HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-13-LBC-min.pdf '2tnu' r.3 -. :' t rjary 1.3,, 19,e1 Thr meeting was called to order. at 7 0 p m. by the Chairman it.. ng Howard. Members present w=.re Miriam Buttsitnly Greeley, Dick Michel on, Dick Barnes Lois o,;n a Harold tlandiey and the director Bob eriin. King had ome -,uestions concerning the minutes of the last meeting. Several points were clarified. No firm decisions were reached as to the VTP invitations; sur,gestioos were take t under advisement by the ub-comm: tteo St „ Maxwell will hs asked -or his i ecome ndati.ons as to who hould be included from the Supreme Connell The scheduling of the Masterworks Chorale is still -inadefinite. Miriam reported that Mrs McCurdy had told hr.r that. Cary Hall cou _d not be hooked any tima in April and up thru the first week n May Thin means that except for the weekend of April 18 19 and 20 Town Me -tang needs will take priority for the use of Cary Hall. LBC will te:y to pin down a date for the Chorale The ubj ;ct of the guests to be :invited for th s event will be studied by the invitations subcommittee In discussing the holiday weekend the matter of the school vacation period in 1975 came in for consideration. Dick Barnes said that the School Dept is concerned with this problem .pd will be mak ing a decieion veey soon A motion was mad. by Holy Greeley that LBC urge that Friday April 18th 1975 be a school holiday since school children and th, school facil dec., -i,ll be involved in the affairs td the cele.b,ation. This motion was seconded and carried Dick will r -port. this motion to the chool Dept S' veral suggestions wete made concerning invitation: to foreign countries i Italy suggest ild that the _nv .tions committee ask Brad Morse as a friend for help. Perhaps he could recommend the correct person to be i wited or wh. ch countries Kips. said he can put th' u _ommittc' in contact: with the proper par ons to -ecommend representative, ern England and i:ra.nce Whethe -uch persons should be invited for the cerseaoni on tin' Green should be up to the sub-committec for that event Blanket invitations to visitors should be eliminated Piing and Bob are writ:trig a memo to TCC clarifying TCG`s responsibilities for April 19 1975 Bob pr ,seated five projects :,^hi.cn if given CRC- endorsement and completed before the March Int deadlin will be submitted fon matching grants to the State He stressed that the uroiect or oroiects selected should be superior as the _ competition from other towns will he high The five projects are 1 Portrait re' torati.on submitted by the Historical Soci ty $4400 2 P9Art 200`° Bob yla- tis and korkshop 75 LBC has endorsed th s protect twine bekor 'e 3 "Lannon Rock" lot - suis: tted by roc ervation Comm. $5 000 to buy Jot at cornet of Fortin in Rd and Washington Street neat Hun-e. `tavern H- snory of this spot &s herr to document A can.„o go- probably placed th rF o peal her--e hut there is no dei _nite proet of this ,t would he .ic, %se an open piec; of land OK smtll part 4 t' kintirg project - _ .jV si? .'ark deka: tmen.t and underwritten bd. :he. Nu: se.rLe s in .{,e. nr, on 'i -.ton's }arm, (Jason Wheel, Doran?s ani. Season a Four Le'.inh,aon Garden Club has a.-ready taken the irat step by ,p -u(ttaing and planting the Harrington property .Dick R. said that th re (nests :-ram the schools are all up to date Paul Me..eral would be 'art chaige of the project. Carol Ludden of the Mass Piiceaten¢r.nl Comm. feels it would be a very: worthwhile project. 5 Audio -isua? Visitors Guide to Lelington Submitted by the Sc'hood Dt-pa; tment, Dick ,Benec has been work-.ng hard on this project which was suhm;.tt!:d last year It consists of sl .des and cassettes and the school language department is pa:-ticularly an; .ous to have t mul 5'. Estimated co t 00 u5scussion of the last- project brougiit out several problems The TM was act to fa' of of the ZJ:"olect when. fi.&sn sukttit: ttedd Harold wondered who would have chi use of the films and where they rouid be housed. Mir-.an said that the Bankers group was looczing Fe- -'est tiers nit of project d')!.ck B. should lay out hie proposal before these-, people nod see f this irou'3d besotnething they would like to sponsor It is roassole to have a professional job done for a sl de p.'esentat_,on for about $5,.600 Rob said. The-'e are two pro:,.essional companies wir.ch could show theli wen to thit .a the nes: -utzzre The school department will contact Nr nal -c,1 end -be bankea:s gi up. LBC vo..ed to endo* ,e nos. 1, , and 4p 4o 3 was to _3e a pio .ect which could beccei be' pursued t roegh a neLghborhood group P C Oa: ation group. Fnss3.hilstres funding No. 5 through ogler sources such as Ls-_iugton. Bask :11t1 be e"zplored ;i« has race- .!ed more oetas is of the b.-cycle :our proposal by Bob Bon.' _IT fond has planned to have two tours e day, at 2.3, am and 2 pm with two leadci" `e, __ .1: This would be during July, and August Although the idea os bicycle (hues 'Ltc tours seems to ha"-c inerat, the mmar:ci'ty> of the tttemceas of .i3C seem to fee. tea tae.-t a; e a numoe, of nroblems to sot-re Bicycle congestion at the houses; sects:. '!7 of bikes; route should include drie tl. tent sites apt the v. cialtw of Lae Green. Although she proposed t a..l4 by the !sec:'ea .on Dept. do not. no .uce the center of i,e: ington,, perhaaps a check with then would help Mr Bone Bob w- ;l contact n tm again The saw '. e:tpl :nation o. the appropriat-.on article for the Toar:,ana which nee05 to cc CTG»deci ic. the .ir c :mation fleets of the TM& will be worked out by flag and Bob. The one fo', the appoiacmena of the oeded:scacion Conics tee x311 be pro -ued by Roly Dick M. and liar old This .ni ormation is due oy March 4. The maeet},flag :as adjourned at J.0 30 o.m. Res.aec't t y Su')va .teed,