HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-28-LBC-min.pdf C LEXINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Minutes - February 28, 1973 The meeting came to order at 7 10 p.m in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building Present were Roland Greeley, Alan Adams, Tony Mancini, Pat Wheatley, Fred James, Steve Politi, Dice( '1thelson, Miriam Butts, King Howard, and Becky Nussdorfer Corrections to the __nuzes of February 14, 1973, were made by Dick Michelson - in paragraph 3 of page 3 substitute Dick for King as the one who introduced the topic Spelling corrections to the resolution were also discussed and the appropriate changes made Becky reported that the corrections had been made in the copy to Workshop '75 On page 2, paragraph 6 after the word resolution on line 3 Appendix A should be in- serted in parenthesesand so designated on the copies of the resolution in the hands of the members of LBC King reported that in meeting at Hanscom Field, Concord expressed a desire to get rolling on the problem of issuing the invitations to the VIP's for 1975 Research for historical presendents and methods will be undertaken by Becky and Pat Steve Politi reported that he had called Rep Cronin's Office to see if he could get some information as to the proper channels for the invitation to the President He talked to Sally Rich of that office who suggested that LBC write the President on its best stationery At the same time LBC should also write to the Senators from Massachusetts and to Representative Cronin informing them of the invitation and soliciting their help in stressing the importance of the 1975 celebration Mr Stanley Maxwell of the Scottish Rite of Freemasons joined LBC at this time He described the details of the $6,000,000 building which will be dedicated in 1975 He said his timetable shows the building as being finished in October or November Ae ` of 1974 The cornerstone will be laid in March.of 1974 and the dedication on Mash 19, 1975 The building will not only be an asset to the Masonic fraternity but to the community and even nationally as well It has wide support throughout the jurisdiction It will have a 390 seat auditorium The library and museum will be open to the public It will have both a permanent exhibit and changing ones The exhibits and the library will not be limited to Masonic information He also said that there would be available on a long or short term basis, space for Lexington Historical Society use He had spoken to Mrs Morey in this regard He said that engineering in the building was fantastic for protection of valuable papers and ( artifacts Dick Michelson asked if the date of April 19, 1975 was a fixed one Mr Maxwell said they are being flexible about this and if the dedication on Sunday the 20th would he better he thought that would be possible When and if the President q'' -2- is here will decide the date The dedication of this museum will draw a great many people but the Masons are not urging their members to come in April But they do want to have t_.__n dedication sometime during that weekend There will be no admission ch_--'-:=' =or the library or museum They are raising funds in the millions for an endowment fund 'err Maxwell showed LBC the brochure published for the Masons showing the bu__d_n, and descriptions of its uses There is a model of the building also Miriam wanted no snow the size of the auditorium and possible uses Mr Maxwell was most informative and will keep in touch Since they are considering asking the President to come, L✓_ `':ought we should compare notes when the time comes to issue the invitation Larry Whipple asked LBC to clarify for him his position- as an appointee of the Historical Society for historical records He was selected by the Historical Society but LBC is charged by the town with keeping an historical record Could Larry serve in a dual capacity? King said we have not budgeted any money for such records LBC will have td -clarify this with Warren Butters (President of Historical Society) King_w.ould like. toinvite the,submission-of_a budget.. for such work Larry _would .lLca . to attend another meeting with Anne Scigliano who is also a member of the committee for the historical record LBC Agreed to this and to contacting Warren to see if there can be more understanding of the situation King Howard read the letter of resignation submitted by Bob Reynolds, chairman of the Permanent Memorial Committee along with his report There was a motion made that the PM committee be discharged and letters of thanks be sent to the members These letters should leave the door open for any who would like to continue on the committee It was so moved Dick proposed that LBC meet jointly with TCC as there is a problem with communi- cations Kina suaaested that our first meeting in April be devoted to meeting with TCC _The. .theme..fox .the Lexington.Bicentennial Mas now been decided tobe 'Pride in our Past, Faith in our Future" Pat had looked into prices for the stationery LBC thought they sounded high and King suggested that she talk to Alan Adams about other sources As soon as the printer is checked out through Mr O'Connell, Pat can go ahead and order the stationary The next meeting will be held on Thursday March 15, so as not to interfere with Town Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 9 00 p.m Respectively submitted, Becky Nussdorfer, Secretary