HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-19-LBC-min.pdf Minutes- December 19, 1973 King Howard called the meeting to order with the following members pre- nt "teve �'oliti „ Lois vrown, xply areeley, Miriam Btatts, Bob Tarlin, Dick Michel on, Becky Nusrdorfer, and later Tony M ncini The minutes of the lest meeting aere accepted King turned over to bob information and records etc of Concord 7nd Acton bicentennial meetings He announced that a replacement for Frei Jsm s was being pursued Several suggestions were made by the members of LBC The balance of the v7=-0 allocated for LEG is now $449 However there are some further expenses incurred since Bob Tarlin'j office was established plus the stationery bill Bob will clarify the statue 7 of these finances and report to LBC in the near future Ki ^a.i -' that in talking with the Sunerintsndnnt of ' he National Historic f_rk, he understood that the Nat ' l Dark intended to recommend that the t'resident be invited for dedication ceremonies on April 20, 1975. Alpo that the Nat 'l Park will ac^ent total resnongibility for the luncheon if the President does come Bob Tarlin and those rho had had s chance to reed the Mass Bicen- tenni 1 Comm Dr ft report felt that it wag too general - there were no ar enific proriams A long and 'etriledaan lysis of the Bicert nniHl budget was under- taken Conic of the Summary Budget , the Comparative Summary Budget , the Summary budget separating the logistical and the program expenses, end also some examples of program events for Bicentennial I were studied nd criticized by those present In a line by line discuss' n there wen, many 'utrgeetions, some corrections One idea, when the item for decorations was studied , was to h. ve a Bicentennial flag designed or a town fl 3 soecia.11y male to use thoughout the time of the Bicentennial years In con idering the figure in line 13 ( marching unite) it was felt that TCC should know that LBC would not expect to go beyond the 4610,000 figure It was moved and voted that the budget as amended would be prenarod by bob and King end then submitt 1 to the Be of Sel The decision here would be as pertain^ to program The logistical items would be in consultatirn with the TM The propo al for a Bicentennial bumper sticker by Bill Harwood was reviewed, Nr Harwood had sketched his idea for, the sticker and written e brief description of his plan LBC still does not enthusiastically endorse a bumper sticker end narticulerly felt that this design lid not most standards LBC desires It w• ^ decided to invite Bill here for the next meeting of LBC to eee if an agreement can be reached Steve reported that the invitations sub-committee had had one meet- ing Eleanor Litchfiell rad accented an levitation to be a member of the committee eaestion° as to size of the reviewing stands, where and what time perrons should be invited had been discussed The sub-committee will meet again as soon as possible Steve is checking with Concord as to their invited guests and Becky checked with Boston 20u Miriam had t lked to NT Borden in regard to an apnointment as chairman of a. committee; on medic recuirements He is willing to be of service end King will be in further content Fr• nk Samuel is particularly busy right now but will consider an e pointeent after the Eagle Scout ceremonies are comnieted Two PB articles concerning picnicking end camping vehicles have been prepered by Lois The suggested articles have been rent to tee Bd of Sel Holy proposed that a survey be conducted during the 1974 season which would fine out such things s° whet the visitors actually see, whether tney want picnic ores <_ , tirh- t perking is needed or whet campine facilities they could like Perhen a no;t hard could be used Bob said that the letter to the Pre ilent had be n mailed out LBC i disep"ointed :n Mr° McCurdy apolo'ized - the f ct that LBC wanted the lett r hone - delivered h< d not been male clear LSC hopes that L�< vi c e i^^ of the letter neve be en sent to the Senators and Con re amen from 0.0 6001 -3- Naa€echueette Dick renortel tact the Lex Bicentennial Corr hap.: reeeivol the ?ie c 'nlr of the medallion ena ^ave ent it beck with their en-cowl They have eleo engre ea their marketin7 men The next meeting of the LBC 'a' 11 be Jc,n 2, 197t Reenectfully submitted, `1) /