HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-12-LBC-min.pdf LEXINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Minutes; September 12, 1973 Present at the meeting held in the Legion Room of Cary Hall were King Howard, Roly Greeley, Alan Adams, Bob Camp, Dick Michelson, Miriam Butts, Frank Matsen, Betty Flynn, Steve Politi, and Becky Nussdorfer King Howard welcomed the group of students from Tufts University headed by Professor Spencer Lavan Prof Lavan explained that this is an experimental college course and he hopes to include the history of Lexington - the town as an historical entity; what do its people feel about the Bicentennial; and how are the Federal, State and Minuteman Park involved He and the group will want to sit in on some meetings as well as interview people in the town King said that they would be welcome and that LBC will be very interested in their ideas and their findings King also reported that the Board of Selectmen had unanimously agreed to issue letter of invitation to the President Becky read the letter which King had written addressed to the B of S LBC had previously agreed that the President would be invited to a dedication on the Green LBC will also coordinate its schedule and invitations with Concord Roly reported that he had received a letter from an interested citizen suggesting that the Bicentennial could use the Oakland Street property formerly used by the Lexington Press but which is for sale However, it is now understood that the property has been taken off the market Steve Politi said that Linc Cole has agreed to speak to the Red Cross meeting on October 3, 1973 Alan Adams suggested that a publicity group be formed Lincoln and Concord could be included in presenting printed material King also announced that Don Graham has asked to be relieved of his duties to LBC and Lois Brown will take over LBC liaison on the Planning Bd On the subject of reorganization King read the plan as it is arranged to date Some of the stipulations are The executive Board will be in charge of Bicentennial plans and operation; the director (to be appointed) will report to the B of S and LBC and will be liaison with the TM; the TM will appoint a to ig sties support project leader who will report to the TM The B of S approved the nominations for the executive board as submitted by King at their last meeting and are as follows; L Cole, R. Greeley, R. Michelson, M. Butts, S Politi, A. Adams and K. Howard Chairman of the B of S Allan Kenney agreed to serve ex-officio on the executive Bd The first meeting will be - 2 - held next Wednesday September 19 The first order of business will be to complete program plan and have a final form ready by October 1, 1973 Mr Kenney joined the meeting at 8 15 He emphasized that Mr O'Connell wants an hour by hour plan of April 19 by October 1 King described the September 27, 1973 agenda for the Hanscom Field meeting at which the Lexington B of S are urged to attend along with the Concord B of S He said that this meeting will be a dramatic display of what can be accomplished with co- operation between town agencies and Federal agencies On October 25 there will be another meeting with the same groups but with the State level represented Mr Kenney reviewed the progress on obtaining an expediter from private industry No one person able to do the job is available but a master-planner with a task force working with him is a probable solution Betty Flynn asked about the salary and who is expected to pay for such a person Certain salaries will be paid out of the LBC budget - how much and to whom has not been officially determined Rudy Fobert arrived at 8 40 The TM letter concerning the application for Bicentennial funds for a Bicentennial project was discussed The item concerning the pay for teachers who would work on the project was the main argument raised by the TM and was thoroughly weighed by Mr Fobert and other members of LBC The project has not yet received approval as the State does not make its decision until October The problem of the salaries will be discussed with the TM The Mass Bicentennial wants a crystallization of planning to date and King asked Bob Camp to have that ready for him. Dick Michelson said that the seven trustees needed to form a non-profit corporation to deal with the medallion were as follows S Politi, T Mancini, Dick Michelson, N Cronin, A. Busa, J Maloney, R. Reynolds Alan moved that these persons be approved and it was so voted Dick says that the B of S meeting is the next step King said that it should be officially announced that Rev Handley has been appointed to LBC Mr Kenney also announced that he had received word that the Sacred Heart Church had volunteered to help LBC in any way they could LBC is most appre- ciative of this offer Miriam announced a meeting to be held at De Cordova on Sept 27 to sound them out as to what they would like to do during the bicentennial It was also announced that Roly Robbins was probing on the Green and will have a report to LBC by the end of the month - 3 - Ray Flynn representing the Lions would like to meet with Miriam Butts about plaf that they have been contemplating Mr Camp tended his resignation since the new appointment makes his work duplicating The next meeting will be on September 26 Respectfully submitted, Becky Nussdorfer, Secretary