HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-13-LBC-min.pdf C LEXINGTON BICENTENNIALJJMMITTEE Minutes - June 13, 1973 Present at the meeting were Alan Adams, Miriam Butts Linc Cole, Roland Greeley, Dick Michelson, and Steve Politi In the absence of .King Howard, Steve chaired the meeting Tony Mancini arrival later Roly Greeley reported the events of the SILC meeting_ although he was unable to attend He said that Mary Herbert and Carol Ludden had attended teat meeting Mrs Herbert had stated that the State knew very little of what is planned by the towns, They are aware of Miriam's activity in connection with the Masterworks Chorale. The State Calendar will start on April 19 They are anxious to have times and dates of our parades etc The State has given up on estimates of crowds Roly has tried to convince them that they must make certain promises They are concerned with commercial accomodations rather than camping and picnicking Fort Devens may prepare 400 camping units with preference for veterans Concerning the State aid from military units, the State is aware that Adjutant General's office has led us to believe help is available. They understand that we are trying to set up a solution for an emergency in advance and are working on developing the procedures The real question is who pays? The State Bicentennial Commission will put together something for the legislature. Dick said that the National Guard can be used as part of their weekend training Roly said there is a new person from the Dept. of Commercial Affairs, Wayne Torkington, who will work with the State Bicentennial Commission on handling of crowds - especially in the Lexington- Concord area. Lois Brown is going to work with Mr O'Connell to set up a meeting with the State (Carol Ludden, and Mary Herbert) and Mr Torkington and the Planning Board before the end of June. Linc told the committee that he had met with rha peapla at-State-headquarters and has been told that they need specific projects He will get a copy of the guidelines as soon as they are ready In regard to the invitations to the President he said that three weeks ahead is about right Also Cong Cronin feels that the money for the Bicentennial is "down the drain" Linc had also contacted Mr Philips of Raytheon who said that they are very interested in doing something Discussion of the Planning Board meeting resulted in decision to have a joint meeting with them on the traffic and land use concerns at the time they meet with the State representatives Doris Pullen attended our meeting in regard to NERO Dick Marshall was unable to attend as was Pat Rowe who may be interested in doing some fund raising Doris tracedthehistory of NERO, its organization and development Discussion centered on :costs and the number of shows planned or possible The $3000 figure for one night seemed high. The consensus seemed to be that three nights a week, preferably in the summer would work out best The tent idea for space is still one to explore. The Scottish Rite auditorium also would be good space if it could be made. available Thera the costs would probably go down because it will be a fully equipped auditorium-lights air-conditioning etc Miiiaui will Talk to Mr Hamden it was agreed that LBC would ask King to seek aid from local leadership for the production Also LBC will work on the organization of the non-profit cooperation to receive funds Dick Michelson reported first on the idea for Adult education classes in the History of Lexington, He found the School Dept receptive to a ten week course in the Fall, one to three hours a night - Tues Wed or Thurs The courses are set up in August Dick had spoken to Larry Whipple and Rev Handley about the course description and the lecturing. Both are enthusiastic. It was felt that there should be a fee for the course with the money going to the instructors Dick also reported that at the executive board meeting of the TMMA, there was discussion of a mock town meeting for the fall This would be held prior to the closing of the warrant Committees may ask to discuss their program in such a forum LBC ( should make a commitment to TMMA. Dick made a motion that LBC make that commitment to present its issues in November This motion was seconded and passed A letter to William Scouler, chairman of the TMMA Executive Committee will be sent informing him of our decision. Dick has made progress with determining the type and design of a memorial coin. He showed the committee several different ones and the design made up for the Lexington Bicentennial Dick said that it is possible to realize a net profit of up to $40,000 from sales of_..this-item_ -He -suggested -2500-numbered -coins The-c.,uLLaeL cuold be made -- in the name of the non-profit group and the money used to offset Bicentennial expenses There is need of a ruling from Town Counsel for use of town funds for the initial cost of $24,000 (50% with order) It is also possible to raise money for the project The committee decided to continue its meetings during the summer but to change them to Thursdays Meeting adjourned at 10 15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Becky (ussdo rfer, Secrtary