and PP recebt; and 19 no' s to the readied Ten o. the 13 Governors h, ve ent regrets nd 13 of the 2e:towns h='ve sent accepts- nce5 Two "I. •xingtonsf ;' th' aF Auad they ,,ri114b here Becky Iaanrfinally fpurid 1 the resile^ L e USS Lexington - It is Captain heere and the ship is in Pennecola , Florida Rededication Comm - It was learned that the renort of the Rededica- S tion Comic was. handed out at the Town Meeting Marot Tutun of / P that Comm would like to have a printed warrant for the Reded cere- mony It wn' moved and seconded to have a proper w- rrant printed ard. to authorize fund up to 4150 The motion carried Becky asked ( that a memo be sent to the Reded Comm to urge th^ t a small recep- tion be n1,:.nr-od f.Leig after the ceremony for .he invited guests Thee „ue to will include th Chairmen of the Bd of the mayors of the 2" n: ighboring towns and the St, to legislator? from our area etc, S',ecial Groun It we aaggested that the stands for the elderly end those handicapped able to use them, be Placed at the Barnes property Dick suggested using the School Crossing Guards for control of that area Bob will make t'-et idea known to the Safety Dent Fin<.nce - Bob says that the final schedule if events is ready to be printed. and Miriam wants to know how many to have printed and to obtrin funding. Since Mrieic we unable to attend , the matter was deferred until she could be here. Youth Activities - Matt gave a rough estimate of the costs involved for the April 21 activities He thought they should be between 41500 and 41700 Breaking this down it would be GYBSO - et mot 41000 concert - 3 hours 3200 not including protection They would sell th. tickets for 41 a ticket Soccer games tip35 Talent show - certific tea for prizes youth dinner not sure of costs Essay contest - 3250 ( already authorized) The motion was made to approve Youth Day money up to 42000,. This was seconded and carried Matt said that plans Fell for having the Freedom, Pa band play between halves of the soccer game Also they think they may have folk music at the dinner The time schedule will be as follows Girls soccer game 9 am Boys soccer game 10 am arts andcrafte exhibit 10 am to 4 pm Lions Club road race 10 am Baseball game 11 am GYBSO concert 2 pr to 4pm Talent show 2 pm Dinner 6pm Rock concert 8 pm (gorse `how 12 noon to 1 30pmu The group needs so' e nuolicity Matt says there ere some posters being prepared and he will work on getting some info in the Minute Men TCC members joined the meeting Linc s id he thought we shouir1 mnnt together from now on or et least be on the same night am we were this time. Ray show ,d the signs prenered for the officials on the 19th, also to be used by the buses with parade participants They are being rule by the Shemsheen Vocational School. LBC approved of the cards and suggested that they be adapted to be used by Lexington resi- dents if possible Po 't Parade Rec tion - Leo said it appears we m y be beyond what the C of C wants to spend He would like to go ahead with plans for a 33 a head affair which could bring the cost to 4750 This cost would not include liquor, custodians etc LBC feels that the sense of the '74 Town Meeting did not preclude se=nding any money end that e 4200 bill for food would be ok, The motion wan made that if there is a need for subplercentary money over C of C costs for the Post Parade Receprion, thct PBC would authorize a sum of money not to exceed 4500 This motion was seconded end carried Reviewing_Stend - Heyrssid he had been mer auri.ng the ores for the stands The it sol -tel will ork out very well he says The street angles -3- off from Neriem street which will allow the atands to be placed so that there is no obstruction of Bedford Street and the people can see down the Avf,pue a little better Ray dill also look into the phone automatie ,sse'rvice plan Floats- There are 28 float,, scheduled for. the Parie plus the Clydesdales end the Kentucky mules Bob reported e letter received from a funeral parlor in Arlington which had be"n in existence in 1875 and bed at that time loaned a limousine to the parade and would like the LBC and TCC to know that they can again offer a. limousine if there is a need TCC appreciates the offer and will take it under advisement . Also on the parade - there will be 1707 people coming from the Concord parade to march in ours Our parade will total 4000 marchers The area for the parking at the school will be 'cordoned off at midnight on Friday Bd of Bel - The Ed voted to invite the Vice President since we understand the Pres will not be here Bob wrote a letter inviting Vice President Rockefeller and that will go out with Al Kenney' s signature The meeting was adjourned at 10 30 p m Respectfully Submitted, Becky Nussdorfer, Secretary