HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-24-LBC-min.pdf 3 C. LEXINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MINUTES - January 24, 1973 The meeting was held in Room G- 15 in the Town Office Building. Members present were King Howard, Don Graham, Rudy Fobert, Steve Politi, Linc Cole, Pat Wheatley, Holy Greeley, and Becky Nussdorfer Also present were Carol Murphy and Mark Nichipor Betty Flynn of the Appropriations Committee clarified some points with King before the meeting. She said that the AC is anxious to have a more in depth picture of how the money is to be spent and the events of the celebrations She understands that the LBC request at the present is "seed" money Mr William Sen, an interested citizen outlined his thoughts concerning the celebration. He had constructed a chart which emphasized his concern about the numbers of visitors due to arrive in Lexington and the lack of facilities here He gave a description of the two gateway concept of arriving tourists - the East at Logan Airport and the West at 495 or Route 128 He compared the methods of Williamsburg in handling the visitors He suggested that Lexington High School could have a float in the Rose Bowl parade in 1975 but would have to get their request in now He said that it would be possible that the civic clubs of Lexington would help raise the necessary money Linc Cole said that there has to be some liaison with the airlines King Howard reviewed the progress made so far with the logistics and the organization of the regional Middlesex Bicentennial Liaison Council LBC is not encouraging publicity outside the town. At this point Don Graham was given the floor to report on the MBLC He said that if he had been reporting a month ago he would have been rather discouraged with progress but that since then he has seen some encouraging developments He feels that the appointment of Chet Atkins as Chairman of the State Bicentennial Commission and the fact that a new Director will soon be named is a healthy sign. Governor Sargent has finally come alive. There are four points to the package stated by the Governor a policy committee at the State level on which four Secretaries will serve On the Executive Committee Bob Bennett will head State Program; Lucey, Division of Tourism; Sidlauskas or his replacement and J Sayers, Metropolitan District Commission. Mary Dobel has been named full time assistant There is to be a master plan of State activities by February of this year At the National level, John McGlennon has been named to the Federal regional commission. He will be the regional 2 representative t6 the Enviornmental Protection Agency The DPW is beginning to pick up the ball. There will be a "fringe-parking" study related to bus service There will be renegotiating with engineers those things with a bicentennial impact. Don feels that now there is real interest by those with authority and capability Public Transportation, Don said, will depend on existing bus fleet, with minor additions Manpower is one of the problems Railroads cannot be used because there is not time to construct the necessary facilities or up date what is now available. Express bus service and shuttle service can be used in the Lexington Concord area. Nick Nichipor suggested an area set aside for cars with a shuttle service to points of interest Linc said that he has proposed such a plan for Lexington-an intra town system to tie in with charter service. Parking would be provided with mini- buses There will be a meeting on Febrauary 5th on this subject, Cole said. Don Graham continued by saying that the Council is now at the place where they need a full time man - a coordinator to work with Federal, State and the city of Boston. He has a meeting with County commissioner Tsongas next Tuesday MBLC does not want to be under control of the county but perhaps could be given a grant and some staff services The MBLC will continue its liaison with existing agencies but not be a study agency Now is the time to produce Mr Cronin is investigating overnite accommodations in dormitories for use in the summer months The Eastern States Esposition may be able to offer campsites King wondered if the Board of Selectmen should address a letter to the Governor expressing Lexington's concern for the confusion and lack of ogranization. Cole said he wasn't sure of reaction to such a move He would like to see what Chet Atkins had to say Mr E S Jones of Educational Service Program, Inc of New Haven, Connecticut was introduced He described and demonstrated an audio system which could be used in Lexington on a walking tour or as a guide on the green. He showed the committee battery powered earphones and hand held activators Educational service provides the total package and maintains the system. King pointed out that the C of C has licensed guides Mr Jones said that a mix of the guides and the service program works out very well He said that they would expect the Historical Society to provide the facts and background material and they would do all studio work and taping They could have the program ready inr 120 days, from the date of signing the contract King suggested that Mr Jones contact the C of C as that organization has expressed interest in such a program. Mr Campana of the Lexington Knights of Columbus outlined some thinking he had done on the bicentennial In particular he was interested in a cyclorama type display for Lexington similar to one in Atlanta, Georgia. He said he r- T- had originally thought the K of C could undertake such a project but realized that it would be too large for their organization. He said the program in Atlanta lasted about one-half hour and was a beautiful display and gave the feeling of living history He also told LBC that the K of C facilities would be open for the celebration. They were thinking along the lines of perhaps lunches infoor or outdoors in the summer They will be happy to assist in aiy way King asked Mr Campana to have the K of C submit their proposals in writing to LBC King reported that he and Linc had met with Mr Finigan of the Concord Bicentennial Committee Mr Finigan said that there had been a misinterpret& tion by a member of his committee in his absence He does want cooperation with our committee. He inquired as to who is responsible for VIP invitations and for coins or stamps Dick Michelson would be the contact for coins and stamps King has written a letter to him giving him the information he needs The Bicentennial Joint Services Coordinating Committee sent a list of the military units which can be provided for the 1975 parade The TCC has gone through this list and found it agreeable in every respect It has been agreed that TCC will issue the VIP invitations for the parade units King also reported the results of the meeting with the Board of Selectmen last Monday They will support and approve the $50,000 They approved the use of Lexington Department Heads for a public Safety Committee to work out details of needs for the events in 1975 This group would meet separately from the MBLC King will meet with Mr O'Connell about this also The Selectmen also gave permission for Roly Robbins to probe the green. It would be understood that this would be at no expense to the town and that Mr Robbins give notice of the date of his probing to the town. A recent meeting with Alan Adams, Steve Politi, and Doris Pullen produced an outline for publicity for the Bicentennial. Steve will organize a public meeting for March 4th at which time some of the movies made in former years about the Battle and events of April 19th will be shown. The meeting adjourned at 11 p m. Respectfully submitted, •��_�h 12,4_ , ILLIL L-4-c(4-O 2JLChf Becky Nussdorfer, Secretary